Game Stop and the Biden Administration, Is There Still Any Question Who Runs This Country? LOL

Single biggest stock market event in at least 13 years

I guess you goldfish already forgot the crash last year.

What a bunch of hyperbolic ninnies you are.

I mean this is pretty big because of the implications on short selling moving forward. They’ll be less liquidity and less efficiency in the market.
The WallStreetBets/Robin Hood/ AMC/Gamestop story is the biggest thing to happen to Wall Street since at least 2008.
Unprecedented. $Billions taken out of the hands of multi-$billion hedge funds into retail investors, Robin Hood colluding with Hedge Funds in an effort to screw the small players so the hedge funds could recoup.... this could change how the stock market operates for a long time.
And the White House has no comment???? "We are monitoring"??

And sorry to all of you CNN people - you probably never heard of any of this.

They are very involved. Who do you think ordered Robinhood to stop purchases of GME? Yellen is bought and paid for by Citadel.
Possibly... fucking Robin Hood pulled $8 bn yesterday for their little trick.
This ain't over... it's going to get fascinating.
And look at the Democrats here.... defending this shit only because a conservative poster made the thread... too fucking stupid to realize they should be cheering what happened!! :lol:

You're too fucking stupid to even understand your own thread. I've already told you that Democrats are initiating a hearing. See Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Sheldon Whitehorse for more info. on the upcoming hearings.
Single biggest stock market event in at least 13 years

I guess you goldfish already forgot the crash last year.

What a bunch of hyperbolic ninnies you are.
Yeah uh huh.... go ahead and tell me a single event that happened like this.
Go ahead.
There isn't one. Wall Street insiders
This isn't small investors vs. hedge funds. This is hedge funds vs. hedge funds. The Robinhood twerps are bit players.
Yeah... go ahead and tell me the last time the "twerps" caused a Hedge fund to seek $2.5 billion bailout to stay afloat.
Go ahead...
And then show the last time "twerps" shook Wall Street to the core with nearly a dozen manipulated shorts were "re-manipluated" causing $billions to go from hedge accounts into retail checking accounts??
yeah - go ahead
Guess what those nasty hedge funds are gonna do with that $480 over valued stock?

Yea...they're gonna short it and make a bigger fortune

Gamers had their fun...

Is any of this "right"? It's capitalism in the US.
Democrats are already all over this, and they are the ones planning on holding a hearing and bringing Robinhood to the hearing. Biden has other pressing issues, like fixing the smoking wreckage left behind from the last guy.
The Democrats aren't going to do shit...for the same reason the Republicans didn't do shit.

They are bought and paid for.

Let me paint you the picture...

Republicans for years were the beneficiaries of Wall Street and corporate cash.

They protected Wall Street.

The left complained about this arraignment. The right defended it.

Bush Jr comes and goes, bailing out Wall Street on his way out the door...

This triggers a shift in the Republican Party constituency...not the leader ship...the rank and file.

"Too Big to Fail" , "We had to destroy Capitalism in order to save it", "America will becomea service economy" and corporations off-shoring manufacturing (off-shoring...a euphemism for betraying American workers and moving to countries with obscenely cheap labor while continue to sell the majority of those products here, extracting our wealth were contributing nothing)...these were just too big of pills to swallow

The rank and file began to make a populist turn.

You had me up until this point:

This culminated in the election of Donald Trump...a President who was not a politician...hasn't been bought and couldn't be bought...a President that put America first...not Wall Street or mega-Corps.

Brand new:

And what happened?

Every conceivable weapon was brought to bear to destroy him.

Fake Russian Collusion, 93% coordinated media attacks, impeachment, a plague, his own cabinet working against him lying about troop withdrawals, culminating in a fraudulent election, another impeachment, and removal from the public square (Twitter, YouTube).

All your nonsense about “fake Russian collusion” will expire as soon as the Grand Jury testimony is released and the Mueller Report is no longer redacted.
Guess what those nasty hedge funds are gonna do with that $480 over valued stock?

Yea...they're gonna short it and make a bigger fortune

Gamers had their fun...

Is any of this "right"? It's capitalism in the US.

No they’re not. There’s no telling when the buying frenzy stops
And BTW - just to be clear, I am not for this being able to continue.
Right now the markets are so fucked up you can't trade normally.
I applaud what WallStreetBets etc. did.
It is about fucking time the Hedge Funders, who have been manipulating shares for years and "stealing" $billion out of the markets monthly got a taste of their own medicine.
You had me up until this point:

This culminated in the election of Donald Trump...a President who was not a politician...hasn't been bought and couldn't be bought...a President that put America first...not Wall Street or mega-Corps.

The proof's in the puddin', Brother.

CNN people - you probably never heard of any of this.

It would serve you well to watch CNN or any MSM outlet. You would benefit more than most.
This has been their lead story with copious amounts of time devoted to in detailed explanations of what occurred, is occurring.
You had me up until this point:

This culminated in the election of Donald Trump...a President who was not a politician...hasn't been bought and couldn't be bought...a President that put America first...not Wall Street or mega-Corps.

The proof's in the puddin', Brother.

A lot of people wanted to see the disastrous Trump presidency in the rear view mirror. Wall Street made some fast cash with Trump but everyone knows he’ll tank the entire thing, and probably start a war as a distraction. They thrive on stability, not game show theatrics.
WOW - they did it again.... nothing to say - Obviously Biden is too scared to take a side!!

Why do you want the President of the United States taking a side in a free market situation?

What? This is a stock market scandal that has future implications. It’s the president’s responsibility to address it.
The WallStreetBets/Robin Hood/ AMC/Gamestop story is the biggest thing to happen to Wall Street since at least 2008.
Unprecedented. $Billions taken out of the hands of multi-$billion hedge funds into retail investors, Robin Hood colluding with Hedge Funds in an effort to screw the small players so the hedge funds could recoup.... this could change how the stock market operates for a long time.
And the White House has no comment???? "We are monitoring"??

And sorry to all of you CNN people - you probably never heard of any of this.

They are very involved. Who do you think ordered Robinhood to stop purchases of GME? Yellen is bought and paid for by Citadel.
Can you link to Robinhood stopping all trading of those stocks?

I hadn't seen that
They announced it themselves. It’s been all over the news. Wake up.
WOW - they did it again.... nothing to say - Obviously Biden is too scared to take a side!!

Why do you want the President of the United States taking a side in a free market situation?
He’s already taken sides. Yellen is bought and paid for by Citadel. It looks like they ordered Robinhood and other platforms to halt trading (buying) of the stocks in question, so it would crash the stock and allow their hedge fund donors to reset their short sells.
It’s going to require a congressional investigation, I doubt the Dems in charge will do that against their own Dear Leader.
WOW - they did it again.... nothing to say - Obviously Biden is too scared to take a side!!

Why do you want the President of the United States taking a side in a free market situation?
He’s already taken sides. Yellen is bought and paid for by Citadel. It looks like they ordered Robinhood and other platforms to halt trading (buying) of the stocks in question, so it would crash the stock and allow their hedge fund donors to reset their short sells.
It’s going to require a congressional investigation, I doubt the Dems in charge will do that against their own Dear Leader.
So you’re just talking out your ass again?
No they’re not. There’s no telling when the buying frenzy stops
But stop, it will because there is nothing underpinning the rise. It is a hugely overvalued stock who's price is fueled by emotion.
What? This is a stock market scandal that has future implications. It’s the president’s responsibility to address it.
The SEC is looking onto it...but there's no real proof that any laws or rules were broken.

I don't know how or why the President should get personally involved here.

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