Full IRS testimony transcripts released...

...and surprise, surprise! They show Rep. Issa is totally full of shit!

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee have just released a full transcript of testimony from a key witness in the investigation of IRS targeting of conservatives — and it appears to confirm that the initial targeting did originate with a low-level employee in the Cincinnati office.
It also shows a key witness and IRS screening manager – a self described conservative Republican — denying any communication with the White House or senior IRS officials about the targeting.
The ranking Dem on the committee, Elijah Cummings, has promised that the account provided by the witness — the IRS manager in Cincinnati who supervised the screeners of applications for tax exempt status, the self-described conservative Republican — would undercut Committee chairman Darrell Issa’s suggestion that the decision to target conservative groups had originated in Washington.
Cummings released the full transcript today in two parts, making it initially available to a select group of reporters, with redactions of names of individuals, and accompanied it with a letter to Issa explaining his decision, in which Cummings concludes that the transcript “debunks conspiracy theories about how the IRS first started reviewing these cases.”

Breaking: Full House committee transcripts shed new light on genesis of IRS targeting

Catch this:

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee have just released a full transcript of testimony from a key witness...

This is far from the complete transcript of the hearings. The hearings are not over. It is not even a complete transcript of the hearings to date.

Go cry in your beer!

Yup, you wingnuts gotta keep that hope alive, we know.

Still, so far...

...and surprise, surprise! They show Rep. Issa is totally full of shit!

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee have just released a full transcript of testimony from a key witness in the investigation of IRS targeting of conservatives — and it appears to confirm that the initial targeting did originate with a low-level employee in the Cincinnati office.
It also shows a key witness and IRS screening manager – a self described conservative Republican — denying any communication with the White House or senior IRS officials about the targeting.
The ranking Dem on the committee, Elijah Cummings, has promised that the account provided by the witness — the IRS manager in Cincinnati who supervised the screeners of applications for tax exempt status, the self-described conservative Republican — would undercut Committee chairman Darrell Issa’s suggestion that the decision to target conservative groups had originated in Washington.
Cummings released the full transcript today in two parts, making it initially available to a select group of reporters, with redactions of names of individuals, and accompanied it with a letter to Issa explaining his decision, in which Cummings concludes that the transcript “debunks conspiracy theories about how the IRS first started reviewing these cases.”

Breaking: Full House committee transcripts shed new light on genesis of IRS targeting


Not only is he full of shit, he played this to the hilt trying to make it into something it was not and knowing that it was not. He should be bitch slapped right back into the private sector for his political shenanigans.
What you rubes will not admit is that the libs will demand more and more perjury from the lower ranks before this is over.

They need some scapegoats that do not work in the White House.

This doesn’t make any sense.

Why would anyone ‘admit’ to something clearly untrue and idiotic?

Not only do you have no evidence the Administration was in any way involved, you also have no evidence anyone is being compelled to ‘perjure’ himself.

He was trying to say "purge".....as in underlings taking the fall for Obama. He is confused by these similar sounding words.
...and surprise, surprise! They show Rep. Issa is totally full of shit!

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee have just released a full transcript of testimony from a key witness in the investigation of IRS targeting of conservatives — and it appears to confirm that the initial targeting did originate with a low-level employee in the Cincinnati office.
It also shows a key witness and IRS screening manager – a self described conservative Republican — denying any communication with the White House or senior IRS officials about the targeting.
The ranking Dem on the committee, Elijah Cummings, has promised that the account provided by the witness — the IRS manager in Cincinnati who supervised the screeners of applications for tax exempt status, the self-described conservative Republican — would undercut Committee chairman Darrell Issa’s suggestion that the decision to target conservative groups had originated in Washington.
Cummings released the full transcript today in two parts, making it initially available to a select group of reporters, with redactions of names of individuals, and accompanied it with a letter to Issa explaining his decision, in which Cummings concludes that the transcript “debunks conspiracy theories about how the IRS first started reviewing these cases.”

Breaking: Full House committee transcripts shed new light on genesis of IRS targeting


Not only is he full of shit, he played this to the hilt trying to make it into something it was not and knowing that it was not. He should be bitch slapped right back into the private sector for his political shenanigans.

You could probably also argue, though, that he's already done his damage, even if this undermines his initial claims. Still, it's good that this was finally put out there.
What you rubes will not admit is that the libs will demand more and more perjury from the lower ranks before this is over.

They need some scapegoats that do not work in the White House.

This doesn’t make any sense.

Why would anyone ‘admit’ to something clearly untrue and idiotic?

Not only do you have no evidence the Administration was in any way involved, you also have no evidence anyone is being compelled to ‘perjure’ himself.

He was trying to say "purge".....as in underlings taking the fall for Obama. He is confused by these similar sounding words.
Is English not your native language?
No, the Dems will be demanding perjury--lying under oath--from people down in the civil service to protect Obama. This whole business with Cummings reeks of cover up. And not very clever either. I wouldn' t be surprised to see Cummings facing charges of obstruction of justice.
Washington (CNN) – President Barack Obama's approval rating dropped eight percentage points over the past month, to 45%, the president's lowest rating in more than a year and a half, according to a new national poll. The poll indicates that for the first time in Obama’s presidency, half of the public says they don't believe he is honest and trustworthy.

CNN Poll: Obama approval falls amid controversies ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
Washington (CNN) – President Barack Obama's approval rating dropped eight percentage points over the past month, to 45%, the president's lowest rating in more than a year and a half, according to a new national poll. The poll indicates that for the first time in Obama’s presidency, half of the public says they don't believe he is honest and trustworthy.

CNN Poll: Obama approval falls amid controversies ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

And he's not done by a long shot. The press will start pillorying him for his intrusions on their professional privacy.
Cummings looks like a buffoon. He released the full transcripts but there were no new revelations in them.

BUT now that Paz's testimony has been released one thing is for certain. Some one is lying. You really should read the other thread on this.

I've put up Paz's testimony that contradicts the manager's testimony.

I smell perjury charges coming down the shoot for someone.
what is obvious is there are those that have not been following this story fully. The transcript released is only one small piece of what they have from the audit which did not fully investigate the matter. What is now happening is a full investigation. We shall have to wait for it to be completed to see what is the whole truth. And for those that keep saying the White House is not involved, most of the talk of Washington or DC being involved isn't even referring to the White House but the DC headquarters of the IRS - in other words the top of the IRS. Which, if true, is enough to make me shudder on its own merits.

Once the IG finishes their full investigation much more will be known.

I think we'll be seeing a Special Prosecutor.

With this conflicting testimony I think that's the way we're heading on this scandal.

Yeah, there has just been too much that has been verified. Now it's time to get down to the nitty gritty details.
O'Reilly had Trey Gowdy (R-SC), the former Federal prosecutor, on the other night. Representative Gowdy intimated that the trail, so far, leads to the Committee to re elect Biden/Obama. Gowdy has his thoughts focused and his hands on the most recent testimony transcripts in contrast to ones that are likely months old. Cummings primary task, as ranking member, is to keep as much o the sh!t as possible that's flyin' around after its passage thru the fan from landin' on Comrade Obama.

You, on the Left, can jump up and down on your orange crates as much as you like for now, yajust better hope they're not made in China, not many nails in them suckers, you could fall and break your crown whilst celebratin'

You'll need to have your wits aboutchu decidin how you want your own personal sandwich served up when Stephanie Cutter gets led down Constitution Ave, shackles on her neck and ankles, hands bound behind her back, being continuously flogged with each step, lips of her vagina stapled to the lips on her face. She did brag about meeting with IRS Commissioner Schulman in the WhiteHouse, how many times short of the official 157 times, we have yet to find out.

Just a curious event. Why would one of the heads of the Committee To Re Elect need to meet with the head of the IRS, who's supposed to be rigidly non partisan in the performance of his job. Discussing how many sheckels he wanted to donate to Comrade Barack?

Oh the howls, were it George W Bush, instead? The din that would have arose couldn't be duplicated even by cutting the dick off of every male Democrat in the country, unanesthetized.
Paz Pegs Cummings.

I don't think Cummings read the news yesterday. Paz's released testimony skewers this whole idea that Cincinnati was working on their own.


Considering she testified that Mr. Hull an IRS attorney designed a template for dealing with tea party and conservative group applications I'd say Cincinnati and Washington were joined at the hip.

Paz said they worked together. DC and Cincinatti together right from 2010. Some one is in deep doo doo.
Recently the GOP went on an all out assault trashing Obama and the dems claiming the tea party investigations by the IRS were "a lib conspiracy"

Cummings recently came forward with some strong claims of evidence that the IRS shakedown of teaparty groups were actually ordered by a conservative republican, and asked Issa to man up and release the full transcripts, or he would,....

In true GOP fasion, Issa hid like a little bitch and refused to release the reports.

As a man of his word, Cummings has released the FULL reports and he was 100% correct the entire time.

The GOP is going to be eating a nice shit sandwich after this one. Well done Mr. Cummings! :clap2::clap2: :up:

Rep. Elijah Cummings releases a full IRS interview transcript

Issa is a maggot. He knew there was no smoking gun but he withheld information to turn this into a political circus. I hope voters in his district remember this next year.
You, on the Left, can jump up and down on your orange crates as much as you like

Don't worry, we are :up: :clap2: :eusa_dance::eusa_dance::dance::dance::thewave:


When are Issa, fox news, and the rest of the GOP machine going to issue an apology to Obama and the democrats? :eusa_think:
Recently the GOP went on an all out assault trashing Obama and the dems claiming the tea party investigations by the IRS were "a lib conspiracy"

Cummings recently came forward with some strong claims of evidence that the IRS shakedown of teaparty groups were actually ordered by a conservative republican, and asked Issa to man up and release the full transcripts, or he would,....

In true GOP fasion, Issa hid like a little bitch and refused to release the reports.

As a man of his word, Cummings has released the FULL reports and he was 100% correct the entire time.

The GOP is going to be eating a nice shit sandwich after this one. Well done Mr. Cummings! :clap2::clap2: :up:

Rep. Elijah Cummings releases a full IRS interview transcript

Issa is a maggot. He knew there was no smoking gun but he withheld information to turn this into a political circus. I hope voters in his district remember this next year.

Don't think it'll matter, personally. If he didn't lose his seat in a district in California in a good year for Dems, then it likely won't happen next time, either. Especially since it seems like the GOP's base is currently all about hating the Prez anyway.
Recently the GOP went on an all out assault trashing Obama and the dems claiming the tea party investigations by the IRS were "a lib conspiracy"

Cummings recently came forward with some strong claims of evidence that the IRS shakedown of teaparty groups were actually ordered by a conservative republican, and asked Issa to man up and release the full transcripts, or he would,....

In true GOP fasion, Issa hid like a little bitch and refused to release the reports.

As a man of his word, Cummings has released the FULL reports and he was 100% correct the entire time.

The GOP is going to be eating a nice shit sandwich after this one. Well done Mr. Cummings! :clap2::clap2: :up:

Rep. Elijah Cummings releases a full IRS interview transcript

Issa is a maggot. He knew there was no smoking gun but he withheld information to turn this into a political circus. I hope voters in his district remember this next year.
What information did he withhold?
This is hysterical.

We're edging really close to a Special Prosecutor taking over the investigations because now we have such widely conflicting testimony and liberals are celebrating. Proving one more time liberalism is a disease.


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You have issues with reading and drawig appropriate conclusions. He didnt say he was certain. No one is. We dont know any more now than we did last week, except that Dems on the committee are determined to undermine this investigation.
Liberals...especially Obamabots...have a difficult time with logic and comprehension of plain English language.

So tell us in plain English what actual evidence you have against the president.

Hey,doofus! Here is what I said (posted).

"What you rubes will not admit is that the libs will demand more and more perjury from the lower ranks before this is over.

They need some scapegoats that do not work in the White House."

Tell me how you deduce from that that I know the President directly ordered anything whatsoever.

I'll go fetch my popcorn while you ponder that question.

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