Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow

If dumb shits want to inhale smoke into their lungs, fine. Hopefully they die off sooner like the idiots that smoke cigarettes.

Can't forget the E pens or just dropping a bud in some alcohol.

The smell of that shit, I can't imagine eating it. :puke3:
Make it legal and be prepared to be attacked in self defense and arrested and incarcerated if you blow your smoke in a public or unapproved private location.
Same goes for any intoxicant.

Just like with smoking or acting like an ass when drunk, ain't no excuse for bad manners.

Why is the concept of freedom so hard for some of you to understand? Free people can do pretty much what they want, unless their actions infringe upon the life, liberty or property of others. The founders gotta be rolling in their graves listening to some of you.
You obviously didn't read my post. Smoke your pot. You blow it around me or mine and I'll hurt you in defense. That is freedom personified.
You don't have a freedom to hurt others.
If dumb shits want to inhale smoke into their lungs, fine. Hopefully they die off sooner like the idiots that smoke cigarettes.

Can't forget the E pens or just dropping a bud in some alcohol.

The smell of that shit, I can't imagine eating it. :puke3:
Well, smoking Fettuccine Alfredo would probably stink too. Make some butter and use it in your cooking. No difference in taste if made properly.
If dumb shits want to inhale smoke into their lungs, fine. Hopefully they die off sooner like the idiots that smoke cigarettes.

Can't forget the E pens or just dropping a bud in some alcohol.

The smell of that shit, I can't imagine eating it. :puke3:
Well, smoking Fettuccine Alfredo would probably stink too. Make some butter and use it in your cooking. No difference in taste if made properly.

Good have at it. I don't need it.
No, my little liberal wannabe tyrant, crimes are not committed until they are actually committed. This notion that just because something is legal that everybody and their brother will automagically go stupid and start doing everything impaired is silly and not supported by reality. Indeed, using your logic, everybody who uses alcohol MUST be drunk "on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated"? Are they? Are you?

Try again, this time try thinking with your brain instead of your dipstick, jimmy.
Yes, potheads like you are committing a crime by being in various states of intoxication by mind altering drugs while performing safety sensitive tasks. You put my family in danger and everyone else's families. Unless you live on a remote island where what you smoke has absolutely no effect on anyone else, you deserve to be in jail for endangering those I love.
So you think all people that smoke buds are just running around running over people or something? That's fuckin stupid. Would you like to compare the amount of alcohol DUIs to weed DUIs?
You brainless potheads make the same stupid mistake over and over and I always refute it successfully, so pay attention:

Descrying the dangers of alcohol abuse in the public and on public roads is no justification for adding to that danger by increasing the venues of legalized intoxication. This can only result in a net increase in inebriated driving and disorderly conduct.

You potheads have never been able to defeat that argument.

Ah, I see, you are one of those people who considers everyone (but you of course) to be an irresponsible moron who will of course act irresponsibly if given the chance. Sorry, but in free countries, free people are considered responsible and law-abiding until their actions prove otherwise. Just because a dimwit like YOU would run out and start driving stoned just because a plant is made legal does not mean the rest of us share your mental defect.

You are not any brighter than those who plunged the country into the violent farce called Prohibition, which sane people finally repealed.

You have no valid point...unless that one on your head counts.
I wouldn't know. I've never smoked pot in my life and think that everyone who has and continues to is an idiot. What I do know is that driving drunk is illegal, but alcohol is legal which ensures it will happen often. It stands to logic that if pot were legalized there cannot but be a net increase of people illegally stoned while driving. That's an inescapable destiny.

But if it is true that stone drivers do not drive like drunk drivers and obey the speed limit and all applicable driving laws they are not going to get stopped, so you'll never know. Just like under today's prohibition, you never know.......
Yes, potheads like you are committing a crime by being in various states of intoxication by mind altering drugs while performing safety sensitive tasks. You put my family in danger and everyone else's families. Unless you live on a remote island where what you smoke has absolutely no effect on anyone else, you deserve to be in jail for endangering those I love.
So you think all people that smoke buds are just running around running over people or something? That's fuckin stupid. Would you like to compare the amount of alcohol DUIs to weed DUIs?
You brainless potheads make the same stupid mistake over and over and I always refute it successfully, so pay attention:

Descrying the dangers of alcohol abuse in the public and on public roads is no justification for adding to that danger by increasing the venues of legalized intoxication. This can only result in a net increase in inebriated driving and disorderly conduct.

You potheads have never been able to defeat that argument.

Ah, I see, you are one of those people who considers everyone (but you of course) to be an irresponsible moron who will of course act irresponsibly if given the chance. Sorry, but in free countries, free people are considered responsible and law-abiding until their actions prove otherwise. Just because a dimwit like YOU would run out and start driving stoned just because a plant is made legal does not mean the rest of us share your mental defect.

You are not any brighter than those who plunged the country into the violent farce called Prohibition, which sane people finally repealed.

You have no valid point...unless that one on your head counts.
I wouldn't know. I've never smoked pot in my life and think that everyone who has and continues to is an idiot. What I do know is that driving drunk is illegal, but alcohol is legal which ensures it will happen often. It stands to logic that if pot were legalized there cannot but be a net increase of people illegally stoned while driving. That's an inescapable destiny.

But if it is true that stone drivers do not drive like drunk drivers and obey the speed limit and all applicable driving laws they are not going to get stopped, so you'll never know. Just like under today's prohibition, you never know.......

Right we don't know and if you get into an accident and found to be DUI with any substance, you are going to pay dearly for it.

I would think people would be smart enough not to drink or take drugs and then drive. However, many people are not known to be smart.
So you think all people that smoke buds are just running around running over people or something? That's fuckin stupid. Would you like to compare the amount of alcohol DUIs to weed DUIs?
You brainless potheads make the same stupid mistake over and over and I always refute it successfully, so pay attention:

Descrying the dangers of alcohol abuse in the public and on public roads is no justification for adding to that danger by increasing the venues of legalized intoxication. This can only result in a net increase in inebriated driving and disorderly conduct.

You potheads have never been able to defeat that argument.

Ah, I see, you are one of those people who considers everyone (but you of course) to be an irresponsible moron who will of course act irresponsibly if given the chance. Sorry, but in free countries, free people are considered responsible and law-abiding until their actions prove otherwise. Just because a dimwit like YOU would run out and start driving stoned just because a plant is made legal does not mean the rest of us share your mental defect.

You are not any brighter than those who plunged the country into the violent farce called Prohibition, which sane people finally repealed.

You have no valid point...unless that one on your head counts.
I wouldn't know. I've never smoked pot in my life and think that everyone who has and continues to is an idiot. What I do know is that driving drunk is illegal, but alcohol is legal which ensures it will happen often. It stands to logic that if pot were legalized there cannot but be a net increase of people illegally stoned while driving. That's an inescapable destiny.

But if it is true that stone drivers do not drive like drunk drivers and obey the speed limit and all applicable driving laws they are not going to get stopped, so you'll never know. Just like under today's prohibition, you never know.......

Right we don't know and if you get into an accident and found to be DUI with any substance, you are going to pay dearly for it.

I would think people would be smart enough not to drink or take drugs and then drive. However, many people are not known to be smart.

That is what freedom is all about...the freedom to be trusted by default not to do stupid shit...until your actions prove otherwise. It ain't pretty, it ain't safe, it ain't orderly, but it's a whole lot better than the "safer" alternatives.
Medical grade will mean more jobs and studies, and taxes.

Yes. It will increase the power of government and give it more money. And they have the benefit of millions of pothead idiots eager to give it to them.

Says the guy who wants a fucking police state where everyone is assumed to be a criminal until proven otherwise. If living in a free country isn't safe enough for you, don't let the door kick you in the ass on the way out.
You brainless potheads make the same stupid mistake over and over and I always refute it successfully, so pay attention:

Descrying the dangers of alcohol abuse in the public and on public roads is no justification for adding to that danger by increasing the venues of legalized intoxication. This can only result in a net increase in inebriated driving and disorderly conduct.

You potheads have never been able to defeat that argument.

Ah, I see, you are one of those people who considers everyone (but you of course) to be an irresponsible moron who will of course act irresponsibly if given the chance. Sorry, but in free countries, free people are considered responsible and law-abiding until their actions prove otherwise. Just because a dimwit like YOU would run out and start driving stoned just because a plant is made legal does not mean the rest of us share your mental defect.

You are not any brighter than those who plunged the country into the violent farce called Prohibition, which sane people finally repealed.

You have no valid point...unless that one on your head counts.
I wouldn't know. I've never smoked pot in my life and think that everyone who has and continues to is an idiot. What I do know is that driving drunk is illegal, but alcohol is legal which ensures it will happen often. It stands to logic that if pot were legalized there cannot but be a net increase of people illegally stoned while driving. That's an inescapable destiny.

But if it is true that stone drivers do not drive like drunk drivers and obey the speed limit and all applicable driving laws they are not going to get stopped, so you'll never know. Just like under today's prohibition, you never know.......

Right we don't know and if you get into an accident and found to be DUI with any substance, you are going to pay dearly for it.

I would think people would be smart enough not to drink or take drugs and then drive. However, many people are not known to be smart.

That is what freedom is all about...the freedom to be trusted by default not to do stupid shit...until your actions prove otherwise. It ain't pretty, it ain't safe, it ain't orderly, but it's a whole lot better than the "safer" alternatives.

You aren't free to put my family in danger. That ISN'T what freedom is. It used to be that this country was made of men and women of character, who understood that the pursuit of maximum freedom was achieved on the pathway of self restraint, not hedonistic abandon. People who refuse to control themselves, wanting to be "free" to do whatever they want, invariably end up a prisoner one way or another. On the other hand, people who show restraint end up with much more freedom, wealth, and choices in life.
Make it legal and be prepared to be attacked in self defense and arrested and incarcerated if you blow your smoke in a public or unapproved private location.
Same goes for any intoxicant.

Just like with smoking or acting like an ass when drunk, ain't no excuse for bad manners.

Why is the concept of freedom so hard for some of you to understand? Free people can do pretty much what they want, unless their actions infringe upon the life, liberty or property of others. The founders gotta be rolling in their graves listening to some of you.
You obviously didn't read my post. Smoke your pot. You blow it around me or mine and I'll hurt you in defense. That is freedom personified.
You don't have a freedom to hurt others.

Which is what I pretty much just said, moron. Pull the chip out of your ass and read, rather than trying to play tough guy, m'kay?
Medical grade will mean more jobs and studies, and taxes.

Yes. It will increase the power of government and give it more money. And they have the benefit of millions of pothead idiots eager to give it to them.

Says the guy who wants a fucking police state where everyone is assumed to be a criminal until proven otherwise. If living in a free country isn't safe enough for you, don't let the door kick you in the ass on the way out.

No, actually you can leave. Aside from being a Native American capable of tracing a lineage going back long before you neanderthals ever laid eyes on our shores, you're the one trying to introduce more danger to society, not me. If you don't like America being as safe as it is, YOU can take your pale-face ass elsewhere.
Ah, I see, you are one of those people who considers everyone (but you of course) to be an irresponsible moron who will of course act irresponsibly if given the chance. Sorry, but in free countries, free people are considered responsible and law-abiding until their actions prove otherwise. Just because a dimwit like YOU would run out and start driving stoned just because a plant is made legal does not mean the rest of us share your mental defect.

You are not any brighter than those who plunged the country into the violent farce called Prohibition, which sane people finally repealed.

You have no valid point...unless that one on your head counts.
I wouldn't know. I've never smoked pot in my life and think that everyone who has and continues to is an idiot. What I do know is that driving drunk is illegal, but alcohol is legal which ensures it will happen often. It stands to logic that if pot were legalized there cannot but be a net increase of people illegally stoned while driving. That's an inescapable destiny.

But if it is true that stone drivers do not drive like drunk drivers and obey the speed limit and all applicable driving laws they are not going to get stopped, so you'll never know. Just like under today's prohibition, you never know.......

Right we don't know and if you get into an accident and found to be DUI with any substance, you are going to pay dearly for it.

I would think people would be smart enough not to drink or take drugs and then drive. However, many people are not known to be smart.

That is what freedom is all about...the freedom to be trusted by default not to do stupid shit...until your actions prove otherwise. It ain't pretty, it ain't safe, it ain't orderly, but it's a whole lot better than the "safer" alternatives.

You aren't free to put my family in danger. That ISN'T what freedom is. It used to be that this country was made of men and women of character, who understood that the pursuit of maximum freedom was achieved on the pathway of self restraint, not hedonistic abandon. People who refuse to control themselves, wanting to be "free" to do whatever they want, invariably end up a prisoner one way or another. On the other hand, people who show restraint end up with much more freedom, wealth, and choices in life.

Correct, I am not free to put your family in danger. Your problem is that you assume anyone not like you is putting your family in danger. Unless I put your family in danger, I am free to do whatever the fuck I want. If I want to take a drink of booze, smoke a joint, it's none of your fucking business unless the result is an action that endangers you. Using your logic, if I am allergic to cats, we should ban all citizens in the world from owning cats!
Medical grade will mean more jobs and studies, and taxes.

Yes. It will increase the power of government and give it more money. And they have the benefit of millions of pothead idiots eager to give it to them.

Says the guy who wants a fucking police state where everyone is assumed to be a criminal until proven otherwise. If living in a free country isn't safe enough for you, don't let the door kick you in the ass on the way out.

No, actually you can leave. Aside from being a Native American capable of tracing a lineage going back long before you neanderthals ever laid eyes on our shores, you're the one trying to introduce more danger to society, not me. If you don't like America being as safe as it is, YOU can take your pale-face ass elsewhere.

Don't try that bullshit with me, son, I am part Dine doesn't change the FACT that if you want to live in a free society then you best respect the freedom of others. If that freedom is a threat to you, go fuck yourself, because we ain't gonna go back to being slaves and dependents just because of your irrational fears.

FYI, f you were really native american, you wouldn't have those irrational fears of plants.
Make it legal and be prepared to be attacked in self defense and arrested and incarcerated if you blow your smoke in a public or unapproved private location.
Same goes for any intoxicant.

Just like with smoking or acting like an ass when drunk, ain't no excuse for bad manners.

Why is the concept of freedom so hard for some of you to understand? Free people can do pretty much what they want, unless their actions infringe upon the life, liberty or property of others. The founders gotta be rolling in their graves listening to some of you.
You obviously didn't read my post. Smoke your pot. You blow it around me or mine and I'll hurt you in defense. That is freedom personified.
You don't have a freedom to hurt others.

Which is what I pretty much just said, moron. Pull the chip out of your ass and read, rather than trying to play tough guy, m'kay?
You prefaced your comment with the rude suggestion that people opposed to unbridled use of pot have no grasp of freedom. I explained the point in more accurate detail.
Make it legal and be prepared to be attacked in self defense and arrested and incarcerated if you blow your smoke in a public or unapproved private location.
Same goes for any intoxicant.

Just like with smoking or acting like an ass when drunk, ain't no excuse for bad manners.

Why is the concept of freedom so hard for some of you to understand? Free people can do pretty much what they want, unless their actions infringe upon the life, liberty or property of others. The founders gotta be rolling in their graves listening to some of you.
You obviously didn't read my post. Smoke your pot. You blow it around me or mine and I'll hurt you in defense. That is freedom personified.
You don't have a freedom to hurt others.

Which is what I pretty much just said, moron. Pull the chip out of your ass and read, rather than trying to play tough guy, m'kay?
You prefaced your comment with the rude suggestion that people opposed to unbridled use of pot have no grasp of freedom. I explained the point in more accurate detail.

You obviously didn't have a grasp of what freedom means, or you wouldn't have replied with that bullshit. Or should I just attribute it to a lack of reading comprehension. I have heard that having chips up one's ass can cause that.
Make it legal and be prepared to be attacked in self defense and arrested and incarcerated if you blow your smoke in a public or unapproved private location.
Same goes for any intoxicant.

Just like with smoking or acting like an ass when drunk, ain't no excuse for bad manners.

Why is the concept of freedom so hard for some of you to understand? Free people can do pretty much what they want, unless their actions infringe upon the life, liberty or property of others. The founders gotta be rolling in their graves listening to some of you.
You obviously didn't read my post. Smoke your pot. You blow it around me or mine and I'll hurt you in defense. That is freedom personified.
You don't have a freedom to hurt others.

Which is what I pretty much just said, moron. Pull the chip out of your ass and read, rather than trying to play tough guy, m'kay?
You prefaced your comment with the rude suggestion that people opposed to unbridled use of pot have no grasp of freedom. I explained the point in more accurate detail.

You obviously didn't have a grasp of what freedom means, or you wouldn't have replied with that bullshit. Or should I just attribute it to a lack of reading comprehension. I have heard that having chips up one's ass can cause that.
You still haven't responded to anything I wrote.
Medical grade will mean more jobs and studies, and taxes.

Yes. It will increase the power of government and give it more money. And they have the benefit of millions of pothead idiots eager to give it to them.

Says the guy who wants a fucking police state where everyone is assumed to be a criminal until proven otherwise. If living in a free country isn't safe enough for you, don't let the door kick you in the ass on the way out.

No, actually you can leave. Aside from being a Native American capable of tracing a lineage going back long before you neanderthals ever laid eyes on our shores, you're the one trying to introduce more danger to society, not me. If you don't like America being as safe as it is, YOU can take your pale-face ass elsewhere.

Don't try that bullshit with me, son, I am part Dine doesn't change the FACT that if you want to live in a free society then you best respect the freedom of others. If that freedom is a threat to you, go fuck yourself, because we ain't gonna go back to being slaves and dependents just because of your irrational fears.

FYI, f you were really native american, you wouldn't have those irrational fears of plants.

Now that's idiotic. As a Native American, I've had much more experience with the drug problem rampant on our reservations, chains of the White Man keeping us in perpetual poverty and squalor. Liking plants does not translate into using them for hallucinogenic effect. Brainless.

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