Funny How All These Leftists Were Known Sexual Predators

Bill Clinton is a rapist.
If you can prove that, then help put him in jail.

And don't throw Billdo accusations at me. I have never supported him. Unlike YOU I don't support any sexual pervert.

Now, back to the present. When will the Sexual Predator In Chief apologize to the SIXTEEN women he is accused of molesting or assaulting? Real Americans want to know. As you know, REAL Americans do not condone the kind of sexual predation donald trump had been accused of by SIXTEEN — count them: SIXTEEN — women. It's time for trump to stop French kissinbg Putin's ass, and deal with his deep, deep, sexual sicknesses.

Did I tell you it is SIXTEEN women who claim to have been molested by this pervert. Amazing. How could they possibly ALL be liars. Especially when trump is a PROVEN liar, and HIS lies are on audio and video tape. What a fucking sicko he is. And THIS piece of sick shit is who you choose to follow?
If you can prove that help put him in jail.
Hilarious. Now we need court convictions because it’s Bill.
I don't care what you do with Billdo. He's your problem. You're the one obssessed with him. Handle him any way you want. I don't support ANY sexual predators.

But, back to the present. When will trump admit to his sexual sicknesses? Apologize to those SIXTEEN women who accuse him of sexual harassment, and probably much worse, and, then, try to move past it, and seek forgiveness. But, these poor, poor, women deserve our support. Do they not? How can you support an accused sexual deviant? How...? Have you no shame?
Hilarious. Now we need court convictions because it’s Bill.
I don't care what you do with Billdo. He's your problem. You're the one obssessed with him. Handle him any way you want. I don't support ANY sexual predators.

But, back to the present. When will trump admit to his sexual sicknesses? Apologize to those SIXTEEN women who accuse him of sexual harassment, and probably much worse, and, then, try to move past it, and seek forgiveness. But, these poor, poor, women deserve our support. Do they not? How can you support an accused sexual deviant? How...? Have you no shame?
Why do you lefties keep covering for sexual predators? Bring your evidence forward and stop protecting them.
How many famous leftists fired just this morning? Three?
Three? That's bad enough.

But think about the SIXTEEN women who claim the Orange Maggot sexually harassed them. THIS pervert is the would-be-man you support. How can you support a sexual deviant? Aren't you afraid it will rub off on you? And how will you explain to your children that you once KNOWINGLY supported a sexual predator? Surely the truth about trump will come out, and it is guaranteed to be sickening on a lot of levels. Golden Shower, anyone? Lol....

The Family Values Party. What a Fucking Joke.

Re-read my original post for a list of just a FEW of the thousands of republican CHILD MOLESTORS. Then, try to be honest with yourself: Is this very sick president someone you can truly support. Do you really believe the SIXTEEN women are lying. What if one of them had been your sister. Would you still not believe them? Did anything you learned in church sink in? Anything, at all?
Yeah and after the election, they disappeared. Imagine that.
Why do you lefties keep covering for sexual predators? Bring your evidence forward and stop protecting them.
I agree completely. All sexual predators should be exposed for the sickos they are. Let's protect all women from these perverts and sickos.

Let's start with president trump. America deserves a president who is not a a sexual deviant. So it's important that we get everything out in the open and get this man the psychological help he so urgently needs. Then he can go on national television and apologize to the SIXTEEN women who have accused him of behaving like a sexual pervert, and harassing them. It's time for donald, the Posse Grabber, to man up.

America deserves a decent person as its president. trump is anything but decent.

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