GAME CHANGER: Trump to counter Democrats’ ‘ballot harvesting’ with his own

The ballots had to be legally signed

Are you suggesting you want to break election laws?

That's years and thousands.

Do it...and say high to Bubba
You guys already did. People dropping multiple ballots off on video. So we do it now, Trump wins!
Trump lost when you count the fraudulent votes.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. If you feel robbed then blame the conman you put your faith in. He took your donations and unquestioning support and used them to fight a bunch of petty personal battles and shield himself from the consequences of his actions. He's still doing it. Baggage. So much baggage.
Poor you. Trapped in a country where everyone has the right to vote.
Not everyone has the right to vote. Non-citizens, illegals, felons, and 16 and 17 year olds do not have the right to vote….. which really bothers Democrats.
Not everyone has the right to vote. Non-citizens, illegals, felons, and 16 and 17 year olds do not have the right to vote….. which really bothers Democrats.
Weird you felt compelled to fact check a snide remark.
No, ballot boxes in all the white neighborhoods. Nobody watching them, people dropping stacks Trump ballots with no signatures. You loons said that was fine.
I found a ballot box today.

In Adam Schiff's district.

Pretty well hidden. Behind a public library. ("Behind", not in front).

What you don't get is that is precisely because he is good for America, and upsets their stranglehold on the system.

Um, no, guy. I've always found this an odd thing. You wouldn't get on an airplane piloted by someone who never flew a plane before. You wouldn't get on an operating table if you knew the guy with the scalpels never went to Medical School. But you oddly think that someone who never held political office is someone who can run the country vs. the people who have been in government for decades.

The Establishment Uniparty wanting to ditch Trump is the biggest sign that they fear him.

No, his erratic behavior and gross incompetence is why they fear him. After stumbling ass-backwards into the presidency in 2016 (because we use this bizarre system to elect presidents devised by 18th century slave owners), Trump has lost three election cycles in a row for Republicans.

I assure you, the rank and file does not.
Except Trump's share of the vote total never exceeded 47%. The vast majority of voters have always been against him.
The real problem are the people who know Trump is bad for the country, but they keep voting for him anyway.

Didn't used to be this way. The main survival of the GOP has been it's ability to separate itself from bad actors like Nixon or McCarthy.
Eventually, you'll purge Trump from your party, and all of you will deny you ever supported him. In fact, it's happening now.
Yes, this will ensure that Trump is elected, and that Democrats will instantly turn into election deniers.

Is it cheating to harvest ballots? Democrats have been assuring us that it is not. If both sides agree on new rules and both sides follow those new rules, there's no cheating.
Looks like Orange Man Rad finally got the memo:

No more telling MAGA to vote in person on election day only.

That remarkable feeling underneath your feet is the World turning upside down on Lefty heads everywhere.

Game on, motherfuckers.
Trump never vote in person.
What the hell happened to the Democrats? I feel like an orphan they abandoned they just kicked to the curb. without explanation, flipped me the bird, said excuse me, and went all batshit crazy and made ME the bad guy in this insane passion play they just pulled out of their ass. What the hell, guys? Put a freeking fork in them, they are done.
I see you have a problem with minorities.
Yes, this will ensure that Trump is elected, and that Democrats will instantly turn into election deniers.

Is it cheating to harvest ballots? Democrats have been assuring us that it is not. If both sides agree on new rules and both sides follow those new rules, there's no cheating.

How much did you send to the fund?
Apparently democrats are such miracle workers of election fraud no republican is smart enough to say exactly how they did it. It's either that or Trump lost. Pick one.

What will you say when Republicans use the same tactics as the Democrats? My guess is the Democratic machine will start turning and working 24/7 to find voter indescreations. If they find ONE, they will blast it from the mountain top that the Republicans were cheating. No more of the “there is no evidence of MASS voter fraud” talk. The keyword “mass” will be left out.

Is ballot harvesting illegal in every state?

Here is an idea. Go back to pre-pandemic rules and require an ID to vote. Republicans are perfectly ok with that, but Democrats buck the idea. Weird huh? I can’t imagine why. The pandemic is officially over according to Biden, so why keep these rules? I mean, according to JoeB131, it is Republicans that are the poor, irresponsible folks, so requiring an ID and in person voting shouldn’t negatively affect Democrats.
How much did you send to the fund?

Are you ok with the new pandemic rules? If so, why? The fact that Trump is entertaining this idea is proof that the new rules open the door to shennnigans. You can’t possible believe that Democrats didn’t take advantage of the new rules. They learned their lesson in 2016 and used the pandemic to fix the problem in 2020.

The pandemic voting rules made our elections far less secure by every reasonable account. I have no idea why anyone would support them, unless they believe it allows them to game the system to their advantage.
What will you say when Republicans use the same tactics as the Democrats? My guess is the Democratic machine will start turning and working 24/7 to find voter indescreations. If they find ONE, they will blast it from the mountain top that the Republicans were cheating. No more of the “there is no evidence of MASS voter fraud” talk. The keyword “mass” will be left out.

Is ballot harvesting illegal in every state?

Here is an idea. Go back to pre-pandemic rules and require an ID to vote. Republicans are perfectly ok with that, but Democrats buck the idea. Weird huh? I can’t imagine why. The pandemic is officially over according to Biden, so why keep these rules? I mean, according to JoeB131, it is Republicans that are the poor, irresponsible folks, so requiring an ID and in person voting shouldn’t negatively affect Democrats.
Democrats didn't steal the election but it's clear you people like all fascists believe the ends justify the means. Cheat away for all the good it will do you. You'll find out the hard way that stealing a presidential election is impossible.

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