Gabby Gifford resigns from Congress

I have no obligation whatsoever to be unconditionally nice. I'M the one who's sat through the last year with no Congressional representation because Giffords and the DNC were busily calculating how they could use her injury to maintain their House numbers. She should have done this months ago . . . say, back when she was writing a book, or maybe even later, when she was giving television interviews.

I feel no requirement to mouth platitudes, because unlike everyone else, I'm actually affected by what she does.

Negged vehemently.
She has a chance at a decent life.

The little girl who died didnt get that.

And you can't even make the effort to remember her name. Christina Taylor Green - and I didn't even need google.


then why didnt you mention her in this thread if you care so much?

Because the thread is about Gabby. But at least I have the decency to remember 'the little girl' as a person, with an identity... instead of using her as a tactic against people. You really are a disgusting individual. I'm just glad that there are more decent liberals than there are sick freaks like you.
I'm sorry a sick man on illegal drugs and not on medication for his sociopathic behavior took his sickness out by murdering 6 people in his assassination attempt on Representative Giffords.

And, I am glad and grateful Gabby Giffords made it through that horrid day alive when the assassination attempt was made on her life. I'm so sorry she is not able to continue her work of representing the people who sent her to Congress, and I'm so sorry others died, too.

Like it or not, Mrs. Giffords has become a poster girl for why we ought to try a little bit harder to see things from the other person's perspectives. Hatred does not have to make anyone do sick things. People should learn enough discipline to hear others out and bring grievances to the discussion table.

Someone should have helped this psychopath to a padded room until they could get to the bottom of why he engaged in almost nonstop abbertant acts. The man who mowed people down, killing six and maiming and wounding others was a sick man who was known for experimentation with hallucinogens and drugs and belonged to several conspiracy theory groupsd rather than learning to and practicing dealing with facts as they present themselves to true forensics disciplinarians.

Didn't anyone notice he couldn't make lasting commitments, couldn't hold down a job, couldn't hold down volunteer work in an animal shelter, familiarized himself with antisocial conspiracy theorists on a nonstop basis, was dismissed from college with a stern warning that before he could return to classwork, he needed a medical psychiatric evaluation saying he would not be a danger to himself or others.

Instead of pursuing a medical panacea, the shooter made and executed a plan to purchase munitions and take out someone important, and investigators found he had similar plans on President Bush, but no opportunity, after the fact. Shooting Gabby Giffords at the supermarket was a crime of opportunity.

When a school issues a warning as stern as the one Jared Lee Loughner got, he truly needed to be detained and treated for his mental illness and sick derangement on the spot. Someone should have contacted authorities to not issue him a weapon. All the information was there to get the sick young man off the streets, and it wasn't done. Jared Lee Loughner' behavior changes are discussed here.
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I'm sorry a sick man on illegal drugs and not on medication for his sociopathic behavior took his sickness out by murdering 6 people in his assassination attempt on Representative Giffords.

And, I am glad and grateful Gabby Giffords made it through that horrid day alive when the assassination attempt was made on her life. I'm so sorry she is not able to continue her work of representing the people who sent her to Congress, and I'm so sorry others died, too.

Like it or not, Mrs. Giffords has become a poster girl for why we ought to try a little bit harder to see things from the other person's perspectives. Hatred does not have to make anyone do sick things. People should learn enough discipline to hear others out and bring grievances to the discussion table.

Someone should have helped this psychopath to a padded room until they could get to the bottom of why he engaged in almost nonstop abbertant acts. The man who mowed people down, killing six and maiming and wounding others was a sick man who was known for experimentation with hallucinogens and drugs and belonged to several conspiracy theory groupsd rather than learning to and practicing dealing with facts as they present themselves to true forensics disciplinarians.

Didn't anyone notice he couldn't make lasting commitments, couldn't hold down a job, couldn't hold down volunteer work in an animal shelter, familiarized himself with antisocial conspiracy theorists on a nonstop basis, was dismissed from college with a stern warning that before he could return to classwork, he needed a medical psychiatric evaluation saying he would not be a danger to himself or others.

Instead of pursuing a medical panacea, the shooter made and executed a plan to purchase munitions and take out someone important, and investigators found he had similar plans on President Bush, but no opportunity, after the fact. Shooting Gabby Giffords at the supermarket was a crime of opportunity.

When a school issues a warning as stern as the one Jared Lee Loughner got, he truly needed to be detained and treated for his mental illness and sick derangement on the spot. Someone should have contacted authorities to not issue him a weapon. All the information was there to get the sick young man off the streets, and it wasn't done. Jared Lee Loughner' behavior changes are discussed here.

Don't mean this to be a run-down on Reagan, but during his administration, it became nearly impossible to involuntarily get the mentally ill committed.
Oh, you poor thing. How did you cope through such a terrible experience?

Do you need an e-hug?

Yes, I realize how very little our representative republic means to you. You don't actually have to advertise to everyone what a joke you consider the Constitution and civil rights to be; we already got it.

My heart bleeds for you.

Really, it does.

Ohh, that's what that dripping sound is. And there was me running around the house checking the taps. How stupid do I look now?
Yes, I realize how very little our representative republic means to you. You don't actually have to advertise to everyone what a joke you consider the Constitution and civil rights to be; we already got it.

My heart bleeds for you.

Really, it does.

Ohh, that's what that dripping sound is. And there was me running around the house checking the taps. How stupid do I look now?

I just assumed he had peed his pants again.
You dont own the Gabby story.

Your party hated this woman right up until she had a bullet in her head.

I dont hate Obama... I hate his policies. Does it mean I want him dead because of his policies???

OMG, that is a pathetic view for you to have. You should be ashamed of yourself. :eusa_hand:
What this thread tells me is that the right only likes democrats when they are nearly killed and then are unable to partake in politics.

Funny, cuz what this thread tells me is that the left will stoop to any level to create a version of history that best suits their political agenda. Nothing - not even a tragedy like happened to Giffords - is sacred to you people.

*By you people, I mean the fucking moronic left wing hacks, not liberals.

This thread started out with nothing but well wishes until leftwing hacks like this punk chimed in.....

Post #19
Don't Retreat -- Instead RELOAD!

its quite shameful if ya ask me.
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