Fulton County Sheriff Says ‘We’ll Have A Mugshot’ If Former Pres. Trump Is Indicted Locally

So what you're saying is you realize that Pence was back-stabbing Trump and his supporters wanted to do him in.
Oh and I'm not fully invested in anyone. I'm more worried about what they're planning to do to the American population.
And it's pretty much the same shit they're planning to do to the people living in the UK.
Thats bizarre. Pence did nothing wrong apart from keeping quiet for too long.

And here you are saying that disloyalty to trump should be punished by death.

You are fucking insane.
Thats bizarre. Pence did nothing wrong apart from keeping quiet for too long.

And here you are saying that disloyalty to trump should be punished by death.

You are fucking insane.
Nope, he is right on the money. But someone in that post is insane.....
what action is trump being indited for then?
I remember when James Comey refused to forward the investigation to the AG, because he found Hillary "lacked intent."

It the left can understand that, they should understand that Trump has never had any criminal intent to screw over liberal voting Americans. . . or the system itself. There is no proof of that.

And yet? In all of these indictments of Trump, all over, the left is positive, he was purposely trying to rape women, he was purposely trying conspire to illegally disenfranchise left leaning people of their votes, or that he consciously knew that he had lost the election.

Most sane folks, who are not clouded by partisan politics, and look at the record, who don't ascribe evil to the man, can't see any evidence of this, anywhere in what he says or does.

I don't even like him, I can see he self-promotes, and know that he meets the classic definition of a demagogue. . . but those who use our justice system to make this case? IMO are worse than Trump.

BUT, with that said, if we lose our ability to even question the system? We become no better than China or Russia, IMO, and at that point, the Deep State and establishment will control us all. . . .

When I asked the radical lefties in the basement, what the difference between a "contested election & a "coup/insurrection" was? It sent them into a spasm of denial and fits of anger, from which they could only lob character disparagement and name calling at me. I have noted it in this thread too.

We have been through three years of mind control and emotional programming, that I am afraid some folks can't come back from.

The Orchestrated Cases Against Trump Explained​

". . . But the Democrats know they own the media, and the law schools, and the governing class that defines what is acceptable. For these corrupt people, getting rid of Trump is all that matters. Every lie that serves the cause of removing a threat to the corrupt establishment is permissible.

The 37 felony charges contain no evidence that Trump knew what was in the boxes, assuming anything was. It is just an assertion. After the boxes were seized, anything could have been put into them. Why would anyone believe the FBI after so many FBI lies and scandals have been revealed?

In 2012 Judicial Watch sued to force President Bill Clinton to turn over records in his possession, but Obama appointee judge Amy Berman Jackson said the court had to ability to second-guess a president’s assertion of documents to which he was entitled. The judge said that “since the President is completely entrusted with the management and even the disposal of Presidential records during his time in office, it would be difficult for this Court to conclude that Congress intended that he would have less authority to do what he pleases with what he considers to be his personal records.”

But Jack Smith has brought a felony case based on nothing but Jack Smith’s assertion that he, not President Trump or a federal judge, knows what documents the President has a right to retain. As for integrity, Jack Smith scores zero. From a headline story this morning: “Special counsel Jack Smith’s team made a startling admission in its case against former President Donald Trump, acknowledging in a new court filing that it failed to turn over all evidence to Mr. Trump’s legal team as required by law and falsely claimed that it had.” In other words, Jack Smith lies, so why believe his case? . . . "


". . . Think about this charge. The charge is not that Trump defeated the vote count, which he obviously didn’t as he was replaced by Biden but that he challenged the vote count. Do you see what this means? If a candidate challenges vote irregularities, and there were many in the stolen election, he is guilty of “conspiracy to overturn the election.”

The alleged January 6 “insurrection” was the work of federal agents at the capital while Trump and his supporters were more than a mile away at the Washington Monument where Trump was speaking. Only a thoroughly corrupt Department of Justice (sic) could configure an insurrection out of police escorting a few unarmed people around the Capitol. The evidence is clear that the federal agents and the police provoked the few protesters present in an effort to create a violent scene for the presstitute media to turn into an “insurrection.”

A black Atlanta prosecutor, Fanni Willis, has turned President Trump’s request to Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger to investigate the widespread evidence of electoral fraud that cost Trump the state’s electoral votes by a mere 11,000 votes. Only an ignorant quota hire could possibly confuse a crime with a request for an honest vote count. . . . "
Lots of conservatives are repulsed by Trump's stupidity and ignorant bully tactics. You're making a big mistake to undervalue intelligence and decency. Conservatives also care about such things.

Clearly, you don't.
That is what Progs are. Progs are not used to Republicans acting this way. Like them. It does not sit well when the stage was all theirs for many many decades and some outsider comes into politics using the same game on them. Sadly, not enough Republicans are standing up to the Progs. Hence the Insurrectionist charges on innocent people. As the swamp and deep state needs to put people into fear.
What statute did he violate by asking them what he asked?

Raffensperger or whoever recorded the conversation may have violated multiple laws. And such recordings will not be allowed if any sham indictment is handed down.

As for a mugshot, the court will have the final say as in Manhattan where none was allowed.
Mike Pence was the guy they wanted to hang at the trrump sedition.
This is a fake government and media narrative.

We have no idea who built, or gave someone the idea to build, and bring that protest prop. to the capitol protest.

But it was a NON-FUNCTIONING gallows, it was only there for looks. The V.P. was never in any danger, EVER.

As can be seen when this small women is standing on it. The "rope," itself was not even made of a functional hanging noose.


We have no idea if the folks that started chanting, "hang Mike pence," were really part of the protest, or were seeded into the protest as agitators, to make a false narrative. It may have been the "UN-indicted co-conspirators," for all anyone knows.

Though we hear it in video, no where in any charging document, in any social media post, or in any video, or any tweet or anything written, is anyone identified as making such a statement or with a plan, to hang the VP, thus, no charges are ever filed. . This is an extremely serious crime that would have been charged, if it were a real thing, but, THIS? Is very, VERY suspicious. You need to quit with such disinformation forwith. Or just keep up with being a useful idiot.

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Trump had every criminal intent to defraud American civil rights by overthrowing an election that he knew he lost.
I can't wait to see proof of that. . . I remember with huge interest in the J6 televised hearing, when they said they had proof that he knew he lost. . . then it was from some woman that also claimed he lunged for a steering wheel to make the secret service take him to the capitol riot, and that he threw ketchup at a wall. . .

Good times.

Good times.

This is a fake government and media narrative.

We have no idea who built, or gave someone the idea to build, and bring that protest prop. to the capitol protest.

But it was a NON-FUNCTIONING gallows, it was only there for looks. The V.P. was never in an danger, EVER.

As can be seen when this small women is standing on it. The "rope," itself was not even made of a functional hanging noose.


We have no idea if the folks that started chanting, "hang Mike pence," were really part of the protest, or were seeded into the protest as agitators, to make a false narrative. It may have been the "UN-indicted co-conspirators," for all anyone knows.

Though we hear it in video, no where in any charging document, in any social media post, or in any video, or any tweet or anything written, is anyone identified as making such a statement or with a plan, to hang the VP, thus, no charges are ever filed. . This is an extremely serious crime that would have been charged, if it were a real thing, but, THIS? Is very, VERY suspicious. You need to quit with such disinformation forwith. Or just keep up with being a useful idiot.

Hang Mike Pence was one of the themes of the day.
Its not credible that it was a black op. What did the dems have to gain ?
But it could have scared Pence ffom doing his job.
That was trumps intention.
Its not credible that it was a black op.
Reality is not credible?

What does the establishment and the DNC have to gain, by destroying all opposition, and turning anyone that should oppose them into "criminals?" Hell, look at what your friend John Edgar Slow Horse there wants to do. . . just by my deconstructing the narrative of the state --- he wants to make me into a criminal. . . and you are so simple minded to ask;

What did the dems have to gain ?


No, Beale, you are not. Read the indictment, then tell us what you think.
See post# 165, and then tell me, what new evidence has come to light, or why this indictment was not lodged a year, or two ago?

Otherwise, it is based on Trump's poll numbers, and it is bullshit. You know it, and I know it.
This is the most fascinating thing about Trump. He is the most disloyal, backstabbing person I have ever seen, and yet his underlings are so incredibly loyal to him they will go to jail for him.

It is truly something that people will read about 100 years from now with disbelief.
Religion is a powerful thing.
Reality is not credible?

What does the establishment and the DNC have to gain, by destroying all opposition, and turning anyone that should oppose them into "criminals?" Hell, look at what your friend John Edgar Slow Horse there wants to do. . . just by my deconstructing the narrative of the state --- he wants to make me into a criminal. . . and you are so simple minded to ask;


You are down a rabbit hole.
On one hand they have won an election and it is about to be certified.
On the other hand they want to wreck that for a speculative illusouory gain.
It is not crddible.

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