Fulton County Sheriff Says ‘We’ll Have A Mugshot’ If Former Pres. Trump Is Indicted Locally

MisterBeale is now an accessory after the fact to Trump's shenanigans that he know is not true yet he supports Trump in so doing.
Whatever Jake. If you have to create straw-men to attack others, you know that you have lost.


Sorry you are so triggered.

That is what Progs are. Progs are not used to Republicans acting this way. Like them. It does not sit well when the stage was all theirs for many many decades and some outsider comes into politics using the same game on them. Sadly, not enough Republicans are standing up to the Progs. Hence the Insurrectionist charges on innocent people. As the swamp and deep state needs to put people into fear.

Republicans backed a loser.
This is the one case I always felt was the biggest threat to Trump. This one seems pretty clear "I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have". He did not ask for all legal votes to be counted, he asked for the exact number he needed. And then he gave Raffensperger the excuse to tell the people of the state after he did it.

He also could not pardon himself

And then threatening Raffensperger with committing a crime if he didn't do what Trump wanted.
This is a fake government and media narrative.

We have no idea who built, or gave someone the idea to build, and bring that protest prop. to the capitol protest.

But it was a NON-FUNCTIONING gallows, it was only there for looks. The V.P. was never in any danger, EVER.

As can be seen when this small women is standing on it. The "rope," itself was not even made of a functional hanging noose.


We have no idea if the folks that started chanting, "hang Mike pence," were really part of the protest, or were seeded into the protest as agitators, to make a false narrative. It may have been the "UN-indicted co-conspirators," for all anyone knows.

Though we hear it in video, no where in any charging document, in any social media post, or in any video, or any tweet or anything written, is anyone identified as making such a statement or with a plan, to hang the VP, thus, no charges are ever filed. . This is an extremely serious crime that would have been charged, if it were a real thing, but, THIS? Is very, VERY suspicious. You need to quit with such disinformation forwith. Or just keep up with being a useful idiot.

The V.P. was never in any danger, EVER.

Complete and utter lie...

This is the most fascinating thing about Trump. He is the most disloyal, backstabbing person I have ever seen, and yet his underlings are so incredibly loyal to him they will go to jail for him.

It is truly something that people will read about 100 years from now with disbelief.

You just don't get it.

And probably never will.

It's okay though, there's no reason you should. You'll be out of here in a short while anyway, so it doesn't much matter.

There's really no such thing as a Trump loyalist. Trump is loyal to something, and his supporters are loyal to the same thing. The minute that perception changes, the Trump campaign will fall apart.
You just don't get it.

And probably never will.

It's okay though, there's no reason you should. You'll be out of here in a short while anyway, so it doesn't much matter.

There's really no such thing as a Trump loyalist. Trump is loyal to something, and his supporters are loyal to the same thing. The minute that perception changes, the Trump campaign will fall apart.

What is Trump loyal to?

Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat says his office is preparing for the possibility of former President Donald Trump being indicted in Fulton County.

He says that, if indicted by a grand jury, the former president will be treated like anyone else accused of a crime, including fingerprints and a mugshot.

“Unless somebody tells me differently, we are following our normal practices, and so it doesn’t matter your status, we’ll have a mugshot ready for you,” Sheriff Labat said.

T-shirt sales will skyrocket!

With Trump's pending indictment in Georgia, what new nothingburger hoax do you all suppose Comer will pull out of his ass to once again attempt to distract from Trump's crimes?

Proof positive they're going to hunt and persecute this man until they get their beloved mug shot/tee shirts

And yet

Reaping and sowing
Proof positive they're going to hunt and persecute this man until they get their beloved mug shot/tee shirts

And yet

Reaping and sowing
Sowing is not an accurate word.

Blowing chunks all over the playing field, is more like it.
There's really no such thing as a Trump loyalist. Trump is loyal to something, and his supporters are loyal to the same thing. The minute that perception changes, the Trump campaign will fall apart.
Republicans backed a loser.
What else do they have to back but losers?
Majority Trailer Queen?
Paul Gosar?
Bobblehead Boebert ?
Matt FiveHead Gaetz?
John Kennedy?
Lying Ted Cruz?
Gym Jordan?
James Comer?

These are not serious people and should not be taken so.
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