Hmm....Trump or Biden, Biden or Trump? Gotta go with Biden since he's intelligent enough to take precautions with this virus, unlike Trump.

Who? Jill? Hell Joe doesn't even know where he is, or what he's doing without his minder....

You and others keep stating that Joe Biden is mentally feeble and suffers from dementia. The only takeaway from your comment and of those others, is you and they are ignorant as to the symptoms of dementia and are echoing each other on social media ad nausea.

LOL....I have a daughter that has worked with dementia patients for about 12 years now...I also have a neighbor I have watched decline just like ol' Joe....So, you can think what you want, no matter how wrong you are....

You support Donald Trump. Yes or No? I suspect you do, and yet you cannot offer any reason to vote for Trump, since he has failed to respond to that 3am phone call; he has exacerbated the number of infections and deaths by mocking Science and common sense.

I don't think my support of Trump is a secret...And I can offer many reasons to vote for him, not that you would accept any of them...The most pressing reason today is he is not a rabid leftist that want's to destroy this country. That's enough for me.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.

Maybe I missed it...So, I'll ask again...Who is responsible for 'income inequality'?
The system. Isn’t that clear?

So, after 15 minutes, and no further answer, I'll have to conclude that the answer here was bull shit...

Look, back in the day, when I was young, and dumb with things like carreer, money, and future, I too thought that things beyond my control were stacked against me...When I pulled my head out of my ass, and realized that for financial security to be attained, it was up to me to make it happen, then guess what, I started making more, saving more, and now we are doing just fine...In fact some in here might actually say that what I have, that I worked hard for, is unfair....

Bottom line, it isn't up to government, other people, or anything else to achieve what you want in life...It's up to you.
You were smarter when you were younger.
It will end with herd immunity........with T Cells being reminded how to fight off the next strain every year like the Flu.

It mutates to much and the Antibodies don't last long enough for even a season like the Flu..........Will be a best guess Corona shot just like the Flu shots are now.

At least 50% of our people have had this virus and don't even know it.......those catching it over that......who really knows.........but at around 70% most believe the herd will carry on and it will be mostly over.

The Corona doesn't give a damn........and will get to you eventually anyways.

Thank you Dr. Fraud. I see your specialty and post doctorate degree is a study in epidemics and pandemics. I'm very impressed!

And your own degree's, where are they from?
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.

Maybe I missed it...So, I'll ask again...Who is responsible for 'income inequality'?
The system. Isn’t that clear?

So, after 15 minutes, and no further answer, I'll have to conclude that the answer here was bull shit...

Look, back in the day, when I was young, and dumb with things like carreer, money, and future, I too thought that things beyond my control were stacked against me...When I pulled my head out of my ass, and realized that for financial security to be attained, it was up to me to make it happen, then guess what, I started making more, saving more, and now we are doing just fine...In fact some in here might actually say that what I have, that I worked hard for, is unfair....

Bottom line, it isn't up to government, other people, or anything else to achieve what you want in life...It's up to you.
You were smarter when you were younger.

Were you less dishonest when you were?
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.

Maybe I missed it...So, I'll ask again...Who is responsible for 'income inequality'?
The system. Isn’t that clear?

So, after 15 minutes, and no further answer, I'll have to conclude that the answer here was bull shit...

Look, back in the day, when I was young, and dumb with things like carreer, money, and future, I too thought that things beyond my control were stacked against me...When I pulled my head out of my ass, and realized that for financial security to be attained, it was up to me to make it happen, then guess what, I started making more, saving more, and now we are doing just fine...In fact some in here might actually say that what I have, that I worked hard for, is unfair....

Bottom line, it isn't up to government, other people, or anything else to achieve what you want in life...It's up to you.
You were smarter when you were younger.

So, to you I'd be smarter if I continued to wallow in self pity, and blame others for my lack of success, instead of doing something about it that it? Wow....
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.

Maybe I missed it...So, I'll ask again...Who is responsible for 'income inequality'?
The system. Isn’t that clear?

So, after 15 minutes, and no further answer, I'll have to conclude that the answer here was bull shit...

Look, back in the day, when I was young, and dumb with things like carreer, money, and future, I too thought that things beyond my control were stacked against me...When I pulled my head out of my ass, and realized that for financial security to be attained, it was up to me to make it happen, then guess what, I started making more, saving more, and now we are doing just fine...In fact some in here might actually say that what I have, that I worked hard for, is unfair....

Bottom line, it isn't up to government, other people, or anything else to achieve what you want in life...It's up to you.
You were smarter when you were younger.

So, to you I'd be smarter if I continued to wallow in self pity, and blame others for my lack of success, instead of doing something about it that it? Wow....
Did I say that?
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
I have been out running errands and buying essentials for seniors that can’t leave their homes (several times a week) since the beginning. I’m perfectly healthy.

Good for you. But do you wear a mask and put the essentials on the front porch, showing respect for these seniors?
Considering I also help with cooking meals and house hold do not leave things on their porch and run off.

I wear masks only when I am asked to wear them.

You don't respect those you claim you are helping? What prevents you from wearing a mask when you are helping seniors?
I’m not sick

Don't you pay any attention to the virus? You can be sick and asymptomatic, not feel ill and still spread the virus.
Even a doctor will tell you you have to live life and be around friends and family. Isolation creates loneliness and takes away purpose.
If you want to lock yourself away From the world and avoid life...go for it.
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
I have been out running errands and buying essentials for seniors that can’t leave their homes (several times a week) since the beginning. I’m perfectly healthy.

Good for you. But do you wear a mask and put the essentials on the front porch, showing respect for these seniors?
Considering I also help with cooking meals and house hold do not leave things on their porch and run off.

I wear masks only when I am asked to wear them.

You don't respect those you claim you are helping? What prevents you from wearing a mask when you are helping seniors?
I’m not sick

Don't you pay any attention to the virus? You can be sick and asymptomatic, not feel ill and still spread the virus.
Even a doctor will tell you you have to live life and be around friends and family. Isolation creates loneliness and takes away purpose.
If you want to lock yourself away From the world and avoid life...go for it.
Sadly, many people are so fearful they refuse to venture out. Since many Americans live alone, this is a recipe for disaster for old and young.

The problem really stems from the fact that it is hard to obtain the truth about the virus. Our government lies to us. The media lies to us. Health experts lie to us. Like so many things in our culture today, lies and scams predominant.
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
I have been out running errands and buying essentials for seniors that can’t leave their homes (several times a week) since the beginning. I’m perfectly healthy.

Good for you. But do you wear a mask and put the essentials on the front porch, showing respect for these seniors?
Considering I also help with cooking meals and house hold do not leave things on their porch and run off.

I wear masks only when I am asked to wear them.

You don't respect those you claim you are helping? What prevents you from wearing a mask when you are helping seniors?
I’m not sick

Don't you pay any attention to the virus? You can be sick and asymptomatic, not feel ill and still spread the virus.
Even a doctor will tell you you have to live life and be around friends and family. Isolation creates loneliness and takes away purpose.
If you want to lock yourself away From the world and avoid life...go for it.

I'm not isolated, and your response to my post is not on topic.
Nobody cares what the hell Wallace has to say at this point.
Exactly ...

Chis Wallace's numbers were a LIE !!!

For those who want to see an end to Covid, watch these links:


This is one of many reasons why Trump needs to be voted out of office next month: his unmitigated failure to address the pandemic, his reckless, irresponsible statements with regard to wearing masks and social distancing, and his jeopardizing the health of WH staff and government officials the consequence of Trump’s reckless incompetence.
For those who want to see an end to Covid, watch these links:


This is one of many reasons why Trump needs to be voted out of office next month: his unmitigated failure to address the pandemic, his reckless, irresponsible statements with regard to wearing masks and social distancing, and his jeopardizing the health of WH staff and government officials the consequence of Trump’s reckless incompetence.

There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.

Maybe I missed it...So, I'll ask again...Who is responsible for 'income inequality'?
The system. Isn’t that clear?

So, after 15 minutes, and no further answer, I'll have to conclude that the answer here was bull shit...

Look, back in the day, when I was young, and dumb with things like carreer, money, and future, I too thought that things beyond my control were stacked against me...When I pulled my head out of my ass, and realized that for financial security to be attained, it was up to me to make it happen, then guess what, I started making more, saving more, and now we are doing just fine...In fact some in here might actually say that what I have, that I worked hard for, is unfair....

Bottom line, it isn't up to government, other people, or anything else to achieve what you want in life...It's up to you.
You were smarter when you were younger.

So, to you I'd be smarter if I continued to wallow in self pity, and blame others for my lack of success, instead of doing something about it that it? Wow....
Did I say that?

Well, you kind of did...
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.

Maybe I missed it...So, I'll ask again...Who is responsible for 'income inequality'?
The system. Isn’t that clear?

So, after 15 minutes, and no further answer, I'll have to conclude that the answer here was bull shit...

Look, back in the day, when I was young, and dumb with things like carreer, money, and future, I too thought that things beyond my control were stacked against me...When I pulled my head out of my ass, and realized that for financial security to be attained, it was up to me to make it happen, then guess what, I started making more, saving more, and now we are doing just fine...In fact some in here might actually say that what I have, that I worked hard for, is unfair....

Bottom line, it isn't up to government, other people, or anything else to achieve what you want in life...It's up to you.
You were smarter when you were younger.

So, to you I'd be smarter if I continued to wallow in self pity, and blame others for my lack of success, instead of doing something about it that it? Wow....
Did I say that?

Well, you kind of did...
Mommy should have taught you to never make assumptions.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.

Maybe I missed it...So, I'll ask again...Who is responsible for 'income inequality'?
The system. Isn’t that clear?

So, after 15 minutes, and no further answer, I'll have to conclude that the answer here was bull shit...

Look, back in the day, when I was young, and dumb with things like carreer, money, and future, I too thought that things beyond my control were stacked against me...When I pulled my head out of my ass, and realized that for financial security to be attained, it was up to me to make it happen, then guess what, I started making more, saving more, and now we are doing just fine...In fact some in here might actually say that what I have, that I worked hard for, is unfair....

Bottom line, it isn't up to government, other people, or anything else to achieve what you want in life...It's up to you.
You were smarter when you were younger.

So, to you I'd be smarter if I continued to wallow in self pity, and blame others for my lack of success, instead of doing something about it that it? Wow....
Did I say that?

Well, you kind of did...
Mommy should have taught you to never make assumptions.

Why don’t you come teach me pussy.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.

Maybe I missed it...So, I'll ask again...Who is responsible for 'income inequality'?
The system. Isn’t that clear?

So, after 15 minutes, and no further answer, I'll have to conclude that the answer here was bull shit...

Look, back in the day, when I was young, and dumb with things like carreer, money, and future, I too thought that things beyond my control were stacked against me...When I pulled my head out of my ass, and realized that for financial security to be attained, it was up to me to make it happen, then guess what, I started making more, saving more, and now we are doing just fine...In fact some in here might actually say that what I have, that I worked hard for, is unfair....

Bottom line, it isn't up to government, other people, or anything else to achieve what you want in life...It's up to you.
You were smarter when you were younger.

So, to you I'd be smarter if I continued to wallow in self pity, and blame others for my lack of success, instead of doing something about it that it? Wow....
Did I say that?

Well, you kind of did...
Mommy should have taught you to never make assumptions.

Why don’t you come teach me pussy.
Here I come.
Nobody cares what the hell Wallace has to say at this point.

Really, you've spoken to millions of Americans and claim no one cares about Wallace's comments? I do, and I'm somebody.

He is a dolt. A biased dolt. Nobody gives a damn what Wallace has to say. The fact that you imagined his reception here would be with open arms demonstrates a lack of awareness.

LOL Nice deflection. You've attacked the messenger, and the messenger had a right to express his anger by the absolute anti social behavior of the Trump Family; a behavior which not only put Wallace and his family at risk, but will give support to other anti social supporters of trump to parade in public ignoring the sage advice of epidemiologists.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.

If you somehow think that the magic of Biden is going to fix anything you are sadly mistaken. Really. There won't be a "better" response. Do you know why?

Q. Do you now why

A. Biden cares about people, Trump only cares about himself.

That's just a bitter little bitch attack. If that were true, you could back it up with content. Obviously you can't

The context is reality, something you've proved and most trump supporters have proved is anathema, i.e. something that you and other trumpsters vehemently dislike.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.

Maybe I missed it...So, I'll ask again...Who is responsible for 'income inequality'?
The system. Isn’t that clear?

So, after 15 minutes, and no further answer, I'll have to conclude that the answer here was bull shit...

Look, back in the day, when I was young, and dumb with things like carreer, money, and future, I too thought that things beyond my control were stacked against me...When I pulled my head out of my ass, and realized that for financial security to be attained, it was up to me to make it happen, then guess what, I started making more, saving more, and now we are doing just fine...In fact some in here might actually say that what I have, that I worked hard for, is unfair....

Bottom line, it isn't up to government, other people, or anything else to achieve what you want in life...It's up to you.
You were smarter when you were younger.

So, to you I'd be smarter if I continued to wallow in self pity, and blame others for my lack of success, instead of doing something about it that it? Wow....
Did I say that?

Well, you kind of did...
Mommy should have taught you to never make assumptions.

Why don’t you come teach me pussy.
Here I come.

Anytime...Hell, I’ll draw you a map in crayon so you can understand it.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.

Maybe I missed it...So, I'll ask again...Who is responsible for 'income inequality'?
The system. Isn’t that clear?

So, after 15 minutes, and no further answer, I'll have to conclude that the answer here was bull shit...

Look, back in the day, when I was young, and dumb with things like carreer, money, and future, I too thought that things beyond my control were stacked against me...When I pulled my head out of my ass, and realized that for financial security to be attained, it was up to me to make it happen, then guess what, I started making more, saving more, and now we are doing just fine...In fact some in here might actually say that what I have, that I worked hard for, is unfair....

Bottom line, it isn't up to government, other people, or anything else to achieve what you want in life...It's up to you.
You were smarter when you were younger.

So, to you I'd be smarter if I continued to wallow in self pity, and blame others for my lack of success, instead of doing something about it that it? Wow....
Did I say that?

Well, you kind of did...
Mommy should have taught you to never make assumptions.

Why don’t you come teach me pussy.
Here I come.

Anytime...Hell, I’ll draw you a map in crayon so you can understand it.
I’m waiting.

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