Funniest Headline So Far This Morning

That must be why you have to be 21 to buy a handgun. It obviously doesn't work. I live in a state where 18 year olds are working, starting families (unfortunately) and for all intents and purposes being adults. I think it sucks that people want them to wait another three years for a hunting rifle.

sounds like you are finally agreeing that rifles are not the problem, but rather a culture that promotes hating anyone who disagrees with you, dependence on the government, lack of personal responsibility, etc.

what most of the left is promoting is exactly what the third Reich promoted in the 1930s. That's why we should be teaching our kids history, not "social justice".
Military style assault weapons are a problem. A 5+1 magazine in a hunting rifle is different from an AR-type rifle with a 30 bullet magazine. That's not necessary for any intents and purposes in our civilian life.
Our boys can start hunting at 12 (with an adult) and on kids' day, you can take a three year old with you if you want. Lots of kids get their first deer in junior high. Making them wait 'til 21 is stupid.

I happen to agree with you on 30 round magazines. But if you ban the sale of them, criminals and crazy people will make them in their garage shops.

the problem today is not guns, mags, or ammo. the problem is a sick culture. Until we cure that sickness, it will only get worse.
I agree with you that our culture glorifies this sickness and it HAS to be addressed. But guns, mags and ammo are also part of the problem, especially until the culture has once again been taught some respect for human life.

guns, hammers, knives, and bombs have been with us since 1776. We need to fix our culture, not pretend that banning dangerous objects will cure the problem and make us all safe.
It is more than simple correlation that our gun ownership rates and homicide rates are exponentially higher than in countries where guns are controlled.
THEN WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Go ahead and do it (illegally) and ban the AR types since you don't need them anyway. BTW, our game wardens are pretty good. Stick to your illegal hunting in Tennessee.
YOUR REASONING. Its a big ball of fallacy and you dont give a shit.
And what about hunting?
Illegal hunting? Wut?
Hunting rifles here, anyway, are limited to 5 rounds
I doubt it.
It is Unlawful to Hunt with, or Possess for Hunting, Any:
  • Automatic firearm (a firearm that continues to fire as long as the trigger is held back.)
  • Auto-loading firearm (a firearm that reloads itself after each shot and requires a separate trigger pull for each shot) with a magazine capacity of more than 5 cartridges (plus 1 in the chamber for a total of 6), unless the magazine has been permanently altered to contain not more than 5 cartridges.
    Note: This provision does not apply to .22 caliber rimfire guns or to auto-loading pistols with barrel lengths of less than 8 inches.
3-shell Max for Migratory Game Birds:

It is unlawful to hunt any migratory game bird with a shotgun originally capable of holding more than 3 shells unless the magazine has been cut off, altered, or plugged with a one-piece filler (incapable of removal without disassembling the gun), so as to reduce the capacity of the gun to not more than 3 shells in the magazine and chamber combined.
Laws Pertaining to Hunting Equipment: Hunting Laws & Rules: Hunting & Trapping: Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Maine is a people's republic, so that's not surprising. As you can see from the youtube video, In Texas it's clearly legal to hunt with a 30 round magazine.
A People's Republic?
I invite you to come here and postulate that at the nearest watering hole on a Saturday night.
That's not true.

Yes it is's obvious you're getting your info from some idiot left loon site.
old woman has me on ignore. wow, she is certainly going off the deep end. keep up the good fight.
No, I see you. Your questions are just too stupid to respond to.
so you make a statement, I ask for a definition and you think it is worth responding to. That tells me you have no idea then. Thanks.
You're the one who needs the definitions. And I'm the one who has no idea?
You are the one using the word. You're correct, I have no fking idea what an assault rifle is. That's why I asked for the definition. I thought that was fairly obvious.
You realize all you have to do is put a bigger magazine in them and you have THE SAME WEAPON IT JUST LOOKS DIFFERENT.
THEN WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Go ahead and do it (illegally) and ban the AR types since you don't need them anyway. BTW, our game wardens are pretty good. Stick to your illegal hunting in Tennessee.
YOUR REASONING. Its a big ball of fallacy and you dont give a shit.
And what about hunting?
Illegal hunting? Wut?
Hunting rifles here, anyway, are limited to 5 rounds
I doubt it.
It is Unlawful to Hunt with, or Possess for Hunting, Any:
  • Automatic firearm (a firearm that continues to fire as long as the trigger is held back.)
  • Auto-loading firearm (a firearm that reloads itself after each shot and requires a separate trigger pull for each shot) with a magazine capacity of more than 5 cartridges (plus 1 in the chamber for a total of 6), unless the magazine has been permanently altered to contain not more than 5 cartridges.
    Note: This provision does not apply to .22 caliber rimfire guns or to auto-loading pistols with barrel lengths of less than 8 inches.
3-shell Max for Migratory Game Birds:

It is unlawful to hunt any migratory game bird with a shotgun originally capable of holding more than 3 shells unless the magazine has been cut off, altered, or plugged with a one-piece filler (incapable of removal without disassembling the gun), so as to reduce the capacity of the gun to not more than 3 shells in the magazine and chamber combined.
Laws Pertaining to Hunting Equipment: Hunting Laws & Rules: Hunting & Trapping: Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

I see you're having problems making a distinction between the 2nd Amendment and Maine Fish & Wildlife commission.

Allow me to 'splain:

1 is a state agency that establishes rules for hunting on managed land, the other is an inalienable right, granted by God, and codified in the 2nd amendment of The United States Constitution.
THEN WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Go ahead and do it (illegally) and ban the AR types since you don't need them anyway. BTW, our game wardens are pretty good. Stick to your illegal hunting in Tennessee.
YOUR REASONING. Its a big ball of fallacy and you dont give a shit.
And what about hunting?
Illegal hunting? Wut?
Hunting rifles here, anyway, are limited to 5 rounds
I doubt it.
It is Unlawful to Hunt with, or Possess for Hunting, Any:
  • Automatic firearm (a firearm that continues to fire as long as the trigger is held back.)
  • Auto-loading firearm (a firearm that reloads itself after each shot and requires a separate trigger pull for each shot) with a magazine capacity of more than 5 cartridges (plus 1 in the chamber for a total of 6), unless the magazine has been permanently altered to contain not more than 5 cartridges.
    Note: This provision does not apply to .22 caliber rimfire guns or to auto-loading pistols with barrel lengths of less than 8 inches.
3-shell Max for Migratory Game Birds:

It is unlawful to hunt any migratory game bird with a shotgun originally capable of holding more than 3 shells unless the magazine has been cut off, altered, or plugged with a one-piece filler (incapable of removal without disassembling the gun), so as to reduce the capacity of the gun to not more than 3 shells in the magazine and chamber combined.
Laws Pertaining to Hunting Equipment: Hunting Laws & Rules: Hunting & Trapping: Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

I see you're having problems making a distinction between the 2nd Amendment and Maine Fish & Wildlife commission.

Allow to 'splain:

1 is a state agency that establishes rules for hunting on managed land, the other is an inalienable right, granted by God, and codified in the 2nd amendment.
Marion, don't skim the thread. I know you hate reading, but really.
I was responding to some moron who said he "doubted" that our legal limit on ammo in a hunting rifles was 5+1.
YOUR REASONING. Its a big ball of fallacy and you dont give a shit.
And what about hunting?
Illegal hunting? Wut?
Hunting rifles here, anyway, are limited to 5 rounds
I doubt it.
It is Unlawful to Hunt with, or Possess for Hunting, Any:
  • Automatic firearm (a firearm that continues to fire as long as the trigger is held back.)
  • Auto-loading firearm (a firearm that reloads itself after each shot and requires a separate trigger pull for each shot) with a magazine capacity of more than 5 cartridges (plus 1 in the chamber for a total of 6), unless the magazine has been permanently altered to contain not more than 5 cartridges.
    Note: This provision does not apply to .22 caliber rimfire guns or to auto-loading pistols with barrel lengths of less than 8 inches.
3-shell Max for Migratory Game Birds:

It is unlawful to hunt any migratory game bird with a shotgun originally capable of holding more than 3 shells unless the magazine has been cut off, altered, or plugged with a one-piece filler (incapable of removal without disassembling the gun), so as to reduce the capacity of the gun to not more than 3 shells in the magazine and chamber combined.
Laws Pertaining to Hunting Equipment: Hunting Laws & Rules: Hunting & Trapping: Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

I see you're having problems making a distinction between the 2nd Amendment and Maine Fish & Wildlife commission.

Allow to 'splain:

1 is a state agency that establishes rules for hunting on managed land, the other is an inalienable right, granted by God, and codified in the 2nd amendment.
Marion, don't skim the thread. I know you hate reading, but really.
I was responding to some moron who said he "doubted" that our legal limit on ammo in a hunting rifles was 5+1.

On state or Fed management land is one thing, anywhere else is another.

You can hunt on private land with a full clip if you want to.
Still waiting on the troll to explain how disarming the law abiding makes us safer? What are you waiting for liar?
How silly. One, they are not fighting gun violence, but gun rights. One hears little screaming over the slow-moving massacres of Chicago, Baltimore and other Democrat hovels.

Two, even if every one of these programmed children grow up to vote for total gun control, or even by increment, nothing will change. Repeal of the 2A is an impossibility, and legislation infringing upon it would simply be ignored, and if necessary resisted.

Samantha Bee: Students Fighting Gun Violence Are Filling GOP With Fear

Samantha Bee: Students Fighting Gun Violence Are Filling GOP With Fear | HuffPost

The media is treating this like the biggest protest ever.

They wish it was having the impact they wanted. It's not. Lib media isn't interested in the many other protests where students stayed in school and went out of their way to be nice to the students who are loners and unpopular.

Reaching out to the troubled students will do more good than gun laws.

If saving lives was really the goal, the left would be willing to attack the root problem. They aren't. They would also be concerned with violence in inner cities. They aren't. They might even attempt to dissuade kids from doing drugs or other harmful actions that can take lives. They don't. They seek to legalize more drugs.

The leftists want a disarmed populace and once they get that, no one will ever be safe again.

The media and politicians are going out of their way to blame the wrong people for these shootings. They seem prepared in advance to exploit these tragedies. I get nervous when I see these protests so organized, as if planned for some time. It was the same with the protests against police. They are too prepared, as if they knew it was going to happen.

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If machine guns can be restricted, so can AR's.
What does that do, troll, with 200 other types of guns not banned? I'll tell you, it does nothing. All they want is the slow ban of all firearms. Anyone who says otherwise is a goddamn liar or an idiot.
Count me among the idiots, then. I have a feeling there are a lot of us. If there is a problem with 200 other types of guns that you are saying SHOULD be banned along with the AR, you can help make sure they also get on the list so it's fair.
That would be very helpful of you, Mike.

please tell us how banning AR's would stop the daily blood baths in Chicago, Philly, Detroit, New Orleans, LA, and most of the rest of our large cities. almost all of those deaths are caused by illegally obtained hand guns. BTW, when a gang member trades a gun to another gang member for a bag of crack, neither of them is going to submit a background check.
That must be why you have to be 21 to buy a handgun. It obviously doesn't work. I live in a state where 18 year olds are working, starting families (unfortunately) and for all intents and purposes being adults. I think it sucks that people want them to wait another three years for a hunting rifle.

sounds like you are finally agreeing that rifles are not the problem, but rather a culture that promotes hating anyone who disagrees with you, dependence on the government, lack of personal responsibility, etc.

what most of the left is promoting is exactly what the third Reich promoted in the 1930s. That's why we should be teaching our kids history, not "social justice".

You get all outraged at what you perceive as an attack on the 2nd. But you don’t get outraged at the infringements already in place. Making you an outrage cherry picker.

Too funny.

The only thing that causes outrage is the willful stupidity expressed by people such as yourself.
Does that apply to everyone or are you simply cherry picking once again?

Democrats in general, and specifically you.
So you're an admitted cherry-picker. Got it.

"I'm sorry, Dave, but this conversation no longer has any meaning. Goodbye."
Your concession is duly noted. See ya.
Too funny.

The only thing that causes outrage is the willful stupidity expressed by people such as yourself.
Does that apply to everyone or are you simply cherry picking once again?

Democrats in general, and specifically you.
So you're an admitted cherry-picker. Got it.

"I'm sorry, Dave, but this conversation no longer has any meaning. Goodbye."
Your concession is duly noted. See ya.

Boredom is never a concession.
Does that apply to everyone or are you simply cherry picking once again?

Democrats in general, and specifically you.
So you're an admitted cherry-picker. Got it.

"I'm sorry, Dave, but this conversation no longer has any meaning. Goodbye."
Your concession is duly noted. See ya.

Boredom is never a concession.
If you were bored, you wouldn't respond. You seem to like me. :biggrin:

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