G20 : Gee , you better think about this 20 times.


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
So, the idiot wanna-be hippies are out protesting G20.

Not that I really care about people protesting high level meetings, because I don't.

These people are calling themselves "anti-Capitalist"

"Capitalism", being Karl Marx lingo , implying what? ...Socialism is the answer.

They're unhappy with the conditions in the world. What exactly is the standard when everyone would say 'Things are great in the world'?

...and we're supposed to be sitting around despising people who have more money than we do.

If these people ever flip western society to full Socialism, that's going to be the end of their little protest.

Do Socialist government put up with people protesting high level meetings?

Every time a nation flips to Socialism it ends with massacres and the Socialists say "well, that's not the way it was supposed to be"

The bottom line is, these people are protesting and working toward their own demise, and that's the ultimate in stupidity.

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