It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
Do you go out in public or hide in your basement?
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.

How would he not ruing the economy? What is is platform?

Green deal causing individuals and businesses alike to pay over twice as much for energy.

Increase the capital gains taxes which will have negative effects on the stock market.

Bring back Commie Care in full force thus burdening small business the most just like last time.

Increase taxes on our job creators when we need them the most.

Inserting low-income high-crime people into the suburbs thus destroying the property value of now great places to live.
So much fear mongering. Trump’s tax cuts didn’t help the economy, raising taxes won’t hurt either. You fundamentally misunderstand what drives job growth, and it isn’t tax rates. This is merely what you’ve been told to believe in order to support massive tax cuts to the very wealthy.

We were told that Obama was going to destroy the economy. He didn’t. We were told Trump would resurrect the economy. He didn’t. We have a decade of experience that tells us your scare tactics aren’t consistent with reality.
For those who want to see an end to Covid, watch these links:


Nope, I won't wear one you sniveling terrified Prog.

You're proud to share your anti social behavior? Amazing.
Roflol. You some how think that saying you are going to tax the rich will actually work? I mean come on. Amazon paid $0.00 in taxes last year. Why because they used the loop holes that congress built into the tax code to help themselves. Anyone with half a brain cell knows that those that can afford it will use every tax loop hole they can to keep from paying. They will even move money out of the country.
So claiming that they are going to increase the economy or pay for all the Democrat’s wet dreams is crazy at it finest. While the changes made by Trump brought millions if not a Trillion back into the country to be taxed.

The left simply can't get through their heads that when you raise taxes on the rich, they increase the price of their products or services to us and we pay it. Their employees get smaller raises, or the company will take higher contributions towards their healthcare plan.

The left never heard of the Golden Rule: The man with the gold makes the rules.
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
I have been out running errands and buying essentials for seniors that can’t leave their homes (several times a week) since the beginning. I’m perfectly healthy.
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
Do you go out in public or hide in your basement?

Of course I go out in public, and I wear a mask and respect social distancing. Both of these behaviors show respect for my neighbors and friends.
So much fear mongering. Trump’s tax cuts didn’t help the economy, raising taxes won’t hurt either. You fundamentally misunderstand what drives job growth, and it isn’t tax rates. This is merely what you’ve been told to believe in order to support massive tax cuts to the very wealthy.

We were told that Obama was going to destroy the economy. He didn’t. We were told Trump would resurrect the economy. He didn’t. We have a decade of experience that tells us your scare tactics aren’t consistent with reality.

Have you been asleep the last four years or something? Up until the China flu, we had the best economy in nearly 50 years. We broke every minority group employment record since records were kept. We had over a million and a half jobs than Americans who could do them. We broke a new high in median household income. What do you mean tax cuts didn't help? You sir are a lying dog-faced pony solder.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.

Is Biden going to scrap everything done under TRUMP and start all over? Is Biden going to require vaccine research to reset and put back in place regulations that unnecessarily slow progress down? Will Biden try and force areas of the country to shut down even if they have low cases of COVID, like Cuomo who want the entire country to shut down when NY was a hot spot?

You have no idea what Biden will do different than TRUMP because Biden has never explained nor has he been asked what he would do. There are simple questions the MSM should be asking Biden. Questions like do you support restaurants opening for in person dining, at what capacity do you think would be safe for a business to open?
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?

Just watch a WH press event and you'll see numerous reporters wearing masks that don't fit properly around the mouth and nose and they are constantly touching their masks to push them up or adjust them.

FTR I'm good with social distancing...if I don't know you keep your distance.
For those who want to see an end to Covid, watch these links:


My goodness, such big fonts you have!

Did you find them in your basement where you are hiding out until covid is over?

There is plenty of information out there regarding the likelihood of succumbing to the disease based upon age and co-morbidity factors, so instead of screaming like a banshee about how everybody must follow my demands, I will just study this information and arrive at a rational conclusion, thank you very much.
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
I have been out running errands and buying essentials for seniors that can’t leave their homes (several times a week) since the beginning. I’m perfectly healthy.

Good for you. But do you wear a mask and put the essentials on the front porch, showing respect for these seniors?
So much fear mongering. Trump’s tax cuts didn’t help the economy, raising taxes won’t hurt either. You fundamentally misunderstand what drives job growth, and it isn’t tax rates. This is merely what you’ve been told to believe in order to support massive tax cuts to the very wealthy.

We were told that Obama was going to destroy the economy. He didn’t. We were told Trump would resurrect the economy. He didn’t. We have a decade of experience that tells us your scare tactics aren’t consistent with reality.

Have you been asleep the last four years or something? Up until the China flu, we had the best economy in nearly 50 years. We broke every minority group employment record since records were kept. We had over a million and a half jobs than Americans who could do them. We broke a new high in median household income. What do you mean tax cuts didn't help? You sir are a lying dog-faced pony solder.

Can you show me where job creation increased as a result of the tax cuts?

I can’t and neither can you. Because it didn’t happen. You’ve been misled.
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
Do you go out in public or hide in your basement?

Of course I go out in public, and I wear a mask and respect social distancing. Both of these behaviors show respect for my neighbors and friends.
Masks do very little to protect you from COVID. Virtue signaling is all they are really good for anyway.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.

Is Biden going to scrap everything done under TRUMP and start all over? Is Biden going to require vaccine research to reset and put back in place regulations that unnecessarily slow progress down? Will Biden try and force areas of the country to shut down even if they have low cases of COVID, like Cuomo who want the entire country to shut down when NY was a hot spot?

You have no idea what Biden will do different than TRUMP because Biden has never explained nor has he been asked what he would do. There are simple questions the MSM should be asking Biden. Questions like do you support restaurants opening for in person dining, at what capacity do you think would be safe for a business to open?
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?

Just watch a WH press event and you'll see numerous reporters wearing masks that don't fit properly around the mouth and nose and they are constantly touching their masks to push them up or adjust them.

FTR I'm good with social distancing...if I don't know you keep your distance.

YAWN, maybe you ought to try and keep in touch with reality. Trump has failed to protect American Citizens for one reason, he doesn't care about you or anyone but himself.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.
Tax reform will help but it’s always an uphill battle.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.

Is Biden going to scrap everything done under TRUMP and start all over? Is Biden going to require vaccine research to reset and put back in place regulations that unnecessarily slow progress down? Will Biden try and force areas of the country to shut down even if they have low cases of COVID, like Cuomo who want the entire country to shut down when NY was a hot spot?

You have no idea what Biden will do different than TRUMP because Biden has never explained nor has he been asked what he would do. There are simple questions the MSM should be asking Biden. Questions like do you support restaurants opening for in person dining, at what capacity do you think would be safe for a business to open?
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?

Just watch a WH press event and you'll see numerous reporters wearing masks that don't fit properly around the mouth and nose and they are constantly touching their masks to push them up or adjust them.

FTR I'm good with social distancing...if I don't know you keep your distance.

YAWN, maybe you ought to try and keep in touch with reality. Trump has failed to protect American Citizens for one reason, he doesn't care about you or anyone but himself.
Joe doesn’t give a shit either but you don’t know this, though it’s abundantly clear.
Can you show me where job creation increased as a result of the tax cuts?

I can’t and neither can you. Because it didn’t happen. You’ve been misled.

So how did we end up with more jobs than Americans who could do them? Did a lot of people die off or something?
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.
Tax reform will help but it’s always an uphill battle.
You’re dreaming. There won’t be any meaningful tax reform. Haven’t you figured that out yet? The politicians love to talk about tax reform and have been for decades. Yet, what has really happened?
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
Do you go out in public or hide in your basement?

Of course I go out in public, and I wear a mask and respect social distancing. Both of these behaviors show respect for my neighbors and friends.
Masks do very little to protect you from COVID. Virtue signaling is all they are really good for anyway.

Well now, it seems you understand that the mask is not a singular defense from Covid. It prevents someone who is ill spreading the Virus, and it's been explained that asymptomatic people can infect others:

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