Gabby Gifford resigns from Congress

So i am wondering about violent music and video games, movies and television shows. I guess they should all be banned now.

Nobody said anything about banning except you.

I now know that you know that Kwayzee Sawah does hold some responsibility for this. You're all over the place trying to get out of it.


It is the same thing... if you are claiming that "violent rhetoric" is responsible for a nut case shooter.... then the same logic will apply to violent video games, violent music, violent movies and television programs being responsible for violent actions. make a good point.
If Sarah Palin didn't open up her fly trap on NATIONAL TELEVISION spewing her VIOLENT RHETORIC against Gabby Giffords do you think that crazy RW gunman would have gotten so riled up as to do what he did?

Well....DO YOU!?!?

Could you be the dumbest human being walking the face of God's green earth???

Marc, get help soon...

So i am wondering about violent music and video games, movies and television shows. I guess they should all be banned now.

Nobody said anything about banning except you.

I now know that you know that Kwayzee Sawah does hold some responsibility for this. You're all over the place trying to get out of it.


It is the same thing... if you are claiming that "violent rhetoric" is responsible for a nut case shooter.... then the same logic will apply to violent video games, violent music, violent movies and television programs being responsible for violent actions.
And yes, I do agree that violent video games do contribute to more violence in society.

Scripture states that by beholding we become changed. Put violence in, get violence's really rather simple.

This country was built and founded on violence and crime and will go down on violence and crime.

I actually think he is trying to use this as a rep fest for himself. Should be interesting to watch his rep count... it was at 199 now 200.
Very disgusting, those who think the shooter was anyone but a delusional person.
More disgusting are the pos reps he will receive.

Despite the claims of being the 'party of the educated', the Democrats also sadly attract a considerable amount of racist morons who high five each other for their group lack of morals.

It's odd but such is life.

Fortunately, decent people had already voiced their sympathy for Gabby. I feel even more sorry for her now... since some of her 'supporters' use her tragedy for their partisan bullshit. Must be kind of embarrassing for her.
I wish her well but that does not change the fact that the right wing terrorist won. He got his wish.. to get her out of office and most likely to be replaced by one of his own kind. If the GOP had any morals then they would let the Dems have the seat at the next election.
I'M the one who's sat through the last year with no Congressional representation

Oh, you poor thing. How did you cope through such a terrible experience?

Do you need an e-hug?

Yes, I realize how very little our representative republic means to you. You don't actually have to advertise to everyone what a joke you consider the Constitution and civil rights to be; we already got it.

My heart bleeds for you.

Really, it does.
I wish her well but that does not change the fact that the right wing terrorist won. He got his wish.. to get her out of office and most likely to be replaced by one of his own kind. If the GOP had any morals then they would let the Dems have the seat at the next election.

Thanks for chiming in, loser.
I wish her well but that does not change the fact that the right wing terrorist won. He got his wish.. to get her out of office and most likely to be replaced by one of his own kind. If the GOP had any morals then they would let the Dems have the seat at the next election.

Some of us prefer evidence of wrong doing before forming an opinion. You're a hack who has so little respect for Giffords that you use her personal tragedy as a weapon against those whose politics you disagree with.

That makes you an idiot.
You know, it's kind of funny. I saw this thread and saw the last person to post was the Cesspit. So I thought "I wonder if she will have something unconditionally nice to say". I thought not. And I was right. Go figure...I deliberately read all the other posts first just to see if any body else was a douche. None were...

How predictable...

What? Not even Polk's none too veiled assertion that it was TEA Party rhetoric that got her shot. Interesting. See, I thought that was very douche-like.

To be honest, I had no idea what Polk was referring to. Don't follow the tea party down here....

and you have no fucking idea what advil is? It's like motrin it's a NASID.. and we enjoy you knocking the entire country too asswipe. go fuck yourself.
You know, it's kind of funny. I saw this thread and saw the last person to post was the Cesspit. So I thought "I wonder if she will have something unconditionally nice to say". I thought not. And I was right. Go figure...I deliberately read all the other posts first just to see if any body else was a douche. None were...

How predictable...

What was offensive. Showing empathy is one thing, The Sun still rises in the morning and life continues.

Try some advil.......

The first sentence. Note I said 'unconditional'. But Cesspit is so narcisstic, self-absorbed, full of herself, and full of hate that she just can't even say something nice with no conditions attached. Instead it has to be abut her, her, her...Then again, she is a neocon whackjob - it's in their DNA...

BTW, Dunno what advil is. Prolly some dozy drug, right? You're the country that seems to oversubscribe to prescription meds..

What? Not even Polk's none too veiled assertion that it was TEA Party rhetoric that got her shot. Interesting. See, I thought that was very douche-like.

To be honest, I had no idea what Polk was referring to. Don't follow the tea party down here....

and you have no fucking idea what advil is? It's like motrin it's a NASID.. and we enjoy you knocking the entire country too asswipe. go fuck yourself.

Outside the US, not many people would know what Advil is.

And... he does kind of have a point about over medication. Americans pop more pills than any other nation on the planet. That's a fact.

Oh, and.... it's not really fair for us to bitch about knocking an entire nation when it is something that many Americans do regularly.
To be honest, I had no idea what Polk was referring to. Don't follow the tea party down here....

and you have no fucking idea what advil is? It's like motrin it's a NASID.. and we enjoy you knocking the entire country too asswipe. go fuck yourself.

Outside the US, not many people would know what Advil is.

And... he does kind of have a point about over medication. Americans pop more pills than any other nation on the planet. That's a fact.

Oh, and.... it's not really fair for us to bitch about knocking an entire nation when it is something that many Americans do regularly.

oh balderdash, first he says we're over medicated, in the next breath he'll advocate for legalizing drugs cry us a fucking river whydonchya..and I will bitch about it when I choose to I'm bitchy that way.

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