Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow

No, my little liberal wannabe tyrant, crimes are not committed until they are actually committed. This notion that just because something is legal that everybody and their brother will automagically go stupid and start doing everything impaired is silly and not supported by reality. Indeed, using your logic, everybody who uses alcohol MUST be drunk "on the road, driving a semi truck, operating a crane, teaching children, performing surgical operations, or otherwise endangering the public by being partially incapacitated"? Are they? Are you?

Try again, this time try thinking with your brain instead of your dipstick, jimmy.
Yes, potheads like you are committing a crime by being in various states of intoxication by mind altering drugs while performing safety sensitive tasks. You put my family in danger and everyone else's families. Unless you live on a remote island where what you smoke has absolutely no effect on anyone else, you deserve to be in jail for endangering those I love.
So you think all people that smoke buds are just running around running over people or something? That's fuckin stupid. Would you like to compare the amount of alcohol DUIs to weed DUIs?
You brainless potheads make the same stupid mistake over and over and I always refute it successfully, so pay attention:

Descrying the dangers of alcohol abuse in the public and on public roads is no justification for adding to that danger by increasing the venues of legalized intoxication. This can only result in a net increase in inebriated driving and disorderly conduct.

You potheads have never been able to defeat that argument.
so mikey are you for the banning of alcohol and nicotine?.......right now im for decriminalizing pot....and thats the way i will be until you drinkers and smokers give up your vices and want them banned and against the law....
Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow
What do you think about weed legalization? Should it stay illegal, semi-legal or it just has to be completely legalized? I think there is nothing bad in weed legalization. The budget will get more revenue for selling weed legally and marijuana traffic will be kept under control. It's really easier now to buy weed now for a teenager than a can of beer. State control over marijuana could solve the problem.
Considering longtime use leads to schizophrenia and lower IQ, should be an interesting society of idiotic crazies in 20 years.
for a small percentage.....does drinking lots of alcohol help with the brain stuff?....if you drink how about those beers you put away weekly? they increase your IQ?....
Like I said, schizophrenia and lower IQ.
If dumb shits want to inhale smoke into their lungs, fine. Hopefully they die off sooner like the idiots that smoke cigarettes.

Can't forget the E pens or just dropping a bud in some alcohol.

The smell of that shit, I can't imagine eating it. :puke3:
ever hear of sweeteners?....and there are other ingredients....
Medical grade will mean more jobs and studies, and taxes.

Yes. It will increase the power of government and give it more money. And they have the benefit of millions of pothead idiots eager to give it to them.

Says the guy who wants a fucking police state where everyone is assumed to be a criminal until proven otherwise. If living in a free country isn't safe enough for you, don't let the door kick you in the ass on the way out.

No, actually you can leave. Aside from being a Native American capable of tracing a lineage going back long before you neanderthals ever laid eyes on our shores, you're the one trying to introduce more danger to society, not me. If you don't like America being as safe as it is, YOU can take your pale-face ass elsewhere.

Don't try that bullshit with me, son, I am part Dine doesn't change the FACT that if you want to live in a free society then you best respect the freedom of others. If that freedom is a threat to you, go fuck yourself, because we ain't gonna go back to being slaves and dependents just because of your irrational fears.

FYI, f you were really native american, you wouldn't have those irrational fears of plants.

Now that's idiotic. As a Native American, I've had much more experience with the drug problem rampant on our reservations, chains of the White Man keeping us in perpetual poverty and squalor. Liking plants does not translate into using them for hallucinogenic effect. Brainless.

Twasn't a drug problem till they lost their freedom and became wards of the state, dipshit. Think about that, since you seem to advocate moar dependency and less freedom. With friends like you, they don't need enemies.
Yes, potheads like you are committing a crime by being in various states of intoxication by mind altering drugs while performing safety sensitive tasks. You put my family in danger and everyone else's families. Unless you live on a remote island where what you smoke has absolutely no effect on anyone else, you deserve to be in jail for endangering those I love.
So you think all people that smoke buds are just running around running over people or something? That's fuckin stupid. Would you like to compare the amount of alcohol DUIs to weed DUIs?
You brainless potheads make the same stupid mistake over and over and I always refute it successfully, so pay attention:

Descrying the dangers of alcohol abuse in the public and on public roads is no justification for adding to that danger by increasing the venues of legalized intoxication. This can only result in a net increase in inebriated driving and disorderly conduct.

You potheads have never been able to defeat that argument.
so mikey are you for the banning of alcohol and nicotine?.......right now im for decriminalizing pot....and thats the way i will be until you drinkers and smokers give up your vices and want them banned and against the law....
Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow
What do you think about weed legalization? Should it stay illegal, semi-legal or it just has to be completely legalized? I think there is nothing bad in weed legalization. The budget will get more revenue for selling weed legally and marijuana traffic will be kept under control. It's really easier now to buy weed now for a teenager than a can of beer. State control over marijuana could solve the problem.
Considering longtime use leads to schizophrenia and lower IQ, should be an interesting society of idiotic crazies in 20 years.
for a small percentage.....does drinking lots of alcohol help with the brain stuff?....if you drink how about those beers you put away weekly? they increase your IQ?....
Like I said, schizophrenia and lower IQ.
If dumb shits want to inhale smoke into their lungs, fine. Hopefully they die off sooner like the idiots that smoke cigarettes.

Can't forget the E pens or just dropping a bud in some alcohol.

The smell of that shit, I can't imagine eating it. :puke3:
ever hear of sweeteners?....and there are other ingredients....

Yeah, sugar and pot, yum yum.

I don't need it, if you want it it's yours. I just don't want to smell it. It is as bad as cigarette smoke.
Just like with smoking or acting like an ass when drunk, ain't no excuse for bad manners.

Why is the concept of freedom so hard for some of you to understand? Free people can do pretty much what they want, unless their actions infringe upon the life, liberty or property of others. The founders gotta be rolling in their graves listening to some of you.
You obviously didn't read my post. Smoke your pot. You blow it around me or mine and I'll hurt you in defense. That is freedom personified.
You don't have a freedom to hurt others.

Which is what I pretty much just said, moron. Pull the chip out of your ass and read, rather than trying to play tough guy, m'kay?
You prefaced your comment with the rude suggestion that people opposed to unbridled use of pot have no grasp of freedom. I explained the point in more accurate detail.

You obviously didn't have a grasp of what freedom means, or you wouldn't have replied with that bullshit. Or should I just attribute it to a lack of reading comprehension. I have heard that having chips up one's ass can cause that.
You still haven't responded to anything I wrote.

Yes, I did, I said, and I quote "Just like with smoking or acting like an ass when drunk, ain't no excuse for bad manners." which was agreeing with what you wrote. Not my problem that chip in your ass caused you to ignore that and get your panties in a bunch over my opinions of freedom and the lack of understanding and respect for it that this country has developed. Seriously, pull the chip out of your ass....I promise you'll feel much better.
Make it legal and be prepared to be attacked in self defense and arrested and incarcerated if you blow your smoke in a public or unapproved private location.
Same goes for any intoxicant.

Just like with smoking or acting like an ass when drunk, ain't no excuse for bad manners.

Why is the concept of freedom so hard for some of you to understand? Free people can do pretty much what they want, unless their actions infringe upon the life, liberty or property of others. The founders gotta be rolling in their graves listening to some of you.
You obviously didn't read my post. Smoke your pot. You blow it around me or mine and I'll hurt you in defense. That is freedom personified.
You don't have a freedom to hurt others.
i smoked for 30 years and never unless i was were a group of people were smoking it had someone "blow' it around me...stay away from people smoking it.....
You obviously didn't read my post. Smoke your pot. You blow it around me or mine and I'll hurt you in defense. That is freedom personified.
You don't have a freedom to hurt others.

Which is what I pretty much just said, moron. Pull the chip out of your ass and read, rather than trying to play tough guy, m'kay?
You prefaced your comment with the rude suggestion that people opposed to unbridled use of pot have no grasp of freedom. I explained the point in more accurate detail.

You obviously didn't have a grasp of what freedom means, or you wouldn't have replied with that bullshit. Or should I just attribute it to a lack of reading comprehension. I have heard that having chips up one's ass can cause that.
You still haven't responded to anything I wrote.

Yes, I did, I said, and I quote "Just like with smoking or acting like an ass when drunk, ain't no excuse for bad manners." which was agreeing with what you wrote. Not my problem that chip in your ass caused you to ignore that and get your panties in a bunch over my opinions of freedom and the lack of understanding and respect for it that this country has developed. Seriously, pull the chip out of your ass....I promise you'll feel much better.
Probably have a lot easier time in the bathroom too.
You obviously didn't read my post. Smoke your pot. You blow it around me or mine and I'll hurt you in defense. That is freedom personified.
You don't have a freedom to hurt others.

Which is what I pretty much just said, moron. Pull the chip out of your ass and read, rather than trying to play tough guy, m'kay?
You prefaced your comment with the rude suggestion that people opposed to unbridled use of pot have no grasp of freedom. I explained the point in more accurate detail.

You obviously didn't have a grasp of what freedom means, or you wouldn't have replied with that bullshit. Or should I just attribute it to a lack of reading comprehension. I have heard that having chips up one's ass can cause that.
You still haven't responded to anything I wrote.

Yes, I did, I said, and I quote "Just like with smoking or acting like an ass when drunk, ain't no excuse for bad manners." which was agreeing with what you wrote. Not my problem that chip in your ass caused you to ignore that and get your panties in a bunch over my opinions of freedom and the lack of understanding and respect for it that this country has developed. Seriously, pull the chip out of your ass....I promise you'll feel much better.
You confuse accepted coercion by pot users as anomalous 'bad manners'. You agree with the propagation of those 'bad manners' as a safe and benign thing thing, thereby endorsing the 'bad manners'.
Take the chip out of your brain and try a little honest analysis.
Make it legal and be prepared to be attacked in self defense and arrested and incarcerated if you blow your smoke in a public or unapproved private location.
Same goes for any intoxicant.

Just like with smoking or acting like an ass when drunk, ain't no excuse for bad manners.

Why is the concept of freedom so hard for some of you to understand? Free people can do pretty much what they want, unless their actions infringe upon the life, liberty or property of others. The founders gotta be rolling in their graves listening to some of you.
You obviously didn't read my post. Smoke your pot. You blow it around me or mine and I'll hurt you in defense. That is freedom personified.
You don't have a freedom to hurt others.
i smoked for 30 years and never unless i was were a group of people were smoking it had someone "blow' it around me...stay away from people smoking it.....
Try going to a concert venue. Try walking down the street in a college town. Try going to a house party hosted by lefties. It's becoming more prevalent as each decriminalization move is made. That is essentially an endorsement and a reckless endangerment. Do some research on the increasing numbers of pot-induced hospital and emergency room visits since the pot legalization has occurred.
Medical grade will mean more jobs and studies, and taxes.

Yes. It will increase the power of government and give it more money. And they have the benefit of millions of pothead idiots eager to give it to them.

Not all medical is high THC. There are several strains with almost no THC and high in CBD. It depends on the condition and the effect needed by the patient. When pain and depression are a part of so many chronic diseases, the THC is calming, relaxing and stress reducing. Beside the disease, pain and depression can be debilitating and oxy and other opiats including fentanyl really do little and have many side effect that make the patient more miserable in other ways.

There are topical uses for pain and disease as well. Many sink conditions can benefit from topical oils and creams. For people who can not tolerate the taste there is concentrated oil or hidden in foods they can take. Why when medicine is brought up to people think first of getting high? People that do inhale or ingest only get a buzz in the first few weeks. They don't get a high with long term regular use, even with high THC plants. They also don't over indulge but take plants specific to their individual disease or condition at a specific dose. First they have to get a doctor's authorization and the dispensary card. The quality is carefully controlled and tested. Growers have to have special licenses and have to maintain organic, hydroponic and/or lack of polarization of the buds. The plants have to be of particular breeds and sex. Most medical growers create clones of females and go to lengths to not grow males. Light, water and air circulation are carefully controlled as is the harvesting, trimming and drying.

I'm not a fan of social or recreational use, but I don't think light use in weekends by adults should be illegal. It should be treated much the same way as alcohol, don't abuse it or drive while intoxicated. As with everything in life, moderation.

For people who are terminal, final stage...............what ever gets them through the day with minimal distress and aids with quality of their last weeks/months.
I wouldn't know.

Obviously. That's the problem, you are trying to look smart from a position of ignorance. You should go into politics, you'll fit right in.
So I have to have tried pot to have an opinion on it?

I'd like to hear your opinions on suicide.
So I have to have tried pot to have an opinion on it?
i believe its when you tell us who have smoked how pot smokers act or what they do when cant have much of an opinion about this if you have never smoked the stuff....people like you and "tipsy" will find extreme examples of someone doing something stupid and will attribute that behavior to every pot smoker....tipsy thinks because it can be detected in your blood 2 weeks after smoking some,that you are still high 2 weeks later even if you havent smoked anymore in that 2 week period....thats an opinion based on one who has ever smoked pot would ever say such a ridiculous thing because they know better.....
So you think all people that smoke buds are just running around running over people or something? That's fuckin stupid. Would you like to compare the amount of alcohol DUIs to weed DUIs?
You brainless potheads make the same stupid mistake over and over and I always refute it successfully, so pay attention:

Descrying the dangers of alcohol abuse in the public and on public roads is no justification for adding to that danger by increasing the venues of legalized intoxication. This can only result in a net increase in inebriated driving and disorderly conduct.

You potheads have never been able to defeat that argument.

Ah, I see, you are one of those people who considers everyone (but you of course) to be an irresponsible moron who will of course act irresponsibly if given the chance. Sorry, but in free countries, free people are considered responsible and law-abiding until their actions prove otherwise. Just because a dimwit like YOU would run out and start driving stoned just because a plant is made legal does not mean the rest of us share your mental defect.

You are not any brighter than those who plunged the country into the violent farce called Prohibition, which sane people finally repealed.

You have no valid point...unless that one on your head counts.
I wouldn't know. I've never smoked pot in my life and think that everyone who has and continues to is an idiot. What I do know is that driving drunk is illegal, but alcohol is legal which ensures it will happen often. It stands to logic that if pot were legalized there cannot but be a net increase of people illegally stoned while driving. That's an inescapable destiny.

But if it is true that stone drivers do not drive like drunk drivers and obey the speed limit and all applicable driving laws they are not going to get stopped, so you'll never know. Just like under today's prohibition, you never know.......

Right we don't know and if you get into an accident and found to be DUI with any substance, you are going to pay dearly for it.

I would think people would be smart enough not to drink or take drugs and then drive. However, many people are not known to be smart.
you are right.....if you are foolish enough to drive and you get in an accident, you pay the price....
Medical grade will mean more jobs and studies, and taxes.

Yes. It will increase the power of government and give it more money. And they have the benefit of millions of pothead idiots eager to give it to them.

Says the guy who wants a fucking police state where everyone is assumed to be a criminal until proven otherwise. If living in a free country isn't safe enough for you, don't let the door kick you in the ass on the way out.

No, actually you can leave. Aside from being a Native American capable of tracing a lineage going back long before you neanderthals ever laid eyes on our shores, you're the one trying to introduce more danger to society, not me. If you don't like America being as safe as it is, YOU can take your pale-face ass elsewhere.
did not your ancestors smoke some of the plant life here? about Peyote?....
Medical grade will mean more jobs and studies, and taxes.

Yes. It will increase the power of government and give it more money. And they have the benefit of millions of pothead idiots eager to give it to them.

Says the guy who wants a fucking police state where everyone is assumed to be a criminal until proven otherwise. If living in a free country isn't safe enough for you, don't let the door kick you in the ass on the way out.

No, actually you can leave. Aside from being a Native American capable of tracing a lineage going back long before you neanderthals ever laid eyes on our shores, you're the one trying to introduce more danger to society, not me. If you don't like America being as safe as it is, YOU can take your pale-face ass elsewhere.
did not your ancestors smoke some of the plant life here? about Peyote?....
No, my people were not potheads.
So you think all people that smoke buds are just running around running over people or something? That's fuckin stupid. Would you like to compare the amount of alcohol DUIs to weed DUIs?
You brainless potheads make the same stupid mistake over and over and I always refute it successfully, so pay attention:

Descrying the dangers of alcohol abuse in the public and on public roads is no justification for adding to that danger by increasing the venues of legalized intoxication. This can only result in a net increase in inebriated driving and disorderly conduct.

You potheads have never been able to defeat that argument.
so mikey are you for the banning of alcohol and nicotine?.......right now im for decriminalizing pot....and thats the way i will be until you drinkers and smokers give up your vices and want them banned and against the law....
Gallup: Support for legal marijuana at an all-time high and likely to grow
What do you think about weed legalization? Should it stay illegal, semi-legal or it just has to be completely legalized? I think there is nothing bad in weed legalization. The budget will get more revenue for selling weed legally and marijuana traffic will be kept under control. It's really easier now to buy weed now for a teenager than a can of beer. State control over marijuana could solve the problem.
Considering longtime use leads to schizophrenia and lower IQ, should be an interesting society of idiotic crazies in 20 years.
for a small percentage.....does drinking lots of alcohol help with the brain stuff?....if you drink how about those beers you put away weekly? they increase your IQ?....
Like I said, schizophrenia and lower IQ.
If dumb shits want to inhale smoke into their lungs, fine. Hopefully they die off sooner like the idiots that smoke cigarettes.

Can't forget the E pens or just dropping a bud in some alcohol.

The smell of that shit, I can't imagine eating it. :puke3:
ever hear of sweeteners?....and there are other ingredients....

Yeah, sugar and pot, yum yum.

I don't need it, if you want it it's yours. I just don't want to smell it. It is as bad as cigarette smoke.
is that what you think those things are Papa?....Pot and Sugar?...that would be something that "tipsy" or this michael guy would say....i expected more from you.....
Medical grade will mean more jobs and studies, and taxes.

Yes. It will increase the power of government and give it more money. And they have the benefit of millions of pothead idiots eager to give it to them.

Says the guy who wants a fucking police state where everyone is assumed to be a criminal until proven otherwise. If living in a free country isn't safe enough for you, don't let the door kick you in the ass on the way out.

No, actually you can leave. Aside from being a Native American capable of tracing a lineage going back long before you neanderthals ever laid eyes on our shores, you're the one trying to introduce more danger to society, not me. If you don't like America being as safe as it is, YOU can take your pale-face ass elsewhere.
did not your ancestors smoke some of the plant life here? about Peyote?....

Peyote is more often ingested in food or drink.
You know............I was a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor (DAPA) for the last 8 years I was in the Navy, and was taught about the effects and what various substances do, and how to spot them. NOTHING that I could find in the research said that cannabis was more damaging to the human body than alcohol. Matter of fact, about 90 percent of the time, alcohol did far more damage than cannabis.

Based on what I'd learned while in the Navy, I decided that when I got out, I would do some more research to figure out if I was going to try it or not, and after checking out places like Harvard and the Royal Medical Society, as well as documentaries and other research, I decided that I would give it a try just to see what the fuss was all about.

That was several years ago, and my creativity, brainpower and everything else is just as good as what it was when I didn't smoke at all. I also ride a bicycle for exercise, and smoking has had very little to zero effect on my oxygen uptake.

And................because of what happened in CO, last year I decided to start going up there to see what they were about. I found the amount of research these stores had, as well as the knowledge they pass on to the consumer to be astounding. Various strains have different effects, and the "bud tenders" know about all of them and are more than happy to explain effect, dosage, etc. until YOU fully understand what you are buying.

You don't get that when you go to a liquor store.

Additionally, because of all the research that CO has done over the past couple of years in trying to come out with more and better products, they now have smokeables, edibles, drinkables, and various creams and salves as well as some other products. As a matter of fact, last year when you bought edibles, they were simply made with cannabis oil. Now? They are making the edibles in sativa, indica, and CBD specific varieties, meaning you can now get specific varieties.

However..............the most amazing thing I ever saw was their lotions and salves. I have a room mate who was involved in a serious vehicle accident several years ago, and it messed up her knees and back pretty good. If she gets up and walks more than 45 min at a time, or drives long distances without many breaks, she gets sore and has a really hard time moving. Last time we went, I told her to buy some of that THC infused cream (I'd heard good things about it), and use it when we got back to the hotel room. Well...........we'd driven a long ways, and she'd been up and running around in a couple of stores and her back and joints were screaming at her. She took a pain pill about an hour before we got to the room, but even so, she was still stiff and in quite a bit of pain. I suggested she put some of the cream on her joints (one side only) to see if it worked, and she did. Within 15 MINUTES the left side was feeling pretty good, with the right side still in pain (the cream worked even better than her pain pills from the doctor). She used it for the rest of the trip and didn't have any problems. Matter of fact, she said that she felt better than she had in a while. And..............what's even better..............there were no psychoactive ripples that would mess with her, just pure pain relief where she applied it.

People say that it would end up being smoked by kids. Well, if they open the stores and follow what CO is doing, the chances of that are very small. They would have to get someone to buy it for them, and that person is the one who gets in trouble.

Legal age for smoking? Should be 21 just like it is for drinking, because the human brain and nervous system aren't fully formed until 18 or 20.
i smoked for 30 years

That explains all your one liner posts.
as compared to your many lined posts that are the ramblings of a paranoid individual who knows little of what you talk about.....
There you go trailing off again. You really should lay off the pot while you still have some cerebral function left. I'm teaching my kids to make fun of potheads like you so they can see how silly drug abuse is and how it diminishes the dignity of human existence. Potheads make me laugh, especially when they hold all of the freedom in this country hostage to whether or not they can smoke their stupid weed. "Either we can smoke pot or America is a police state!" In particular, I'm trying to get my kids to see the juvenile, stunted reasoning skills of life long pot heads. I'm going to show my 12 year old son your posts so he can see how drugs erode mental faculties. I'm sure he will be laughing at you too.
Medical grade will mean more jobs and studies, and taxes.

Yes. It will increase the power of government and give it more money. And they have the benefit of millions of pothead idiots eager to give it to them.

Says the guy who wants a fucking police state where everyone is assumed to be a criminal until proven otherwise. If living in a free country isn't safe enough for you, don't let the door kick you in the ass on the way out.

No, actually you can leave. Aside from being a Native American capable of tracing a lineage going back long before you neanderthals ever laid eyes on our shores, you're the one trying to introduce more danger to society, not me. If you don't like America being as safe as it is, YOU can take your pale-face ass elsewhere.
did not your ancestors smoke some of the plant life here? about Peyote?....

Interestingly enough, if you are above a certain percentage of Native American and have it documented when you join, once a year, Native Americans are allowed to go home on leave and ingest peyote for spiritual purposes. Before they go on leave, they make the request, stating it is for religious purposes on the leave chit, and they sign a Pg 13 (Record of Memorandum) stating that they are going home to participate in religious ceremonies that involve the use of peyote.

When they come back? They are exempt from a urine test for 60 days.

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