G-d loves Israel (photo proofs)


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013


  • $Starlings-in-the-shape-of-a-heart.jpg
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  • $Star of David snowflake mg_6632.jpg
    $Star of David snowflake mg_6632.jpg
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The Bible talks about modern Israel, and future Israel. We know exactly what to look for and look forward to. Christ considers it worthy enough to set up His eternal Kingdom in.
God Bless Israel.
Will he change the abortion law? which is considered among the most liberal in the world.Historical abortion statistics, Israel

He won't have to. We will want to. In Israel, in America any anywhere else that disregards the sanctity of life. He'll change hate into love. He'll change thirst into quenched, darkness into light, sorrow into joy, and death into life. And He'll do it all from the throne of David, in Jerusalem. And everyone will be happy for it. Peace on earth.
:smiliehug: < You and Jesus
:smiliehug: < Jew and Gentile
:smiliehug: < Father and Son
:smiliehug: < Mother and Child
:smiliehug: < Muslims and Everyone Else
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