Gallup- Americans Less Likely to See U.S. as No. 1 Militarily

Did you miss that whole the Pentagon telling Congress to stop buying shit they don't need?

Like tanks?

You do realize where this is coming from, right?
--------------------------------- its my opinion that the USA is getting weaker due to mrobama and his policies Disir . mrobama has lots of influence on his boys and girls in the pentagon and I don't trust them because I don't trust mrobama !! The most important thing for the USA to have is the strongest and best military and weapons in the world and I am very happy to spend money on them Disir !!
Mr. Oblama spends a trillion a year on the military, how is that making it weaker?
Did you miss that whole the Pentagon telling Congress to stop buying shit they don't need?

Like tanks?

You do realize where this is coming from, right?
--------------------------------- its my opinion that the USA is getting weaker due to mrobama and his policies Disir . mrobama has lots of influence on his boys and girls in the pentagon and I don't trust them because I don't trust mrobama !! The most important thing for the USA to have is the strongest and best military and weapons in the world and I am very happy to spend money on them Disir !!
Mr. Oblama spends a trillion a year on the military, how is that making it weaker?
He could be spending 100 trillion like our Lord and Savior Ronald Reagan would be doing right now, blessed be His name.
Did you miss that whole the Pentagon telling Congress to stop buying shit they don't need?

Like tanks?

You do realize where this is coming from, right?
--------------------------------- its my opinion that the USA is getting weaker due to mrobama and his policies Disir . mrobama has lots of influence on his boys and girls in the pentagon and I don't trust them because I don't trust mrobama !! The most important thing for the USA to have is the strongest and best military and weapons in the world and I am very happy to spend money on them Disir !!
Mr. Oblama spends a trillion a year on the military, how is that making it weaker?
He could be spending 100 trillion like our Lord and Savior Ronald Reagan would be doing right now, blessed be His name.
I was part of that paper tiger build up..I was an anti-armor missile system technician for the TOW/Dragon missile systems....We could get shelf stock parts to fix anything, so we sat around and did nothing...
Did you miss that whole the Pentagon telling Congress to stop buying shit they don't need?

Like tanks?

You do realize where this is coming from, right?
--------------------------------- its my opinion that the USA is getting weaker due to mrobama and his policies Disir . mrobama has lots of influence on his boys and girls in the pentagon and I don't trust them because I don't trust mrobama !! The most important thing for the USA to have is the strongest and best military and weapons in the world and I am very happy to spend money on them Disir !!
Mr. Oblama spends a trillion a year on the military, how is that making it weaker?
He could be spending 100 trillion like our Lord and Savior Ronald Reagan would be doing right now, blessed be His name.
I was part of that paper tiger build up..I was an anti-armor missile system technician for the TOW/Dragon missile systems....We could get shelf stock parts to fix anything, so we sat around and did nothing...
And it made people feel great when they went to the mall :clap:
But why do Americans consider our military as also ran.

------------------------------------- I don't think that its an also ran but I don't like seeing how USA military is being altered by mrobama Geaux .
What kind of idiot stick is reeetarded enough to consider the US being #2 militarily at ANYTHING!!!!!

Our military isn't #2 at anything BY FAR!!!!!

Who's the dumb ass?
republicans daily spout off about how poor the military is doing. you don't think that takes a toll on public opinion?
-------------------------------------- much of the problem with public perception of USA military may be due to mrobamas policies and his social engineering of USA military Ogibillim !!
Incompetent right-wingers of the U.S. probably think Russia and ISIS are the #1 and #2 military powers. Those people don't have a shred of sense.
--------------------------- I think that Russia is a threat . islamic state just needs to be destroyed OldSchool .
What kind of idiot stick is reeetarded enough to consider the US being #2 militarily at ANYTHING!!!!!

Our military isn't #2 at anything BY FAR!!!!!

Who's the dumb ass?
republicans daily spout off about how poor the military is doing. you don't think that takes a toll on public opinion?
-------------------------------------- much of the problem with public perception of USA military may be due to mrobamas policies and his social engineering of USA military Ogibillim !!
case in point. another "conservative" decrying the state of the military with nothing to back his opinion
Incompetent right-wingers of the U.S. probably think Russia and ISIS are the #1 and #2 military powers. Those people don't have a shred of sense.
--------------------------- I think that Russia is a threat . islamic state just needs to be destroyed OldSchool .
Yeah they have a whole lot of really useful sand and rubble that we could really use.
But why do Americans consider our military as also ran.

random sample of 1,021 adults, aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.

Is that enough of a good indicator with the survey questions they asked?
Pismoe im sure is either full of fuckin shit and knows it (cough), or has studied thorough, IN DEPTH analytical data and trends, budgets and their line items and every last detail to make his 'studied' opinion......its not just on some full of fucking shit hunch.
The US spends about 650 billion/year, second would be China at around 130 billion/year.

If we aren't #1 then someone owes us 520 billion dollars right now. Who in their adled mind would think our military isn't spending enough? WTF?

JUst like a liberal to equate spending with effectiveness.
You know who believes that our military has declined and is no longer number 1 in the world? Those who have never served in the military. If they actually HAD spent a full term in the military, I don't care, pick a branch, then they would know better than to believe the bullshit spewing out of the mouths of the Republicans.

BTW.................those Republicans who are spewing bs about our military no longer being number one have never served either. They are just throwing red meat to the base to scare them into voting for them.

Me? I'd prefer a leader with an actual vision for this country that speaks out and says how they will make it better, rather than one that is trashing the country right now.
yep , just my opinion plus seeing mrobama screwing around with pin prick bombing strikes as fighting Islamic state . [Example , SO CALLED civilians driving oil tankers so mrobama wouldn't destroy the oil tankers] ------------- When Russia strikes well they strike very nicely the way the USA should be striking , bombing !!. That's just one example while another example is mrobamas social engineering in the military Ogibillm .
yep , just my opinion plus seeing mrobama screwing around with pin prick bombing strikes as fighting Islamic state . [Example , civilians driving oil tankers so mrobama wouldn't destroy the oil tankers] ------------- When Russia strikes well they strike very nicely the way the USA should be striking , bombing !!. That's just one example while another example is mrobamas social engineering in the military Ogibillm .
just more opining based on nothing but a need to attack the president

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