Gang Members Make 13-Year-Old Sign Consent Form After Gang Rape


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
There are some stories that cut so deep that you want to seek vengeance yourself for the harm inflicted on another individual.

This is one of those stories.

A 13-year-old girl in Austin, TX was gang raped by four gang members in a horrific tale that sounds terrible enough as is. But the kicker to this sad story is the 19-year-old girl -- who is still at large -- who forced the young girl to sign a "consent form." So not only did they raped this little girl, they tried to make it okay by having a consent form signed? It's equally deplorable and disgusting.

Daily SMH: Gang Members Make 13-Year-Old Sign Consent Form After Gang Rape -
There are some stories that cut so deep that you want to seek vengeance yourself for the harm inflicted on another individual.

This is one of those stories.

A 13-year-old girl in Austin, TX was gang raped by four gang members in a horrific tale that sounds terrible enough as is. But the kicker to this sad story is the 19-year-old girl -- who is still at large -- who forced the young girl to sign a "consent form." So not only did they raped this little girl, they tried to make it okay by having a consent form signed? It's equally deplorable and disgusting.

Daily SMH: Gang Members Make 13-Year-Old Sign Consent Form After Gang Rape -

As bad as that is, you have to wonder at the parents. This girl called a "wrong number" and then three "men" came to her house and "picked her up"? Is that what parents are teaching these days? To get in the car with three men who you mistakenly called on the phone? Something sounds awfully fishy.
Nice rdean, blame the parents.

Next I bet George Costanza the friendly liberal will tell us the consent form is legal and that these gang bangers should be set free.
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There are some stories that cut so deep that you want to seek vengeance yourself for the harm inflicted on another individual.

This is one of those stories.

A 13-year-old girl in Austin, TX was gang raped by four gang members in a horrific tale that sounds terrible enough as is. But the kicker to this sad story is the 19-year-old girl -- who is still at large -- who forced the young girl to sign a "consent form." So not only did they raped this little girl, they tried to make it okay by having a consent form signed? It's equally deplorable and disgusting.

Daily SMH: Gang Members Make 13-Year-Old Sign Consent Form After Gang Rape -

As bad as that is, you have to wonder at the parents. This girl called a "wrong number" and then three "men" came to her house and "picked her up"? Is that what parents are teaching these days? To get in the car with three men who you mistakenly called on the phone? Something sounds awfully fishy.

Oh for Gods sake don't tell me that you are already defending these scum?
There are some stories that cut so deep that you want to seek vengeance yourself for the harm inflicted on another individual.

This is one of those stories.

A 13-year-old girl in Austin, TX was gang raped by four gang members in a horrific tale that sounds terrible enough as is. But the kicker to this sad story is the 19-year-old girl -- who is still at large -- who forced the young girl to sign a "consent form." So not only did they raped this little girl, they tried to make it okay by having a consent form signed? It's equally deplorable and disgusting.

Daily SMH: Gang Members Make 13-Year-Old Sign Consent Form After Gang Rape -

As bad as that is, you have to wonder at the parents. This girl called a "wrong number" and then three "men" came to her house and "picked her up"? Is that what parents are teaching these days? To get in the car with three men who you mistakenly called on the phone? Something sounds awfully fishy.

Oh for Gods sake don't tell me that you are already defending these scum?

I'm not defending rapists, but it looks to me like there is plenty of blame to go around. Two wrongs are still wrong. You can blame both the rapists and the parents.

Next you'll be saying Obama is somehow involved.
As bad as that is, you have to wonder at the parents. This girl called a "wrong number" and then three "men" came to her house and "picked her up"? Is that what parents are teaching these days? To get in the car with three men who you mistakenly called on the phone? Something sounds awfully fishy.

Oh for Gods sake don't tell me that you are already defending these scum?

I'm not defending rapists, but it looks to me like there is plenty of blame to go around. Two wrongs are still wrong. You can blame both the rapists and the parents.

Next you'll be saying Obama is somehow involved.

What the fuck are you talking about? What two wrongs? A thirteen year old little girl was raped by four men. She made a mistake. She screwed up by getting into their car. But there is no excuse , absolutely none for these supposedly grown ups to rape this child. And you really don't know about the parents do you? Sometimes children do some pretty dumb stuff no matter what they've been taught. These scum buckets and their female accomplice need to find out what justice can do for "Bloods".
At least the 13 year olds children weren't watching.
They were probably at a neighbors stealing copper wire.
We don't know the full story. Maybe her parents were both at work - she was obviously alone in the house. We don't know what was actually said in this telephone conversation - these men could have threatened her and scared the shit out of her over the phone. An adult would certainly recognize the sound of a child's voice.

The "contract" is not legal - she's a child. These people are beyond contemptible. Isn't Texas a death sentence state?
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Noone else, from a quick Google

also... aren't those Bass52's old sources?
Nice rdean, blame the parents.

Next I bet George Costanza the friendly liberal will tell us the consent form is legal and that these gang bangers should be set free.
She says she signed it later

I say we have a signed form and someone who's clearly disgruntled and appears to want to break a legal contract by claiming she signed it under duress


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