Gabby Giffords offers endorsement for nominee Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court...

I stopped reading at "far outside the mainstream" WTFC's! Is it constitutional or not! Are our Constitutional protections under the law and from the encroachment of the law, predicated on the litmus test of what is deemed to be "popular / mainstream" & is your 'mainstream' definition the same as my definition... WTF beotch! Great example of the L's emotionally driven, amorphic approach to legislating based on ideology and political expediency.
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Giffords Responds to the Nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court
Press ReleaseJuly 9, 2018

July 9, 2018 — Giffords, the gun safety organization founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and Captain Mark Kelly, released the following statements after the announcement of President Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court following the retiring of Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Giffords Responds to the Nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court and you are my GO TO sources for "news"!! :lol:
“In nominating Judge Kavanaugh to be the next Supreme Court justice, the Trump Administration is once again showing brazen disregard for the people it claims to protect. Judge Kavanaugh’s dangerous views on the Second Amendment are far outside the mainstream of even conservative thought and stand in direct opposition to the values and priorities of the vast majority of Americans. America needs a Supreme Court justice who respects the Second Amendment but who also realizes reasonable regulations that reduce gun violence do not infringe on anyone’s constitutional rights. But that’s not the kind of justice President Trump nominated today.

“America’s gun violence epidemic weighs daily on the minds of so many families in our country. Parents live in fear of hearing their children describe to them what it’s like to go through an active shooter drill. Too many people in communities across the country live in fear of being shot in their neighborhoods. In states across the country, students and voters have been speaking up, taking to statehouses, and demanding that lawmakers pass effective gun safety legislation. Their advocacy is delivering results: just since the massacre in Parkland, more than 50 gun safety bills have passed in 26 states. Should the Senate confirm the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, we have every indication to believe that he will prioritize an agenda backed by the gun lobby, putting corporate interests before public safety. Make no mistake, the progress we’ve achieved passing firearm laws that save lives every day will be in serious danger.”
You're partisan, ideologically driven, emotional opinion... I'll go with the the Constitutional protections afforded me in protect myself from y'all who are intent on "infringing" / stripping me of my personal freedoms and rights. Just because your lips are moving in saying 'it aint so'... doesn't make your actions 'not so'...

My partisan, ideologically driven, emotional opinion is that our society would be far safer if every competent, non-prohibited possessor had & carried a gun! Does that mean that I should feel at liberty to foist legislation on you infringing upon your Constitutionally protected rights & freedoms... ?
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state government has a compelling interest in regulating your vagina because LIFE


but state government does NOT have a compelling interest in regulating militia to SECURE the free state of LIVING citizens

state government has a compelling interest in regulating your vagina because LIFE


but state government does NOT have a compelling interest in regulating militia to SECURE the free state of LIVING citizens

First off (quite cryptic) lol. The state does not regulate one's genitalia no matter what kinky fetish you might have a proclivity for. An unborn baby in the womb is not an anatomical part of one's genotype, or a cancerous tumor, or deleterious tissue mass for which "health care" is being denied or granted.

The second part of your cryptic post I don't even know what you're getting at.. I'll just say that all free, law abiding citizens have the right to protect and defend themselves & theirs from all manner of threats, even that of the Gov. overstepping its Constitutionally limited bounds, as you libs seem so desperately inclined to do when in control.
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Why the fuck do LWNJs support severely brain damaged people such as Ted Kennedy, John McCain and Gabby Giffords?

good i hope his appointment to the SC

will lead to the complete repeal of the 1934 firearms act
state government has a compelling interest in regulating your vagina because LIFE


but state government does NOT have a compelling interest in regulating militia to SECURE the free state of LIVING citizens


You need to read D.C. v Heller..... owning a gun is not dependent on militia service...... it is an individual Right. Americans use their legal guns 2.4 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and murders.... criminals, released by democrats from prison, murdered 11,004 people in 2016..... can you tell which number is bigger. Of those 11,004 people murdered by criminals released by democrats, 70-80% of them were other criminals, not law abiding citizens...

Please, do some research before you post...
state government has a compelling interest in regulating your vagina because LIFE


but state government does NOT have a compelling interest in regulating militia to SECURE the free state of LIVING citizens


You need to read D.C. v Heller..... owning a gun is not dependent on militia service...... it is an individual Right. Americans use their legal guns 2.4 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and murders.... criminals, released by democrats from prison, murdered 11,004 people in 2016..... can you tell which number is bigger. Of those 11,004 people murdered by criminals released by democrats, 70-80% of them were other criminals, not law abiding citizens...

Please, do some research before you post...

or chose to remain willfully ignorant
Every federal gun control law is unconstitutional.

I hope the new judge will help move things in the right direction.

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