Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow

Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow
A majority of Americans are accepting of vicadin use too. Doesn't mean it should be sold on the street corner or manufactured in someone's garage. Ever hear of the FDA? There's a reason they exist.

So joints are for sale at your local grocery store just like cigarettes. Manufactured and a controlled market by Philipp Morris...Then what?
And you wouldn't believe it now here in Oregon, you cannot walk through an apartment complex without smelling the stink.
there was another poster here from Oregon that was in another thread about pot a few weeks said the same thing then,he said he sets up cable tv and said he does not know what you are talking about....and "claimed" he does not smoke the stuff...

Then he doesn't know what the fuck pot looks like or smells like.
Since "medical" marijuana came on the scene here several years ago, there is a dramatic difference.
pot has been just about legal in california since the early 90's,i have delivered to countless apt buildings and once in a while have smelled are saying its there every fucking time which is bullshit which is what the cable guy was saying anti-pot people do a lot of exaggerating...even when the story is true you fuckers have to exaggerate to make it sound as bad as you want it to act like only you know what pot is and smells are talking to a bunch of people here who also know what it is....go tell your tales to tipsy....she will believe every word you say,a good audience for you....

Blow it out your ass !
My group of guys and myself talk about this nearly every single day now, we see it and smell it every day somewhere along the way.
now its somewhere along the way.....what happened to everywhere you go? let me blow this out my ass,you can smell this too...

Look dummy, we smell and see pot in all areas we go to, not exclusively to one neighborhood or one community. We come across it every day, that doesn't mean I'm saying it's there in EVERY place, EVERY SINGLE TIME !
i smoked for 30 years

That explains all your one liner posts.
as compared to your many lined posts that are the ramblings of a paranoid individual who knows little of what you talk about.....
There you go trailing off again. You really should lay off the pot while you still have some cerebral function left. I'm teaching my kids to make fun of potheads like you so they can see how silly drug abuse is and how it diminishes the dignity of human existence. Potheads make me laugh, especially when they hold all of the freedom in this country hostage to whether or not they can smoke their stupid weed. "Either we can smoke pot or America is a police state!" In particular, I'm trying to get my kids to see the juvenile, stunted reasoning skills of life long pot heads. I'm going to show my 12 year old son your posts so he can see how drugs erode mental faculties. I'm sure he will be laughing at you too.
you should be proud if your kid does as well as me,i have $ 800,000.00 in my bank account right now and just bought a house and am retired with a nice pension not bad for an ex pot head....are you going to show him that? doesnt matter as soon as your kid gets in HS he will know that the shit you are telling him is just that....shit....and if you say the money figure is bullshit i mentioned this money back in February when i sold the 4 plex i owned.....

I am also a responsible homeowner, owner of 3 vehicles, pay off my credit cards in full & on time every month, with zero debt including the home I paid off this year.
Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow
A majority of Americans are accepting of vicadin use too. Doesn't mean it should be sold on the street corner or manufactured in someone's garage. Ever hear of the FDA? There's a reason they exist.

So joints are for sale at your local grocery store just like cigarettes. Manufactured and a controlled market by Philipp Morris...Then what?

Vicodin can kill you. Marijuana can't. Marijuana falls far, far below what we recognize as a legal level of harm. Making its criminalization wildly inconsistent and utterly irrational.

A society certainly has the right to establish a level of harm that is unacceptable. But once that level is established, anything below that line should be legal.

We've established our baseline: alcohol. Marijuana falls well below it in terms of danger. Thus, it should be at least as legal as alcohol.
Vicodin can kill you. Marijuana can't. Marijuana falls far, far below what we recognize as a legal level of harm. Making its criminalization wildly inconsistent and utterly irrational.

A society certainly has the right to establish a level of harm that is unacceptable. But once that level is established, anything below that line should be legal.

We've established our baseline: alcohol. Marijuana falls well below it in terms of danger. Thus, it should be at least as legal as alcohol.

So...even though pot is a psychoactive substance, you're fantasizing that it will not fall under regulation of the ATF or the FDA?

Please explain.
The smell of that shit, I can't imagine eating it. :puke3:

And you wouldn't believe it now here in Oregon, you cannot walk through an apartment complex without smelling the stink.

I was in a hotel near Seattle and the stench was overwhelming. They said they tried to track the source as smoking is prohibited in the hotel, however they couldn't find it.

I feel like I've been transported decades ago when you couldn't escape cigarette smoke.
here we go again.

I conduct house inspections, and I see pot all over, it truly is amazing, just a couple months ago I came across this in a backyard.

and did they have a license to grow?

In one for or another, it should be grown for nourishing the soil and for commercial uses such as paper, clothing, cosmetics, food and cooking oils. Good old fashion homespun like the founding father wore and paper for bibles and the constitution. It used to be mandatory to grow.

Evidence of medicinal use goes back thousands of years, around the world.

Too much money is wasted in preventing the growing and use and could be better used in other ways. Hemp and cannabis should be part if our crops.

Like anything, don't abuse it but use in moderation.

When there is no other option the used of CBD for children should be legal if the parents and doctors feel it is last hope. I know cancer tumors can be shrunk and no longer a threat with early and proper used. It can calm Alzhimers patients with violent outbursts.

There are fewer side effect than most Rx on the market. Look on the warnings and most meds seem to say don't drive or operate machinery, and yet how many people go to work everyday while taking these meds? Being drunk at work cost billions to our economy. If you are aware of the abuse, why should the medical use in many business sectors not be permitted for those most in need?

Legal drugs or not, when someone is in the final stages, let them take what every makes them happy. Fortunately more states are permitting assisted termination, which should never have made illegal. We don't make animals suffer so why did we force our most loved family member suffer to the end?

I think your doctor should be made aware of all your use of meds, herbs and other substances. I also thing everyone should have signed final orders and give a copy to your doctor so s/he is aware of you desires.

Quality of life should be for more important to people than dragging one through years of suffering.

No meds or substances should be abused. People should use common sense.

I'm sure they did have a license, since they are not making any effort whatsoever to hide it. Hard to believe you can grow that much legally, christ there's enough there to get the entire town stoned. Fucking slackers !

Most of the plant goes to waste. It's the buds that are harvest. You might get around a pound per plant of buds and much of that will be trimmed off before it can be sold.
If the use for textile, paper, food and fuel was permitted the rest of the plants would not go to waste. Ford cars used to run on hemp fuel.
Vicodin can kill you. Marijuana can't. Marijuana falls far, far below what we recognize as a legal level of harm. Making its criminalization wildly inconsistent and utterly irrational.

A society certainly has the right to establish a level of harm that is unacceptable. But once that level is established, anything below that line should be legal.

We've established our baseline: alcohol. Marijuana falls well below it in terms of danger. Thus, it should be at least as legal as alcohol.

So...even though pot is a psychoactive substance, you're fantasizing that it will not fall under regulation of the ATF or the FDA?

Please explain.

Alcohol is a pycho-active drug. And its more than legal. Marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol. It should be at least as legal as achohol.

Perhaps moreso, given how much safer it is than alchohol.
there was another poster here from Oregon that was in another thread about pot a few weeks said the same thing then,he said he sets up cable tv and said he does not know what you are talking about....and "claimed" he does not smoke the stuff...

Then he doesn't know what the fuck pot looks like or smells like.
Since "medical" marijuana came on the scene here several years ago, there is a dramatic difference.
pot has been just about legal in california since the early 90's,i have delivered to countless apt buildings and once in a while have smelled are saying its there every fucking time which is bullshit which is what the cable guy was saying anti-pot people do a lot of exaggerating...even when the story is true you fuckers have to exaggerate to make it sound as bad as you want it to act like only you know what pot is and smells are talking to a bunch of people here who also know what it is....go tell your tales to tipsy....she will believe every word you say,a good audience for you....

Blow it out your ass !
My group of guys and myself talk about this nearly every single day now, we see it and smell it every day somewhere along the way.
now its somewhere along the way.....what happened to everywhere you go? let me blow this out my ass,you can smell this too...

Look dummy, we smell and see pot in all areas we go to, not exclusively to one neighborhood or one community. We come across it every day, that doesn't mean I'm saying it's there in EVERY place, EVERY SINGLE TIME !
thats what you implied dummy.....but keep back tracking sooner or later you will be at the correct truth level....
You obviously didn't read my post. Smoke your pot. You blow it around me or mine and I'll hurt you in defense. That is freedom personified.
You don't have a freedom to hurt others.
i smoked for 30 years and never unless i was were a group of people were smoking it had someone "blow' it around me...stay away from people smoking it.....
Try going to a concert venue. Try walking down the street in a college town. Try going to a house party hosted by lefties. It's becoming more prevalent as each decriminalization move is made. That is essentially an endorsement and a reckless endangerment. Do some research on the increasing numbers of pot-induced hospital and emergency room visits since the pot legalization has occurred.
Try going to a concert venue.
been there many a time and you should know that pot will be smoked there.....if you went it was YOUR choice to go....
Try walking down the street in a college town
i lived next to Cal St. Fullerton.. walked down the street plenty of times never seen smoke from pot wafting in the air....
Try going to a house party hosted by lefties
once again.....were you forced to go?....and i have been to parties hosted by righties....guess what?....yep lots of pot....
Do some research on the increasing numbers of pot-induced hospital and emergency room visits since the pot legalization has occurred
how many were in there for just doing pot?.....if they were the edibles then those that ate them without seeing how much pot was in there were idiots.....and if it was because of the Synthetic stuff?....well thats really not pot is it?...and anyone who does that shit is pretty fucking stupid...
You just agreed that people must succumb to the fascist coercion of ignorant pot advocates.
Way to go.
you just told me that all these places where pot is "blown" on you,you went there voluntarily...way to go...
How dare anyone venture into a public space.
Try going to a concert venue. Try walking down the street in a college town. Try going to a house party hosted by lefties. It's becoming more prevalent as each decriminalization move is made. That is essentially an endorsement and a reckless endangerment. Do some research on the increasing numbers of pot-induced hospital and emergency room visits since the pot legalization has occurred.
Try going to a concert venue.
been there many a time and you should know that pot will be smoked there.....if you went it was YOUR choice to go....
Try walking down the street in a college town
i lived next to Cal St. Fullerton.. walked down the street plenty of times never seen smoke from pot wafting in the air....
Try going to a house party hosted by lefties
once again.....were you forced to go?....and i have been to parties hosted by righties....guess what?....yep lots of pot....
Do some research on the increasing numbers of pot-induced hospital and emergency room visits since the pot legalization has occurred
how many were in there for just doing pot?.....if they were the edibles then those that ate them without seeing how much pot was in there were idiots.....and if it was because of the Synthetic stuff?....well thats really not pot is it?...and anyone who does that shit is pretty fucking stupid...

If you live in an area were it is destroyed, air dry your sheets outside on those days, it will help you sleep.

Dorms and housing might carry the smell but I think many campuses have a zero policy. Now-a-days, there is a zero policy about smoking cigarettes as well in many areas and some apartment buildings.
tell roshawn....he will say the air is so thick with pot its like a fog...
That's right. You know all about everyone else's experience. That's as typical as an arrogant, ignorant pot nazi forcing his pot onto others.
So what if the concert I'm at is my own performance? You're arrogant.
so why dont you tell those paying to see you any pot smoking and im done?....or is the money more important?...ill expect an answer,lets see if you compromise your values for money...
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.
Try going to a concert venue.
been there many a time and you should know that pot will be smoked there.....if you went it was YOUR choice to go....
Try walking down the street in a college town
i lived next to Cal St. Fullerton.. walked down the street plenty of times never seen smoke from pot wafting in the air....
Try going to a house party hosted by lefties
once again.....were you forced to go?....and i have been to parties hosted by righties....guess what?....yep lots of pot....
Do some research on the increasing numbers of pot-induced hospital and emergency room visits since the pot legalization has occurred
how many were in there for just doing pot?.....if they were the edibles then those that ate them without seeing how much pot was in there were idiots.....and if it was because of the Synthetic stuff?....well thats really not pot is it?...and anyone who does that shit is pretty fucking stupid...

If you live in an area were it is destroyed, air dry your sheets outside on those days, it will help you sleep.

Dorms and housing might carry the smell but I think many campuses have a zero policy. Now-a-days, there is a zero policy about smoking cigarettes as well in many areas and some apartment buildings.
tell roshawn....he will say the air is so thick with pot its like a fog...
That's right. You know all about everyone else's experience. That's as typical as an arrogant, ignorant pot nazi forcing his pot onto others.
So what if the concert I'm at is my own performance? You're arrogant.
so why dont you tell those paying to see you any pot smoking and im done?....or is the money more important?...ill expect an answer,lets see if you compromise your values for money...
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.

A person wanting the individual to choose for themselves if they can smoke pot is a 'pot nazi'?
If you live in an area were it is destroyed, air dry your sheets outside on those days, it will help you sleep.

Dorms and housing might carry the smell but I think many campuses have a zero policy. Now-a-days, there is a zero policy about smoking cigarettes as well in many areas and some apartment buildings.
tell roshawn....he will say the air is so thick with pot its like a fog...
That's right. You know all about everyone else's experience. That's as typical as an arrogant, ignorant pot nazi forcing his pot onto others.
So what if the concert I'm at is my own performance? You're arrogant.
so why dont you tell those paying to see you any pot smoking and im done?....or is the money more important?...ill expect an answer,lets see if you compromise your values for money...
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.

A person wanting the individual to choose for themselves if they can smoke pot is a 'pot nazi'?
No. Not at all. A person who indiscriminately blows their pot smoke in public or onto anyone without discerning their sensibilities is a pot nazi.
tell roshawn....he will say the air is so thick with pot its like a fog...
That's right. You know all about everyone else's experience. That's as typical as an arrogant, ignorant pot nazi forcing his pot onto others.
So what if the concert I'm at is my own performance? You're arrogant.
so why dont you tell those paying to see you any pot smoking and im done?....or is the money more important?...ill expect an answer,lets see if you compromise your values for money...
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.

A person wanting the individual to choose for themselves if they can smoke pot is a 'pot nazi'?
No. Not at all. A person who indiscriminately blows their pot smoke in public or onto anyone without discerning their sensibilities is a pot nazi.

Like a person who blows cigar smoke in public is a 'tobacco nazi'?
tell roshawn....he will say the air is so thick with pot its like a fog...
That's right. You know all about everyone else's experience. That's as typical as an arrogant, ignorant pot nazi forcing his pot onto others.
So what if the concert I'm at is my own performance? You're arrogant.
so why dont you tell those paying to see you any pot smoking and im done?....or is the money more important?...ill expect an answer,lets see if you compromise your values for money...
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.

A person wanting the individual to choose for themselves if they can smoke pot is a 'pot nazi'?
No. Not at all. A person who indiscriminately blows their pot smoke in public or onto anyone without discerning their sensibilities is a pot nazi.

Dope smoking should not be public except in hooka bars.
That's right. You know all about everyone else's experience. That's as typical as an arrogant, ignorant pot nazi forcing his pot onto others.
So what if the concert I'm at is my own performance? You're arrogant.
so why dont you tell those paying to see you any pot smoking and im done?....or is the money more important?...ill expect an answer,lets see if you compromise your values for money...
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.

A person wanting the individual to choose for themselves if they can smoke pot is a 'pot nazi'?
No. Not at all. A person who indiscriminately blows their pot smoke in public or onto anyone without discerning their sensibilities is a pot nazi.

Dope smoking should not be public except in hooka bars.

Seems reasonable.
That's right. You know all about everyone else's experience. That's as typical as an arrogant, ignorant pot nazi forcing his pot onto others.
So what if the concert I'm at is my own performance? You're arrogant.
so why dont you tell those paying to see you any pot smoking and im done?....or is the money more important?...ill expect an answer,lets see if you compromise your values for money...
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.

A person wanting the individual to choose for themselves if they can smoke pot is a 'pot nazi'?
No. Not at all. A person who indiscriminately blows their pot smoke in public or onto anyone without discerning their sensibilities is a pot nazi.

Like a person who blows cigar smoke in public is a 'tobacco nazi'?
If he does it without considering others, yes. That's why smoking is banned from most public events and restaurants.
Somehow the pot old boys network gives themselves a pass.
Another distinction is that tobacco doesn't contain a mind-altering, debilitating substance. Of course, for pot nazis, cigars are OK for those who try to disguise their pot smoke by filling the cigar with pot.
so why dont you tell those paying to see you any pot smoking and im done?....or is the money more important?...ill expect an answer,lets see if you compromise your values for money...
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.

A person wanting the individual to choose for themselves if they can smoke pot is a 'pot nazi'?
No. Not at all. A person who indiscriminately blows their pot smoke in public or onto anyone without discerning their sensibilities is a pot nazi.

Like a person who blows cigar smoke in public is a 'tobacco nazi'?
If he does it without considering others, yes. That's why smoking is banned from most public events and restaurants.
Somehow the pot old boys network gives themselves a pass.
Another distinction is that tobacco doesn't contain a mind-altering, debilitating substance. Of course, for pot nazis, cigars are OK for those who try to disguise their pot smoke by filling the cigar with pot.

True. But it does include plenty of carcenigens that have been shown to cause cancer in secondhand exposure.

But you're being consistent, condemning both. I think its reasonable to keep pot smoking out of the air of people that don't want to smoke it. Same with tobacco smoke.
Right. We're supposed to quit our jobs in order to accommodate pot nazis.

A person wanting the individual to choose for themselves if they can smoke pot is a 'pot nazi'?
No. Not at all. A person who indiscriminately blows their pot smoke in public or onto anyone without discerning their sensibilities is a pot nazi.

Like a person who blows cigar smoke in public is a 'tobacco nazi'?
If he does it without considering others, yes. That's why smoking is banned from most public events and restaurants.
Somehow the pot old boys network gives themselves a pass.
Another distinction is that tobacco doesn't contain a mind-altering, debilitating substance. Of course, for pot nazis, cigars are OK for those who try to disguise their pot smoke by filling the cigar with pot.

True. But it does include plenty of carcenigens that have been shown to cause cancer in secondhand exposure.

But you're being consistent, condemning both. I think its reasonable to keep pot smoking out of the air of people that don't want to smoke it. Same with tobacco smoke.
It seems like a simple concept to me but potheads just can't/won't grasp it.
Must be a pot residual thing.

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