G a s o l i n e

Great article! Lays out clearly Obama's "half truths" (go to link to read). But more importantly provides real solutions to help bring down pricing!

High Gas Prices: Obama's Half-Truths vs. Reality

<snip> Five Actions for Congress and the Administration

Congress and the Administration should:

Get moving on permits. As the only country in the world that places a majority of its territorial waters off-limits to oil and gas exploration, the U.S. should at the very least be drilling in the areas where access is permitted. Removing the de facto moratorium on drilling would immediately increase supply, create jobs, and bring in royalty revenue to federal and state governments.

Require lease sales when ready. Congress should open areas that are off-limits: the eastern Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, Alaska&#8217;s offshore, the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, and lands out West. Congress should require the Secretary of the Interior to conduct lease sales if a commercial interest exists to explore and drill. Congress should also provide the funding necessary to lease new onshore and offshore areas to oil and gas companies. Although it would take time for the federal government to lease these areas and for the energy companies to develop them, at least the process could begin.

Create a sensible review processes. Placing a 270-day time limit on environmental reviews would ensure a quick review process for energy projects on federal lands. Construction projects on federal lands take an average of 4.4 years. The 270 days would allow for a thorough environmental review process but would not prevent investments from moving forward.[7]

Remove regulatory delays and limit litigation. Environmental activists delay new energy projects by filing endless administrative appeals and lawsuits. Creating a manageable time frame for permitting and for groups or individuals to contest energy plans would keep potentially cost-effective ventures from being tied up for years in litigation while allowing the public and interested parties to voice opposition or support for these projects.

Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. Congress should use its authority to regulate commerce with foreign nations to accept the State Department&#8217;s conclusion that construction of the pipeline would pose minimal environmental risk.[8] Approving the pipeline would create jobs and increase energy production&#8212;both of which the nation desperately needs&#8212;from a friendly supplier and ally.

Let the Market Work <snip>
:clap2: Bravo

However, it would require Congress work in a bi-partisan manner, impossible with this Congress. Perhaps the 113th will get things back on track. Pelosi and Reid must go!!
Why isn't there pressure from the Right on Republican House members to eliminate oil speculation on Wall Street?

The House can actually do something about gas prices. The President Of The United States has no legislative power, no matter who is President.

He's been spouting off at the mouth. about coal, about gasoline, about energy in general. you should tell him to drill baby drill.. he's so darn stupid.

What about the question I asked? It's bolded, for the aged.
I paid 3.67 yesterday. Cost 74 bucks to fill up. This morning I drove by the same station and it was 3.59!

So damn frustrating.
How much did it cost to fill up your tank in the summer of 2008, when Bush was president and gas was $4.00?

I was driving a one ton diesel at the time then and not only was diesel higher but the truck sucked the gas. I was spending nearly a grand a month then. I originally bought the truck because diesel had traditionally been lower then gas. Then suddenly it went through the roof. Sadly my job often requires a LOT of driving.

And by the way I was paying well over 4 back then for diesel.
Yeah, I almost went with a Volvo diesel back then, thinking the same thing. Glad I didn't.

But since it was $4.00 under both a Republican and Democratic president, doesn't that say to you that presidents do not have any executive power that they can wield to lower prices?

The anger should be directed at the House.
Why isn't there pressure from the Right on Republican House members to eliminate oil speculation on Wall Street?

The House can actually do something about gas prices. The President Of The United States has no legislative power, no matter who is President.
So, you're saying that Bush was not to blame for the high gas prices when he ws in office.
How honest of you.
Are you saying that he was????
Why isn't there pressure from the Right on Republican House members to eliminate oil speculation on Wall Street?

The House can actually do something about gas prices. The President Of The United States has no legislative power, no matter who is President.

He's been spouting off at the mouth. about coal, about gasoline, about energy in general. you should tell him to drill baby drill.. he's so darn stupid.

What about the question I asked? It's bolded, for the aged.

Oil speculators operate overseas~ thus avoiding US regulations. I would agree to both parties working at creating legislation, that prevents those outside the industry, from reinvesting oil speculation dollars back into the market-
How much did it cost to fill up your tank in the summer of 2008, when Bush was president and gas was $4.00?

I was driving a one ton diesel at the time then and not only was diesel higher but the truck sucked the gas. I was spending nearly a grand a month then. I originally bought the truck because diesel had traditionally been lower then gas. Then suddenly it went through the roof. Sadly my job often requires a LOT of driving.

And by the way I was paying well over 4 back then for diesel.
Yeah, I almost went with a Volvo diesel back then, thinking the same thing. Glad I didn't.

But since it was $4.00 under both a Republican and Democratic president, doesn't that say to you that presidents do not have any executive power that they can wield to lower prices?

The anger should be directed at the House.

Are you telling us that Nancy Pelosi - the best of your best - is a pathetic, partisan liar?

July 18, 2008 06:00 PM

Nancy Pelosi: "Two oil men in the White House" are responsible for high oil prices

Nancy Pelosi: "Two oil men in the White House" are responsible for high oil prices | Crooks and Liars
How much did it cost to fill up your tank in the summer of 2008, when Bush was president and gas was $4.00?

I was driving a one ton diesel at the time then and not only was diesel higher but the truck sucked the gas. I was spending nearly a grand a month then. I originally bought the truck because diesel had traditionally been lower then gas. Then suddenly it went through the roof. Sadly my job often requires a LOT of driving.

And by the way I was paying well over 4 back then for diesel.
Yeah, I almost went with a Volvo diesel back then, thinking the same thing. Glad I didn't.

But since it was $4.00 under both a Republican and Democratic president, doesn't that say to you that presidents do not have any executive power that they can wield to lower prices?

The anger should be directed at the House.

Are you telling us that Obama and many leading Democrats are pathetic, partisan liars?:

15 Times Obama and Top Dems Blame Bush For Gas Prices

15 Times Obama and Top Dems Blame Bush For Gas Prices - Digg
Why isn't there pressure from the Right on Republican House members to eliminate oil speculation on Wall Street?
The House can actually do something about gas prices. The President Of The United States has no legislative power, no matter who is President.
So, you're saying that Bush was not to blame for the high gas prices when he ws in office.
How honest of you.
Are you saying that he was????
YOU are saing that he was not, and, in effect, that all of those that said he was to blame are nothing but ignorant parisan boobs.
That's good enough for me.
Why isn't there pressure from the Right on Republican House members to eliminate oil speculation on Wall Street?

The House can actually do something about gas prices. The President Of The United States has no legislative power, no matter who is President.

He's been spouting off at the mouth. about coal, about gasoline, about energy in general. you should tell him to drill baby drill.. he's so darn stupid.

What about the question I asked? It's bolded, for the aged.
Anyone that has half an idea of how the oil market works - thus, leaving out the majority of liberals - understands that oil prices are decided on the WORLD market, not wall street.

Thank you for further illustrating that you'll not let reality get in the way of your ignorance and partisan bigotry.

Why isn't there pressure from the Right on Republican House members to eliminate oil speculation on Wall Street?

The House can actually do something about gas prices. The President Of The United States has no legislative power, no matter who is President.

Spoken like a moron that does not understand that commodity markets are global and not under control of USA legislative authority.
He's been spouting off at the mouth. about coal, about gasoline, about energy in general. you should tell him to drill baby drill.. he's so darn stupid.

What about the question I asked? It's bolded, for the aged.

Oil speculators operate overseas~ thus avoiding US regulations. I would agree to both parties working at creating legislation, that prevents those outside the industry, from reinvesting oil speculation dollars back into the market-
Bullshit. They operate on Wall Street.
Why isn't there pressure from the Right on Republican House members to eliminate oil speculation on Wall Street?

The House can actually do something about gas prices. The President Of The United States has no legislative power, no matter who is President.
So, you're saying that Bush was not to blame for the high gas prices when he ws in office.
How honest of you.

The hypocrites hammered President Bush over high gas prices.
is $3.95 cents per gallon here..

thank ewe mr. obummer for halting all oil production in the Gulf of Mexico.. you are da winnah..


Lies are all you pseudo-cons have isn't it?

Production of oil in the Gulf never halted.

US oil production is the highest it's been in years

Oil imports are the lowest they've been in years.

Gulf of Mexico Rig Count Exceeds Pre-BP Spill Level, U.S. Says - Bloomberg

Crude Oil Production

PADD 3 has the Gulf of Mexico's data.

Production is high DESPITE Obama.

The increase in production is on PRIVATELY HELD LAND HE DOESN'T CONTROL. Production on public land he does control is down sharply.
I was driving a one ton diesel at the time then and not only was diesel higher but the truck sucked the gas. I was spending nearly a grand a month then. I originally bought the truck because diesel had traditionally been lower then gas. Then suddenly it went through the roof. Sadly my job often requires a LOT of driving.

And by the way I was paying well over 4 back then for diesel.
Yeah, I almost went with a Volvo diesel back then, thinking the same thing. Glad I didn't.

But since it was $4.00 under both a Republican and Democratic president, doesn't that say to you that presidents do not have any executive power that they can wield to lower prices?

The anger should be directed at the House.

Are you telling us that Nancy Pelosi - the best of your best - is a pathetic, partisan liar?

July 18, 2008 06:00 PM

Nancy Pelosi: "Two oil men in the White House" are responsible for high oil prices

Nancy Pelosi: "Two oil men in the White House" are responsible for high oil prices | Crooks and Liars
Do you have any clue how much oil/gas/diesel the military consumes when occupying a foreign country and waging war? Demand drives up cost.
is $3.95 cents per gallon here..
thank ewe mr. obummer for halting all oil production in the Gulf of Mexico.. you are da winnah..
Do you have a link showing that all drilling in the Gulf is currently halted?
Why do you want to know if he has a link that supports a statement he did not make?

Were you homeschooled or what?

thank ewe mr. obummer for halting all oil production in the Gulf of Mexico.. you are da winnah..
is $3.95 cents per gallon here..

thank ewe mr. obummer for halting all oil production in the Gulf of Mexico.. you are da winnah..


Lies are all you pseudo-cons have isn't it?

Production of oil in the Gulf never halted.

US oil production is the highest it's been in years

Oil imports are the lowest they've been in years.

Gulf of Mexico Rig Count Exceeds Pre-BP Spill Level, U.S. Says - Bloomberg

Crude Oil Production

PADD 3 has the Gulf of Mexico's data.

tell that to the thousands who are out of work because he shut down drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.. no increased drilling on federal lands, it's all private. so as it turns out you are the liar.

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