Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow

so why dont you tell those paying to see you any pot smoking and im done?....or is the money more important?...ill expect an answer,lets see if you compromise your values for money...
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.

A person wanting the individual to choose for themselves if they can smoke pot is a 'pot nazi'?
No. Not at all. A person who indiscriminately blows their pot smoke in public or onto anyone without discerning their sensibilities is a pot nazi.

Like a person who blows cigar smoke in public is a 'tobacco nazi'?
If he does it without considering others, yes. That's why smoking is banned from most public events and restaurants.
Somehow the pot old boys network gives themselves a pass.
Another distinction is that tobacco doesn't contain a mind-altering, debilitating substance. Of course, for pot nazis, cigars are OK for those who try to disguise their pot smoke by filling the cigar with pot.

Cigarettes are physically addicting & in that respect- nicotine is very much a 'mind altering debilitating' drug.
Alcohol is a pycho-active drug. And its more than legal. Marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol. It should be at least as legal as achohol.

Perhaps moreso, given how much safer it is than alchohol.
Prohibition was repealed, but only just. You think highway patrols across the 50 states are anxious to peel dead teenagers out of crushed cars at an accelerated rate do you?

"Whoa should've signaled back there, hey! Look out for that bicyclist!..whew! huh huh...that was close..."
so why dont you tell those paying to see you any pot smoking and im done?....or is the money more important?...ill expect an answer,lets see if you compromise your values for money...
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.

A person wanting the individual to choose for themselves if they can smoke pot is a 'pot nazi'?
No. Not at all. A person who indiscriminately blows their pot smoke in public or onto anyone without discerning their sensibilities is a pot nazi.

Like a person who blows cigar smoke in public is a 'tobacco nazi'?
If he does it without considering others, yes. That's why smoking is banned from most public events and restaurants.
Somehow the pot old boys network gives themselves a pass.
Another distinction is that tobacco doesn't contain a mind-altering, debilitating substance. Of course, for pot nazis, cigars are OK for those who try to disguise their pot smoke by filling the cigar with pot.

Bluntly speaking, yore a........well nevermind.

The original Pot Nazi.

The Devil Weed and Harry J Anslinger

Smoking is still legal too.

  • Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including nearly 42,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day.1
CDC - Fact Sheet - Fast Facts - Smoking & Tobacco Use

Using cannabis is not limited to smoking.
I saw someone further up the thread compare cannabis to narcotics like Vicodin.

Guess what? Narcotic overdoes and use have GONE DOWN since CO legalized cannabis.

So has crime.

And.....................CO is thinking that they're going to be able to give bigger tax refunds to the locals of the state because of all the revenue generated by marijuana.

Nope, from what I've seen of the last 2 years in CO, it should be legal EVERYWHERE.
i smoked for 30 years and never unless i was were a group of people were smoking it had someone "blow' it around me...stay away from people smoking it.....
Try going to a concert venue. Try walking down the street in a college town. Try going to a house party hosted by lefties. It's becoming more prevalent as each decriminalization move is made. That is essentially an endorsement and a reckless endangerment. Do some research on the increasing numbers of pot-induced hospital and emergency room visits since the pot legalization has occurred.
Try going to a concert venue.
been there many a time and you should know that pot will be smoked there.....if you went it was YOUR choice to go....
Try walking down the street in a college town
i lived next to Cal St. Fullerton.. walked down the street plenty of times never seen smoke from pot wafting in the air....
Try going to a house party hosted by lefties
once again.....were you forced to go?....and i have been to parties hosted by righties....guess what?....yep lots of pot....
Do some research on the increasing numbers of pot-induced hospital and emergency room visits since the pot legalization has occurred
how many were in there for just doing pot?.....if they were the edibles then those that ate them without seeing how much pot was in there were idiots.....and if it was because of the Synthetic stuff?....well thats really not pot is it?...and anyone who does that shit is pretty fucking stupid...
You just agreed that people must succumb to the fascist coercion of ignorant pot advocates.
Way to go.
you just told me that all these places where pot is "blown" on you,you went there voluntarily...way to go...
How dare anyone venture into a public space.
outside of the street in the collage town all the places you mentioned are private places not public...and i notice you did not answer my question about telling people who come to hear you play to leave the pot outside....why? the money you may lose more important than your principals?.....
Try going to a concert venue.
been there many a time and you should know that pot will be smoked there.....if you went it was YOUR choice to go....
Try walking down the street in a college town
i lived next to Cal St. Fullerton.. walked down the street plenty of times never seen smoke from pot wafting in the air....
Try going to a house party hosted by lefties
once again.....were you forced to go?....and i have been to parties hosted by righties....guess what?....yep lots of pot....
Do some research on the increasing numbers of pot-induced hospital and emergency room visits since the pot legalization has occurred
how many were in there for just doing pot?.....if they were the edibles then those that ate them without seeing how much pot was in there were idiots.....and if it was because of the Synthetic stuff?....well thats really not pot is it?...and anyone who does that shit is pretty fucking stupid...

If you live in an area were it is destroyed, air dry your sheets outside on those days, it will help you sleep.

Dorms and housing might carry the smell but I think many campuses have a zero policy. Now-a-days, there is a zero policy about smoking cigarettes as well in many areas and some apartment buildings.
tell roshawn....he will say the air is so thick with pot its like a fog...
That's right. You know all about everyone else's experience. That's as typical as an arrogant, ignorant pot nazi forcing his pot onto others.
So what if the concert I'm at is my own performance? You're arrogant.
so why dont you tell those paying to see you any pot smoking and im done?....or is the money more important?...ill expect an answer,lets see if you compromise your values for money...
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.
you think its so bad for you and yet you are willing to play for all those pot nazis while you are sucking in all that pot....i am beginning to think you you dont think pot is as bad as you seem to think it seem to frequent places were it gets "blown" on you...
If you live in an area were it is destroyed, air dry your sheets outside on those days, it will help you sleep.

Dorms and housing might carry the smell but I think many campuses have a zero policy. Now-a-days, there is a zero policy about smoking cigarettes as well in many areas and some apartment buildings.
tell roshawn....he will say the air is so thick with pot its like a fog...
That's right. You know all about everyone else's experience. That's as typical as an arrogant, ignorant pot nazi forcing his pot onto others.
So what if the concert I'm at is my own performance? You're arrogant.
so why dont you tell those paying to see you any pot smoking and im done?....or is the money more important?...ill expect an answer,lets see if you compromise your values for money...
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.
you think its so bad for you and yet you are willing to play for all those pot nazis while you are sucking in all that pot....i am beginning to think you you dont think pot is as bad as you seem to think it seem to frequent places were it gets "blown" on you...

Tinctures, sublinguals and nasal sprays can be used if smoking is a problem

Vapes don't smell like a joint or pipe

very little smell from volcano and bags, less wasted smoke on exhale or smoke in the room
so why dont you tell those paying to see you any pot smoking and im done?....or is the money more important?...ill expect an answer,lets see if you compromise your values for money...
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.

A person wanting the individual to choose for themselves if they can smoke pot is a 'pot nazi'?
No. Not at all. A person who indiscriminately blows their pot smoke in public or onto anyone without discerning their sensibilities is a pot nazi.

Like a person who blows cigar smoke in public is a 'tobacco nazi'?
If he does it without considering others, yes. That's why smoking is banned from most public events and restaurants.
Somehow the pot old boys network gives themselves a pass.
Another distinction is that tobacco doesn't contain a mind-altering, debilitating substance. Of course, for pot nazis, cigars are OK for those who try to disguise their pot smoke by filling the cigar with pot.
Another distinction is that tobacco doesn't contain a mind-altering, debilitating substance
no its just super addictive and kills you over time ,but thats alright.....
tell roshawn....he will say the air is so thick with pot its like a fog...
That's right. You know all about everyone else's experience. That's as typical as an arrogant, ignorant pot nazi forcing his pot onto others.
So what if the concert I'm at is my own performance? You're arrogant.
so why dont you tell those paying to see you any pot smoking and im done?....or is the money more important?...ill expect an answer,lets see if you compromise your values for money...
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.
you think its so bad for you and yet you are willing to play for all those pot nazis while you are sucking in all that pot....i am beginning to think you you dont think pot is as bad as you seem to think it seem to frequent places were it gets "blown" on you...

Tinctures, sublinguals and nasal sprays can be used if smoking is a problem

Vapes don't smell like a joint or pipe

very little smell from volcano and bags, less wasted smoke on exhale or smoke in the room
dont tell me i know this.....tell the guy who is the selective pot inhaler.....
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.

A person wanting the individual to choose for themselves if they can smoke pot is a 'pot nazi'?
No. Not at all. A person who indiscriminately blows their pot smoke in public or onto anyone without discerning their sensibilities is a pot nazi.

Like a person who blows cigar smoke in public is a 'tobacco nazi'?
If he does it without considering others, yes. That's why smoking is banned from most public events and restaurants.
Somehow the pot old boys network gives themselves a pass.
Another distinction is that tobacco doesn't contain a mind-altering, debilitating substance. Of course, for pot nazis, cigars are OK for those who try to disguise their pot smoke by filling the cigar with pot.

Bluntly speaking, yore a........well nevermind.

The original Pot Nazi.

The Devil Weed and Harry J Anslinger

Smoking is still legal too.

  • Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including nearly 42,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day.1
CDC - Fact Sheet - Fast Facts - Smoking & Tobacco Use

Using cannabis is not limited to smoking.
You are dangerously naive, ignorant and outdated. The 1960's are over and some of us are aware of the dangers of pot. You haven't progressed yet.
What do you find funny about pot nazism or are you just another troll?
he is no doubt laughing at your think the shit is dangerous but will breath it in if it suits you,when it doesnt you bad mouth it....

'she'. I am female.
sorry .....

oh no worries- I was just settin' the record straight... doesn't change the fact that I WAS laughing roshaweezy.
Alcohol is a pycho-active drug. And its more than legal. Marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol. It should be at least as legal as achohol.

Perhaps moreso, given how much safer it is than alchohol.
Prohibition was repealed, but only just. You think highway patrols across the 50 states are anxious to peel dead teenagers out of crushed cars at an accelerated rate do you?

And with the legality of alcohol we establish was we consider an acceptable amount of harm in the contest between personal liberty and public safety.

With pot far less dangerous than alcohol, by any rational, consistent or logical standard pot would be at least as legal as alcohol.

If not, why not?

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