Gal takes 5 bullets by Border Patrol Agent, 3 to the head for running him over in car


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Border Patrol shoots 10 bullets in the windshield of a car, 5 hits the driver who tried to run him down!! The driver's spouse wants revenge.

A car is considered a lethal weapon. That's just the way it goes!

Sunday, September, 30, 2012

In my opinion,

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA -- Valeria "Monique" Alvarado, 32 also known as Valeria Tachiquin, the women have aliases too, intentionally tried to run over an U.S. Border Patrol Agent with her car on Friday. The agent hit the windshield so hard his body was imprinted in the glass. He was screaming for her to stop. (I bet that made her mad.)

When she didn’t stop and was driving like a rabid fool the officer was in fear for his life and had no other defense than to pull his pistol out of his holster and let her have it and rightfully so. (No more Mr. Nice Guy's)

He shot 10 bullets through the windshield at point blank range and the car slowly came to a stop and Valeria was laced with 5 bullet holes and three of them were to her head. (I guess she’ll never do that again.) There was no need to call an ambulance she was dead as a door nail. Coroner yes, ambulance no. She was hit 3 times in the skull and once in the chest and once in the arm. She probably bled plum to death in licitly split timing if she wasn’t killed instantly. The agent most likely carried at least a Glock .40 cal. if not a .45 of some kind. A Glock .40 will kill a cow with one bullet to head (and it did). Her brains were probably splattered all over the back seat where the kids ride. Something like that. :eusa_boohoo:

The Chula Vista Police and the FBI are investigating the fatal shooting. The Border Patrol agent was in a neighborhood trying to serve a felony warrant on Friday, September 28, 2012 when Valeria ran him over with a newer 2/dr black Honda Alvarado sedan (Probably stolen). Alvarado had a past criminal history she was involved with drug possession but she never served time in jail. The warrant wasn't for her, this time. The agent’s identity is not being disclosed probably for safety reasons for him and his family members. (Those people are very revengeful.)

“"She literally ran our agent down, the agent actually was impacted, was hit by the vehicle and carried several hundred yards on the hood before fearing for his life did discharge his weapon to get the vehicle to stop," Border Patrol Deputy Chief Rodney Scott said.”

The dead woman’s shaved headed husband Gilbert Alvarado said in the news video that he wants justice. He said, "Where's the evidence that my wife threatened a trained officer? You know?” and he also said, “Whoever shot my wife, that guy whoever that is, that guy needs to get shot." (That sounds like a call for a hit.)

“That guy needs to get shot.” That sounds like a threat and the Border Patrol should check his legal status and deport him out of the country a.s.a.p. if he’s an illegal alien.”

Valeria and Gilbert Alvarado can blame themselves for this incident because they have so much hatred for the American Border Patrol and the U.S. law enforcement officer's. Anyone who would aim for and hit a law officer of any agency with their car deserves what this woman got, a bullet to the head.

This is so typical that the murderous Valeria gets the short end of the stick when she tries to kill someone and then her gang-banger-wanna-be husband Gilbert Alvarado wants to revenge her death against the law officer she tried to kill. Their children probably think the same way because the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

"Meanwhile, Christian Ramirez of the Southern Border Communities Coalition said the organization stands behind Alvarado’s family and will help them seek justice."

""We will do everything in our power to make sure the investigation is conducted in a transparent fashion, and the family gets the justice they deserve,” said Ramirez." (Of course they will.)

Now see, if she would have stayed in her own country this would have never happened. Everyone needs to contact their politician's today and tell them to close the Southern border and tell them NO Amnesty of any kind!


Video and article:
California Woman Valeria Alvarado Fatally Shot by Border Patrol Agent

Calif. woman fatally shot after allegedly driving into border patrol agent

Family demands answers in fatal shooting of woman in car by Border Patrol agent


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obama's DOJ will arrest and prosecute the agent and give millions of dollars to her husband.
No doubt the husband will end up with the border patrol agent’s house and pension and the agent will get a life sentence in prison for protecting himself. Obama will probably say, "Yes you were supposed to ride on the hood of the car going 90 mph!"

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I'm sure Gloria Alred backed by the ACLU will press for formal charges against the agent
and Gloria will file a multi million dollar suit as well against the agent and his department.
I'm sure Gloria Alred backed by the ACLU will press for formal charges against the agent
and Gloria will file a multi million dollar suit as well against the agent and his department.

Unless Gloria speaks fluent Spanish I doubt she'll take the case. The woman's entire neighborhood is calling fowl and has set up a memorial fund for the "innocent" woman. “Innocent”, yeah right, she tried to kill a man with a car! I wouldn't doubt it if the whole ordeal turned into a Rodney King type of situation giving them reason to rape, rob, pillage and burn everything in sight. I wouldn’t put it past them.

I'm sure Gloria Alred backed by the ACLU will press for formal charges against the agent
and Gloria will file a multi million dollar suit as well against the agent and his department.

Unless Gloria speaks fluent Spanish I doubt she'll take the case. The woman's entire neighborhood is calling fowl and has set up a memorial fund for the "innocent" woman. “Innocent”, yeah right, she tried to kill a man with a car! I wouldn't doubt it if the whole ordeal turned into a Rodney King type of situation giving them reason to rape, rob, pillage and burn everything in sight. I wouldn’t put it past them.

Was the boarder agent white - oh boy!
No one knows who the border patrol agent is many of them are Hispanic because they speak "Hispexican". (As Granny would say and she's always right.)

obama's DOJ will arrest and prosecute the agent and give millions of dollars to her husband.

Like the Border Patrol Agent's Compean and Ramos who shot a fleeing drug dealer with 700 pounds of pot in the butt on the border with Mexhexico. The government paid for the drug dealer’s plea and defense and the agent’s ended up in prison compliments of the U.S. government.

The opposition surly wants the border patrol agent punished and jailed and they see Valeria "Monique" Alvarado as an innocent party and have said so. They don't feel any remorse or sympathy for an innocent American victim when they are harmed or murdered by an illegal alien. They come to this board to stick up for the murderers and rapists. Yet, when one of their own gets killed it's like the Sky is falling. It's time we take back our own country.


Q. What do you call a cop in a Little Tijuana neighborhood?

A. Target Practice.

IMO, the husband thinks that it’s perfectly normal to run people down with their cars. In his mind that’s not a wrong thing to do. They're always running people down in Arizona, that’s for sure, how do we know because a lot of them get caught! One illegal drove up on the sidewalk to hit a 10-year-old girl riding her bicycle, their always mowing people down.

'My wife got killed for no reason,' Gilbert told NBC 7. Show me that my wife had a gun or something that threatened the guy’s life where he had to use lethal force against her.'
The shooting occurred about five miles north of the Mexican border.


Family Outraged Over Woman's Shooting

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Wrongful death suit file in Border Patrol shooting in California

Saturday, Oct 13, 2012

In my opinion,

CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA -- The family of Valeria "Munique" Tachiquin Alvarado, 32 have hired Attorney Eugene Iredale and they have filed a wrongful death claim against the Border Patrol (BP) agents on the scene when she was killed. She was shot 9 times according to their lawyer.

According to the police records Border Patrol Agent Justin Tackett, 34 was hit twice by a car driven by Alvarado. He feared for his life and pulled his gun and fired shots killing her. One witness who was related to Alvarado reported seeing the agent on the car hood while he fired his gun.

The day of the shooting several Border Patrol agents went to the Moss Street Apartments and they reported that Valeria Alvarado had just left the apartment where the border patrol agents were going to serve a warrant. The BP agents had an arrest warrant for a drug dealing illegal alien felon, who had been previously deported and had a history of drug charges. The apartment was a known drug den.

Authorities say Alvarado deliberately ran into Agent Tackett who landed on the hood of her car and he asked her to stop and she didn’t. So, he plugged her with 9 bullets. If she would have stopped her car she would still be alive today but she chose to try to murder the agent with her car and she faced the lethal consequences.

“Shawn Moran, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council, the agents' union, said he was confident Tackett did the right thing in the incident.”

Moran said, "If the agent says his life was threatened and he needed to use deadly force, we're going to back him and accept his statement at face value."


Valeria "Munique" Tachiquin Alvarado

2000 She was arrested and convicted for drunk driving.

2004 she was arrested for possession of methamphetamine.

2011 she was arrested and put on probation for a drug crime according to police.


Wrongful death claim in SD Border Patrol shooting;_ylt=A2KJNF8BEX9QUkEAghjQtDMD

Wrongful death suit promised in shooting

Agent who fatally shot woman suspended while serving as Imperial deputy

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I'm sorry, Wolfmoon.

After the pathetic case of OJ being sued by Nicole's parents for her death, following his release after a jury declared insufficient evidence to convict, nothing in California courts surprises me anymore.

I think they're making a big mistake not to throw this out of court, and hope they do when the trial starts.

She used her car as a lethal weapon and got returned in the same measure of force.

Ninnyhammering cops for doing their job is a mistake.

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