Fur sales banned in W Hollywood

Good. There is no reason at all to slaughter an animal so you can have a nice new coat.

then you should quite your job on principal, noomi.

there is no reason to slaughter animals so they can pay you to flip burgers.
I like fashion, but I like this more.

"According to the Humane Society of the United States, the fashion industry's fur trade results in more than 50 million animal deaths per year, a figure that the city has put before its coveted title as West Coast fashion capital.

“We’ve consistently worked to enact cutting-edge animal welfare legislation," city spokeswoman Tamara White told ABC. "This is in line with our values.”

West Hollywood, Calif. Becomes First City In The U.S. To Ban Fur Sales

This is very speciest.

7 Billion chickens are killed each year for food.

42 Million cows "suffer and die" for the meat and dairy industries each year.

300 Million turkeys are killed for food each year.

and so on.

Animals Used for Food | PETA.org

Anyone who eats meat and/or wears leather and thinks fur is bad is a being rather hypocritical

Not specist at all.

This particular thread concerned a law banning the sale of fur. If you would like to also have a thread about the inherent and mind numbing cruelty of the livestock industry, by all means, start one.

And, yes, you're right about the incredible numbers of animals raised, transported and slaughtered in the US, in the most cruel ways imaginable. Like everything else, we have to do it in excess and on an assembly line basis.

I've been to two slaughterhouses. If I had not already been a strict vegetarian, that would have persuaded me.

No matter how bad you might imagine it to be, it is a million times worse.

While I agree with you, Luddly that the chicken and cattle industry is very inhumane in the way they produce - slaughter - sell - I do not treat my own animals that way. I have a pet bull, a pet cow and 3 roosters and 14 hens and that is it.. I'm not sure anymore about buying more heifers because I cannot send to slaughter anything I see on a daily basis... I find nothing wrong with being a vegetarian - it may very well be healthier for people to go that way considering the junk they put into meat these days....... but that is not my point either......my point is that while we concern ourselves with the unfair treatment of animals and how they are slaughtered many seem to have absolutely no concern for the slaughter of unborn children who are far more valuable than a chicken or a cow. That does trouble me and I am wondering how we can awaken people to the reality that saving babies is more important than saving the whales? - Jeri
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I don't care whether we continue to flip burgers or do not continue to flip burgers - I can live on a salad - not a problem -but for the love of God could we quit murdering unborn babies in this country????? - Jeri
Something that deeply troubled me was when I learned how deeply the occult was tied to abortion clinics - even finding out some of the doctors that were known abortion doctors were practicing satanists.. that really put me over the top ... I believe that this is the very thing that is bringing judgment on this nation - this and a whole lot more ..... and truly the cruel man is cruel even to his animals - that is in proverbs - so am I surprised that chickens and cows are so brutally treated in this nation?? Not really... it is indicative of so much more that is wrong with America.. and people doubt that this nation is under the judgment of God? You must be kidding me! - Jeri
The problem with some furs is you don't know if they're ranched or trapped. Trapping is inhumane in most instances. Other furs come from endangered species and are poached in 3rd world countries with little enforcement.
If you support abortion, please, spare me your sanctimonious canting.

What's a red fox or a mink for a coat compared to a human life terminated for convenience sake.

That said, personally, I'm not a big fan of trapping that injures but doesn't kill, and kill quickly and humanely.

And I certainly don't support killing simply for the sake of taking pelts.
Like guns in Chicago, the buyer can walk across the street to buy dead animal skins and its largely symbolic, but still --- Its a step in the right direction.

West Hollywood, Calif. Becomes First City In The U.S. To Ban Fur Sales

Los Angelenos, rejoice!

Last weekend, West Hollywood officially became the first city in the country to ban the sale of wearable fur in retail stores. City council members passed the law by unanimous vote 2 years ago, and it finally went into effect on Sept. 21, 2013, ABC reports.

The ban will apply to all articles of clothing -- anything made to be worn -- but not to furniture items, blankets, or leather products.

Like guns in Chicago, the buyer can walk across the street to buy dead animal skins and its largely symbolic, but still --- Its a step in the right direction.

West Hollywood, Calif. Becomes First City In The U.S. To Ban Fur Sales

Los Angelenos, rejoice!

Last weekend, West Hollywood officially became the first city in the country to ban the sale of wearable fur in retail stores. City council members passed the law by unanimous vote 2 years ago, and it finally went into effect on Sept. 21, 2013, ABC reports.

The ban will apply to all articles of clothing -- anything made to be worn -- but not to furniture items, blankets, or leather products.
West Hollywood is adjacent to Beverly Hills. They can easily buy furs there.
I don't care whether we continue to flip burgers or do not continue to flip burgers - I can live on a salad - not a problem -but for the love of God could we quit murdering unborn babies in this country????? - Jeri

If the lifers would adopt them, sure.
From the people that brought you "Stay out of my bedroom".

....I guess the closet isn't part of the bedroom.
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I like fashion, but I like this more.

"According to the Humane Society of the United States, the fashion industry's fur trade results in more than 50 million animal deaths per year, a figure that the city has put before its coveted title as West Coast fashion capital.

“We’ve consistently worked to enact cutting-edge animal welfare legislation," city spokeswoman Tamara White told ABC. "This is in line with our values.”

West Hollywood, Calif. Becomes First City In The U.S. To Ban Fur Sales

How or why is this any different than 'if you don't approve of abortion, then don't have one'? If you don't approve of animals being killed for their skins, then don't buy the products, the concept is no different.

Do you wear leather? Eat meat? Use bio fuels? Use car or bicycle tires? Use toothpaste? Eat sugar? Use plastic bags?

9 Everyday Products You Didn't Know Had Animal Ingredients : TreeHugger

I have posted before that its impossible to be really vegan because there are slaughterhouse byproducts in damn near everything.


Live the way you want. But, don't criticize me for being vegetarian, not wearing leather and for avoiding whatever animal byproducts I can.

Don't pretend that torturing animals for their fur is "fabulous". And, don't take your insecurity and defensiveness out on me. If you didn't feel guilt and shame, you wouldn't be grilling me on my diet!

Ding! Ding! Ding! End of thread by your own words... let people live the way they want without your authoritarian will being forced on them. If you don't like the practice, then don't buy a fur coat. It's really quite simple.
I like fashion, but I like this more.

"According to the Humane Society of the United States, the fashion industry's fur trade results in more than 50 million animal deaths per year, a figure that the city has put before its coveted title as West Coast fashion capital.

“We’ve consistently worked to enact cutting-edge animal welfare legislation," city spokeswoman Tamara White told ABC. "This is in line with our values.”

West Hollywood, Calif. Becomes First City In The U.S. To Ban Fur Sales

How or why is this any different than 'if you don't approve of abortion, then don't have one'? If you don't approve of animals being killed for their skins, then don't buy the products, the concept is no different.

Oh, but the small furry animals are so cuuute! Waaaa, waaaa, waaaa!

Unbelievable how much the left whines about shit and have zero problem banning something they don't approve of. Leftists are morons.

Small furry animal = oh the horror of killing this cute little guy for its fur!

Small pre-born human = inconvenience, blob of nothing cells, terminate, terminate, terminate!

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