GALLUP: Police are 3rd highest in American "Confidence in Institution"; Sorry OWS.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
SORRY OWS'ers, your recent outburst of cop-hate is NOT commonly held by the general public, or the 99% you supposedly represent. A Gallup poll last year shows that Police are 3rd highest in confidence from American people:

#1- Military
#2- Small Businesses
#3- Police
#4- Religious institutions

Police had about a 60% strong approval rating. And since 20% of Americans identify themselves as liberals, and thus automatic cop haters, that leaves 20% the police have in the gap to win over. Not bad. 3rd best among all careers.

Congress Ranks Last in Confidence in Institutions

Sorry OWS'ers, your sophomoric cop hate is tired, played out and NOT shared by the general public. Losers.
From the link: "The military continues its long-standing run as the highest-rated U.S. institution. Small business and the police occupy second and third places, respectively. These three top-tier institutions all earn high confidence from a majority of Americans, something no other institution achieves this year."

Hmmmm. The military, small business and police. Three things the left love to hate. But all three earn high confidence from most Americans, which NO other institutions earned.

Thank you military, police and small business owners for daring to maintain some sort of integrity in this chaotic world.
Sorry OWS'ers, your sophomoric cop hate is tired, played out and NOT shared by the general public. Losers.

That's funny. Your poll is dated July 22, 2010.
Christ, where did they conduct this poll - in a Tea-Tard church?

Main Street, America.

Gotta leave the OWS rally to see what real Americans think. Hint: They dont agree with you.

Military, small biz, police. Americas most trusted institutions.
Sorry OWS'ers, your sophomoric cop hate is tired, played out and NOT shared by the general public. Losers.

That's funny. You're poll is dated July 22, 2010.

The June, 2011 one shows cops have a strong/somewhat approval rating of over 80%.

Retard. 99%... of the 99%... are not on your side.
Thats your comeback? A cartoon?

What did I expect? Well, yeah, about right on cue. I see why you have trouble finding work.
SORRY OWS'ers, your recent outburst of cop-hate is NOT commonly held by the general public, or the 99% you supposedly represent. A Gallup poll last year shows that Police are 3rd highest in confidence from American people:

#1- Military
#2- Small Businesses
#3- Police
#4- Religious institutions

Police had about a 60% strong approval rating. And since 20% of Americans identify themselves as liberals, and thus automatic cop haters, that leaves 20% the police have in the gap to win over. Not bad. 3rd best among all careers.

Congress Ranks Last in Confidence in Institutions

Sorry OWS'ers, your sophomoric cop hate is tired, played out and NOT shared by the general public. Losers.

Haha, I notice that Big Business is nowhere near the top. I wonder why that is? :cuckoo:

May I remind you that the OWS movement is not against Law Enforcement? In fact, one of the protesters who was sprayed directly in his mouth with pepper spray at UC Berkely said that he has always supported law enforcement. They are in his family.
i thought conservatives didnt believe in polls?

and main street america? who the hell is that? i havent been polled......around here police are corrupt as hell.....lets just say the high sheriff lives well on his 32 k salary.....i couldnt afford new cars and boats and fancy vacations on that....but he does....
It seems many/most on the left only care about cops when screaming about needing more spending, they need one, and when the union dues are due.
It seems many/most on the left only care about cops when they need one.

ows have political discourse and need police

[ame=]Occupy L.A. - Arguing and fighting among fleabaggers over who can speak...10/28/2011 - YouTube[/ame]
GALLUP: Police are 3rd highest in American "Confidence in Institution"

Good. They should be. Our nations police forces do an amazing job.

I always hate when a "bad cop" story comes out, like in Davis, that makes police officers look bad.
This thread should have been directed at the conservatives who want to take away the collective bargaining rights of the police,

pay them less, and take away their job security and benefits and workplace safety protections etc., etc., etc.

Those people are the true enemies of law enforcement.
This thread should have been directed at the conservatives who want to take away the collective bargaining rights of the police,

pay them less, and take away their job security and benefits and workplace safety protections etc., etc., etc.

Those people are the true enemies of law enforcement.

lmao, the ones calling them pigs and throwing shit at them are the true friends of law enforcement aren't they?

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