Fully automatic military weapons are the weapon of choice for French criminals..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yeah, didn't hear about this in U.S. media...

Tourist killed in AK47 gang shooting in France as parents warned to ‘watch kids’

The woman was on a hired scooter when she and her husband were sprayed with bullets as they passed a gangland Kalashnikov shooting in which three people died.
The 57-year-old woman, whose nationality is not known, was among those killed in the bloodbath at a petrol station in Ollioules, near the Mediterranean – four miles from Toulon – on Sunday.

The vacationer's husband was injured in the shooting.


he men who died in the 8pm shooting were aged 29 and 30, and both had criminal records.

Other men were seen running away from the filling station, and police believe they were involved in the gunfight.

Detectives had today cordoned off the crime scene, where bullet holes could be seen everywhere.

From last year...

Marseille policeman who faced Kalashnikov gang: 'They do not fear us'


But the main problem for police in Marseille when it comes to drug gangs is not their cars or the guns so much.

"These criminals do not fear the police or the justice system," he said.

Which means that among the police force in Marseille, a city where certain neighbourhoods have been blighted by gun violence in recent years, there is an increasing climate of fear.

"Of course I am scared," said the officer. "I am a police officer but I am also a human, a father with a family. Each day I ask myself if I am going to see my children tonight."
A policeman who was among the squad who responded to emergency calls from residents in the Busserine neighbourhood has spoken of how he and his colleagues live in fear of being killed and how they stood no chance against the Kalashnikovs.

The officer, whose colleague had a gun pointed at him, said the gunmen were impossible to stop because there were so many members of the public around.

"If we had rammed their car or blocked them there would have been a lot of damage. You need to think we had civilians around us and above all there were children. Innocent people would have died.

The officer was shocked by the gunmens' brazen act, which he said was not their usual type of manoevre.


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