GAIA theory Scientist recants! Global warming not occurring & why we have higer gas


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
as fast as he first proposed when he created the GAIA theory in 1979.
Because of his alarmist position we have AlGore religion! We have little kids in grade school crying because polar bears don't have any ice to play on.. all because of "global warming"!!!

Gaia' scientist James Lovelock: I was 'alarmist' about climate change | Mail Online

NOW he says "wait a minute..." not so fast AlGore and all you global warming evangelists!
It will not go back on climate change, he said, but will admit he had been 'extrapolating too far'. It will suggest how people can change their habits to co-ordinate with the Earth's natural systems.

Lovelock said he is not the only one who got it wrong, suggesting other environmental commentators, such as Al Gore and Tim Flannery, also thought the impact would have been seen sooner.

These claims by Lovelock was what got global warming all worked up !
# Civilization in its present form hasn't got long.

# Before this century is over billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs
of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable.

# By 2040 every summer in Europe will be... between 110F and 120F.
It is not the death of people that is the main problem, it is the fact that the plants
can't grow. There will be almost no food grown in Europe.

# By 2040, parts of the Sahara desert will have moved into middle Europe.
We are talking about Paris. As far north as Berlin. In Britain we will escape because
of our oceanic position. By 2040, China will be uninhabitable.

# Florida will be gone altogether, the whole damned place, in not too long.

# We have no option but to take our punishment and be glad that there will be
enough of us to survive.

I think Lovelock must have been looking at the same data I have because I'd like some of you who think practical, common sense people like me are ignorant.. so please to those that defend this statement please check my math!!!

"Glaciers are melting so fast that the coasts of Florida and other water fronts will be under water before 2040" See above...

Supposedly all the glaciers in the world are melting 385 billion tons of water to the oceans.

There are 343 quintillion gallons of water in all the oceans.
How many gallons of water does the ocean have

The addition of these 385 billion tons of water by melting glaciers would add
OK... the equivalent of .000056% of all the water in all the oceans!

This is the same as 23 ounces of water in an 648,000 gallons of an Olympic pool!

Himalayan Glaciers Not Melting That Entire Fast | French Tribune

SO in consideration of concerns about all that water rising sea levels we are paying higher gas prices cause refiners have to pay credits...
By the the k00k response to this thread. Its like the nerd we all knew in school who jumps out of his shorts to contribute something well after the point has been made by the smart guy. The k00ks will come in here and fall all over themsevles trying to discredit this guy yada..........yada.........but as usual, and like most of the k00ks, they miss the point. The point is, the point was made.


90% of the people couldnt give a rats ass about the research. They take their news on shit in soundbites, thus, the perception. IN recent years, the amount of AGW naysayers has increased 100 fold. DIckhEaDs think it about who's science is more dominant. But in the eyes of the public, the "consensus" shit has been shot to ..................shit.:coffee: Proof? Crap and Tax is permenently fcuked!!!
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The entire Arctic and all the glaciers can melt and it won't be a bad thing at all.

The ice in the Antarctic has no chance of melting anytime soon, since its mostly high elevation as well as being on the bottom of the earth. If it ever did melt then oceans would rise some 60+ meters. Thats when you'll want to start worrying if you own beachfront property.
The entire Arctic and all the glaciers can melt and it won't be a bad thing at all.

The ice in the Antarctic has no chance of melting anytime soon, since its mostly high elevation as well as being on the bottom of the earth. If it ever did melt then oceans would rise some 60+ meters. Thats when you'll want to start worrying if you own beachfront property.

So, you are really that ignorant.

Greenland melts, that would add an additional 20' to sea level. Quite catastrophic for most seaports.

If the Arctic Sea Ice melts, the Arctic clathrates let go. That will create source of GHGs even larger than what we are putting into the atmosphere, and there will no way to slow it down or control it. We will just be along for the ride.

For the most vulnerable nations, this will be a disaster. No, the human race will not be in danger of extinction, but the world will not be a pleasant one, and significant percentage of humanity will die from the effects.
Lovelocks piece is scalding. It makes one thing perfectly clear. The AGW true believers are in the business of embellishing EVERYTHING!!! So the question becomes..................why?

One only needs to possess the IQ of a small soap dish to figure that one out!!:2up::2up::2up:
The entire Arctic and all the glaciers can melt and it won't be a bad thing at all.

The ice in the Antarctic has no chance of melting anytime soon, since its mostly high elevation as well as being on the bottom of the earth. If it ever did melt then oceans would rise some 60+ meters. Thats when you'll want to start worrying if you own beachfront property.

So, you are really that ignorant.

Greenland melts, that would add an additional 20' to sea level. Quite catastrophic for most seaports.

If the Arctic Sea Ice melts, the Arctic clathrates let go. That will create source of GHGs even larger than what we are putting into the atmosphere, and there will no way to slow it down or control it. We will just be along for the ride.

For the most vulnerable nations, this will be a disaster. No, the human race will not be in danger of extinction, but the world will not be a pleasant one, and significant percentage of humanity will die from the effects.

Yet our planet did just fine without ice caps in the past....

Sorry if I don't shed tears for the people who will eventually have to move off their beachfront homes.
The entire Arctic and all the glaciers can melt and it won't be a bad thing at all.

The ice in the Antarctic has no chance of melting anytime soon, since its mostly high elevation as well as being on the bottom of the earth. If it ever did melt then oceans would rise some 60+ meters. Thats when you'll want to start worrying if you own beachfront property.

So, you are really that ignorant.

Greenland melts, that would add an additional 20' to sea level. Quite catastrophic for most seaports.

If the Arctic Sea Ice melts, the Arctic clathrates let go. That will create source of GHGs even larger than what we are putting into the atmosphere, and there will no way to slow it down or control it. We will just be along for the ride.

For the most vulnerable nations, this will be a disaster. No, the human race will not be in danger of extinction, but the world will not be a pleasant one, and significant percentage of humanity will die from the effects.

Yet our planet did just fine without ice caps in the past....

Sorry if I don't shed tears for the people who will eventually have to move off their beachfront homes.

Yes the planted did just fine without ice caps how ever cities, seaports and people living near the ocean will not do just fine with no ice caps
Granny says when all the ice melts from global warmin' - the world gonna blow up...
Antarctic may host methane stores
29 August 2012 - Ancient organic matter could be converted to methane by microbes
Large volumes of methane - a potent greenhouse gas - could be locked beneath the ice-covered regions of Antarctica, according to a new study. It says this methane could be released into the atmosphere as ice retreats, contributing to climate warming. The findings indicate that ancient deposits of organic matter may have been converted to methane by microbes under the ice. An international team reported the results in Nature journal.

Study leader Jemima Wadham, from Bristol University, said: "This is an immense amount of organic carbon, more than ten times the size of carbon stocks in northern permafrost regions. "Our laboratory experiments tell us that these sub-ice environments are also biologically active, meaning that this organic carbon is probably being metabolised to carbon dioxide and methane gas by microbes."

They estimate that there could be hundreds of billions of tonnes of carbon stored in methane reservoirs under the ice sheet. The authors say that the predicted shallow depth of these methane reserves means that they could be destabilised by climate change, and might act as a positive feedback on global warming.

Co-author Dr Sandra Arndt, also from the University of Bristol, said: "It's not surprising that you might expect to find significant amounts of methane hydrate trapped beneath the ice sheet. "Just like in sub-seafloor sediments, it is cold and pressures are high which are important conditions for methane hydrate formation." In their Nature paper, the authors comment that their "findings suggest that the Antarctic Ice Sheet may be a neglected but important component of the global methane budget".

BBC News - Antarctic may host methane stores
This is what denialists are now reduced to, cherrypicking quotes from an old pseudoscientist that no one cares about.

So why can't denialists talk about actual science? Because their political-religious cult hasn't given them any information on real science.
The entire Arctic and all the glaciers can melt and it won't be a bad thing at all.

The ice in the Antarctic has no chance of melting anytime soon, since its mostly high elevation as well as being on the bottom of the earth. If it ever did melt then oceans would rise some 60+ meters. Thats when you'll want to start worrying if you own beachfront property.

So, you are really that ignorant.

Greenland melts, that would add an additional 20' to sea level. Quite catastrophic for most seaports.

If the Arctic Sea Ice melts, the Arctic clathrates let go. That will create source of GHGs even larger than what we are putting into the atmosphere, and there will no way to slow it down or control it. We will just be along for the ride.

For the most vulnerable nations, this will be a disaster. No, the human race will not be in danger of extinction, but the world will not be a pleasant one, and significant percentage of humanity will die from the effects.

Will the extra water volume decrease the "Ocean acidification" (that's not happening anyway)?
Granny says when all the ice melts from global warmin' - the world gonna blow up...
Antarctic may host methane stores
29 August 2012 - Ancient organic matter could be converted to methane by microbes
Large volumes of methane - a potent greenhouse gas - could be locked beneath the ice-covered regions of Antarctica, according to a new study. It says this methane could be released into the atmosphere as ice retreats, contributing to climate warming. The findings indicate that ancient deposits of organic matter may have been converted to methane by microbes under the ice. An international team reported the results in Nature journal.

Study leader Jemima Wadham, from Bristol University, said: "This is an immense amount of organic carbon, more than ten times the size of carbon stocks in northern permafrost regions. "Our laboratory experiments tell us that these sub-ice environments are also biologically active, meaning that this organic carbon is probably being metabolised to carbon dioxide and methane gas by microbes."

They estimate that there could be hundreds of billions of tonnes of carbon stored in methane reservoirs under the ice sheet. The authors say that the predicted shallow depth of these methane reserves means that they could be destabilised by climate change, and might act as a positive feedback on global warming.

Co-author Dr Sandra Arndt, also from the University of Bristol, said: "It's not surprising that you might expect to find significant amounts of methane hydrate trapped beneath the ice sheet. "Just like in sub-seafloor sediments, it is cold and pressures are high which are important conditions for methane hydrate formation." In their Nature paper, the authors comment that their "findings suggest that the Antarctic Ice Sheet may be a neglected but important component of the global methane budget".

BBC News - Antarctic may host methane stores

Big whoop. It would take over 100,000 years to melt down to where that could even begin to be an issue. By then we'll be long off of this rock.
This is what denialists are now reduced to, cherrypicking quotes from an old pseudoscientist that no one cares about.

So why can't denialists talk about actual science? Because their political-religious cult hasn't given them any information on real science.

Hmmmm, when he was the founder of the modern enviro movement he was the bee's knee's. Now that he has actually learned something (being an ethical chap he doesn't cherry pick research) and has confirmed that his fears were unfounded, now you call him a pseudo scientist? Now you denigrate him?

My, my. whatever are you going to do when the whole house of cards finally tumbles down in the next few years. Are you going to crawl back to him and beg forgiveness?

Really dude, you are a reeeeeeaall class act.........not.
Look, if you want to consider Lovelock to be your messiah, feel free. I can't stop you. I'm just pointing out no scientists ever cared about the Gaia touchyfeely crap. And I'm pointing out how desperate and dishonest you look for trying to link such pseudoscience with AGW science.

But I will extend you this offer. If you'll stop lying about us, I'll stop telling the truth about you. Deal?

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