Gallup poll: Trump approval rating at new low

I'm amazed at the level of incompetence n display by the trump administration and yet his supporters still speak of him in terms that suggest a near godlike admiration & respect. And with frequent amens to go along with their trump speak.
You can't get anything right. We're laughing at loons like you that continuously mis-characterize events and think it will fly. It's like watching some fool repeatedly jump off his roof thinking next time ...maybe next time .....

Why? Because my comments differ from your trump speak?
See above.

I already trashed the polls including the one I put up. They must have accidentally called a few of trumps deciples, otherwise his approval rating would have been zero. Now if you ignore the mindless rants of trumps deciples, just about everybody else is giving trump low marks for doing a pisspoor job. And deservedly so.

But like you, trump is a farce and reeks of incompetence & buffoonery. Just saying.
The disciple here (learn to spell like a 5th grader) is you. You puke up narrow minded hate filled garbage and try to pin it on others. "Just about everybody else" doesn't cut it. If you have any evidence, post it. Your shit filled posts won't do for a source.
theHawk, post: 16571946
People may not like Trump personally, but they will like the results of his policies.

Trump was notified three weeks ago that Flynn may be compromised by Russia. He did nothing. Flynn continued to receive classified information. Now he has been fired. National Security nightmare.

We the sane people of America don't like any of his policies and actions taken thus far. All mostly tweet brags or insults that go 180 in a matter of hours.

I surely don't like seeing an officer walking into the Mar Largo Palace and posing with some rich civilian jacksss with an attaché containing the nuclear codes because some goober brained guest was there with an I-phone and posted it online.

US officer in charge of Trump's nuclear football 'poses for photo with Mar-a-Lago guest'
The image was taken as the president hosted the Japanese premier at his Florida club

Guest at Trump's Mar-a-Lago posts photo with man who carries the nuclear codes

What the hell is Trump doing about National Security. Surely not taking it seriously.

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