Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow

I support legalizing marijuana. It should be up to the people's choice how much they use it. If worried about the damage to the society, just build like help-addiction centers more or something to help people build up willpower to control the dosage. As for using dope itself, no different from alcohol or cigarette, such should be up to the people's free choice.
I support legalizing marijuana. It should be up to the people's choice how much they use it. If worried about the damage to the society, just build like help-addiction centers more or something to help people build up willpower to control the dosage. As for using dope itself, no different from alcohol or cigarette, such should be up to the people's free choice.

If people were really worried about the "damage", alcohol would be illegal. Oh wait, we tried'd it work out again?

All this goofy war on a plant has accomplished is to create a huge black market and a huge police state...which is far more dangerous to our society than all the pot and alcohol related problems combined.
Outlaw crimes, not plants.
People who are baked or half baked on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated have committed a crime. That's why drugs are illegal.

No, my little liberal wannabe tyrant, crimes are not committed until they are actually committed. This notion that just because something is legal that everybody and their brother will automagically go stupid and start doing everything impaired is silly and not supported by reality. Indeed, using your logic, everybody who uses alcohol MUST be drunk "on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated"? Are they? Are you?

Try again, this time try thinking with your brain instead of your dipstick, jimmy.
Yes, potheads like you are committing a crime by being in various states of intoxication by mind altering drugs while performing safety sensitive tasks. You put my family in danger and everyone else's families. Unless you live on a remote island where what you smoke has absolutely no effect on anyone else, you deserve to be in jail for endangering those I love.
Outlaw crimes, not plants.
People who are baked or half baked on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated have committed a crime. That's why drugs are illegal.

No, my little liberal wannabe tyrant, crimes are not committed until they are actually committed. This notion that just because something is legal that everybody and their brother will automagically go stupid and start doing everything impaired is silly and not supported by reality. Indeed, using your logic, everybody who uses alcohol MUST be drunk "on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated"? Are they? Are you?

Try again, this time try thinking with your brain instead of your dipstick, jimmy.
Yes, potheads like you are committing a crime by being in various states of intoxication by mind altering drugs while performing safety sensitive tasks. You put my family in danger and everyone else's families. Unless you live on a remote island where what you smoke has absolutely no effect on anyone else, you deserve to be in jail for endangering those I love.
So you think all people that smoke buds are just running around running over people or something? That's fuckin stupid. Would you like to compare the amount of alcohol DUIs to weed DUIs?
Outlaw crimes, not plants.
People who are baked or half baked on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated have committed a crime. That's why drugs are illegal.

No, my little liberal wannabe tyrant, crimes are not committed until they are actually committed. This notion that just because something is legal that everybody and their brother will automagically go stupid and start doing everything impaired is silly and not supported by reality. Indeed, using your logic, everybody who uses alcohol MUST be drunk "on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated"? Are they? Are you?

Try again, this time try thinking with your brain instead of your dipstick, jimmy.
Yes, potheads like you are committing a crime by being in various states of intoxication by mind altering drugs while performing safety sensitive tasks. You put my family in danger and everyone else's families. Unless you live on a remote island where what you smoke has absolutely no effect on anyone else, you deserve to be in jail for endangering those I love.

You didn't answer the question, cupcake...or are you trying to say that only people who smoke pot put your family in danger and not those who use alcohol.

Keep arguing from emotion rather than logic, reason and facts...apparently it's all you got.
Outlaw crimes, not plants.
People who are baked or half baked on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated have committed a crime. That's why drugs are illegal.

No, my little liberal wannabe tyrant, crimes are not committed until they are actually committed. This notion that just because something is legal that everybody and their brother will automagically go stupid and start doing everything impaired is silly and not supported by reality. Indeed, using your logic, everybody who uses alcohol MUST be drunk "on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated"? Are they? Are you?

Try again, this time try thinking with your brain instead of your dipstick, jimmy.
Yes, potheads like you are committing a crime by being in various states of intoxication by mind altering drugs while performing safety sensitive tasks. You put my family in danger and everyone else's families. Unless you live on a remote island where what you smoke has absolutely no effect on anyone else, you deserve to be in jail for endangering those I love.

The argument isn't that pot is harmless. But instead that its harm is below the level of harm we've deemed a legally acceptable amount. A standard defined by the legalization of alcohol.

After all, if going 35 mph in a 35 mph zone is legal...then surely going 33 mph is legal as well.

Applying a consistent standard, of course.
Outlaw crimes, not plants.
People who are baked or half baked on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated have committed a crime. That's why drugs are illegal.

No, my little liberal wannabe tyrant, crimes are not committed until they are actually committed. This notion that just because something is legal that everybody and their brother will automagically go stupid and start doing everything impaired is silly and not supported by reality. Indeed, using your logic, everybody who uses alcohol MUST be drunk "on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated"? Are they? Are you?

Try again, this time try thinking with your brain instead of your dipstick, jimmy.
Yes, potheads like you are committing a crime by being in various states of intoxication by mind altering drugs while performing safety sensitive tasks. You put my family in danger and everyone else's families. Unless you live on a remote island where what you smoke has absolutely no effect on anyone else, you deserve to be in jail for endangering those I love.
So you think all people that smoke buds are just running around running over people or something? That's fuckin stupid. Would you like to compare the amount of alcohol DUIs to weed DUIs?
You brainless potheads make the same stupid mistake over and over and I always refute it successfully, so pay attention:

Descrying the dangers of alcohol abuse in the public and on public roads is no justification for adding to that danger by increasing the venues of legalized intoxication. This can only result in a net increase in inebriated driving and disorderly conduct.

You potheads have never been able to defeat that argument.
Outlaw crimes, not plants.
People who are baked or half baked on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated have committed a crime. That's why drugs are illegal.

No, my little liberal wannabe tyrant, crimes are not committed until they are actually committed. This notion that just because something is legal that everybody and their brother will automagically go stupid and start doing everything impaired is silly and not supported by reality. Indeed, using your logic, everybody who uses alcohol MUST be drunk "on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated"? Are they? Are you?

Try again, this time try thinking with your brain instead of your dipstick, jimmy.
Yes, potheads like you are committing a crime by being in various states of intoxication by mind altering drugs while performing safety sensitive tasks. You put my family in danger and everyone else's families. Unless you live on a remote island where what you smoke has absolutely no effect on anyone else, you deserve to be in jail for endangering those I love.
So you think all people that smoke buds are just running around running over people or something? That's fuckin stupid. Would you like to compare the amount of alcohol DUIs to weed DUIs?
You brainless potheads make the same stupid mistake over and over and I always refute it successfully, so pay attention:

Descrying the dangers of alcohol abuse in the public and on public roads is no justification for adding to that danger by increasing the venues of legalized intoxication. This can only result in a net increase in inebriated driving and disorderly conduct.

You potheads have never been able to defeat that argument.
Your emotional dribble is just that.
Lets look at FACTS shall we?
Prohibition - Facts & Summary -
Enforcement of Prohibition
Both federal and local government struggled to enforce Prohibition over the course of the 1920s. Enforcement was initially assigned to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and was later transferred to the Justice Department. In general, Prohibition was enforced much more strongly in areas where the population was sympathetic to the legislation–mainly rural areas and small towns–and much more loosely in urban areas. Despite very early signs of success, including a decline in arrests for drunkenness and a reported 30 percent drop in alcohol consumption, those who wanted to keep drinking found ever-more inventive ways to do it. The illegal manufacturing and sale of liquor (known as “bootlegging”) went on throughout the decade, along with the operation of “speakeasies” (stores or nightclubs selling alcohol), the smuggling of alcohol across state lines and the informal production of liquor (“moonshine” or “bathtub gin”) in private homes.
Legalization wouldn't be so bad if there was no penalty for shooting a pothead. Pot in your system, no charges for plugging you.

And when the Pot Heads start shooting back?

Extra bong hit, of course.
Delayed reaction, poor aim? I don't fear potheads shooting back. They're more likely to shoot themselves than to actually get rounds downrange toward any external threat. You potheads are a joke.
Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow
What do you think about weed legalization? Should it stay illegal, semi-legal or it just has to be completely legalized? I think there is nothing bad in weed legalization. The budget will get more revenue for selling weed legally and marijuana traffic will be kept under control. It's really easier now to buy weed now for a teenager than a can of beer. State control over marijuana could solve the problem.

'All-time high' and 'likely to grow' HAD to have been deliberate. :)
Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow
What do you think about weed legalization? Should it stay illegal, semi-legal or it just has to be completely legalized? I think there is nothing bad in weed legalization. The budget will get more revenue for selling weed legally and marijuana traffic will be kept under control. It's really easier now to buy weed now for a teenager than a can of beer. State control over marijuana could solve the problem.

'All-time high' and 'likely to grow' HAD to have been deliberate. :)
Not really. Potheads just aren't that witty.
so are old people like you who still think its 1948.....
Could you shoot druggies in 1948.
i dont know you were a teen back then you tell me....
Prove I was a teen in 1948.
you said you were an old woman,and just the shit you post about pot and other things prove you have a 1948 mentality.....some people move along with progress,and some dont,they just stay the way they were when they were you....
Turning us into a nation of potheads isn't progress. Quite the opposite.
a nation of potheads is much more appealing than a nation of alcoholics...which we have been for decades....look at the deaths and violence and family breakups that wonderful thing has done for this country......nicotine maybe the most addictive substance in use on the planet and has proven to be lethal over time....but hey, they are ok because so many anti-pot people use them over pot...yea we are progressing,using something thats not as bad as the other two is progress.......
Outlaw crimes, not plants.
People who are baked or half baked on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated have committed a crime. That's why drugs are illegal.
so what about drinkers who do the same things as you mentioned above?.....
a nation of potheads is much more appealing than a nation of alcoholics...which we have been for decades.....

You actually think that potheads will replace alcoholics?

Are you a pothead, Focker?

Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow
What do you think about weed legalization? Should it stay illegal, semi-legal or it just has to be completely legalized? I think there is nothing bad in weed legalization. The budget will get more revenue for selling weed legally and marijuana traffic will be kept under control. It's really easier now to buy weed now for a teenager than a can of beer. State control over marijuana could solve the problem.
Considering longtime use leads to schizophrenia and lower IQ, should be an interesting society of idiotic crazies in 20 years.
for a small percentage.....does drinking lots of alcohol help with the brain stuff?....if you drink how about those beers you put away weekly? they increase your IQ?....
Outlaw crimes, not plants.
People who are baked or half baked on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated have committed a crime. That's why drugs are illegal.

No, my little liberal wannabe tyrant, crimes are not committed until they are actually committed. This notion that just because something is legal that everybody and their brother will automagically go stupid and start doing everything impaired is silly and not supported by reality. Indeed, using your logic, everybody who uses alcohol MUST be drunk "on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated"? Are they? Are you?

Try again, this time try thinking with your brain instead of your dipstick, jimmy.
Yes, potheads like you are committing a crime by being in various states of intoxication by mind altering drugs while performing safety sensitive tasks. You put my family in danger and everyone else's families. Unless you live on a remote island where what you smoke has absolutely no effect on anyone else, you deserve to be in jail for endangering those I love.
do you and your drinking and driving friends endanger the ones everyone else loves?...
Outlaw crimes, not plants.
People who are baked or half baked on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated have committed a crime. That's why drugs are illegal.

No, my little liberal wannabe tyrant, crimes are not committed until they are actually committed. This notion that just because something is legal that everybody and their brother will automagically go stupid and start doing everything impaired is silly and not supported by reality. Indeed, using your logic, everybody who uses alcohol MUST be drunk "on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated"? Are they? Are you?

Try again, this time try thinking with your brain instead of your dipstick, jimmy.
Yes, potheads like you are committing a crime by being in various states of intoxication by mind altering drugs while performing safety sensitive tasks. You put my family in danger and everyone else's families. Unless you live on a remote island where what you smoke has absolutely no effect on anyone else, you deserve to be in jail for endangering those I love.
So you think all people that smoke buds are just running around running over people or something? That's fuckin stupid. Would you like to compare the amount of alcohol DUIs to weed DUIs?
You brainless potheads make the same stupid mistake over and over and I always refute it successfully, so pay attention:

Descrying the dangers of alcohol abuse in the public and on public roads is no justification for adding to that danger by increasing the venues of legalized intoxication. This can only result in a net increase in inebriated driving and disorderly conduct.

You potheads have never been able to defeat that argument.
so mikey are you for the banning of alcohol and nicotine?.......right now im for decriminalizing pot....and thats the way i will be until you drinkers and smokers give up your vices and want them banned and against the law....
Notice the saint completely ignored my post of FACT and HISTORY. Imagine that.
Legalization wouldn't be so bad if there was no penalty for shooting a pothead. Pot in your system, no charges for plugging you.

And when the Pot Heads start shooting back?

Extra bong hit, of course.
potheads aint violent its the alcoholics who want to hurt people.....oh no....did "tipsy" the cat lover just let the cat out of the bag?...

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