Fun songs to get high let's celebrate early

This video is trippy, I’ll have to revisit it next time I’ve got weed on hand:

Im gonna watch it.

I’m jealous! (I really need to get some weed; my state legalized recreational use in 2016, and we still don’t have recreational dispensaries. Grrrr!)

I wish the whole country was legal. I think a lot of citizens are coming around and I appreciate it. How has your activism on it been going?

I have been a total slacker.

Luckily there are a lot of folks active on the issue; a bunch of towns have voted to ban weed shops, but some more forward-thinking (and in need of the tax revenue) have voted to allow them. Luckily one of those towns is right up the road from me.

I have a friend who can get it for me and her source allegedly grows for a medical dispensary in Maine - but the quality is inconsistent, or more specifically, I can’t get my choice of strains and at this point in my life, that really matters to me. I want to be able to choose the kind of high I’m going to have.
This video is trippy, I’ll have to revisit it next time I’ve got weed on hand:

Im gonna watch it.

I’m jealous! (I really need to get some weed; my state legalized recreational use in 2016, and we still don’t have recreational dispensaries. Grrrr!)

I wish the whole country was legal. I think a lot of citizens are coming around and I appreciate it. How has your activism on it been going?

I have been a total slacker.

Luckily there are a lot of folks active on the issue; a bunch of towns have voted to ban weed shops, but some more forward-thinking (and in need of the tax revenue) have voted to allow them. Luckily one of those towns is right up the road from me.

I have a friend who can get it for me and her source allegedly grows for a medical dispensary in Maine - but the quality is inconsistent, or more specifically, I can’t get my choice of strains and at this point in my life, that really matters to me. I want to be able to choose the kind of high I’m going to have.

It is fairly easy to order seeds for a bunch of strains. Pick some and grow your own.
This video is trippy, I’ll have to revisit it next time I’ve got weed on hand:

Im gonna watch it.

I’m jealous! (I really need to get some weed; my state legalized recreational use in 2016, and we still don’t have recreational dispensaries. Grrrr!)

I wish the whole country was legal. I think a lot of citizens are coming around and I appreciate it. How has your activism on it been going?

I have been a total slacker.

Luckily there are a lot of folks active on the issue; a bunch of towns have voted to ban weed shops, but some more forward-thinking (and in need of the tax revenue) have voted to allow them. Luckily one of those towns is right up the road from me.

I have a friend who can get it for me and her source allegedly grows for a medical dispensary in Maine - but the quality is inconsistent, or more specifically, I can’t get my choice of strains and at this point in my life, that really matters to me. I want to be able to choose the kind of high I’m going to have.

It is fairly easy to order seeds for a bunch of strains. Pick some and grow your own.

I’ve got a pretty good green thumb and have a number of happy houseplants - but I don’t have the right conditions to grow really good weed, nor the space. I’m holding out for the day I can walk into a shop and buy it legally. And I figure I’ll be so long sober by then and such an easy buzz that my first ounce will go a long, long way.
Celebrate early with me everyone welcome

Warning. Language!!

More of a political rather than a fun song, but it fits the general drift.

Quicksilver Messenger Service- What About Me
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