Furious Pelosi Rants on MSNBC, Dismisses Explosive New Video Admitting She’s Responsible for Lack of National Guard on J6!

Sure many, RW "statisticians".

Did they attack anyone?
Did they destroy anything?


If they attacked someone or destroyed anything.......YES.

Because the moron traitors......ACTED on it.

You’re question was about the word “fight”. I gave you the answer, but being the simple minded poster you are, you deflected.

Why am I not surprised
Yes.........the traitors did fail.
And Hollywood Prog Socialist Communist Spielberg said. "Let there be a trial against those protestors. No...we will call them Rioters...No... we will call them Insurrectionists and give them kangaroo court trials. And it was done. The left-wing Jewish contingent of the ruling Progressive Party politicians took it from there. Schiff and Nadler with the sellout Republicans that genuflected to them in tow. And a Hollywood production was born. If only they killed a few hundred politicians and others and vaporized the building. This is how stupid we are.
Piglosi claims it was her fault.
As we all know, the Trump goon attack on outnumbered police defending democracy was the convicted felon's fault.


"The mob was fed lies...
They were provoked by the president and other powerful people,
and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding
of the first branch of the federal government, which they did not like."

"Trump's actions (preceding) the riot were a disgraceful – disgraceful – dereliction of duty...
The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing
our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things."
]Fact check: Yes, McConnell said Trump was 'practically and morally responsible' for Capitol riot


“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters
As reported back in 2021, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and GOP Leader Mitch McConnell refused National Guard support before the announced protests on January 6th.

Both are guilty.
Yes, of course Nancy is guilty but so is Mitch McConnell. (And each individually of several other things that are not in the People's best interest no matter how you try to spin it) Both are as corrupt and as inept as they come.

Where the Article focuses on Pelosi's hubris, duality, and lying it totally bypasses Mitch McConnell's guilt in all of this as well.
Sorry, just calling it as I see it.

And considering the full forensic accounting of the vote...it was highly flawed and Joe really did not win.
As we all know, the Trump goon attack on outnumbered police defending democracy was the convicted felon's fault.


"The mob was fed lies...
They were provoked by the president and other powerful people,
and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding
of the first branch of the federal government, which they did not like."

"Trump's actions (preceding) the riot were a disgraceful – disgraceful – dereliction of duty...
The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing
our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things."
]Fact check: Yes, McConnell said Trump was 'practically and morally responsible' for Capitol riot


“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters
You can't have a rino without a mcconnel
As we all know, the Trump goon attack on outnumbered police defending democracy was the convicted felon's fault.


"The mob was fed lies...
They were provoked by the president and other powerful people,
and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding
of the first branch of the federal government, which they did not like."

"Trump's actions (preceding) the riot were a disgraceful – disgraceful – dereliction of duty...
The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing
our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things."
]Fact check: Yes, McConnell said Trump was 'practically and morally responsible' for Capitol riot


“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters
Piglosi said it was her fault.
And Hollywood Prog Socialist Communist Spielberg said. "Let there be a trial against those protestors. No...we will call them Rioters...No... we will call them Insurrectionists and give them kangaroo court trials. And it was done. The left-wing Jewish contingent of the ruling Progressive Party politicians took it from there. Schiff and Nadler with the sellout Republicans that genuflected to them in tow. And a Hollywood production was born. If only they killed a few hundred politicians and others and vaporized the building. This is how stupid we are.

'Maybe we'll give that a shot': Donald Trump praises Xi ...​

The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com › us-news › mar › donald...

Mar 4, 2018 — US president says it is 'great' that the Chinese premier has paved the way to become president for life.

Trump on China's Xi: 'We love each other' - POLITICO.eu​

https://www.politico.eu › article › trump-on-chinas-xi-...

Jan 21, 2020 — DAVOS, Switzerland — Donald Trump said the relationship between China and the U.S. has "probably" never been better during a speech at the ...
The undeniable certitude is that the convicted felon is responsible for his goons attacking Congress on January 6, 2021 after he lost the election and couldn't handle it.

He provoked them by his lies, and then pleasured himself for hours watching them attack outnumbered police, ignoring the desperate pleas of his aides, advisers, family members, media enablers, and others that he call them off.
It’s too dark
You see it wrong
You hear it wrong
Reality deceives you

Departs on broomstick
Correct, actually it was an attempted insurrection.

No, it started out as a protest............At the Ellipse.
When the traitors reached the capitol building it was an attempted insurrection.

BBC ON THIS DAY | 1 | 1969: Bloodless coup in Libya

View attachment 961113
http://news.bbc.co.uk › september › newsid_3911000
The coup passed off with only a handful of shots being fired. The military junta's first action was to arrest the army chief of staff and the head of ...

The military coup in Fiji

View attachment 961112
Taylor & Francis Online
https://www.tandfonline.com › doi › pdf
by R Alley · 1987 · Cited by 9 — shattered when a small group of army personnel, headed by Colonel. Sitiveni Rabuka, seized power in a bloodless coup in Fiji. Their arrest of the entire ...

Pakistani Prime Minister Ousted in Bloodless Coup

View attachment 961115
Arms Control Association
https://www.armscontrol.org › act › pakistani-prime-mini...
Pakistani Prime Minister Ousted in Bloodless Coup ... Pakistan's democratically elected government fell October 12 as Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was ousted by ...
So who did the FBI/DOJ indict/convict for "INSURRECTION"?

The Speaker of the House is not in charge of security at the Capitol.

That Trumpy lie has been thoroughly debunked.

The convicted felon's pretense that he is not responsible for his goons attacking outnumbered police defending democracy on January 6 (He watched the repugnant event for hours, as many pleaded with him to stop them.) is truly deranged. Scores of his goons have been convicted or confessed.

1. Nancy Pelosi admitted she dropped the ball. Watch the video.
2. Nancy Pelosi's direct report, Sgt. at Arms Irving said he denied the request for the NG based on Nancy Pelosi's policy
The former chief of U.S. Capitol Police says security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his early requests to call in the National Guard ahead of a demonstration in support of President Trump that turned into a deadly attack on Congress.

If the National Guard was there as requested by Sund and Trump on J3, there would have been no capitol riot.
Teabaggers always overlook who is responsible for the traitors, being there in the FIRST place.

Trump promises 'wild' protest in DC on Jan. 6, the day ...​

View attachment 960546
https://www.fox5dc.com › news › trump-promises-wild...
Dec 19, 2020 — Be there, will be wild!" Jan. 6 is the day Congress will meet to accept the presidential election results. President ...

You are of course referring to the Democrats need to cause choas just as the particulars of the stolen election were about to be discussed.

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