
Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
[ame=]Megyn Kelly Farts Live On Fox News Channel TV - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]News reader cannot stop laughing at model falling over! - YouTube[/ame] even hot chicks fart. But Fox News does have some major babes. I mean, no offense to MSNBC, but if someone is gonna read me the news, I'd rather it be a babe, versus some hairy knuckled lesbian.

Now if you're into hairy knuckled lesbians...this is for you.

I prefer this.

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OMG, Megyn Kelly handled that okay, as in she didn't sit there looking awkward and embarrassed, but laughed instead. Hey, it happens, but she'll never live it down.

Fluke and Pelosi are frigging idiots. "Reproductive justice?" Is she kidding? Of course, liberals think justice means working people paying for those who don't work. A third year law student whining about the cost of contraceptives. Do they realize that nothing is really free? Someone has to pay for everything and when others are handed something to stop their whining, others have to tighten their budgets again to keep their own expenses paid. Fluke's testimony was completely inappropriate. The hearing wasn't about listening to a few women whine about why government should force people to pay for their own choices. The hearing was to determine whether it was constitutional to force religious organizations to pay for birth control and abortions. Fluke had nothing to contribute regarding the legalities of the government doing that. Apparently she isn't going to be a good lawyer or she would know the purpose of the hearing and what information was pertinent. Complaining that religious organization won't pay for her contraception so she can have lots and lots of sex had no bearing on the issue of whether it was constitutional for them to be forced to provide that coverage. As a liberal, she thinks it's a matter of getting enough people holding their hands out and the Democrats pandering to their dependents, er, I mean voter base. Whether something is legal or not is a total non-issue when buying votes.

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