Furious Pelosi Rants on MSNBC, Dismisses Explosive New Video Admitting She’s Responsible for Lack of National Guard on J6!

1. Nancy Pelosi admitted she dropped the ball. Watch the video.
2. Nancy Pelosi's direct report, Sgt. at Arms Irving said he denied the request for the NG based on Nancy Pelosi's policy
The former chief of U.S. Capitol Police says security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his early requests to call in the National Guard ahead of a demonstration in support of President Trump that turned into a deadly attack on Congress.

If the National Guard was there as requested by Sund and Trump on J3, there would have been no capitol riot.
Don’t confuse Shitlips with the facts.
1. Nancy Pelosi admitted she dropped the ball. Watch the video.
2. Nancy Pelosi's direct report, Sgt. at Arms Irving said he denied the request for the NG based on Nancy Pelosi's policy
The former chief of U.S. Capitol Police says security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his early requests to call in the National Guard ahead of a demonstration in support of President Trump that turned into a deadly attack on Congress.

If the National Guard was there as requested by Sund and Trump on J3, there would have been no capitol riot.
They needed and wanted it to go bad. This was their stake to burn Trump at
She was so f'ing scared she momentarily forgot that she refused the NG, which was part of the plot [to refuse the NG] she was involved in.
So scared she arranged for her daughter to videotape the FRANTIC effort of the members of congress to escape the 'insurrectionists'. I've seen scared. I have been scared. Those people didn't look the least bit scared to me.
1. Nancy Pelosi admitted she dropped the ball. Watch the video.
2. Nancy Pelosi's direct report, Sgt. at Arms Irving said he denied the request for the NG based on Nancy Pelosi's policy
The former chief of U.S. Capitol Police says security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his early requests to call in the National Guard ahead of a demonstration in support of President Trump that turned into a deadly attack on Congress.

If the National Guard was there as requested by Sund and Trump on J3, there would have been no capitol riot.
The blatant lie that the Speaker was responsible for Trump's goons January 6 attack on the Capitol was discredited long ago. Regardless of whether McCarthy, McConnell and others are willing to admit whatever responsibility they shared, Trump incited his goons and watched for hours, shirking his responsibility to stop what he had provoked.
The post echoes the sentiment in a Feb. 15 letter to Pelosi from four top GOP House members. It suggested the California Democrat was at least partly at fault, asserting that "the Speaker is responsible for all operational decisions made within the House."
The post is wrong: Security at the 1.5 million-square-foot U.S. Capitol building does not fall solely to the speaker. Though Pelosi does have a role in the hierarchy overseeing security, there is no indication she controls its day-to-day operations.
Capitol security is provided by the sergeants-at-arms , who are the chief law enforcement officers for the House and Senate, in coordination with the Capitol Police, a federal law enforcement agency.
The House sergeant-at-arms reports to the speaker of the House, or Pelosi at the time of the attack. The Senate sergeant-at-arms reports to the Senate majority leader; in the days leading up to and including Jan. 6, that was Kentucky Republican Mitch McConnell.
Security of the Capitol Complex is the direct responsibility of the four-member Capitol Police Board, which includes both sergeants-at-arms, said Jane Campbell, president and CEO of the United States Capitol Historical Society.[/url]

The refusal to admit what McConnell, McCarthy, and others readily admitted is quite remarkable - that the Loser-in-Denial incited his goons to attack outnumbered police defending democracy, and then watched the carnage for hours making no attempt to stop it - a prime example of cult derangement, swallowing 'Gateway Pundit' nonsense, rather than confronting reality.

...Four former members of the National Guard — in private interviews and a subsequent public hearing in April with the current subcommittee — described a frustrating experience of being prevented for hours from being able to respond on Jan. 6 and recounted senior Army officials expressing concern about the “optics" of deploying the Guard.
But they saved their fiercest criticism for McCarthy, who they described as unresponsive to their outreach in the midst of the chaos. McCarthy and then-acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller have acknowledged in their interviews with the previous Jan. 6 committee that they had a miscommunication about the deployment. Two of the four also said that Trump could have expedited the process by cutting through the bureaucratic clutter and calling Pentagon leaders directly on Jan. 6, which by all accounts he didn’t do.
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The blatant lie that the Speaker was responsible for Trump's goons January 6 attack on the Capitol was discredited long ago. Regardless of whether McCarthy. McConnell and others are willing to admit whatever responsibility they shared, Trump incited hiss goons and watched for hours, shirking his responsibility to stop what he had provoked.
The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our [URL='https://www.facebook.com/help/1952307158131536?helpref=related']partnership

with Facebook.)
The post echoes the sentiment in a Feb. 15 letter to Pelosi from four top GOP House members. It suggested the California Democrat was at least partly at fault, asserting that "the Speaker is responsible for all operational decisions made within the House."
The post is wrong: Security at the 1.5 million-square-foot U.S. Capitol building does not fall solely to the speaker. Though Pelosi does have a role in the hierarchy overseeing security, there is no indication she controls its day-to-day operations.
Capitol security is provided by the sergeants-at-arms , who are the chief law enforcement officers for the House and Senate, in coordination with the Capitol Police, a federal law enforcement agency.
The House sergeant-at-arms reports to the speaker of the House, or Pelosi at the time of the attack. The Senate sergeant-at-arms reports to the Senate majority leader; in the days leading up to and including Jan. 6, that was Kentucky Republican Mitch McConnell.
Security of the Capitol Complex is the direct responsibility of the four-member Capitol Police Board, which includes both sergeants-at-arms, said Jane Campbell, president and CEO of the United States Capitol Historical Society.[/url]

The refusal to admit what McConnell, McCarthy, and others readikt admitted is quite remarkable - that the Loser-in-Denial incited his goons to attack outnumbered police defending democracy, and then watched the carnage for hours making no attempt to stop - a prime example of cult derangement, swallowing 'Gateway Pundit' nonsense, rather than confronting reality.

...Four former members of the National Guard — in private interviews and a subsequent public hearing in April with the current subcommittee — described a frustrating experience of being prevented for hours from being able to respond on Jan. 6 and recounted senior Army officials expressing concern about the “optics" of deploying the Guard.
But they saved their fiercest criticism for McCarthy, who they described as unresponsive to their outreach in the midst of the chaos. McCarthy and then-acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller have acknowledged in their interviews with the previous Jan. 6 committee that they had a miscommunication about the deployment. Two of the four also said that Trump could have expedited the process by cutting through the bureaucratic clutter and calling Pentagon leaders directly on Jan. 6, which by all accounts he didn’t do.
So this dissertation makes the video confession go away?

Furious Pelosi Rants on MSNBC, Dismisses Explosive New Video Admitting She’s Responsible for Lack of National Guard on J6!

19 Jun 2024

In a recent MSNBC interview, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi dismissed the explosive new video that revealed her admitting she refused to secure the Capitol on January 6th.
The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that, as Pelosi fled the Capitol amid the chaos, she grilled her top staffer regarding the situation.
“We have a responsibility Terry. We did not have any accountability on what was going on there, and we shoud have,” Pelosi said.
“You’re going to ask me — in the middle of the thing when they’ve already breached the inaugural stuff — ‘should we call … the National Guard?’” Pelosi incredulously asked her chief of staff, Terri McCullough, while being escorted to Fort McNair. “Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?”

As reported back in 2021, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and GOP Leader Mitch McConnell refused National Guard support before the announced protests on January 6th.
This was well documented and explains why Democrats closed their bogus impeachment case against President Trump rather than allow the light of truth to shine down on the American public who would learn that it was Nancy Pelosi who failed to secure the US Capitol in January.

Read more:

This is the woman behind the real insurrection, started at the State of the Union Address when she tore up Trumps SOTU program and she was knee deep in it all the way to Jan6th. I wonder if she will be as remembered as infamously as Marie Antoinette?
Nancy is an integral part of this current regime. This is about taking Biden out of the race as they know he is poison for the Democrat Beo-Marxists in congress. Nancy is just collateral damage and expendable. It is all about winning and Biden is a loser for the Dems. I really suspect they have given up on the presidency and are more concerned that Trump will have a Republican Congress.
Nancy Pelosi, Dereliction of Duty. “No one is above the law”. J'accuse

Fuck this bullshit! The only one responsible for Jan 6th is Donald Trump you fucking mother-fuckers!

This shit about Pelosi IA just crazy talk from brain dead pieces of shit!
So this dissertation makes the video confession go away?
If McConnell, Schumer, McCarthy, Pelosi and others wished they had done more to aid the outnumbered police after Sore Loser Trump incited his goons and watched them inflicting mayhem for hours, I'm not surprised.

Security at the 1.5 million-square-foot U.S. Capitol building does not fall solely to the speaker.
Fuck this bullshit! The only one responsible for Jan 6th is Donald Trump you fucking mother-fuckers!

This shit about Pelosi IA just crazy talk from brain dead pieces of shit!
The cult cannot admit the obvious:

Trump incited his goons to attack the Capitol - not McConnell, not McCarthy, not Schumer, not Pelosi - and pleasured himself for hours watching the carnage they inflicted upon outnumbered police.
So this dissertation makes the video confession go away?

Whether McConnell, McCarthy, Schumer, and Pelosi acknowledge whatever responsibility they shared for Trump's goons attacking the Capitol on January 6, you are avoiding the elephant in the room, the criminal who instigated the riot and did nothing to call off his goons for hours.

Whether McConnell, McCarthy, Schumer, and Pelosi acknowledge whatever responsibility they shared for Trump's goons attacking the Capitol on January 6, you are avoiding the elephant in the room, the criminal who instigated the riot and did nothing to call off his goons for hours.

It was a Democrat led venture.
You must have been told that.
Piglosi said she is responsible.

Fact. And the phony J6 committee never has Pelosi testify about her failures.

And that same committee lied about testimony and/or never published other testimony which included testimony that Trump had recommended up to 10,000 NG days before.

This too:

Page after page of you see it wrong, you hear it wrong, it’s not her, and of course her taking responsibility is extremely foreign to lying lib loons
Fact. And the phony J6 committee never has Pelosi testify about her failures.

And that same committee lied about testimony and/or never published other testimony which included testimony that Trump had recommended up to 10,000 NG days before.

This too:

The entire j6 committee was just an unsuccessful infomercial.

nothing more.

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