There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.

If you somehow think that the magic of Biden is going to fix anything you are sadly mistaken. Really. There won't be a "better" response. Do you know why?

Q. Do you now why

A. Biden cares about people, Trump only cares about himself.

That's just a bitter little bitch attack. If that were true, you could back it up with content. Obviously you can't

The context is reality, something you've proved and most trump supporters have proved is anathema, i.e. something that you and other trumpsters vehemently dislike.

You're piling one post with zero content on top of another.

As I pointed out, the only thing you have offered so far as far as proof of your stupid shit is your claim you can read minds.

So prove it. I'm thinking of a number between one and one million. So, you claim to read minds. What is it?

I'm going to go out on the limb here and predict you can't pick my number and you don't know what Trump thinks, you're full of shit
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
I have been out running errands and buying essentials for seniors that can’t leave their homes (several times a week) since the beginning. I’m perfectly healthy.

Good for you. But do you wear a mask and put the essentials on the front porch, showing respect for these seniors?
Considering I also help with cooking meals and house hold do not leave things on their porch and run off.

I wear masks only when I am asked to wear them.

You don't respect those you claim you are helping? What prevents you from wearing a mask when you are helping seniors?
I’m not sick

Don't you pay any attention to the virus? You can be sick and asymptomatic, not feel ill and still spread the virus.

I do not, why do you fear something with a 98.6% survival rate?
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
I'll go one better.

I've been bartending in a very busy joint for the last ten weeks...Neither I nor any of my co-workers have contracted the covid cooties.

Your snake oil ain't selling as well as you had thought, Francis.

My "snake oil"?

Do you rub your hands with 151 proof rum before you pick your nose or put the garnish into drinks?
Yes, snake oil, Francis.

Silly-assed flimsy masks and panic porn are the only thing that you fearmongering drips have to peddle....And you're boring the living hell out of more and more people every day.

I suppose you must take shots of 151 for breakfast, you're one of many kooks who are out of touch with reality.

^^^ Idiot Gram
For those who want to see an end to Covid, watch these links:


broke back debatin.jpg
Food poisoning has a 99,994% survival rate. So eat that expired mayonnaise.
I don't. I've already had it. I lost 7lbs over night.

A Facebook meme states COVID-19 has a 98.54% survival rate and characterizes it as “Positive vs. Panic.” COVID-19 is the respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus.

Yawn. It isn't anything to worry about. If you want to live in a terrified state feel free. Me? Nope.
I've been exposed twice. No mask. I'm in the high risk group.

You? You NEED gov protection.
I'll protect myself from your Gov.
Food poisoning has a 99,994% survival rate. So eat that expired mayonnaise.
I don't. I've already had it. I lost 7lbs over night.

A Facebook meme states COVID-19 has a 98.54% survival rate and characterizes it as “Positive vs. Panic.” COVID-19 is the respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus.

Yawn. It isn't anything to worry about. If you want to live in a terrified state feel free. Me? Nope.
I've been exposed twice. No mask. I'm in the high risk group.

You? You NEED gov protection.
I'll protect myself from your Gov.
Getting hit by a car has a 95.6% survival rate.

Why look both ways before crossing the street. That's for pussys.

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