There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.

Is Biden going to scrap everything done under TRUMP and start all over? Is Biden going to require vaccine research to reset and put back in place regulations that unnecessarily slow progress down? Will Biden try and force areas of the country to shut down even if they have low cases of COVID, like Cuomo who want the entire country to shut down when NY was a hot spot?

You have no idea what Biden will do different than TRUMP because Biden has never explained nor has he been asked what he would do. There are simple questions the MSM should be asking Biden. Questions like do you support restaurants opening for in person dining, at what capacity do you think would be safe for a business to open?
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?

Just watch a WH press event and you'll see numerous reporters wearing masks that don't fit properly around the mouth and nose and they are constantly touching their masks to push them up or adjust them.

FTR I'm good with social distancing...if I don't know you keep your distance.

YAWN, maybe you ought to try and keep in touch with reality. Trump has failed to protect American Citizens for one reason, he doesn't care about you or anyone but himself.
What have democrats done to protect American Citizens? They are letting them get beaten and their businesses burned down in their cities by rioters they aren’t prosecuting and who are runnnng around spreading COVID during a pandemic.

Last count under Trump's "leadership", 209,000 thousand have died from Covid. Don't blame the Democrats, you have no evidence to prove the vandals and arsonists are Democrats.
Biden’s staff just pays for their bail and donations to their movements are routed through Democratic organizations.
Last count under Trump's "leadership", 209,000 thousand have died from Covid.

And more than 200,000 Americans died from the flu under Hussein during his two terms. Do you think he had the ability to stop that?

From the link:

Obama declared a public health emergency on April 26, 2009 _ before a single swine flu death in the U.S. was reported. Such a declaration allows the government to unlock money for antiviral drugs and other medical preparedness measures. By April 29, Obama had requested Congress approve a $1.5 billion emergency funding package to combat the pandemic, The Associated Press reported at the time.

It was in October, after 1,000 U.S. deaths, that Obama made another declaration related to the flu strain; this time a national emergency.

That national emergency allowed the U.S. to activate operational plans, such as moving emergency rooms offsite to keep those infected with the virus away from other emergency room patients.

Obama’s critics have mixed up claims about his response to the swine flu before.

Last year, after Trump was criticized for declaring a national emergency at the border, Republican Sen. Kevin Cramer, of North Dakota, wrongly claimed that Obama overreached with such declarations during his time in office because he announced a national emergency in 2009 before a “single case” had been reported in the U.S. In fact, swine flu cases were active in 46 states when Obama made the declaration.
It honestly sounds to me like your case that tax cuts worked is because you need to believe it worked. I’m saying there is no appreciable difference in new jobs under Trump’s tax plan and that is 100% confirmed by the data above. Your argument rests on a counterfactual and hypothetical which cannot be proven or disproven.

Maybe not, but I'm 60 years old, and in all of my life, including the Reagan and Clinton years, I have never seen the US with more jobs than people who could do them. It doesn't get much better than that because it is virtually impossible.

Let me ask you: If we taxed our businesses 100%, what kind of economy do you think we'd have?
But you ignore how we got there. Hint, it wasn’t a Trumpian miracle, it was the result of years of continued job growth. Trump’s administration started on the 20 yard line, and you cannot act like Obama’s marching up the field had nothing to do with it.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.

Maybe I missed it...So, I'll ask again...Who is responsible for 'income inequality'?
The system. Isn’t that clear?
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.

Maybe I missed it...So, I'll ask again...Who is responsible for 'income inequality'?
The system. Isn’t that clear?

And how does the system do that? Also, what would you change in the system to do away with that?
But you ignore how we got there. Hint, it wasn’t a Trumpian miracle, it was the result of years of continued job growth. Trump’s administration started on the 20 yard line, and you cannot act like Obama’s marching up the field had nothing to do with it.

It's just the simple fact that if you're going to give somebody credit for job growth; making it easier for the private sector to create jobs, you have to come up with what they did. I can tell you what Trump did. He lowered taxes on businesses and blue collar workers alike. He got rid of Commie Care fines. He created a policy that for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place.

Now that we've established that, what did DumBama ever do to help businesses create jobs? Was it his job killing business regulations? Was it him increasing their taxes? Was it him closing down businesses like auto dealerships and tobacco shops all across the country? Was it closing down the Gulf? Was it Commie Care fines? What?

The simple matter of the fact is job growth took place under Obama because of Quantitive Easing. Later, thanks to fracking which the left hates, our fuel prices dramatically came down, and now we are the worlds exporter of energy which of course Biden wants to stop.
From the link:

Obama declared a public health emergency on April 26, 2009 _ before a single swine flu death in the U.S. was reported. Such a declaration allows the government to unlock money for antiviral drugs and other medical preparedness measures. By April 29, Obama had requested Congress approve a $1.5 billion emergency funding package to combat the pandemic, The Associated Press reported at the time.

It was in October, after 1,000 U.S. deaths, that Obama made another declaration related to the flu strain; this time a national emergency.

That national emergency allowed the U.S. to activate operational plans, such as moving emergency rooms offsite to keep those infected with the virus away from other emergency room patients.

Obama’s critics have mixed up claims about his response to the swine flu before.

Last year, after Trump was criticized for declaring a national emergency at the border, Republican Sen. Kevin Cramer, of North Dakota, wrongly claimed that Obama overreached with such declarations during his time in office because he announced a national emergency in 2009 before a “single case” had been reported in the U.S. In fact, swine flu cases were active in 46 states when Obama made the declaration.

I'm not talking about the much less contagious H1N1, I'm talking about influenza that we get every winter. If a President can stop a virus, then certainly he can stop the common flu. Why didn't he? Why didn't he close down the country, make us all wear masks, have us social distance, wash and sanitize our hands whenever possible?

I mean, if Trump could have stopped Covid, a virus that we have no experience with, no cure for, little research, then Obama stopping the flu should have been a walk in the park. We have shots to stop it. We've known about it for generations. We have plenty of research on it. So why didn't Obama do something?
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.

Maybe I missed it...So, I'll ask again...Who is responsible for 'income inequality'?
The system. Isn’t that clear?

So, after 15 minutes, and no further answer, I'll have to conclude that the answer here was bull shit...

Look, back in the day, when I was young, and dumb with things like carreer, money, and future, I too thought that things beyond my control were stacked against me...When I pulled my head out of my ass, and realized that for financial security to be attained, it was up to me to make it happen, then guess what, I started making more, saving more, and now we are doing just fine...In fact some in here might actually say that what I have, that I worked hard for, is unfair....

Bottom line, it isn't up to government, other people, or anything else to achieve what you want in life...It's up to you.
So, after 15 minutes, and no further answer, I'll have to conclude that the answer here was bull shit...

Look, back in the day, when I was young, and dumb with things like carreer, money, and future, I too thought that things beyond my control were stacked against me...When I pulled my head out of my ass, and realized that for financial security to be attained, it was up to me to make it happen, then guess what, I started making more, saving more, and now we are doing just fine...In fact some in here might actually say that what I have, that I worked hard for, is unfair....

Bottom line, it isn't up to government, other people, or anything else to achieve what you want in life...It's up to you.

People who complain about income inequality fail to understand they are part of the problem. If you want to stop people from becoming so wealthy, quit giving them your money.

We all send our money to the top several times a week. We are on this internet. We all have cell phones I'm presuming, and even smart phones at that. We have our cable bill we pay, we buy gasoline from those wealthy evil oil companies, we buy apps for our computer and phone, some with a monthly or annual fee, we stop at Burger King or McDonald's several times a week, we buy automobiles from those multi-billion dollar auto companies, buy, buy, buy.

So now all those people who provide us with these wonderful and convenient products and services have all the money. It's not the system, it's actually us who are to blame.
So, after 15 minutes, and no further answer, I'll have to conclude that the answer here was bull shit...

Look, back in the day, when I was young, and dumb with things like carreer, money, and future, I too thought that things beyond my control were stacked against me...When I pulled my head out of my ass, and realized that for financial security to be attained, it was up to me to make it happen, then guess what, I started making more, saving more, and now we are doing just fine...In fact some in here might actually say that what I have, that I worked hard for, is unfair....

Bottom line, it isn't up to government, other people, or anything else to achieve what you want in life...It's up to you.

People who complain about income inequality fail to understand they are part of the problem. If you want to stop people from becoming so wealthy, quit giving them your money.

We all send our money to the top several times a week. We are on this internet. We all have cell phones I'm presuming, and even smart phones at that. We have our cable bill we pay, we buy gasoline from those wealthy evil oil companies, we buy apps for our computer and phone, some with a monthly or annual fee, we stop at Burger King or McDonald's several times a week, we buy automobiles from those multi-billion dollar auto companies, buy, buy, buy.

So now all those people who provide us with these wonderful and convenient products and services have all the money. It's not the system, it's actually us who are to blame.

I guess that Mr. Gipper is NOT as independant as he thinks he is then...hmmmmm...
Hmm....Trump or Biden, Biden or Trump? Gotta go with Biden since he's intelligent enough to take precautions with this virus, unlike Trump.
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
I have been out running errands and buying essentials for seniors that can’t leave their homes (several times a week) since the beginning. I’m perfectly healthy.

Good for you. But do you wear a mask and put the essentials on the front porch, showing respect for these seniors?
Considering I also help with cooking meals and house hold do not leave things on their porch and run off.

I wear masks only when I am asked to wear them.

You don't respect those you claim you are helping? What prevents you from wearing a mask when you are helping seniors?
Joe Biden most likely pricked Pres. Trump with something with the virus on it.

Salisbury poisoning ‘anniversary’ | Where are the Skripals?
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
I have been out running errands and buying essentials for seniors that can’t leave their homes (several times a week) since the beginning. I’m perfectly healthy.

Good for you. But do you wear a mask and put the essentials on the front porch, showing respect for these seniors?
Considering I also help with cooking meals and house hold do not leave things on their porch and run off.

I wear masks only when I am asked to wear them.

You don't respect those you claim you are helping? What prevents you from wearing a mask when you are helping seniors?

If she isn't sick why should she?
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
I have been out running errands and buying essentials for seniors that can’t leave their homes (several times a week) since the beginning. I’m perfectly healthy.

Good for you. But do you wear a mask and put the essentials on the front porch, showing respect for these seniors?
Considering I also help with cooking meals and house hold do not leave things on their porch and run off.

I wear masks only when I am asked to wear them.

You don't respect those you claim you are helping? What prevents you from wearing a mask when you are helping seniors?
I’m not sick
It will end with herd immunity........with T Cells being reminded how to fight off the next strain every year like the Flu.

It mutates to much and the Antibodies don't last long enough for even a season like the Flu..........Will be a best guess Corona shot just like the Flu shots are now.

At least 50% of our people have had this virus and don't even know it.......those catching it over that......who really knows.........but at around 70% most believe the herd will carry on and it will be mostly over.

The Corona doesn't give a damn........and will get to you eventually anyways.
Hmm....Trump or Biden, Biden or Trump? Gotta go with Biden since he's intelligent enough to take precautions with this virus, unlike Trump.

Who? Jill? Hell Joe doesn't even know where he is, or what he's doing without his minder....

You and others keep stating that Joe Biden is mentally feeble and suffers from dementia. The only takeaway from your comment and of those others, is you and they are ignorant as to the symptoms of dementia and are echoing each other on social media ad nausea.

You support Donald Trump. Yes or No? I suspect you do, and yet you cannot offer any reason to vote for Trump, since he has failed to respond to that 3am phone call; he has exacerbated the number of infections and deaths by mocking Science and common sense.
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
I have been out running errands and buying essentials for seniors that can’t leave their homes (several times a week) since the beginning. I’m perfectly healthy.

Good for you. But do you wear a mask and put the essentials on the front porch, showing respect for these seniors?
Considering I also help with cooking meals and house hold do not leave things on their porch and run off.

I wear masks only when I am asked to wear them.

You don't respect those you claim you are helping? What prevents you from wearing a mask when you are helping seniors?
I’m not sick

Don't you pay any attention to the virus? You can be sick and asymptomatic, not feel ill and still spread the virus.
It will end with herd immunity........with T Cells being reminded how to fight off the next strain every year like the Flu.

It mutates to much and the Antibodies don't last long enough for even a season like the Flu..........Will be a best guess Corona shot just like the Flu shots are now.

At least 50% of our people have had this virus and don't even know it.......those catching it over that......who really knows.........but at around 70% most believe the herd will carry on and it will be mostly over.

The Corona doesn't give a damn........and will get to you eventually anyways.

Thank you Dr. Fraud. I see your specialty and post doctorate degree is a study in epidemics and pandemics. I'm very impressed!


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