Fur sales banned in W Hollywood

^^^ I don't believe that fur items are the only things that can keep a person warm.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


well for sure then, we should let all the animals overpopulate and spread disease and mayhem on you

you all don't care about animals, you just care about your emotional feelings
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^^^ If humans are allowed to over populate the planet, why can't animals?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. You also make it sound like animals are the only ones who spread disease. Haven't you ever heard of aids, cancer, etc.?
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^^^ If humans are allowed to over populate the planet, why can't animals?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. You also make it sound like animals are the only ones who spread disease. Haven't you ever heard of aids, cancer, etc.?

Because humans are the kings of the planet.
Just because food has to be real in order for it to keep a person alive doesn't mean that fur has to be real too in order for it to be made into clothing, furniture, blankets, etc. Why do animals have to be killed for their fur as well when fake fur can be made?
yes, it does.
Why? What makes real fur better than fake fur. Is it because something had to die in order for it to exist?

No, because the synthetic furs can serve as a decoration and some warmer in moderate cold, but not where the cold is REAL.
Then there is nothing like real animal fur.
elings about the whole issue may be mixed though. I feel like since they already have to be killed for food that using the rest of their parts for other things is like adding insult to injury, kicking them when they are already down, etc which is why I don't do anything more than having them be on my plate. I don't wear them in any way, no fur or cosmetics. I am most definitely not into make up.

I don't wear fur because there is absolutely no need for me to wear it.
But if I would need to - I would and could care less what the PETA nuts think about that.

what do cosmetics have to do with all of this?
Animal abuse compared to child abuse and/or abortion - I can't imagine a more glaring disconnect and/or false equivalencey.

Some of you have said you believe a fetus is a baby and yet in this thread you say they're the same as an animal killed for its fur.

Killing an animal for some product is not abuse.

The issue is you seem to care more about some cow about to be a hamburger then you do for a fetus that is terminated (a human life) that now loses its chance to exist and be a sentient being.

It is incredibly offensive the way you rw's have so cavalierly compared non-human animals with what you say you believe is a baby.

To me, one human baby is worth more than every single cow on the planet but that's just me.

But, neither of those two points has anything to do with abortion except in your minds and as long as you compare what you say you believe to be a human baby with a fur bearing animal, just shut up.

You're welcome to your screwed up opinion but I don't want to hear about how little you say you believe a human baby's life is worth so just shut up.

so a HUMAN BABY in utero is not a HUMAN BABY? :eek:

yeah, certain "people" do have their comfort zones in a very peculiar area - they whine about children at school drinking milk ( sic!!!!) but they do not consider a HUMAN BABY IN UTERO to be a HUMAN BABY.

hypocrisy in it's highest extreme
Killing an animal for some product is not abuse.

The issue is you seem to care more about some cow about to be a hamburger then you do for a fetus that is terminated (a human life) that now loses its chance to exist and be a sentient being.

It is incredibly offensive the way you rw's have so cavalierly compared non-human animals with what you say you believe is a baby.

To me, one human baby is worth more than every single cow on the planet but that's just me.

But, neither of those two points has anything to do with abortion except in your minds and as long as you compare what you say you believe to be a human baby with a fur bearing animal, just shut up.

You're welcome to your screwed up opinion but I don't want to hear about how little you say you believe a human baby's life is worth so just shut up.

so a HUMAN BABY in utero is not a HUMAN BABY? :eek:

yeah, certain "people" do have their comfort zones in a very peculiar area - they whine about children at school drinking milk ( sic!!!!) but they do not consider a HUMAN BABY IN UTERO to be a HUMAN BABY.

hypocrisy in it's highest extreme

they have to have something to live with their conscious to be able to stand themselves...so they refuse to call it a baby...

but they will wail and rant on people WEARING FUR and poor dear animals that are being NOT killed, hunted and trapped, but SLATURED

they are some twisted warped people...To bad some fetus produced these people who think they need to be in everyone's lives because they are so HIGH AND MIGHTY
yes, it does.
Why? What makes real fur better than fake fur. Is it because something had to die in order for it to exist?

No, because the synthetic furs can serve as a decoration and some warmer in moderate cold, but not where the cold is REAL.
Then there is nothing like real animal fur.
elings about the whole issue may be mixed though. I feel like since they already have to be killed for food that using the rest of their parts for other things is like adding insult to injury, kicking them when they are already down, etc which is why I don't do anything more than having them be on my plate. I don't wear them in any way, no fur or cosmetics. I am most definitely not into make up.

I don't wear fur because there is absolutely no need for me to wear it.
But if I would need to - I would and could care less what the PETA nuts think about that.

what do cosmetics have to do with all of this?
Another person here was tell me that certain animals are used to make certain cosmetics.

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)

Why? What makes real fur better than fake fur. Is it because something had to die in order for it to exist?

No, because the synthetic furs can serve as a decoration and some warmer in moderate cold, but not where the cold is REAL.
Then there is nothing like real animal fur.
elings about the whole issue may be mixed though. I feel like since they already have to be killed for food that using the rest of their parts for other things is like adding insult to injury, kicking them when they are already down, etc which is why I don't do anything more than having them be on my plate. I don't wear them in any way, no fur or cosmetics. I am most definitely not into make up.

I don't wear fur because there is absolutely no need for me to wear it.
But if I would need to - I would and could care less what the PETA nuts think about that.

what do cosmetics have to do with all of this?
Another person here was tell me that certain animals are used to make certain cosmetics.

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)


thank you, God bless you, too. :)

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