Furious Pelosi Rants on MSNBC, Dismisses Explosive New Video Admitting She’s Responsible for Lack of National Guard on J6!

Leader of the Democrats didn't order the BLM Protests....

BLM protests were mass rallies and 95% went off peacefully...

Trump told an armed crowd (which he knew) that Democrats had illegally stolen an election (which they didn't) and they would have to fight to get it back (which they did).
He told an “armed crowd”. What, did they leave their weapons behind when they marched to the capital? But you were probably speaking of “arms” like in “arms and legs”.

You are simple minded enough to use that argument.

“What do you mean they weren’t armed, many of them had gloves on”.
Correct, many statistician agree on the improbability of a Biden win.
Sure many, RW "statisticians".
As for “fight” being used, let’s look at some examples of the use of the word.

Gays, blacks, Hispanics and women are said to be “fighting”, for equality as we speak.
Did they attack anyone?
Did they destroy anything?
Are they inserrectionists as well?
Should they all be arrested?
If they attacked someone or destroyed anything.......YES.
That is your claim afterall.
Because the moron traitors......ACTED on it.
You’re a special kind of moron aren’t you?
Tell me how much the George Floyd riots compare to the insurrection at the capitol on January 6th.
According to RWNJ teabaggers, they are.
You STILL haven't.
Tell me how much the George Floyd riots compare to the insurrection at the capitol on January 6th.
According to RWNJ teabaggers, they are.
You STILL haven't.
...asked and answered....

...asked and answered....

View attachment 961098
Manufactured, teabagger "outrage".

When did BLM try to take over the US government?
When did BLM try to stop an election certification?
Is anyone crying about the BLM arrest?
Were they "warriors"?
Is ANYONE willing to pardon them?
Is anyone even defending BLM and their actions?
Manufactured, teabagger "outrage".

When did BLM try to take over the US government?
When did BLM try to stop an election certification?
Is anyone crying about the BLM arrest?
Were they "warriors"?
Is ANYONE willing to pardon them?
Is anyone even defending BLM and their actions?
This is what you asked:
"Tell me how much the George Floyd riots compare to the insurrection at the capitol on January 6th."

There was no "insurrection at the capitol on J6". It was a protest over a stolen election.

Here is what an insurrection looks like. There are guns, lots and lots of guns:

Leader of the Democrats didn't order the BLM Protests....

BLM protests were mass rallies and 95% went off peacefully...

Trump told an armed crowd (which he knew) that Democrats had illegally stolen an election (which they didn't) and they would have to fight to get it back (which they did).
Who ordered the Jan 6 riot? Bring a quote.
Manufactured, teabagger "outrage".

When did BLM try to take over the US government?
When did BLM try to stop an election certification?
Is anyone crying about the BLM arrest?
Were they "warriors"?
Is ANYONE willing to pardon them?
Is anyone even defending BLM and their actions?
When did anyone take over the US government?
This is what you asked:
"Tell me how much the George Floyd riots compare to the insurrection at the capitol on January 6th."

There was no "insurrection at the capitol on J6".
Correct, actually it was an attempted insurrection.
It was a protest over a stolen election.
No, it started out as a protest............At the Ellipse.
When the traitors reached the capitol building it was an attempted insurrection.

Here is what an insurrection looks like. There are guns, lots and lots of guns:

NOT necessarily the case.

BBC ON THIS DAY | 1 | 1969: Bloodless coup in Libya​

http://news.bbc.co.uk › september › newsid_3911000

The coup passed off with only a handful of shots being fired. The military junta's first action was to arrest the army chief of staff and the head of ...

The military coup in Fiji​

Taylor & Francis Online
https://www.tandfonline.com › doi › pdf

by R Alley · 1987 · Cited by 9 — shattered when a small group of army personnel, headed by Colonel. Sitiveni Rabuka, seized power in a bloodless coup in Fiji. Their arrest of the entire ...

Pakistani Prime Minister Ousted in Bloodless Coup​

Arms Control Association
https://www.armscontrol.org › act › pakistani-prime-mini...

Pakistani Prime Minister Ousted in Bloodless Coup ... Pakistan's democratically elected government fell October 12 as Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was ousted by ...

Furious Pelosi Rants on MSNBC, Dismisses Explosive New Video Admitting She’s Responsible for Lack of National Guard on J6!

19 Jun 2024

In a recent MSNBC interview, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi dismissed the explosive new video that revealed her admitting she refused to secure the Capitol on January 6th.
The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that, as Pelosi fled the Capitol amid the chaos, she grilled her top staffer regarding the situation.
“We have a responsibility Terry. We did not have any accountability on what was going on there, and we shoud have,” Pelosi said.
“You’re going to ask me — in the middle of the thing when they’ve already breached the inaugural stuff — ‘should we call … the National Guard?’” Pelosi incredulously asked her chief of staff, Terri McCullough, while being escorted to Fort McNair. “Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?”

As reported back in 2021, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and GOP Leader Mitch McConnell refused National Guard support before the announced protests on January 6th.
This was well documented and explains why Democrats closed their bogus impeachment case against President Trump rather than allow the light of truth to shine down on the American public who would learn that it was Nancy Pelosi who failed to secure the US Capitol in January.

Read more:

This is the woman behind the real insurrection, started at the State of the Union Address when she tore up Trumps SOTU program and she was knee deep in it all the way to Jan6th. I wonder if she will be as remembered as infamously as Marie Antoinette?
Nancy is an integral part of this current regime. This is about taking Biden out of the race as they know he is poison for the Democrat Beo-Marxists in congress. Nancy is just collateral damage and expendable. It is all about winning and Biden is a loser for the Dems. I really suspect they have given up on the presidency and are more concerned that Trump will have a Republican Congress.
Nancy Pelosi, Dereliction of Duty. “No one is above the law”. J'accuse

The Speaker of the House is not in charge of security at the Capitol.

That Trumpy lie has been thoroughly debunked.

The convicted felon's pretense that he is not responsible for his goons attacking outnumbered police defending democracy on January 6 (He watched the repugnant event for hours, as many pleaded with him to stop them.) is truly deranged. Scores of his goons have been convicted or confessed.

The Speaker of the House is not in charge of security at the Capitol.

That Trumpy lie has been thoroughly debunked.

Jane L. Campbell, president and CEO of the U.S. Capitol Historical Society: "The Speaker of the House does not oversee security of the U.S. Capitol, nor does this official oversee the Capitol Police Board."

The convicted felon's pretense that he is not responsible for his goons attacking outnumbered police defending democracy on January 6 (He watched the repugnant event for hours, as many pleaded with him to stop them.) is truly deranged. Scores of his goons have been convicted or confessed.

“What are you doing? Take back the Senate!
You’ve got guns. Use them!”

Piglosi claims it was her fault.

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