Gallup Poll:Only 24% of Americans Take Whole Bible Literally

Think of it this way. I am as a trinity. You probably are too.

I am a mother.
I am a daughter.
I am a wife.
And my role in each of those categories is completely different. Not being omnipresent, all three people that I am remain in one vessel.
God isn't restricted the way I am. He can be here and there at the same time. He has an ability that we do not, that's all...
Some of the items written in Bible history have been established as factual with evidence, but much of it is either religious faith or non-literal.

I'll challenge you to quote any single thing in the bible can be established as fact. Provide the evidence from independent sources to evidence it.
I'll bet you can't.

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53 People in the Bible Confirmed Archaeologically

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Much of it is metaphor and allegory

Believing the Bible is the Word of God does not mean you take every passage LITERALLY. Are we supposed to believe the trees really clapped their hands for joy? Or what Jesus said about a camel passing through the eye of a needle?

The Bible is true. It's not meant to be taken literally in every passage. Some of it is poetry! Read Song of Solomon!
Believing the Bible is the Word of God does not mean you take every passage LITERALLY. Are we supposed to believe the trees really clapped their hands for joy? Or what Jesus said about a camel passing through the eye of a needle?

The Bible is true. It's not meant to be taken literally in every passage. Some of it is poetry! Read Song of Solomon!
That's correct.
And yet a little homework makes something that you thought to be allegory, instead, literal fact. What if I told you that a camel can pass through the eye of a needle, just as a rich man can indeed go to heaven?

The eye of the needle:
Cities would close their gates every evening for safety. If you arrived home late and the gates were closed, you took your camels to one of the openings in the city wall called, the eye of the needle because of it's shape. To enter the city you had to unload everything your camels were carrying, go through the opening, squeeze your camels through, go back out, carry all your belongings in, reload your camels, and head for your home. It was burdensome. Does what Jesus said make more sense now?

Because, as a side note, it is not wealth that is the problem, it is the love of it that can make it a burden for us to get home.
Christ told one man to get rid of his wealth. Not because the man was rich, but because he was miserly. On the other hand, the richest man in the world at that time gave his tomb to Christ. He was never told to rid himself of his riches even though he was a follower, because he was a giver.

There are dozens of figures of speech in the Bible. There is allegory, alliteration, irony, paradox, simile, metaphor, personification, etc. and none of it renders the Bible unbelievable. Just well written...
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That's correct.
And yet a little homework makes something that you thought to be allegory, instead, literal fact. What if I told you that a camel can pass through the eye of a needle, just as a rich man can indeed go to heaven?

The eye of the needle:
Cities would close their gates every evening for safety. If you arrived home late and the gates were closed, you took your camels to one of the openings in the city wall called, the eye of the needle because of it's shape. To enter the city you had to unload everything your camels were carrying, go through the opening, squeeze your camels through, go back out, carry all your belongings in, reload your camels, and head for your home. It was burdensome. Does what Jesus said make more sense now?

Because, as a side note, it is not wealth that is the problem, it is the love of it that can make it a burden for us to get home.
Christ told one man to get rid of his wealth. Not because the man was rich, but because he was miserly. On the other hand, the richest man in the world at that time gave his tomb to Christ. He was never told to rid himself of his riches even though he was a follower, because he was a giver.

There are dozens of figures of speech in the Bible. There is allegory, alliteration, irony, paradox, simile, metaphor, personification, etc. and none of it renders the Bible unbelievable. Just well written...

Good point, I have read that one before.
It’s actually disturbing to think that nearly a quarter of the population does take it literally.

As it says in the book of Job. Who is without knowledge questions God.

And in the Bible, it says that wisdom comes from Him. Like many atheists, they thought that circumcision was an unnecessary tribal practice. But God told them in Exodus that He will prolong their days here on earth as long as they do as they are told. By them following those instructions that He has given them. That they have become the most beautiful and healthiest nation of them all. That they have lived longer than all the rest of the nations.

Circumcision was to help prevent diseases from spreading which now more and more atheists are doing. And it says that bread was for the heart because bread and grains have more vitamin Bs in it that Bs strengthens the heart. And bottom feeder animals that were used as food are very toxic with all kinds of diseases and parasites, especially pork. But the people who were without knowledge in those days didn't know it but weren't allowed to question His instructions. But they were just told to do what He requested, because they will not see or understand the purpose of these laws. That they were like His test subjects for those of the future generations of our times to see and understand. That is why God always told the people that they all don't know what He has done for them. was waiting for a time for it will to be revealed.

If God told them what the laws were for, that His enemy the devil will strengthened his army and claim he is the smart one.

I did not take the entirety of the Bible seriously until recently. The creation of the world wide covid religion added to the laws no one would be able to buy or sell work, shop, go to school, or engage in commerce or civic life is starting to change my mind. Israel will stand alone. I never thought that would happen. I never thought an American politician would declare herself a priest either.

It's not that I believe these stories from the Bible. I just wish the woke vaxxed would stop following it so closely. we go again with a "consensus" being projected as some kind of truth? Take a long historical look at consensus opinions. There was a consensus among men that the earth was the center of the universe and it was promoted as truth by supposed men of science........the sun revolved around the earth.......the earth was flat. And if you are going to present consensus opinion as truth.......why not promote the documented fact that 93% of the world's population accepts the philosophy of a CREATOR GOD. And the human secular type atheists make up about 7% of the 8 billion people that populate the earth? That is if consensus promotes TRUTH.....if not why not? :dunno:

As Mark Twain is quoted, "Figures do not lie......but liars sure do figure". Meaning? Anyone can direct a poll and manipulate the answers and stats by the very methodology of the questions.

Regardless of any consensus.......opinion polls do not constitute objective evidences.

Just more YELLOW JOURNALISM stirring the pot of division among THE PEOPLE. :stir:

If the Scriptures are not literal truth........why don't you present any evidences that you have through the scientific method or history actual that objectively dismisses the scriptures as (wink, wink) metaphor and allegory. What you will present, because you have nothing else will not be fact based evidences.......but conjecture, speculation, and assumption all based upon the subjective philosophy of Theoretical (cough, cough)............SCIENCE.

Carbon Dating. A theory that has no actual basis of calibration. Evolution: A theory that does not contain sufficient evidences to make it THE LAW OF EVLOUTION.

If you want to discuss Metaphorical evidences and Allegorical faith. Try telling everyone how truthful the cosmic egg philosophy of Creation goes.

Once upon a time, Billions and Billions of years one really knows, there was this ball of pure energy (the cosmic egg) really knows how it came into existence, but ..........know one knows why..........this EGG of ENERGY suddenly and violently exploded expanding outward in dead space at the speed of light. This energy created gases Hydrogen and Helium..........nobody knows how, but these 2 gases formed billions and trillions of stars that in turn created all the known elements that have ever existed through nuclear fusion........... (these random violent explosions caused exquisite universal order and the laws of physics). Random natural chances created precision resulting in the evolution of these 2 gases first into mass and mater, creating all the galaxies and solar systems in the universe.......and this mass and matter through an application of external energy (an energy that has never been subject to reproduction via science) became living, breathing, consuming natural biological examples of life.

This (cough, cough) SCIENCE tells us further that man evolved first from gases, then mass and matter, and then from fish and frogs (cold blooded life). And the intelligence that exists in the universe came about through NON-INTELLIGENT CHANCE. This Science tells us that man has no more of a moral code than a MOOSE or a MOUSE......that man created his moral code through natural selections, and man is no better or worse than the moose or the mouse, because there is no transcending universal moral code. Each person establishes his/her own code...... survival of the fittest, might makes right, the strong takes advantage of the weak.....and the weak is destined to perish.

Yeah..........COMMON SENSE. :abgg2q.jpg:
I said nothing about TRUTH. You are lying
Let's do some homework. Mustard seed as a size of faith and it's mountain moving power:
It germinates quickly.
And a small portion of faith can grow remarkably large just as that tiny seed grows into a giant shrub/tree, used for a variety of good.
A mustard seed can grow in the worst conditions. Poor soil, drought, wet, hot or cool climate. So can our faith grow in less than perfect conditions.
***A mustard seed cannot be corrupted. You can not hybridize it. It stays pure. In reference to faith, for instance, Chrislam is a corruption. A hybridized version of Christianity and Islam. It is a corruption of both. And that growth is not beneficial to the farmer. It comes from the enemy. Plant the wrong seed in your wheat field, and it will quickly overcome your sheaves of wheat, and you'll starve in the best of conditions...
It’s actually disturbing to think that nearly a quarter of the population does take it literally.

I would imagine that number is extraordinarily high. I would need to see the raw data on that one before I believed it.
A GMO version of the mustard seed can be cross pollinated but science cannot take 2 plants of the same family and combine them to produce a different variety of mustard.
Mustard plants can cross with radishes naturally.
It is simple enough to understand because Jesus and God have different roles. Christ removed our sin. God remembers them no more, for Christ's sake.
We cloned a sheep. The 2 are the same, yet different. One is a mother, one is a daughter.

Jesus, the Son is sitting next to God right now. Where is Allah's son?
Have you seen pictures of Jesus sitting next to God?
Jews and Moslems don't believe it at all.
Wake up.
I said nothing about TRUTH. You are lying
You mean as compared with you declaring that much of the Bible is metaphor and allegory :abgg2q.jpg: .........right after you presented a link that stated only 24% of the population "literally" believe the content of the Bible?

Inversely: you just lied your ass off. You can attempt to play the semantics game if you wish (satan's 2 weapons? deceit and deflection)......but in the end you called the Holy Scriptures lies, as the actual content of the Holy Scriptures declare, "ALL SCRIPTURE IS GIVEN BY INSPIRATION OF GOD..........and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." -- 2 Tim. 3:16

When you declared most of the Bible is metaphoric or allegorical .............that charge equates to Not literal truth which is synonymous with a word called "LYING" lets play "semantics".

Let's look at the core of your charges that the majority of the Bible is metaphoric or allegorical. When someone declares something to be "figurative"...i.e., allegorical or metaphoric, not because the text indicates it is figurative, but because the person does not like what the actual text teaches, then you have a self imposed paradox, as the scriptures call people such as you fools, as in "professing themself wise they became fools". (as demonstrated the actual content of the Bible claims ALL SCRIPTURE is inspired by God(2 Tim. 3:16).........and is truth, Sanctify them in truth.......what is truth YOUR (God's) WORD (the Holy Scriptures) is truth (not allegorical or metaphoric) but literal truth) -- John 17:17)..........

You clearly are being "unwise" as described in scripture. As the scriptures are the only method (self declared) to know the will of God, all All Scripture is inspired of God, "Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is." -- Eph. 5:17

Such understanding is garnered by reading the Scriptures -- Eph. 3:3-4. From that basic understanding come the entire doctrine of righteousness as declared by God, "Faith cometh by Hearing and Hearing by the Word of God." -- Romans 10:17

Thus, it takes REASON and LOGIC to rightly divide the word of God, "Study to make yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH." -- 2 Tim. 2:15

Its true..........there are lessons instructed via metaphor and allegory in the Holy Scriptures.......less than 1% of the total content, but that does not stop that lesson from being based upon TRUTH. Thus............YOU LIED. By reference you are declaring the Creation Model in Genesis 1 to be allegory, when its presented as LITERAL TRUTH. When you do this you make "man" the determiner of what God meant to say. You don't trust God's word, thus you (not God) decide what is acceptable and what is not acceptable, thus you pass of those things you do not want to believe as figures of speech (metaphor and allegories).
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Mustard plants can cross with radishes naturally.
What do you get when you cross a mustard plant with a radish plant? Do you get a new brand of mustard or a new brand of radish? No. Cross pollination is just that. Pollen from one plant wafting over to another plant.
It is not the same as hybridizing. You cannot breed mustard seed A with mustard seed B and get a mustard AB seed.

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