Game of Thrones

I am here for haters tomorrow.

I have enjoyed these episodes this season, even though it't speeded up, and sometimes non-sensical. But they were very enjoyable episodes. With incredible fight/war scenes. I totally enjoyed every episode. Was totally entertained.

Haters, will pick apart the stuff, to make themselves look smart. But they are haters, and do so for publicity.

Now, if the final episode goes like the leak says, I may join the haters. Actually no, I'll still be entertained. But I won't like the result.

Let's hope it's not like the leak...
Being entertained and living up to a standard they set is not 'hating'. The CGI has been great, and as you say, some of the choreographed scenes were outstanding. However, this season has been poorly thought, poorly written, and poorly executed.

This is no getting around that.
You weren't entertained by their efforts?
I'm primarily a story geek. I enjoy and appreciate the art of creating good scenes and yes, I enjoyed some of the stuff this season. My entire premise since starting this thread has been about the story and plots involved in this massive tale. I'll wager that they knew, as early as the ending of season six, , that eight was going to be the last season and that the episodes, or amount of time allotted to wrap it up, was limited.

They've had three, maybe four years to conclude a proper cinematic ending for this story.

Unless you are making some kind of argument that people cannot express their disappointment with their ineptitude, I'm not sure what you're arguing.

You liked it, but you're not making any kind of reply in regards to how the story and this season has satisfied the open plot lines they had at the end of seven.

I've always a few criticisms of the overall series but can say that I've been satisfied with the progression of each character until now when clearly, they put together a hacked ending.

In a nutshell, Game of Thrones is about an impending invasion of White Walkers from the north and the struggle to seize the Iron Throne
Everything else is secondary

After seven seasons of setting up the final conflict, they left themselves six episodes to resolve it

They have failed miserably
Especially for people who have named their daughter Daenyrs.

That's gonna leave a mark...

The SJWs and feminists are all upset out Dany’s heel turn. As if it wasn’t already shown before that her first impulse is always to torch anyone in her way. She’s always held the view that she is entitled to inherit the world. She freed slaves to gain an army, but then expects everyone to bend the knee and serve her like a slave. She will always choose the throne over anyone. She was a likable character at first, but in the end like all feminists they always turn into a c***.
I am here for haters tomorrow.

I have enjoyed these episodes this season, even though it't speeded up, and sometimes non-sensical. But they were very enjoyable episodes. With incredible fight/war scenes. I totally enjoyed every episode. Was totally entertained.

Haters, will pick apart the stuff, to make themselves look smart. But they are haters, and do so for publicity.

Now, if the final episode goes like the leak says, I may join the haters. Actually no, I'll still be entertained. But I won't like the result.

Let's hope it's not like the leak...

I am not a hater. However, I am just disappointing that when the GRRM material ran out at the end of Season 6 that D&D just kind of winged it with normal Hollywood formula shit. The visuals are great and the acting is fine but everything is rushed and doesn't complete the character arcs that GRRM so masterfully set up.
I totally understand how your expectations from GRRRM material didn't fulfill your ideas.

But that's not GoT's fault. They went their own way after that, with his approval. Things had to be trimmed down in a hurry, and so this last season is a rush of events.

But it has been entertaining so far. And giving me satisfaction.

I could change my mind tomorrow. If the result is like the leaks say...

I mean, I'll still have enjoyed the show, but I may be upset about the end. But I won't be a hater.

My ending looks like this: Tyrion is going to be sentenced to death by dragon fire. And he will survive, because he is the son of the Mad King, and is the true heir to the crown. And a nekkid Tyrion will win.
I am here for haters tomorrow.

I have enjoyed these episodes this season, even though it't speeded up, and sometimes non-sensical. But they were very enjoyable episodes. With incredible fight/war scenes. I totally enjoyed every episode. Was totally entertained.

Haters, will pick apart the stuff, to make themselves look smart. But they are haters, and do so for publicity.

Now, if the final episode goes like the leak says, I may join the haters. Actually no, I'll still be entertained. But I won't like the result.

Let's hope it's not like the leak...

I am not a hater. However, I am just disappointing that when the GRRM material ran out at the end of Season 6 that D&D just kind of winged it with normal Hollywood formula shit. The visuals are great and the acting is fine but everything is rushed and doesn't complete the character arcs that GRRM so masterfully set up.
I totally understand how your expectations from GRRRM material didn't fulfill your ideas.

But that's not GoT's fault. They went their own way after that, with his approval. Things had to be trimmed down in a hurry, and so this last season is a rush of events.

But it has been entertaining so far. And giving me satisfaction.

I could change my mind tomorrow. If the result is like the leaks say...

I mean, I'll still have enjoyed the show, but I may be upset about the end.

My ending looks like this: Tyrion is going to be sentenced to death by dragon fire. And he will survive, because he is the son of the Mad King, and is the true heir to the crown. And a nekkid Tyrion will win.
I've been thinking the same thing.....
I am here for haters tomorrow.

I have enjoyed these episodes this season, even though it't speeded up, and sometimes non-sensical. But they were very enjoyable episodes. With incredible fight/war scenes. I totally enjoyed every episode. Was totally entertained.

Haters, will pick apart the stuff, to make themselves look smart. But they are haters, and do so for publicity.

Now, if the final episode goes like the leak says, I may join the haters. Actually no, I'll still be entertained. But I won't like the result.

Let's hope it's not like the leak...

I am not a hater. However, I am just disappointing that when the GRRM material ran out at the end of Season 6 that D&D just kind of winged it with normal Hollywood formula shit. The visuals are great and the acting is fine but everything is rushed and doesn't complete the character arcs that GRRM so masterfully set up.
What did you expect them to do? GRRM stopped writing shit.
Have you been entertained in the meantime while GoT went past his story?

Until GRRM finally writes something? Have you been entertained in the meantime?

If so, why hate?

I said I was not a hater.

You can be entertained and disappointed at the same time. I have been entertained in all five of the episodes this season. I'll be entertained tonight when I watch the final episode. However, I suspect I will be disappointed also.

The first six seasons were great sticking to the GRRM material. It fell apart when the Hollywood writers took over.

You would think that for the money involved in what was a very successful series that they could have finished it off in a satisfying manner.

I am not the only one that has been disappointed. There are millions of us.
Especially for people who have named their daughter Daenyrs.

That's gonna leave a mark...

The SJWs and feminists are all upset out Dany’s heel turn. As if it wasn’t already shown before that her first impulse is always to torch anyone in her way. She’s always held the view that she is entitled to inherit the world. She freed slaves to gain an army, but then expects everyone to bend the knee and serve her like a slave. She will always choose the throne over anyone. She was a likable character at first, but in the end like all feminists they always turn into a c***.

And note, her violent impulses were checked and moderated by the advice of men. The Queen of Thorns and Missandei, however, encouraged her to be violent. Rather a case of Toxic Femininity.
I'm hoping the leaked spoilers are BS. Let's talk about it tomorrow night! Very nice chatting with you all tonight.
I am here for haters tomorrow.

I have enjoyed these episodes this season, even though it't speeded up, and sometimes non-sensical. But they were very enjoyable episodes. With incredible fight/war scenes. I totally enjoyed every episode. Was totally entertained.

Haters, will pick apart the stuff, to make themselves look smart. But they are haters, and do so for publicity.

Now, if the final episode goes like the leak says, I may join the haters. Actually no, I'll still be entertained. But I won't like the result.

Let's hope it's not like the leak...

I am not a hater. However, I am just disappointing that when the GRRM material ran out at the end of Season 6 that D&D just kind of winged it with normal Hollywood formula shit. The visuals are great and the acting is fine but everything is rushed and doesn't complete the character arcs that GRRM so masterfully set up.
I totally understand how your expectations from GRRRM material didn't fulfill your ideas.

But that's not GoT's fault. They went their own way after that, with his approval. Things had to be trimmed down in a hurry, and so this last season is a rush of events.

But it has been entertaining so far. And giving me satisfaction.

I could change my mind tomorrow. If the result is like the leaks say...

I mean, I'll still have enjoyed the show, but I may be upset about the end. But I won't be a hater.

My ending looks like this: Tyrion is going to be sentenced to death by dragon fire. And he will survive, because he is the son of the Mad King, and is the true heir to the crown. And a nekkid Tyrion will win.

Targaryens are not immune to fire. Jon burnt his hand in season one, and Tyrion felt the pain of the flame of a candle in the tent with the whore, Shea. Even Visery wasn’t. Only Daenerys is.
I am here for haters tomorrow.

I have enjoyed these episodes this season, even though it't speeded up, and sometimes non-sensical. But they were very enjoyable episodes. With incredible fight/war scenes. I totally enjoyed every episode. Was totally entertained.

Haters, will pick apart the stuff, to make themselves look smart. But they are haters, and do so for publicity.

Now, if the final episode goes like the leak says, I may join the haters. Actually no, I'll still be entertained. But I won't like the result.

Let's hope it's not like the leak...

I am not a hater. However, I am just disappointing that when the GRRM material ran out at the end of Season 6 that D&D just kind of winged it with normal Hollywood formula shit. The visuals are great and the acting is fine but everything is rushed and doesn't complete the character arcs that GRRM so masterfully set up.
I totally understand how your expectations from GRRRM material didn't fulfill your ideas.

But that's not GoT's fault. They went their own way after that, with his approval. Things had to be trimmed down in a hurry, and so this last season is a rush of events.

But it has been entertaining so far. And giving me satisfaction.

I could change my mind tomorrow. If the result is like the leaks say...

I mean, I'll still have enjoyed the show, but I may be upset about the end. But I won't be a hater.

My ending looks like this: Tyrion is going to be sentenced to death by dragon fire. And he will survive, because he is the son of the Mad King, and is the true heir to the crown. And a nekkid Tyrion will win.

Targaryens are not immune to fire. Jon burnt his hand in season one, and Tyrion felt the pain of the flame of a candle in the tent with the whore, Shea. Even Visery wasn’t. Only Daenerys is.

She has the "blood of the dragon". Viserys didn't. I doubt that either Jon or Tyrion do either.
Yet youll be here complaining about every episode as they come out. Youre the guy who complains about a show he never misses and episode of.
After eight seasons, I will watch the final episode. I have that much invested

But HBO will have a hard time convincing me that I should get wrapped up in any of the prequels

I really don’t fear the White Walkers and don’t care about Family Lannister, Stark, Taegarean or any of the others
There wont be white walkers in the prequal. It will be before the Night King was created. I assume he will be created at the end of that series.
Woop de freak’n do
It will be an entirely different world. Those weird race people will be around, magic will be more prevelent and more dragons. Im stoked for it.
Fool me once....
Democrats fool you every two years, what are you yapping about?
I thought for sure Jaime was going to be the one to kill her.

That was one of my theories. He killed the Mad King in the back, but would kill Cersei while facing her. But then Daenarys turned into the Madder Queen, and Cersei was just an extra character to be exterminated. I really hate how Brienne has been treated.

After the way the ice king went down, nobody should be surprised at the anti-climactic end to Cersei. I kinda wish the writers had been killed by falling rocks.
Jaime had just as bad ending

After spending six seasons reviving his reputation, he just goes back to what he was

Agreed. Jamie's story line was one of redemption - and they threw it all away.

Obviously the boneheads Benioff and Weiss don't understand foreshadowing. Jaime vs Cersei was spelled out a long time ago.

I have a really hard time accepting the idea that GRRM intended Jaime's story to end that way.
They aren't dead yet.
That was one of my theories. He killed the Mad King in the back, but would kill Cersei while facing her. But then Daenarys turned into the Madder Queen, and Cersei was just an extra character to be exterminated. I really hate how Brienne has been treated.

After the way the ice king went down, nobody should be surprised at the anti-climactic end to Cersei. I kinda wish the writers had been killed by falling rocks.
Jaime had just as bad ending

After spending six seasons reviving his reputation, he just goes back to what he was

Agreed. Jamie's story line was one of redemption - and they threw it all away.

Obviously the boneheads Benioff and Weiss don't understand foreshadowing. Jaime vs Cersei was spelled out a long time ago.

I have a really hard time accepting the idea that GRRM intended Jaime's story to end that way.
They aren't dead yet.
Bold prediction!
HBO had originally allocated funds for ten seasons of GoT.

However, after Season 6 D&D were offered the job of going to work for Disney to do Star Wars.

Seasons 7 & 8 (which are rushed) are the result of a "fuck it, we are out of here" attitude.

It is visually spectacular because since it was cut short two seasons the production had all the money they needed to make it great.

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