Gallup Finds 52% of Americans Want trump Impeached and Removed

The media has chosen to remove our president and there is nothing we can do about it.

The media has no authority to do so.
The people who stop watching them does.
Turn it off watch c- span or other sources that don't have a left or right spin.
News should never be political opinion news.
Instead we have entertainment news and outright supermarket tabloid sensation news.

To be fair I watch CNN, FOX NEWS and MSNBC.

CNN & MSNBC is about the same. Broadcasting what Trump just said and do. Using trump own words. They blast both democrats and republican guest.

Fox News from Hannity to Carlson to Ingraham and judge or out numbered is just a show and incredibly disappointing.
Fox describes Guilliani as a hero. CNN describes Guilliani as lap dog running around as trump as henchmen.
Fox just hired John Solomon a die hard conspiracy theory creator.

No using their words to interpret what Trump said and meant.
Which has been absolutely wrong.
The news people are not mind readers. :)

You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.
View attachment 285116
Who proofread the photo? the grammar is stupid...
To be fair I watch CNN, FOX NEWS and MSNBC.

CNN & MSNBC is about the same. Broadcasting what Trump just said and do. Using trump own words. They blast both democrats and republican guest.

Fox News from Hannity to Carlson to Ingraham and judge or out numbered is just a show and incredibly disappointing.
Fox describes Guilliani as a hero. CNN describes Guilliani as lap dog running around as trump as henchmen.
Fox just hired John Solomon a die hard conspiracy theory creator.
To be fair-you are wrong. I have never seen such one sidedness as CNN and MSNBC. Fox has news anchors who are fair-Baier, McCallum, Kurtz, Bream, and op ed folks-Hannity, Carlson, Ingrham-the other two have only lefty hacks

Bullshit you have Hannity and several anchors Trump lap dogs. Trump controls Fox News. Hannity even campaign for Trump.
CNN and MSNBC used words that comes out from this lousy POTUS mouth. That you cult followers don’t like. Then you call it fake news.

Example. Like his Dallas rally yesterday. The human crisis that he created in Northern Syria abandoning a close ally....... This SOB said ...... LET THEM FIGHT A LITTLE BIT. then his followers cheers. WTF.

People are getting slaughtered, we are witnessing a human crisis & thousands of families being displaced...... Let them fight a little bit? Then people cheered?
CNN is using that against him.

Think what the fucking mentality of this moron POTUS.

Why do you think 63 million voted for him on his campaign promise of getting us out of that hundreds of years old war?
IT'S up to the rest of the NATO to step up and become the police.
We still have some troops there overseeing things.

Why do I think 63 millions votes for him blah blah blah.

1. You have to make sure if it’s the right time and right place to pull the troops. Not just pull troops just for the heck without a plan.
Look at the results? Human crisis in the making created by unfit POTUS.

2. If you want NATO to take over. Then why can he make a transition for NATO to take over make sure Kurds will not get slaughtered?

Right now the ceasefire is just a joke. The invasion continues.

He did Turkey's president went after them and broke the agreement.
What you are saying is news spin not facts.
To be fair I watch CNN, FOX NEWS and MSNBC.

CNN & MSNBC is about the same. Broadcasting what Trump just said and do. Using trump own words. They blast both democrats and republican guest.

Fox News from Hannity to Carlson to Ingraham and judge or out numbered is just a show and incredibly disappointing.
Fox describes Guilliani as a hero. CNN describes Guilliani as lap dog running around as trump as henchmen.
Fox just hired John Solomon a die hard conspiracy theory creator.
To be fair-you are wrong. I have never seen such one sidedness as CNN and MSNBC. Fox has news anchors who are fair-Baier, McCallum, Kurtz, Bream, and op ed folks-Hannity, Carlson, Ingrham-the other two have only lefty hacks

Bullshit you have Hannity and several anchors Trump lap dogs. Trump controls Fox News. Hannity even campaign for Trump.
CNN and MSNBC used words that comes out from this lousy POTUS mouth. That you cult followers don’t like. Then you call it fake news.

Example. Like his Dallas rally yesterday. The human crisis that he created in Northern Syria abandoning a close ally....... This SOB said ...... LET THEM FIGHT A LITTLE BIT. then his followers cheers. WTF.

People are getting slaughtered, we are witnessing a human crisis & thousands of families being displaced...... Let them fight a little bit? Then people cheered?
CNN is using that against him.

Think what the fucking mentality of this moron POTUS.
Bullshit on you. I said Hannity WAS an op ed folk-look it up! I don't like Trump, but I won't let people give blow jobs to CNN because they sound newsy-they are frauds! The two gossip sisters, CNN and MSNBC do use words from Trump-when it is to THEIR agenda advantage-not in news reporting. If Trump supporters cheer-let them-lefties cheer when Schiff says "I have hidden evidence"-that;s what mutts do. So you hate Trump, and I hate media liars-ALL of them! And for the record, let the Kurds fight their own battles the way WE left the South Vietnamese to fight theirs.

Dude you are lying.

1. You are using words exactly the same as Trump supporters.
2. You don’t like CNN & NSNBC that used what came out from Trump lying mouth.
3. Schiff hidden evidence? Came from anti democrats Trump lap dogs.
4. Kurds territory was in safe haven and in just 24 hours became human crisis because of inept president. Comparing south Vietnam and the Kurds is totally hogwash and stupid.
Why create a crisis when it can be prevented with just 50 US troops?

Read my previous post. Trump making comments..... LET THEM FIGHT A LITTLE BIT. Do you think that is a good thing to say where people are getting slaughtered?
Dudette, you are stupid AND lying. My words are my words-not yours, not theirs, mine-GOT IT! GOOD! ABC used footage from bombs going off in Kentucky and said the cease fire was off-they lied. CNN said there was Russian collusion- they lied. MSNBC said Kavanaugh raped a Yale student-they lied. Schiff said he had evidence of Trump Russian collusion where is it? The two area have the same result EXCEPT we PROMISED SVN-Trump never promised the Kurds ANYTHING! The crisis would and is going to happen-history shows us that-just get Americans out of harm's way. And if you are going to accuse someone, namely me of anything, when you don't know them personally, get off your ego trip-YOU don't know everything!

Yep. ... you caught her!!
The media has no authority to do so.
The people who stop watching them does.
Turn it off watch c- span or other sources that don't have a left or right spin.
News should never be political opinion news.
Instead we have entertainment news and outright supermarket tabloid sensation news.

To be fair I watch CNN, FOX NEWS and MSNBC.

CNN & MSNBC is about the same. Broadcasting what Trump just said and do. Using trump own words. They blast both democrats and republican guest.

Fox News from Hannity to Carlson to Ingraham and judge or out numbered is just a show and incredibly disappointing.
Fox describes Guilliani as a hero. CNN describes Guilliani as lap dog running around as trump as henchmen.
Fox just hired John Solomon a die hard conspiracy theory creator.

No using their words to interpret what Trump said and meant.
Which has been absolutely wrong.
The news people are not mind readers. :)

You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.
View attachment 285116
Who proofread the photo? the grammar is stupid...
/——/ Yes it’s stupid. I quoted a libtard. “You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.”
To be fair I watch CNN, FOX NEWS and MSNBC.

CNN & MSNBC is about the same. Broadcasting what Trump just said and do. Using trump own words. They blast both democrats and republican guest.

Fox News from Hannity to Carlson to Ingraham and judge or out numbered is just a show and incredibly disappointing.
Fox describes Guilliani as a hero. CNN describes Guilliani as lap dog running around as trump as henchmen.
Fox just hired John Solomon a die hard conspiracy theory creator.

No using their words to interpret what Trump said and meant.
Which has been absolutely wrong.
The news people are not mind readers. :)

You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.
View attachment 285116
Who proofread the photo? the grammar is stupid...
/——/ Yes it’s stupid. I quoted a libtard. “You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.”

He has been targeted by the left and media since day one.
Yes he is the victim.
96% of the snobs in DC. don't like him.
96% of DC doesn't like the heartland of America.
No using their words to interpret what Trump said and meant.
Which has been absolutely wrong.
The news people are not mind readers. :)

You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.
View attachment 285116
Who proofread the photo? the grammar is stupid...
/——/ Yes it’s stupid. I quoted a libtard. “You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.”

He has been targeted by the left and media since day one.
Yes he is the victim.
96% of the snobs in DC. don't like him.
96% of DC doesn't like the heartland of America.
/——/ What I don’t get is why USMB Libs defend the corrupt career politicians in Washington with such passion. You’d think they would support a genuine outsider like Trump, but they won’t even give him a chance.
To be fair I watch CNN, FOX NEWS and MSNBC.

CNN & MSNBC is about the same. Broadcasting what Trump just said and do. Using trump own words. They blast both democrats and republican guest.

Fox News from Hannity to Carlson to Ingraham and judge or out numbered is just a show and incredibly disappointing.
Fox describes Guilliani as a hero. CNN describes Guilliani as lap dog running around as trump as henchmen.
Fox just hired John Solomon a die hard conspiracy theory creator.

No using their words to interpret what Trump said and meant.
Which has been absolutely wrong.
The news people are not mind readers. :)

You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.
View attachment 285116
Who proofread the photo? the grammar is stupid...
/——/ Yes it’s stupid. I quoted a libtard. “You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.”
Not a trump supporter or apologist-I just hate biased media and people who enable other people to act like victims. I will attack them on boards like this.
You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.
View attachment 285116
Who proofread the photo? the grammar is stupid...
/——/ Yes it’s stupid. I quoted a libtard. “You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.”

He has been targeted by the left and media since day one.
Yes he is the victim.
96% of the snobs in DC. don't like him.
96% of DC doesn't like the heartland of America.
/——/ What I don’t get is why USMB Libs defend the corrupt career politicians in Washington with such passion. You’d think they would support a genuine outsider like Trump, but they won’t even give him a chance.
There is no accounting for taste.
You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.
View attachment 285116
Who proofread the photo? the grammar is stupid...
/——/ Yes it’s stupid. I quoted a libtard. “You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.”

He has been targeted by the left and media since day one.
Yes he is the victim.
96% of the snobs in DC. don't like him.
96% of DC doesn't like the heartland of America.
/——/ What I don’t get is why USMB Libs defend the corrupt career politicians in Washington with such passion. You’d think they would support a genuine outsider like Trump, but they won’t even give him a chance.

They are lured by the free stuff, just like all the rest who went for big government giveaways.
Perfect example of Venezuela comes to mind, buying votes.
Gallup Finds 52% of Americans Want trump Impeached and Removed


Gallup Polls show:

75% of people believe in the paranormal

25% of Americans don't know from what country America gained its independence

20% of people still believe the sun revolves around the earth

33% of Americans believe in ghosts

...Other polls show...

33% of people believe in flying saucers and 'little green men'

20% of people believe Big Foot is real

30% of people believe 9/11/01 didn't happen in 2001

30% of Americans believe the Pacific Ocean does not appear on a world map...because they could not find it.

100% of snowflakes believe paying for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a foreign spy is NOT criminal but attending a 10-minute meeting with a foreign lawyer and walking away without any information having changed hands is 'Treason'

100% of snowflakes believe attempting to destroy thousands of pages of subpoenaed, official government documents that had not been submitted for archival as 2 US Laws called for, destroying subpoenaed classified government communication devices in methods that violate numerous existing US laws, and attempting to wipe subpoenaed computer servers / hard drives to prevent the Federal Bureau of Investigation from obtaining them and the contents on them was / is NOT a crime.


8 of the Weirdest Gallup Polls
The 11 dumbest things that 30 percent of Americans believe | The Daily Dot

Deplorables. They're everywhere.
Gallup Finds 52% of Americans Want trump Impeached and Removed


Gallup Polls show:

75% of people believe in the paranormal

25% of Americans don't know from what country America gained its independence

20% of people still believe the sun revolves around the earth

33% of Americans believe in ghosts

...Other polls show...

33% of people believe in flying saucers and 'little green men'

20% of people believe Big Foot is real

30% of people believe 9/11/01 didn't happen in 2001

30% of Americans believe the Pacific Ocean does not appear on a world map...because they could not find it.

100% of snowflakes believe paying for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a foreign spy is NOT criminal but attending a 10-minute meeting with a foreign lawyer and walking away without any information having changed hands is 'Treason'

100% of snowflakes believe attempting to destroy thousands of pages of subpoenaed, official government documents that had not been submitted for archival as 2 US Laws called for, destroying subpoenaed classified government communication devices in methods that violate numerous existing US laws, and attempting to wipe subpoenaed computer servers / hard drives to prevent the Federal Bureau of Investigation from obtaining them and the contents on them was / is NOT a crime.


8 of the Weirdest Gallup Polls
The 11 dumbest things that 30 percent of Americans believe | The Daily Dot

Deplorables. They're everywhere.
That does it-I am never voting again.
This isn't good for trump and his supporters.

Last week it was fox that found 51% want trump impeached and removed from office.

Now gallup.

As time goes on and more evidence is uncovered, that number will only increase.

Congress Approval, Support for Impeaching Trump Both Up

If we take into account that 80 percent of the population does not understand what is happening in the country and their opinion is formed by pastors and rabbis, then this does not mean anything. Rather, the speaker says that the neoconservative majority has moved towards the so-called "democratic" pool.

Question to all: REALLY "United We Stand" or, IN FACT, the civil war is restrained only by the dollar, debts to banks, the FBI, nine other special services, the National Guard and the Army ???


This isn't good for trump and his supporters.

Last week it was fox that found 51% want trump impeached and removed from office.

Now gallup.

As time goes on and more evidence is uncovered, that number will only increase.

Congress Approval, Support for Impeaching Trump Both Up

Trump could be @ 100% removal, and his drones would never notice.

No, we will NOT shake hands, but we will GREET each other, as it SHOULD BE in the army: "I have honor!"
Trumps massive rallies are the correct polls
Distancing one's self from the Orange Kool-Aid is difficult, but increasingly large numbers are putting the cup down.

The process of intoxicant-dependency reversal continues, to the great benefit of The Republic and the Constitution.
Trumps massive rallies are the correct polls
Distancing one's self from the Orange Kool-Aid is difficult, but increasingly large numbers are putting the cup down.

The process of intoxicant-dependency reversal continues, to the great benefit of The Republic and the Constitution.
We could sip pelosi's blue douche...
Don't want that either.

But first things first.. time to deal with the corrupt, unstable finger currently on the button.
Trumps massive rallies are the correct polls
Distancing one's self from the Orange Kool-Aid is difficult, but increasingly large numbers are putting the cup down.

The process of intoxicant-dependency reversal continues, to the great benefit of The Republic and the Constitution.
We could sip pelosi's blue douche...
Don't want that either.

But first things first.. time to deal with the corrupt, unstable finger currently on the button.
And yet-he does the opposite of starting wars...
Trump is going to win by a landslide. The media is going be humiliated once again. The only polling that you can take seriously at all is the last one before the election. They magically tighten up so polling companies can keep their credibility. They make it up on the fly until then. Sometimes I wonder whether they even actually call anyone.

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