Gabby Gifford resigns from Congress

What this thread tells me is that the right only likes democrats when they are nearly killed and then are unable to partake in politics.

Funny, cuz what this thread tells me is that the left will stoop to any level to create a version of history that best suits their political agenda. Nothing - not even a tragedy like happened to Giffords - is sacred to you people.

*By you people, I mean the fucking moronic left wing hacks, not liberals.
Party aside. Gabby is a strong woman who can now heal in the comfort of those who love her. There's a lot of love out there for her. I've a bit of my own care and concern for her and it transcends party lines.
What this thread tells me is that the right only likes democrats when they are nearly killed and then are unable to partake in politics.

Funny, cuz what this thread tells me is that the left will stoop to any level to create a version of history that best suits their political agenda. Nothing - not even a tragedy like happened to Giffords - is sacred to you people.

*By you people, I mean the fucking moronic left wing hacks, not liberals.

You dont give a rats ass about her.

She asked for the poltical atmoshpere to be changed BEFORE she was shot in th head and the right attacked her for it.

Then she got a bullet to the head and ALL OF THE SUDDEN you loved her and cared about her safety?
3 threads merged

Well damn....MarcALT's whine fest politicizing a tragedy thread got merged with mine.....


It's lost in the good posts. :eusa_shhh:
2nd punch...
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Glad you're so proud of being recognized for the lying shitstain you are.
Why did the right STOP talking guns and second amendment solutions after the bullet was put in her head?

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