Gabby Gifford resigns from Congress

Why did the right STOP talking guns and second amendment solutions after the bullet was put in her head?

I support the Individual Citizen's Right to Self Defense. I support the Second Amendment.
I do not see the connection TM.
THE most interesting merge ever, or The most stupid, not sure which one yet :lol:


the two were quite different thread..... A thread wishing her well...and one looking for reps.

but the whine fest was funny as hell!
Why did the right STOP talking guns and second amendment solutions after the bullet was put in her head?

I support the Individual Citizen's Right to Self Defense. I support the Second Amendment.
I do not see the connection TM.

I said this in the whine fest last night..... liesmatters doesn't seem to get it

It is the same thing... if you are claiming that "violent rhetoric" is responsible for a nut case shooter.... then the same logic will apply to violent video games, violent music, violent movies and television programs being responsible for violent actions.
This thread's message: Keep giving me overly sensitive and emotional reps and I'll keep posting them whenever you do.


This thread's message: Marc has nothing of value to contribute, and gets his sense of self-worth from how much contempt he engenders in others.

You've been skating the edge of "too worthless to be on my screen" for some time, and now you've gone right off the edge. Life is too short for wastes of oxygen.

This thread's message: Keep giving me overly sensitive and emotional reps and I'll keep posting them whenever you do.


This thread's message: Marc has nothing of value to contribute, and gets his sense of self-worth from how much contempt he engenders in others.

You've been skating the edge of "too worthless to be on my screen" for some time, and now you've gone right off the edge. Life is too short for wastes of oxygen.


where is any republicans talking nice about a dem who doesnt have a bullet in their head?

Yeah, because the left is so fucking gracious and polite. I seem to recall huge numbers of people on the left cheering and making jokes when Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, a truly ugly and horrific disease. Hell, I can remember people on the left claiming to have champagne chilling in their fridges so they could CELEBRATE when he died.

So don't come in here blathering about how mean Republicans are, you hypocritical toad. At least we have the good manners and compassion to drop the politics and partisanship when it comes to personal tragedy.

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