It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
I have been out running errands and buying essentials for seniors that can’t leave their homes (several times a week) since the beginning. I’m perfectly healthy.

Good for you. But do you wear a mask and put the essentials on the front porch, showing respect for these seniors?
Considering I also help with cooking meals and house hold do not leave things on their porch and run off.

I wear masks only when I am asked to wear them.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.

Is Biden going to scrap everything done under TRUMP and start all over? Is Biden going to require vaccine research to reset and put back in place regulations that unnecessarily slow progress down? Will Biden try and force areas of the country to shut down even if they have low cases of COVID, like Cuomo who want the entire country to shut down when NY was a hot spot?

You have no idea what Biden will do different than TRUMP because Biden has never explained nor has he been asked what he would do. There are simple questions the MSM should be asking Biden. Questions like do you support restaurants opening for in person dining, at what capacity do you think would be safe for a business to open?

Well, since Trump has only dismantled and broken down pieces of government that could have helped with the response to this virus, I would guess those will all have to be built back up.
Newsflash, vaccine research had already started long before Trump started taking the virus seriously (March 13th). Biden has said he'll listen to the scientists. And the scientists say wearing masks,
social distancing, not gathering in large crowds, and proper hygiene go a long way into slowing and preventing the spread of the virus. Something that would mean a great deal in convincing
the "denial" lemmings to take this virus seriously...if it came from the mouth of the President of the United States...on a regular basis...cause, you know, people listen to him.
Can you show me where job creation increased as a result of the tax cuts?

I can’t and neither can you. Because it didn’t happen. You’ve been misled.

So how did we end up with more jobs than Americans who could do them? Did a lot of people die off or something?
Look at the chart. We ended up with more jobs because of a decade of solid, consistent job growth that started under Obama and continued under Trump at nearly the exact same rate regardless of tax policy, the ACA or anything else. In other words, the things that you said would destroy the economy didn’t and things you said would save the economy didn’t.
For those who want to see an end to Covid, watch these links:


Nope, I won't wear one you sniveling terrified Prog.

You're proud to share your anti social behavior? Amazing.

I'm proud that I refuse to be terrorized by people who (like you) cannot see through the facade of this stupid "pandemic".

YAWN, maybe you ought to try and keep in touch with reality. Trump has failed to protect American Citizens for one reason, he doesn't care about you or anyone but himself.

He failed to stop the California wild fires and the hurricanes since he took office as well. Do tell: how does a US President stop a worldwide virus?

It's not up to a President to care about you, that's what mothers are for. It's up to the US President to lead the country.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.

Is Biden going to scrap everything done under TRUMP and start all over? Is Biden going to require vaccine research to reset and put back in place regulations that unnecessarily slow progress down? Will Biden try and force areas of the country to shut down even if they have low cases of COVID, like Cuomo who want the entire country to shut down when NY was a hot spot?

You have no idea what Biden will do different than TRUMP because Biden has never explained nor has he been asked what he would do. There are simple questions the MSM should be asking Biden. Questions like do you support restaurants opening for in person dining, at what capacity do you think would be safe for a business to open?
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?

Just watch a WH press event and you'll see numerous reporters wearing masks that don't fit properly around the mouth and nose and they are constantly touching their masks to push them up or adjust them.

FTR I'm good with social distancing...if I don't know you keep your distance.
Biden won’t do shit. He will continue Don’s policies. However, he will add in more war and will get away with enormous corruption, thanks to a protective media.
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
Do you go out in public or hide in your basement?

Of course I go out in public, and I wear a mask and respect social distancing. Both of these behaviors show respect for my neighbors and friends.
Masks do very little to protect you from COVID. Virtue signaling is all they are really good for anyway.

Well now, it seems you understand that the mask is not a singular defense from Covid. It prevents someone who is ill spreading the Virus, and it's been explained that asymptomatic people can infect others:

Learn from the Past
Live in the Present
Plan for the Future

It doesn’t keep the ill from spreading it since vapors from your breath escape via the sides of the mask and through the material. They can still spread it via touch As well.... Which is how the majority catch it....infected surfaces.
For those who want to see an end to Covid, watch these links:


Nope, I won't wear one you sniveling terrified Prog.


Because the numbers do not add up. We are being lied to like never before.

Look at the chart. We ended up with more jobs because of a decade of solid, consistent job growth that started under Obama and continued under Trump at nearly the exact same rate regardless of tax policy, the ACA or anything else. In other words, the things that you said would destroy the economy didn’t and things you said would save the economy didn’t.

Without the tax cuts growth would have slowed dramatically after we past the point of a perfect economy. That would be normal. It's a lot easier to create jobs when you start out at 8% unemployment than with 4.5.

The jobs under DumBama were lower paying jobs. He didn't have that magic wand that Trump has. You can't honestly credit the most anti-business President in our lifetime with a good economy. The economy didn't grow because of DumBama, it grew in spite of him. That's how we ended up with the slowest recover since WWII.

Remember, a President cannot create jobs--the private sector does. The only thing a President can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.
I’d expect lots more war and ever increasing poverty and income inequality. The elites are going to make a killing.
Bizarro world. We’ve been told that Biden is going to destroy the economy by taxing the rich. Not to mention if this was a serious concern, you’d already be complaining about how the rich have had massive gains in the last few years under Trump.
Trump has done nothing to slow or decrease income inequality. He’s made it worse, just as Joe will.

There’s very little difference between the two old fools, but you partisans can’t see it.

Maybe I missed it...So, I'll ask again...Who is responsible for 'income inequality'?
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.

Is Biden going to scrap everything done under TRUMP and start all over? Is Biden going to require vaccine research to reset and put back in place regulations that unnecessarily slow progress down? Will Biden try and force areas of the country to shut down even if they have low cases of COVID, like Cuomo who want the entire country to shut down when NY was a hot spot?

You have no idea what Biden will do different than TRUMP because Biden has never explained nor has he been asked what he would do. There are simple questions the MSM should be asking Biden. Questions like do you support restaurants opening for in person dining, at what capacity do you think would be safe for a business to open?
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?

Just watch a WH press event and you'll see numerous reporters wearing masks that don't fit properly around the mouth and nose and they are constantly touching their masks to push them up or adjust them.

FTR I'm good with social distancing...if I don't know you keep your distance.

YAWN, maybe you ought to try and keep in touch with reality. Trump has failed to protect American Citizens for one reason, he doesn't care about you or anyone but himself.
What have democrats done to protect American Citizens? They are letting them get beaten and their businesses burned down in their cities by rioters they aren’t prosecuting and who are runnnng around spreading COVID during a pandemic.
Look at the chart. We ended up with more jobs because of a decade of solid, consistent job growth that started under Obama and continued under Trump at nearly the exact same rate regardless of tax policy, the ACA or anything else. In other words, the things that you said would destroy the economy didn’t and things you said would save the economy didn’t.

Without the tax cuts growth would have slowed dramatically after we past the point of a perfect economy. That would be normal. It's a lot easier to create jobs when you start out at 8% unemployment than with 4.5.

The jobs under DumBama were lower paying jobs. He didn't have that magic wand that Trump has. You can't honestly credit the most anti-business President in our lifetime with a good economy. The economy didn't grow because of DumBama, it grew in spite of him. That's how we ended up with the slowest recover since WWII.

Remember, a President cannot create jobs--the private sector does. The only thing a President can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.
It honestly sounds to me like your case that tax cuts worked is because you need to believe it worked. I’m saying there is no appreciable difference in new jobs under Trump’s tax plan and that is 100% confirmed by the data above. Your argument rests on a counterfactual and hypothetical which cannot be proven or disproven.
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
I'll go one better.

I've been bartending in a very busy joint for the last ten weeks...Neither I nor any of my co-workers have contracted the covid cooties.

Your snake oil ain't selling as well as you had thought, Francis.

My "snake oil"?

Do you rub your hands with 151 proof rum before you pick your nose or put the garnish into drinks?
It honestly sounds to me like your case that tax cuts worked is because you need to believe it worked. I’m saying there is no appreciable difference in new jobs under Trump’s tax plan and that is 100% confirmed by the data above. Your argument rests on a counterfactual and hypothetical which cannot be proven or disproven.

Maybe not, but I'm 60 years old, and in all of my life, including the Reagan and Clinton years, I have never seen the US with more jobs than people who could do them. It doesn't get much better than that because it is virtually impossible.

Let me ask you: If we taxed our businesses 100%, what kind of economy do you think we'd have?
Q. Do you now why

A. Biden cares about people, Trump only cares about himself.

That's a feeling, hon. It's an emotion. It's a bullshit emotion but has zero impact on the Rona.

Wanna try again?

I just think it's too bad that Democrats can't be Americans and treat this as the national crisis that it is. Everything to them is politics. Just watch a Democrat politician funeral

Most of them are Americans. Spoiled, brainwashed Americans but Americans. They have just managed to make a political ideology a part of who they are. Need someone on the telly to inform them of how to feel and react.

When I said they can't be Americans, I meant Americans before they are Democrats.

Their endless finger pointing over covid is unAmerican.

That's what I was referring to
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
I'll go one better.

I've been bartending in a very busy joint for the last ten weeks...Neither I nor any of my co-workers have contracted the covid cooties.

Your snake oil ain't selling as well as you had thought, Francis.

My "snake oil"?

Do you rub your hands with 151 proof rum before you pick your nose or put the garnish into drinks?
Yes, snake oil, Francis.

Silly-assed flimsy masks and panic porn are the only thing that you fearmongering drips have to peddle....And you're boring the living hell out of more and more people every day.
It honestly sounds to me like your case that tax cuts worked is because you need to believe it worked. I’m saying there is no appreciable difference in new jobs under Trump’s tax plan and that is 100% confirmed by the data above. Your argument rests on a counterfactual and hypothetical which cannot be proven or disproven.

Maybe not, but I'm 60 years old, and in all of my life, including the Reagan and Clinton years, I have never seen the US with more jobs than people who could do them. It doesn't get much better than that because it is virtually impossible.

Let me ask you: If we taxed our businesses 100%, what kind of economy do you think we'd have?
Wrong argument....You're arguing over degrees of involuntary servitude to The State....That concedes underlying the premise of the legitimacy of defacto slavery to the left.

There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole. However, Wallace is too. He’s totally of and for the wealthy establishment.

Thinking things will be better under senile Joe, is naive. It will be different though. The MSM will suddenly promote favorable stories of the president and the Covid. So, I guess that’s a meaningless improvement.

It's even more disgusting the number of people that will suck that shit up.

Things will proceed normally under Biden. There will be a better response. Hell, they'll actually BE a response. If you think the virus is magically disappearing on November 4th. Think again.

Is Biden going to scrap everything done under TRUMP and start all over? Is Biden going to require vaccine research to reset and put back in place regulations that unnecessarily slow progress down? Will Biden try and force areas of the country to shut down even if they have low cases of COVID, like Cuomo who want the entire country to shut down when NY was a hot spot?

You have no idea what Biden will do different than TRUMP because Biden has never explained nor has he been asked what he would do. There are simple questions the MSM should be asking Biden. Questions like do you support restaurants opening for in person dining, at what capacity do you think would be safe for a business to open?
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?

Just watch a WH press event and you'll see numerous reporters wearing masks that don't fit properly around the mouth and nose and they are constantly touching their masks to push them up or adjust them.

FTR I'm good with social distancing...if I don't know you keep your distance.

YAWN, maybe you ought to try and keep in touch with reality. Trump has failed to protect American Citizens for one reason, he doesn't care about you or anyone but himself.
What have democrats done to protect American Citizens? They are letting them get beaten and their businesses burned down in their cities by rioters they aren’t prosecuting and who are runnnng around spreading COVID during a pandemic.

Last count under Trump's "leadership", 209,000 thousand have died from Covid. Don't blame the Democrats, you have no evidence to prove the vandals and arsonists are Democrats.
It's unlikely TRUMP contracting COVID will change people's habits on wearing masks. We have plenty of examples of those on the left not wearing a mask in public when they didn't realize they were on camera. People are going to make their own judgement calls regarding masks, attending public events or just going about their daily lives.

"We have plenty examples of those on the left...". Do you go out in public and shop for groceries or sit in a bar without a mask and without social distancing?
I'll go one better.

I've been bartending in a very busy joint for the last ten weeks...Neither I nor any of my co-workers have contracted the covid cooties.

Your snake oil ain't selling as well as you had thought, Francis.

My "snake oil"?

Do you rub your hands with 151 proof rum before you pick your nose or put the garnish into drinks?
Yes, snake oil, Francis.

Silly-assed flimsy masks and panic porn are the only thing that you fearmongering drips have to peddle....And you're boring the living hell out of more and more people every day.

I suppose you must take shots of 151 for breakfast, you're one of many kooks who are out of touch with reality.

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