Full IRS testimony transcripts released...

Yep & Issa and the stooges are still batting ZERO, same shit different day.

CNN poll: Obama?s approval down 8 points in one month

Washington (CNN) – President Barack Obama's approval rating is down to 45 percent, driven in part by growing dissatisfaction on the left with the president's track record in office, according to a new national survey.

Polls mean shit you Romney fans should know that . Still have 3 1/2 years left , grab the klenx your gonna need it .

Ballot polls = shit.

CNN approval polls = whole different animal.
So this is Ground Hog Day. Cummings pulled this shit on the Sunday talk shows from a week ago.

Same shit. Different day.

Yep & Issa and the stooges are still batting ZERO, same shit different day.

That avatar. There should be something against avatars depicting people committing suicide on these board. Sicko.

Are you the one who cried about fat Jeb? They made me take that one off as well. A freaking avatar of Jeb bush lmfao :eusa_shhh:
CNN poll: Obama?s approval down 8 points in one month

Washington (CNN) – President Barack Obama's approval rating is down to 45 percent, driven in part by growing dissatisfaction on the left with the president's track record in office, according to a new national survey.

Polls mean shit you Romney fans should know that . Still have 3 1/2 years left , grab the klenx your gonna need it .

Ballot polls = shit.

CNN approval polls = whole different animal.

Oh so now CNN is important ok .
what is obvious is there are those that have not been following this story fully. The transcript released is only one small piece of what they have from the audit which did not fully investigate the matter. What is now happening is a full investigation. We shall have to wait for it to be completed to see what is the whole truth. And for those that keep saying the White House is not involved, most of the talk of Washington or DC being involved isn't even referring to the White House but the DC headquarters of the IRS - in other words the top of the IRS. Which, if true, is enough to make me shudder on its own merits.

Once the IG finishes their full investigation much more will be known.
So this is Ground Hog Day. Cummings pulled this shit on the Sunday talk shows from a week ago.

Same shit. Different day.

Yep & Issa and the stooges are still batting ZERO, same shit different day.

*cough* guess you've missed all the IRS bodies piling up that have been removed from their positions or resigned. :lol:

Maybe Obama care can take care of that cough , Issa a loud mouth chiwhawha all bark no bite ,
Yep & Issa and the stooges are still batting ZERO, same shit different day.

*cough* guess you've missed all the IRS bodies piling up that have been removed from their positions or resigned. :lol:

Maybe Obama care can take care of that cough , Issa a loud mouth chiwhawha all bark no bite ,

Really. Upper echelon IRS personnel dropping like flies but "nothing to see here" :lol:
what is obvious is there are those that have not been following this story fully. The transcript released is only one small piece of what they have from the audit which did not fully investigate the matter. What is now happening is a full investigation. We shall have to wait for it to be completed to see what is the whole truth. And for those that keep saying the White House is not involved, most of the talk of Washington or DC being involved isn't even referring to the White House but the DC headquarters of the IRS - in other words the top of the IRS. Which, if true, is enough to make me shudder on its own merits.

Once the IG finishes their full investigation much more will be known.

I think we'll be seeing a Special Prosecutor.

With this conflicting testimony I think that's the way we're heading on this scandal.
...and surprise, surprise! They show Rep. Issa is totally full of shit!

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee have just released a full transcript of testimony from a key witness in the investigation of IRS targeting of conservatives — and it appears to confirm that the initial targeting did originate with a low-level employee in the Cincinnati office.
It also shows a key witness and IRS screening manager – a self described conservative Republican — denying any communication with the White House or senior IRS officials about the targeting.
The ranking Dem on the committee, Elijah Cummings, has promised that the account provided by the witness — the IRS manager in Cincinnati who supervised the screeners of applications for tax exempt status, the self-described conservative Republican — would undercut Committee chairman Darrell Issa’s suggestion that the decision to target conservative groups had originated in Washington.
Cummings released the full transcript today in two parts, making it initially available to a select group of reporters, with redactions of names of individuals, and accompanied it with a letter to Issa explaining his decision, in which Cummings concludes that the transcript “debunks conspiracy theories about how the IRS first started reviewing these cases.”

Breaking: Full House committee transcripts shed new light on genesis of IRS targeting

Catch this:

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee have just released a full transcript of testimony from a key witness...

This is far from the complete transcript of the hearings. The hearings are not over. It is not even a complete transcript of the hearings to date.

Go cry in your beer!

Did you also notice that he is a "self-described conservative Republican". Believe that one?

How can anyone question the statement of a self-described conservative Republican that is sacrificing his own staff for the good of the POTUS?

Maybe Obama care can take care of that cough , Issa a loud mouth chiwhawha all bark no bite ,

Really. Upper echelon IRS personnel dropping like flies but "nothing to see here" :lol:

ZERO is what Issa is batting.:eusa_angel:

Make sure you tell the people who have been relieved of their high paying and prominent positions that the investigations aren't doing a darn thing.

Oh and be sure to tell the IRS's new chief he can take back the apology for the IRS being guilty of targeting conservative groups improperly.

Oh and really make sure you let the Inspector General of the Treasury Department that his report meant jack shit and to throw his guilty findings out the window.

And maybe you could get hold of Lois Lerner and tell her she can fire her lawyers and not worry about a thing. Because obviously you are right and they are all wrong.

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Recently the GOP went on an all out assault trashing Obama and the dems claiming the tea party investigations by the IRS were "a lib conspiracy"

Cummings recently came forward with some strong claims of evidence that the IRS shakedown of teaparty groups were actually ordered by a conservative republican, and asked Issa to man up and release the full transcripts, or he would,....

In true GOP fasion, Issa hid like a little bitch and refused to release the reports.

As a man of his word, Cummings has released the FULL reports and he was 100% correct the entire time.

The GOP is going to be eating a nice shit sandwich after this one. Well done Mr. Cummings! :clap2::clap2: :up:

Rep. Elijah Cummings releases a full IRS interview transcript
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Really. Upper echelon IRS personnel dropping like flies but "nothing to see here" :lol:

ZERO is what Issa is batting.:eusa_angel:

Make sure you tell the people who have been relieved of their high paying and prominent positions that the investigations aren't doing a darn thing.

Oh and be sure to tell the IRS's new chief he can take back the apology for the IRS being guilty of targeting conservative groups improperly.

Oh and really make sure you let the Inspector General of the Treasury Department that his report meant jack shit and to throw his guilty findings out the window.

And maybe you could get hold of Lois Lerner and tell her she can fire her lawyers and not worry about a thing. Because obviously you are right and they are all wrong.


Just like the GOP all hot air . ZERO is what Issa has in convictions ZERO is what he has had in Solyndra , fast and furious ,Benghazi. Benghazi , IRS ........ Do you see a pattern , like the GOP Issa is a loser it's really that simple .:doubt:
What you rubes will not admit is that the libs will demand more and more perjury from the lower ranks before this is over.

They need some scapegoats that do not work in the White House.

This doesn’t make any sense.

Why would anyone ‘admit’ to something clearly untrue and idiotic?

Not only do you have no evidence the Administration was in any way involved, you also have no evidence anyone is being compelled to ‘perjure’ himself.

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