Gallup- Americans Less Likely to See U.S. as No. 1 Militarily

yep , just my opinion plus seeing mrobama screwing around with pin prick bombing strikes as fighting Islamic state . [Example , civilians driving oil tankers so mrobama wouldn't destroy the oil tankers] ------------- When Russia strikes well they strike very nicely the way the USA should be striking , bombing !!. That's just one example while another example is mrobamas social engineering in the military Ogibillm .
just more opining based on nothing but a need to attack the president
----------------------------------------- not attacking mrobama , just speaking , typing the reality of him being Gentle to the enemy as he is the CiC of USA military Ogibillim !!

Gentle to the enemy? Obama not only had the Marines take out Bin Laden, they also took out, over time, anyone high enough in Al Qaida to replace him as leader. Then they took out the next layer of leadership. They're doing the same to ISIS.

The whole attack in France was planned as a show of strength to frighten Europeans, and distract them from ISIS' losses in Iraq and elsewhere. Obama wasn't misleading when he said that ISIS was pretty much contained in Iraq. Their leadership is in tatters, in large because of those surgical strikes you decry.
We need to destroy SOMETHING big time!

I say within 10 years Saudi Arabia will not exist. Good chance Iran will go down as well. Not to mention the "reunification of Korea".

Could be Saudi Arabia and Iran are about to start a 3rd proxy war against each other.

I'm amazed at the number of people who are all of a sudden all about the human rights.
Our military needs practice now and then.
yep , just my opinion plus seeing mrobama screwing around with pin prick bombing strikes as fighting Islamic state . [Example , civilians driving oil tankers so mrobama wouldn't destroy the oil tankers] ------------- When Russia strikes well they strike very nicely the way the USA should be striking , bombing !!. That's just one example while another example is mrobamas social engineering in the military Ogibillm .
just more opining based on nothing but a need to attack the president
----------------------------------------- not attacking mrobama , just speaking , typing the reality of him being Gentle to the enemy as he is the CiC of USA military Ogibillim !!

Gentle to the enemy? Obama not only had the Marines take out Bin Laden, they also took out, over time, anyone high enough in Al Qaida to replace him as leader. Then they took out the next layer of leadership. They're doing the same to ISIS.

The whole attack in France was planned as a show of strength to frighten Europeans, and distract them from ISIS' losses in Iraq and elsewhere. Obama wasn't misleading when he said that ISIS was pretty much contained in Iraq. Their leadership is in tatters, in large because of those surgical strikes you decry.
----------------------------------- not impressed Dragon lady !!
This shouldn't be an issue. I don't see where it is written we have to have to have the most powerful military in the world. I understand we have to have the weapons to defend ourselves but why have anything beyond that?
This shouldn't be an issue. I don't see where it is written we have to have to have the most powerful military in the world. I understand we have to have the weapons to defend ourselves but why have anything beyond that?

Keeps the liberal Unions employed.

What a stupid question, seriously?

for me its just about Supremacy in military might . Why be as strong as Russia or anyone else when the USA can be the Biggest , the best and the baddest ?? I mean , what else would you spend money on if you don't spend money on the USA military SDem ??
Republicans have terrorized their ignorant base so much, they believe such nonsense. That's why the GOP base is beginning to strike back.
yep , just my opinion plus seeing mrobama screwing around with pin prick bombing strikes as fighting Islamic state . [Example , civilians driving oil tankers so mrobama wouldn't destroy the oil tankers] ------------- When Russia strikes well they strike very nicely the way the USA should be striking , bombing !!. That's just one example while another example is mrobamas social engineering in the military Ogibillm .

I see you're getting your "facts" from right wing nutjobs again. Obama DID have those tankers destroyed, but, because they were driven by non combatants, leaflets were dropped prior to bombing all the tankers to tell the non combatants that they had a short amount of time to run away. Perfectly reasonable, as well as in compliance with the Geneva conventions.

And, if by "social engineering" you mean getting rid of DADT and allowing gays to serve openly in the military, well.................gays have been serving in the military since 1982, when I met the first gay person I'd ever seen in my life at my first command. DADT was a failed policy that kicked many good people out, who other than being gay, were exceptional soldiers and sailors.

Not only that, but there are benefits that spouses can use in the form of the Ombudsman program, which facilitates communication between the spouse and the command. If you were gay back then, you couldn't use it for fear of being kicked out.

I served for over 20 years in the U.S. Navy, between 1982 and 2002, and getting rid of DADT was the best thing that could have happened.

What branch did you serve in, and for how long?

We had no room for fags in the Navy I served. They were rightfully sent back home after suffering a few 'blanket parties'. And no queers, not the type party you were hoping for.

The US spends about 650 billion/year, second would be China at around 130 billion/year.

If we aren't #1 then someone owes us 520 billion dollars right now. Who in their adled mind would think our military isn't spending enough? WTF?

JUst like a liberal to equate spending with effectiveness.

You don't think our military is more effective than China?
You been listening to rightwing fear mongerers again?
The US spends about 650 billion/year, second would be China at around 130 billion/year.

If we aren't #1 then someone owes us 520 billion dollars right now. Who in their adled mind would think our military isn't spending enough? WTF?

JUst like a liberal to equate spending with effectiveness.

You don't think our military is more effective than China?
You been listening to rightwing fear mongerers again?

I made my point.

It is just like a liberal to equate spending with effectiveness.

DO you have anything to say that addresses that point?
The title speaks for itself. A very, very disturbing data point



  • 49% say U.S. is No. 1 military power in world, down from last year
  • Views that U.S. is spending too little on defense are edging up
  • Republicans much more likely to say military spending is too little
PRINCETON, N.J. -- Americans are evenly split when asked if the U.S. is No. 1 in the world militarily, with 49% saying "yes" and 49% saying "no." The current percentage who view the U.S. as No. 1 is, by a small margin, the lowest Gallup has recorded in its 23-year trend. It also marks a significant downturn from last February, when 59% said the U.S. was the world's top military power.

Americans Less Likely to See U.S. as No. 1 Militarily

There is no way on this earth that the US is the number one military power in the world - thank you Obama.

Our current levels in the Army, Navy and Air Force are at WWII levels.

Our "volunteer" military is 56% below strength (Army Times). Young white men and young black men have all but stopped enlisting and those who are currently serving are leaving at a rate of 66%.

THAT is why we are now counting on women to fight Americas battles.

If we went to war with a major power (China for example), we would be out gunned 540,000 to 160,000. That's only combat ready troops. Our combat-ready troops are at all time lows. Morale within the services us at an all time low, right behind Vietnam Nam.

I pray to God every night that Vladimir Putin doesn't go off his nut and decide to invade Poland or Germany. We don't have enough manpower there to do anything other than turn and run.
another example of a 'patriot'

I served 22 years. You are Goddamned right I'm a patriot. You?
sure you are. you'll just run down the military and servicemen any chance you get because you hate the president. but sure, you're a patriot

For you.

But why do Americans consider our military as also ran.


Dunno....I'll take a stab...

Fuckwads like you have spent the last 8 years doing nothing except criticizing the nation and everything about it because you can't stand a black man being at the helm.

Congratulations, people have believed your bullshit.

For the record, the US Military is unmatched by any fighting force in the world in all 4 theaters; land, see, air, space and even cyberspace.

Shove that up your ass.

Fuck you and your race baiting bullshit.
The US spends about 650 billion/year, second would be China at around 130 billion/year.

If we aren't #1 then someone owes us 520 billion dollars right now. Who in their adled mind would think our military isn't spending enough? WTF?

JUst like a liberal to equate spending with effectiveness.

You don't think our military is more effective than China?
You been listening to rightwing fear mongerers again?

I made my point.

It is just like a liberal to equate spending with effectiveness.

DO you have anything to say that addresses that point?

Do you believe your own point ?
You don't think we have the most effective military in the world?

What does being liberal have to do with believing we have an effective military?
The US spends about 650 billion/year, second would be China at around 130 billion/year.

If we aren't #1 then someone owes us 520 billion dollars right now. Who in their adled mind would think our military isn't spending enough? WTF?

JUst like a liberal to equate spending with effectiveness.

You don't think our military is more effective than China?
You been listening to rightwing fear mongerers again?

I made my point.

It is just like a liberal to equate spending with effectiveness.

DO you have anything to say that addresses that point?

Do you believe your own point ?
You don't think we have the most effective military in the world?

What does being liberal have to do with believing we have an effective military?

My point was about the liberal equating spending with military effectiveness.

Which was fucking stupid of the liberal. And typical of a liberal.

As you have not responded to my point, I don't see where you get off asking me questions.

If you don't care about that point, they why did you hit the reply button?
The US spends about 650 billion/year, second would be China at around 130 billion/year.

If we aren't #1 then someone owes us 520 billion dollars right now. Who in their adled mind would think our military isn't spending enough? WTF?

JUst like a liberal to equate spending with effectiveness.

You don't think our military is more effective than China?
You been listening to rightwing fear mongerers again?

I made my point.

It is just like a liberal to equate spending with effectiveness.

DO you have anything to say that addresses that point?

Do you believe your own point ?
You don't think we have the most effective military in the world?

What does being liberal have to do with believing we have an effective military?

My point was about the liberal equating spending with military effectiveness.

Which was fucking stupid of the liberal. And typical of a liberal.

As you have not responded to my point, I don't see where you get off asking me questions.

If you don't care about that point, they why did you hit the reply button?
Why are you such an ass?
What does liberal have to do with it
If conservatives don't believe more spending results in a more effective military, why are they always asking for more spending?
What Fox viewers believe

1. The Obama military is weak
2. Obama is a Muslim
3. Obama is not American
4. Global warming is a hoax
5. Evolution is a hoax
But why do Americans consider our military as also ran.


Dunno....I'll take a stab...

Fuckwads like you have spent the last 8 years doing nothing except criticizing the nation and everything about it because you can't stand a black man being at the helm.

Congratulations, people have believed your bullshit.

For the record, the US Military is unmatched by any fighting force in the world in all 4 theaters; land, see, air, space and even cyberspace.

Shove that up your ass.

Sorry, I'm not the dildo you use every day to accomplish your sick fetish.. but I digress

Obama has nobody to blame except himself, and anyone who foolishly voted for him.... twice nonetheless


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