Gallup Finds 52% of Americans Want trump Impeached and Removed

This isn't good for trump and his supporters.

Last week it was fox that found 51% want trump impeached and removed from office.

Now gallup.

As time goes on and more evidence is uncovered, that number will only increase.

Congress Approval, Support for Impeaching Trump Both Up
It's gonna go up.

Not with the men

Men agrees going up that the democrats are guilty of high treason

And now Hispanic citizen males are soaring for trump

And the military rising for trump

This is the real power and it’s rising fast.

Democrats guilty of high treason
This isn't good for trump and his supporters.

Last week it was fox that found 51% want trump impeached and removed from office.

Now gallup.

As time goes on and more evidence is uncovered, that number will only increase.

Congress Approval, Support for Impeaching Trump Both Up
It's gonna go up.

Yes it is. The American people aren't the far right radical conservative extremists that are on this board. Those people are the minority in our nation.

Most of the people in our nation accept true and honest facts.

That number will increase. Especially after his acting chief of staff admitted to the quid pro quo yesterday right in front of cameras for the whole nation to see.

The only way trump will be able to avoid federal prison is if he either quits or is thrown out by a vote in the Senate finding him guilty of crimes. If that happens pence will pardon him. If he is voted out of office he will face federal prison.

There is nothing protecting him from state charges and a state prison.
To be fair I watch CNN, FOX NEWS and MSNBC.

CNN & MSNBC is about the same. Broadcasting what Trump just said and do. Using trump own words. They blast both democrats and republican guest.

Fox News from Hannity to Carlson to Ingraham and judge or out numbered is just a show and incredibly disappointing.
Fox describes Guilliani as a hero. CNN describes Guilliani as lap dog running around as trump as henchmen.
Fox just hired John Solomon a die hard conspiracy theory creator.
To be fair-you are wrong. I have never seen such one sidedness as CNN and MSNBC. Fox has news anchors who are fair-Baier, McCallum, Kurtz, Bream, and op ed folks-Hannity, Carlson, Ingrham-the other two have only lefty hacks

Bullshit you have Hannity and several anchors Trump lap dogs. Trump controls Fox News. Hannity even campaign for Trump.
CNN and MSNBC used words that comes out from this lousy POTUS mouth. That you cult followers don’t like. Then you call it fake news.

Example. Like his Dallas rally yesterday. The human crisis that he created in Northern Syria abandoning a close ally....... This SOB said ...... LET THEM FIGHT A LITTLE BIT. then his followers cheers. WTF.

People are getting slaughtered, we are witnessing a human crisis & thousands of families being displaced...... Let them fight a little bit? Then people cheered?
CNN is using that against him.

Think what the fucking mentality of this moron POTUS.

Why do you think 63 million voted for him on his campaign promise of getting us out of that hundreds of years old war?
IT'S up to the rest of the NATO to step up and become the police.
We still have some troops there overseeing things.

Your post has nothing to do with my post.

I was talking about CNN, MSNBC and Fox. Plus his disgusting rally.

I was responding to your last part about Turkey and Syria.

Then go back and respond properly instead of deflecting.
The media has chosen to remove our president and there is nothing we can do about it.

The media has no authority to do so.
The people who stop watching them does.
Turn it off watch c- span or other sources that don't have a left or right spin.
News should never be political opinion news.
Instead we have entertainment news and outright supermarket tabloid sensation news.

To be fair I watch CNN, FOX NEWS and MSNBC.

CNN & MSNBC is about the same. Broadcasting what Trump just said and do. Using trump own words. They blast both democrats and republican guest.

Fox News from Hannity to Carlson to Ingraham and judge or out numbered is just a show and incredibly disappointing.
Fox describes Guilliani as a hero. CNN describes Guilliani as lap dog running around as trump as henchmen.
Fox just hired John Solomon a die hard conspiracy theory creator.
To be fair-you are wrong. I have never seen such one sidedness as CNN and MSNBC. Fox has news anchors who are fair-Baier, McCallum, Kurtz, Bream, and op ed folks-Hannity, Carlson, Ingrham-the other two have only lefty hacks

Bullshit you have Hannity and several anchors Trump lap dogs. Trump controls Fox News. Hannity even campaign for Trump.
CNN and MSNBC used words that comes out from this lousy POTUS mouth. That you cult followers don’t like. Then you call it fake news.

Example. Like his Dallas rally yesterday. The human crisis that he created in Northern Syria abandoning a close ally....... This SOB said ...... LET THEM FIGHT A LITTLE BIT. then his followers cheers. WTF.

People are getting slaughtered, we are witnessing a human crisis & thousands of families being displaced...... Let them fight a little bit? Then people cheered?
CNN is using that against him.

Think what the fucking mentality of this moron POTUS.
/----/ "Trump controls Fox News"
If Trump controlled Fox then Donna "I gave Hildabeast the Questions" Brazile wouldn't be on the air.

Donna was fired by CNN for exactly what you just said. Violations. Bad girl.

Fox hired her. A bad girl. So what are you saying? Fox is corrupted.

It’s just very funny that you have to bring this up.

Yes Trump control Fox. He even complained earlier is not getting enough coverage. He also dictate why democrats presidential candidates are being covered. Some of them personally campaign for Trump.
To be fair I watch CNN, FOX NEWS and MSNBC.

CNN & MSNBC is about the same. Broadcasting what Trump just said and do. Using trump own words. They blast both democrats and republican guest.

Fox News from Hannity to Carlson to Ingraham and judge or out numbered is just a show and incredibly disappointing.
Fox describes Guilliani as a hero. CNN describes Guilliani as lap dog running around as trump as henchmen.
Fox just hired John Solomon a die hard conspiracy theory creator.
To be fair-you are wrong. I have never seen such one sidedness as CNN and MSNBC. Fox has news anchors who are fair-Baier, McCallum, Kurtz, Bream, and op ed folks-Hannity, Carlson, Ingrham-the other two have only lefty hacks

Bullshit you have Hannity and several anchors Trump lap dogs. Trump controls Fox News. Hannity even campaign for Trump.
CNN and MSNBC used words that comes out from this lousy POTUS mouth. That you cult followers don’t like. Then you call it fake news.

Example. Like his Dallas rally yesterday. The human crisis that he created in Northern Syria abandoning a close ally....... This SOB said ...... LET THEM FIGHT A LITTLE BIT. then his followers cheers. WTF.

People are getting slaughtered, we are witnessing a human crisis & thousands of families being displaced...... Let them fight a little bit? Then people cheered?
CNN is using that against him.

Think what the fucking mentality of this moron POTUS.

Why do you think 63 million voted for him on his campaign promise of getting us out of that hundreds of years old war?
IT'S up to the rest of the NATO to step up and become the police.
We still have some troops there overseeing things.

Why do I think 63 millions votes for him blah blah blah.

1. You have to make sure if it’s the right time and right place to pull the troops. Not just pull troops just for the heck without a plan.
Look at the results? Human crisis in the making created by unfit POTUS.

2. If you want NATO to take over. Then why can he make a transition for NATO to take over make sure Kurds will not get slaughtered?

Right now the ceasefire is just a joke. The invasion continues.

He did Turkey's president went after them and broke the agreement.
What you are saying is news spin not facts.

You are so far off.
Either you are lying or you just don’t know what you are saying or both.

I don’t spin things like you people are and bunch of liars.

Trump went after Endrogan during the invasion. Then he broke a lousy agreement during the invasion. Not before. You got that?

Right now even McConnell blasted Trump ineptness.

McConnell slams Trump administration for Syria withdrawal after talking to Pence

Washington(CNN) Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Friday strongly condemned the Trump administration's decision to withdraw US troops from northern Syria, calling it a "grave strategic mistake" in a blistering op-ed.

The rare criticism of the Trump administration from McConnell followed a phone conversation the Republican leader had with Vice President Mike Pence.
To be fair I watch CNN, FOX NEWS and MSNBC.

CNN & MSNBC is about the same. Broadcasting what Trump just said and do. Using trump own words. They blast both democrats and republican guest.

Fox News from Hannity to Carlson to Ingraham and judge or out numbered is just a show and incredibly disappointing.
Fox describes Guilliani as a hero. CNN describes Guilliani as lap dog running around as trump as henchmen.
Fox just hired John Solomon a die hard conspiracy theory creator.
To be fair-you are wrong. I have never seen such one sidedness as CNN and MSNBC. Fox has news anchors who are fair-Baier, McCallum, Kurtz, Bream, and op ed folks-Hannity, Carlson, Ingrham-the other two have only lefty hacks

Bullshit you have Hannity and several anchors Trump lap dogs. Trump controls Fox News. Hannity even campaign for Trump.
CNN and MSNBC used words that comes out from this lousy POTUS mouth. That you cult followers don’t like. Then you call it fake news.

Example. Like his Dallas rally yesterday. The human crisis that he created in Northern Syria abandoning a close ally....... This SOB said ...... LET THEM FIGHT A LITTLE BIT. then his followers cheers. WTF.

People are getting slaughtered, we are witnessing a human crisis & thousands of families being displaced...... Let them fight a little bit? Then people cheered?
CNN is using that against him.

Think what the fucking mentality of this moron POTUS.
Bullshit on you. I said Hannity WAS an op ed folk-look it up! I don't like Trump, but I won't let people give blow jobs to CNN because they sound newsy-they are frauds! The two gossip sisters, CNN and MSNBC do use words from Trump-when it is to THEIR agenda advantage-not in news reporting. If Trump supporters cheer-let them-lefties cheer when Schiff says "I have hidden evidence"-that;s what mutts do. So you hate Trump, and I hate media liars-ALL of them! And for the record, let the Kurds fight their own battles the way WE left the South Vietnamese to fight theirs.

Dude you are lying.

1. You are using words exactly the same as Trump supporters.
2. You don’t like CNN & NSNBC that used what came out from Trump lying mouth.
3. Schiff hidden evidence? Came from anti democrats Trump lap dogs.
4. Kurds territory was in safe haven and in just 24 hours became human crisis because of inept president. Comparing south Vietnam and the Kurds is totally hogwash and stupid.
Why create a crisis when it can be prevented with just 50 US troops?

Read my previous post. Trump making comments..... LET THEM FIGHT A LITTLE BIT. Do you think that is a good thing to say where people are getting slaughtered?
Dudette, you are stupid AND lying. My words are my words-not yours, not theirs, mine-GOT IT! GOOD! ABC used footage from bombs going off in Kentucky and said the cease fire was off-they lied. CNN said there was Russian collusion- they lied. MSNBC said Kavanaugh raped a Yale student-they lied. Schiff said he had evidence of Trump Russian collusion where is it? The two area have the same result EXCEPT we PROMISED SVN-Trump never promised the Kurds ANYTHING! The crisis would and is going to happen-history shows us that-just get Americans out of harm's way. And if you are going to accuse someone, namely me of anything, when you don't know them personally, get off your ego trip-YOU don't know everything!

You don’t like Trump but at the same time supporting Trump.
Dude you are a LIAR.
Or maybe you are just embarrassed to admit that you are a Trump supporter.

I’m familiar with ABC using wrong footage. That doesn’t change a bit that your president is a piece of shit.
How many times did Fox News lied? They lied a lot of times supporting Trump lies. So don’t give me this and that.
Kurds being slaughtered even after the ceasefire. You don’t show shit.
To be fair-you are wrong. I have never seen such one sidedness as CNN and MSNBC. Fox has news anchors who are fair-Baier, McCallum, Kurtz, Bream, and op ed folks-Hannity, Carlson, Ingrham-the other two have only lefty hacks

Bullshit you have Hannity and several anchors Trump lap dogs. Trump controls Fox News. Hannity even campaign for Trump.
CNN and MSNBC used words that comes out from this lousy POTUS mouth. That you cult followers don’t like. Then you call it fake news.

Example. Like his Dallas rally yesterday. The human crisis that he created in Northern Syria abandoning a close ally....... This SOB said ...... LET THEM FIGHT A LITTLE BIT. then his followers cheers. WTF.

People are getting slaughtered, we are witnessing a human crisis & thousands of families being displaced...... Let them fight a little bit? Then people cheered?
CNN is using that against him.

Think what the fucking mentality of this moron POTUS.

Why do you think 63 million voted for him on his campaign promise of getting us out of that hundreds of years old war?
IT'S up to the rest of the NATO to step up and become the police.
We still have some troops there overseeing things.

Why do I think 63 millions votes for him blah blah blah.

1. You have to make sure if it’s the right time and right place to pull the troops. Not just pull troops just for the heck without a plan.
Look at the results? Human crisis in the making created by unfit POTUS.

2. If you want NATO to take over. Then why can he make a transition for NATO to take over make sure Kurds will not get slaughtered?

Right now the ceasefire is just a joke. The invasion continues.

He did Turkey's president went after them and broke the agreement.
What you are saying is news spin not facts.

Who are you to say that?

When big name GOPs are blasting Trump stupidity. Even US troops stationed in Syria are very disappointed with this inept president.
To be fair I watch CNN, FOX NEWS and MSNBC.

CNN & MSNBC is about the same. Broadcasting what Trump just said and do. Using trump own words. They blast both democrats and republican guest.

Fox News from Hannity to Carlson to Ingraham and judge or out numbered is just a show and incredibly disappointing.
Fox describes Guilliani as a hero. CNN describes Guilliani as lap dog running around as trump as henchmen.
Fox just hired John Solomon a die hard conspiracy theory creator.

No using their words to interpret what Trump said and meant.
Which has been absolutely wrong.
The news people are not mind readers. :)

You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.
View attachment 285116
Who proofread the photo? the grammar is stupid...
/——/ Yes it’s stupid. I quoted a libtard. “You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.”

Am I wrong? Trumptard are the most poorly lying misinformed Americans.

Trump even bragged...... even if I shoot someone I would not loss a vote..
You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.
View attachment 285116
Who proofread the photo? the grammar is stupid...
/——/ Yes it’s stupid. I quoted a libtard. “You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.”

He has been targeted by the left and media since day one.
Yes he is the victim.
96% of the snobs in DC. don't like him.
96% of DC doesn't like the heartland of America.
/——/ What I don’t get is why USMB Libs defend the corrupt career politicians in Washington with such passion. You’d think they would support a genuine outsider like Trump, but they won’t even give him a chance.

What I don’t like is why USMB allowed people like you and others to lie here. A lot of you lied just to prove stupidity.

Here’s the difference between Trump vs anti Trump. Example.
1. Ukraine scandal. Asking a foreign leader a favor to dig dirt against his political rival. Is as dirty as you can get. Then using henchmen personal lawyer Guilliani to do the job based from conspiracy crap from corrupted Ukrainians.

Trump supporters that is acceptable.
Anti Trump fuck NO.

2. Kurds. Trump abandoned a very close ally that helped us fight the ISIS. Kurds are getting killed, misplaced by the thousands and human crisis in the making in modern history.

Trump supporters like you and several idiots that is okay with lots of excuses that doesn’t even make sense.

Anti Trump. Trump is irresponsible, dumb and stupid. ( you can ask Mitch McConnell or Graham).
This isn't good for trump and his supporters.

Last week it was fox that found 51% want trump impeached and removed from office.

Bullshit. Wake up, tards tell the truth in polls, conservatives lie or are never counted just to screw up the outcome.
Who proofread the photo? the grammar is stupid...
/——/ Yes it’s stupid. I quoted a libtard. “You are a Trump supporter. It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. You and the rest of his followers acting like he is the victim.
Even if he rape a woman or a dog in front of you. He didn’t do it.”

He has been targeted by the left and media since day one.
Yes he is the victim.
96% of the snobs in DC. don't like him.
96% of DC doesn't like the heartland of America.
/——/ What I don’t get is why USMB Libs defend the corrupt career politicians in Washington with such passion. You’d think they would support a genuine outsider like Trump, but they won’t even give him a chance.

What I don’t like is why USMB allowed people like you and others to lie here. A lot of you lied just to prove stupidity.

Here’s the difference between Trump vs anti Trump. Example.
1. Ukraine scandal. Asking a foreign leader a favor to dig dirt against his political rival. Is as dirty as you can get. Then using henchmen personal lawyer Guilliani to do the job based from conspiracy crap from corrupted Ukrainians.

Trump supporters that is acceptable.
Anti Trump fuck NO.

2. Kurds. Trump abandoned a very close ally that helped us fight the ISIS. Kurds are getting killed, misplaced by the thousands and human crisis in the making in modern history.

Trump supporters like you and several idiots that is okay with lots of excuses that doesn’t even make sense.

Anti Trump. Trump is irresponsible, dumb and stupid. ( you can ask Mitch McConnell or Graham).
/——-/ TDS
The media has no authority to do so.
The people who stop watching them does.
Turn it off watch c- span or other sources that don't have a left or right spin.
News should never be political opinion news.
Instead we have entertainment news and outright supermarket tabloid sensation news.

To be fair I watch CNN, FOX NEWS and MSNBC.

CNN & MSNBC is about the same. Broadcasting what Trump just said and do. Using trump own words. They blast both democrats and republican guest.

Fox News from Hannity to Carlson to Ingraham and judge or out numbered is just a show and incredibly disappointing.
Fox describes Guilliani as a hero. CNN describes Guilliani as lap dog running around as trump as henchmen.
Fox just hired John Solomon a die hard conspiracy theory creator.
To be fair-you are wrong. I have never seen such one sidedness as CNN and MSNBC. Fox has news anchors who are fair-Baier, McCallum, Kurtz, Bream, and op ed folks-Hannity, Carlson, Ingrham-the other two have only lefty hacks

Bullshit you have Hannity and several anchors Trump lap dogs. Trump controls Fox News. Hannity even campaign for Trump.
CNN and MSNBC used words that comes out from this lousy POTUS mouth. That you cult followers don’t like. Then you call it fake news.

Example. Like his Dallas rally yesterday. The human crisis that he created in Northern Syria abandoning a close ally....... This SOB said ...... LET THEM FIGHT A LITTLE BIT. then his followers cheers. WTF.

People are getting slaughtered, we are witnessing a human crisis & thousands of families being displaced...... Let them fight a little bit? Then people cheered?
CNN is using that against him.

Think what the fucking mentality of this moron POTUS.
/----/ "Trump controls Fox News"
If Trump controlled Fox then Donna "I gave Hildabeast the Questions" Brazile wouldn't be on the air.

Donna was fired by CNN for exactly what you just said. Violations. Bad girl.

Fox hired her. A bad girl. So what are you saying? Fox is corrupted.

It’s just very funny that you have to bring this up.

Yes Trump control Fox. He even complained earlier is not getting enough coverage. He also dictate why democrats presidential candidates are being covered. Some of them personally campaign for Trump.
/——/ Fox has made a decisive move to the left. I rarely watch unless there’s a natural disaster or major event. I don’t care what you say about it.
...And yet-he does the opposite of starting wars...
True. Rather than over-stretching our global position, like the Dems do, Trump is abandoning our global position to the Russians et al.
You can't abandon what was never yours

The past 100 years of friendship-building and positioning of assets to protect the interests of ourselves and our friends was pointless.

TrumpBots know best about such things, of course.

Only blinkered, myopic idiots, hyper-isolationists and Russian and Chinese and IslamoFascist enablers should lead the way.

...And yet-he does the opposite of starting wars...
True. Rather than over-stretching our global position, like the Dems do, Trump is abandoning our global position to the Russians et al.
You can't abandon what was never yours

The past 100 years of friendship-building and positioning of assets to protect the interests of ourselves and our friends was pointless.

TrumpBots know best about such things, of course.

Only blinkered, myopic idiots, hyper-isolationists and Russian and Chinese and IslamoFascist enablers should lead the way.

So how many Troops did the president pull out that was only supposed to be there 30 days when obama was president?
...And yet-he does the opposite of starting wars...
True. Rather than over-stretching our global position, like the Dems do, Trump is abandoning our global position to the Russians et al.
You can't abandon what was never yours

The past 100 years of friendship-building and positioning of assets to protect the interests of ourselves and our friends was pointless.

TrumpBots know best about such things, of course.

Only blinkered, myopic idiots, hyper-isolationists and Russian and Chinese and IslamoFascist enablers should lead the way.

/———-/ Did your thesaurus fall off the shelf and clunk you in the head? Eating too much alphabet soup these days? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
The media has no authority to do so.
The people who stop watching them does.
Turn it off watch c- span or other sources that don't have a left or right spin.
News should never be political opinion news.
Instead we have entertainment news and outright supermarket tabloid sensation news.

To be fair I watch CNN, FOX NEWS and MSNBC.

CNN & MSNBC is about the same. Broadcasting what Trump just said and do. Using trump own words. They blast both democrats and republican guest.

Fox News from Hannity to Carlson to Ingraham and judge or out numbered is just a show and incredibly disappointing.
Fox describes Guilliani as a hero. CNN describes Guilliani as lap dog running around as trump as henchmen.
Fox just hired John Solomon a die hard conspiracy theory creator.
To be fair-you are wrong. I have never seen such one sidedness as CNN and MSNBC. Fox has news anchors who are fair-Baier, McCallum, Kurtz, Bream, and op ed folks-Hannity, Carlson, Ingrham-the other two have only lefty hacks

Bullshit you have Hannity and several anchors Trump lap dogs. Trump controls Fox News. Hannity even campaign for Trump.
CNN and MSNBC used words that comes out from this lousy POTUS mouth. That you cult followers don’t like. Then you call it fake news.

Example. Like his Dallas rally yesterday. The human crisis that he created in Northern Syria abandoning a close ally....... This SOB said ...... LET THEM FIGHT A LITTLE BIT. then his followers cheers. WTF.

People are getting slaughtered, we are witnessing a human crisis & thousands of families being displaced...... Let them fight a little bit? Then people cheered?
CNN is using that against him.

Think what the fucking mentality of this moron POTUS.
/----/ "Trump controls Fox News"
If Trump controlled Fox then Donna "I gave Hildabeast the Questions" Brazile wouldn't be on the air.

Donna was fired by CNN for exactly what you just said. Violations. Bad girl.

Fox hired her. A bad girl. So what are you saying? Fox is corrupted.

It’s just very funny that you have to bring this up.

Yes Trump control Fox. He even complained earlier is not getting enough coverage. He also dictate why democrats presidential candidates are being covered. Some of them personally campaign for Trump.
Sounds all good to me

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