Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow

By the way, here in Oregon where we've had "medical" marijuana for several years, and now recreational, you smell the stink of pot everywhere now. It's absolutely amazing.

It's an all out effort to keep that shit out of Idaho. The state police nail these idiots as soon as they cross the border. We should sue to have Oregon and Washington pay for the cost of enforcement.

Doesn't matter, it's a lost cause, in ten years it will be legal in all the states.
Welcome to America 2015.
By the way, here in Oregon where we've had "medical" marijuana for several years, and now recreational, you smell the stink of pot everywhere now. It's absolutely amazing.

It's an all out effort to keep that shit out of Idaho. The state police nail these idiots as soon as they cross the border. We should sue to have Oregon and Washington pay for the cost of enforcement.

Doesn't matter, it's a lost cause, in ten years it will be legal in all the states.
Welcome to America 2015.

I don't know if I should be fighting it tooth and nail or encouraging excessive pot use so that Democrats space out election day.
Legalization wouldn't be so bad if there was no penalty for shooting a pothead. Pot in your system, no charges for plugging you.

Druggies are a waste of air.
so are old people like you who still think its 1948.....
Could you shoot druggies in 1948.
i dont know you were a teen back then you tell me....
Legalization wouldn't be so bad if there was no penalty for shooting a pothead. Pot in your system, no charges for plugging you.
would your arthritic finger be able to squeeze the trigger?...
Do you have some way of proving I have arthritis?
do you have any way of proving that someone who say they smoke pot casually is an "addict"? you even know what an addict is?....
If someone uses drugs it's a safe bet they are addicted. Now if we legalized all drugs, that would be much better. The overdoses alone would reduce the number of addicts.
Legalization wouldn't be so bad if there was no penalty for shooting a pothead. Pot in your system, no charges for plugging you.

Druggies are a waste of air.
so are old people like you who still think its 1948.....
Could you shoot druggies in 1948.
i dont know you were a teen back then you tell me....
Prove I was a teen in 1948.
By the way, here in Oregon where we've had "medical" marijuana for several years, and now recreational, you smell the stink of pot everywhere now. It's absolutely amazing.

It's an all out effort to keep that shit out of Idaho. The state police nail these idiots as soon as they cross the border. We should sue to have Oregon and Washington pay for the cost of enforcement.

Doesn't matter, it's a lost cause, in ten years it will be legal in all the states.
Welcome to America 2015.

I don't know if I should be fighting it tooth and nail or encouraging excessive pot use so that Democrats space out election day.

The pothead zombie movement is growing. Since kids are no longer taught to think, it's no surprise that brainless advocacy for narcotics is a sure default.

Or....society is actually addressing the harm caused by marijuana. And recognizing that our enforcement scheme causes more harm than marijuana does.

Plus, there are the logical inconsistencies. Its perfectly legitimate for a society to determine that a particular level of harm is too great for society to bear and to criminalize a drug that exceeds that level. But once you establish what level of harm is acceptable, like say with alcohol, then logically anything less dangerous would also be legal.

In what world is marijuana more dangerous than alcohol?

.....not ours.

See, you've got it exactly backward. Its previous generations that were 'brainless' on this issue. And mindlessly swallowed whatever they were told to think about the 'Reefer Madness'. Its the current generations that are actually applying critical thinking skills to situation and finding that the fear-mongering and the reality just don't match.
Legalization wouldn't be so bad if there was no penalty for shooting a pothead. Pot in your system, no charges for plugging you.
would your arthritic finger be able to squeeze the trigger?...
Do you have some way of proving I have arthritis?
do you have any way of proving that someone who say they smoke pot casually is an "addict"? you even know what an addict is?....
If someone uses drugs it's a safe bet they are addicted. Now if we legalized all drugs, that would be much better. The overdoses alone would reduce the number of addicts.
for someone who "claims" they were an attorney you sure dont have a grasp on what the word addict or casual means.....addicts dont smoke casually....
Druggies are a waste of air.
so are old people like you who still think its 1948.....
Could you shoot druggies in 1948.
i dont know you were a teen back then you tell me....
Prove I was a teen in 1948.
you said you were an old woman,and just the shit you post about pot and other things prove you have a 1948 mentality.....some people move along with progress,and some dont,they just stay the way they were when they were you....
Druggies are a waste of air.
so are old people like you who still think its 1948.....
Could you shoot druggies in 1948.
i dont know you were a teen back then you tell me....
Prove I was a teen in 1948.
you said you were an old woman,and just the shit you post about pot and other things prove you have a 1948 mentality.....some people move along with progress,and some dont,they just stay the way they were when they were you....
Turning us into a nation of potheads isn't progress. Quite the opposite.
Outlaw crimes, not plants.
People who are baked or half baked on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated have committed a crime. That's why drugs are illegal.
Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow
What do you think about weed legalization? Should it stay illegal, semi-legal or it just has to be completely legalized? I think there is nothing bad in weed legalization. The budget will get more revenue for selling weed legally and marijuana traffic will be kept under control. It's really easier now to buy weed now for a teenager than a can of beer. State control over marijuana could solve the problem.
That's why I cant find any reggie! lol
Basically, our founders would be sick at their stomach if they knew we outlawed something that grows in a fuckin ditch.
Legalization of weed WILL help in many ways, not just with revenue but crime. AS LONG AS they don't tax the shit out of it. If you end up paying 35 dollars for a gram, you are going to go back to "old faithful" and get it for 25 a gram.
Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow
What do you think about weed legalization? Should it stay illegal, semi-legal or it just has to be completely legalized? I think there is nothing bad in weed legalization. The budget will get more revenue for selling weed legally and marijuana traffic will be kept under control. It's really easier now to buy weed now for a teenager than a can of beer. State control over marijuana could solve the problem.
Considering longtime use leads to schizophrenia and lower IQ, should be an interesting society of idiotic crazies in 20 years.
Outlaw crimes, not plants.
People who are baked or half baked on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated have committed a crime. That's why drugs are illegal.

No, my little liberal wannabe tyrant, crimes are not committed until they are actually committed. This notion that just because something is legal that everybody and their brother will automagically go stupid and start doing everything impaired is silly and not supported by reality. Indeed, using your logic, everybody who uses alcohol MUST be drunk "on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated"? Are they? Are you?

Try again, this time try thinking with your brain instead of your dipstick, jimmy.
Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow
What do you think about weed legalization? Should it stay illegal, semi-legal or it just has to be completely legalized? I think there is nothing bad in weed legalization. The budget will get more revenue for selling weed legally and marijuana traffic will be kept under control. It's really easier now to buy weed now for a teenager than a can of beer. State control over marijuana could solve the problem.
Considering longtime use leads to schizophrenia and lower IQ, should be an interesting society of idiotic crazies in 20 years.

as evidenced by the results of centuries of alcohol use, right?

So many smart people...who aren't. :lol:

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