Fur sales banned in W Hollywood

So how does this stop fur wearing again? If I can't buy it in W. Hollywood, but I can drive five more minutes to get to a store selling fur, what did this ordinance do again, I mean aside from harm West Hollywood businesses that sell fur?

More feel good legislation that actually does more harm than good.
I like fashion, but I like this more.

"According to the Humane Society of the United States, the fashion industry's fur trade results in more than 50 million animal deaths per year, a figure that the city has put before its coveted title as West Coast fashion capital.

“We’ve consistently worked to enact cutting-edge animal welfare legislation," city spokeswoman Tamara White told ABC. "This is in line with our values.”

West Hollywood, Calif. Becomes First City In The U.S. To Ban Fur Sales

How or why is this any different than 'if you don't approve of abortion, then don't have one'? If you don't approve of animals being killed for their skins, then don't buy the products, the concept is no different.

Quite a leap.
Just because food has to be real in order for it to keep a person alive doesn't mean that fur has to be real too in order for it to be made into clothing, furniture, blankets, etc. Why do animals have to be killed for their fur as well when fake fur can be made?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. If the fur has to be real, to me, it should be from an animal that is already being "used" for other things.

Like mink oil?

Do you wear leather? Eat meat? Use bio fuels? Use car or bicycle tires? Use toothpaste? Eat sugar? Use plastic bags?

9 Everyday Products You Didn't Know Had Animal Ingredients : TreeHugger

I have posted before that its impossible to be really vegan because there are slaughterhouse byproducts in damn near everything.


Live the way you want. But, don't criticize me for being vegetarian, not wearing leather and for avoiding whatever animal byproducts I can.

Don't pretend that torturing animals for their fur is "fabulous". And, don't take your insecurity and defensiveness out on me. If you didn't feel guilt and shame, you wouldn't be grilling me on my diet!

I see, the problem is torture of the animals, whatever you think that means. I guess that means you avoid all drugs too.
Technically there is no reason to slaughter an animal so you can have dinner either. That doesn't stop me from eating cheeseburgers.

True, but there is a difference between eating meat to survive and killing an animal so you can wear it.

When you reach the point that you only kill animals to survive you can lecture me on my choices. Until then, you should just be happy to pretend to yourself that you are better than I am.
Like guns in Chicago, the buyer can walk across the street to buy dead animal skins and its largely symbolic, but still --- Its a step in the right direction.

West Hollywood, Calif. Becomes First City In The U.S. To Ban Fur Sales

Los Angelenos, rejoice!

Last weekend, West Hollywood officially became the first city in the country to ban the sale of wearable fur in retail stores. City council members passed the law by unanimous vote 2 years ago, and it finally went into effect on Sept. 21, 2013, ABC reports.

The ban will apply to all articles of clothing -- anything made to be worn -- but not to furniture items, blankets, or leather products.

That law makes no sense. I can have a mink blanket and a beaver couch but not a mink coat and beaver boots?

Why is leather exempt? Aren't cows animals too?

Are reptile and feathers exempt too?
I like fashion, but I like this more.

"According to the Humane Society of the United States, the fashion industry's fur trade results in more than 50 million animal deaths per year, a figure that the city has put before its coveted title as West Coast fashion capital.

“We’ve consistently worked to enact cutting-edge animal welfare legislation," city spokeswoman Tamara White told ABC. "This is in line with our values.”

West Hollywood, Calif. Becomes First City In The U.S. To Ban Fur Sales

How or why is this any different than 'if you don't approve of abortion, then don't have one'? If you don't approve of animals being killed for their skins, then don't buy the products, the concept is no different.

Oh, but the small furry animals are so cuuute! Waaaa, waaaa, waaaa!

Unbelievable how much the left whines about shit and have zero problem banning something they don't approve of. Leftists are morons.

Small furry animal = oh the horror of killing this cute little guy for its fur!

Small pre-born human = inconvenience, blob of nothing cells, terminate, terminate, terminate!


Minks kill anything that competes with them for food, will eat anything smaller than they are, and have overrun every country that was stupid enough to allow them to be imported. Personally, I don't find that cute.
The problem with some furs is you don't know if they're ranched or trapped. Trapping is inhumane in most instances. Other furs come from endangered species and are poached in 3rd world countries with little enforcement.

And you don't know if the cows/goats/sheep/pigs that were the source of leather you wear were treated humanely, either.

As for humane treatment, slaves in China are treated quite appallingly, but I bet most people here by goods made in China.
boedicca - Your guilt makes you very defensive. Maybe if you used the excuse that you didn't buy them new and therefore you're not responsible for their deaths, you'd feel better.

You mistake my amusement over your hypocrisy for defensiveness - but that's likely due to your tendency to project your own pathologies upon innocents.
Like guns in Chicago, the buyer can walk across the street to buy dead animal skins and its largely symbolic, but still --- Its a step in the right direction.

West Hollywood, Calif. Becomes First City In The U.S. To Ban Fur Sales

Los Angelenos, rejoice!

Last weekend, West Hollywood officially became the first city in the country to ban the sale of wearable fur in retail stores. City council members passed the law by unanimous vote 2 years ago, and it finally went into effect on Sept. 21, 2013, ABC reports.

The ban will apply to all articles of clothing -- anything made to be worn -- but not to furniture items, blankets, or leather products.

That law makes no sense. I can have a mink blanket and a beaver couch but not a mink coat and beaver boots?

Why is leather exempt? Aren't cows animals too?

Are reptile and feathers exempt too?

I didn't even read the link, it is even dumber than I thought.

The ban will apply to all articles of clothing -- anything made to be worn -- but not to furniture items, blankets, or leather products.

If they were actually consistent they would ban the sale of shoes, but still let you buy a leather couch. Imagine the howl of outrage when Christian Lamboutin packed up and moved.
So how does this stop fur wearing again? If I can't buy it in W. Hollywood, but I can drive five more minutes to get to a store selling fur, what did this ordinance do again, I mean aside from harm West Hollywood businesses that sell fur?

More feel good legislation that actually does more harm than good.

It doesn't stop anyone from wearing fur. It's a stupid law made by the same kind of politicians who create Gun Free Zones, and yet are protected by armed body guards themselves.
The problem with some furs is you don't know if they're ranched or trapped. Trapping is inhumane in most instances. Other furs come from endangered species and are poached in 3rd world countries with little enforcement.

And you don't know if the cows/goats/sheep/pigs that were the source of leather you wear were treated humanely, either.

As for humane treatment, slaves in China are treated quite appallingly, but I bet most people here by goods made in China.

As a matter of fact there are rules and laws dealing with humanely putting an animal down. The problem is many of the "cosmetic" furs come from 2nd and 3rd world countries where enforcement is difficult if non existent and paperwork is forged with money changing hands with officials. Many of them are trapped, a heinous exercise.
The problem with some furs is you don't know if they're ranched or trapped. Trapping is inhumane in most instances. Other furs come from endangered species and are poached in 3rd world countries with little enforcement.

And you don't know if the cows/goats/sheep/pigs that were the source of leather you wear were treated humanely, either.

As for humane treatment, slaves in China are treated quite appallingly, but I bet most people here by goods made in China.

As a matter of fact there are rules and laws dealing with humanely putting an animal down. The problem is many of the "cosmetic" furs come from 2nd and 3rd world countries where enforcement is difficult if non existent and paperwork is forged with money changing hands with officials. Many of them are trapped, a heinous exercise.

And many fur animals are humanely ranched in the U.S.

About Mink Farming

Do you buy goods made by slaves in China?
The problem with some furs is you don't know if they're ranched or trapped. Trapping is inhumane in most instances. Other furs come from endangered species and are poached in 3rd world countries with little enforcement.

And you don't know if the cows/goats/sheep/pigs that were the source of leather you wear were treated humanely, either.

As for humane treatment, slaves in China are treated quite appallingly, but I bet most people here by goods made in China.

As a matter of fact there are rules and laws dealing with humanely putting an animal down. The problem is many of the "cosmetic" furs come from 2nd and 3rd world countries where enforcement is difficult if non existent and paperwork is forged with money changing hands with officials. Many of them are trapped, a heinous exercise.

Its just as bad here. There are very few regs and they aren't enforced. The "ranchers" hire illegals who have no recourse if they want to keep the crappy job and the basic methods of keeping and killing wild animals hasn't changed since the first beaver trappers.

Its all about the money but those who buy furs tell themselves that the animals are just thrilled to give up their coats to the kindly Mr Fur Rancher.

Reading these posts -- There's a whole lotta dancing around and denial. That's okay. Everyone has their comfort zone and its much higher for certain kinds of people. And, never let it be said that some people want facts before they make an educated decision.

Like this -

....I didn't even read the link....
And you don't know if the cows/goats/sheep/pigs that were the source of leather you wear were treated humanely, either.

As for humane treatment, slaves in China are treated quite appallingly, but I bet most people here by goods made in China.

As a matter of fact there are rules and laws dealing with humanely putting an animal down. The problem is many of the "cosmetic" furs come from 2nd and 3rd world countries where enforcement is difficult if non existent and paperwork is forged with money changing hands with officials. Many of them are trapped, a heinous exercise.

And many fur animals are humanely ranched in the U.S.

About Mink Farming

Do you buy goods made by slaves in China?

Note the source of that pack of lies.

Hint: go into any school cafeteria and look at those brightly colored posters on the walls. The onew that tell you how drinking cow's milk is SO good for you. Look at the very bottom at the source of that propaganda. Its the American Dairy Assoc. That's a cartel of milk producers who don't give a rat's ass if your kid is fat, lactose intolerant, diabetic and has a start on his clogged arteries. They care about hawking their products.

Same with the cartel you linked to.

Use your head and understand there is no such thing as an unbiased source of information on any subject.
Animal abuse compared to child abuse and/or abortion - I can't imagine a more glaring disconnect and/or false equivalencey.

Some of you have said you believe a fetus is a baby and yet in this thread you say they're the same as an animal killed for its fur.

Killing an animal for some product is not abuse.

The issue is you seem to care more about some cow about to be a hamburger then you do for a fetus that is terminated (a human life) that now loses its chance to exist and be a sentient being.

It is incredibly offensive the way you rw's have so cavalierly compared non-human animals with what you say you believe is a baby.

To me, one human baby is worth more than every single cow on the planet but that's just me.

But, neither of those two points has anything to do with abortion except in your minds and as long as you compare what you say you believe to be a human baby with a fur bearing animal, just shut up.

You're welcome to your screwed up opinion but I don't want to hear about how little you say you believe a human baby's life is worth so just shut up.

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