Gallup: Trump 5 Points More Popular Than Obama at This Juncture

The democrats look totally disorganized. Who could have predicted that?
We are looking at a landslide victory for Trump.

We can thank Trump for doing a great job as President and we can thank the Democrats for their stupid TDS afflicted Dirty Tricks impeachment. It is almost like the Democrat were trying to commit suicide.
The democrats look totally disorganized. Who could have predicted that?

We told the Moon Bats in 2016 that Crooked Hillary was bad news. Nobody liked her and she had more baggage than Delta Airlines. The Moon Bats didn't listen.

We told them that Creepy Joe was a terrible candidate but the Moon Bats wouldn't listen. Looks like he is in 4th place in Iowa.

We told them that a partisan dirty tricks impeachment was a terrible idea but they didn't listen.

Fuck the dumbshit TDS afflicted assholes.
Trump has never been more popular than he is right now.
The more Democrats try to destroy Trump the stronger he becomes.

Trump Job Approval at Personal Best 49%

Obama has been gone for years. The question he more popular than Biden, Sanders, Warren, Bloomberg, etc.?

Those Biden rallies, demonstrations of popularity.

Trump is very popular among Americans, why would he not be advancing the American agenda?

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