Right Wingers Owe The 10 Year Old Little Girl Who Was Raped An Apology

No case. They have no idea what anyone said. They can't be anguished by what they don't understand.
It was a phony, smart ass response on my part. This thing we've been seeing the last few years about trumped up lawsuits for mental anguish and perceived damages is a crock of shit.
It's clear by now that the left lied to the American public about the emergency procedures that allowed an abortion in this case. Democrats and sleazy left wing abortion advocates seemed to celebrate a propaganda abortion victory and they used a ten year old girl as a freaking political tool. Meanwhile nobody seems interested in bringing a member of Brandon's illegal invasion army to justice for the atrocity.
It was a phony, smart ass response on my part. This thing we've been seeing the last few years about trumped up lawsuits for mental anguish and perceived damages is a crock of shit.
Yes. Yes it is. The attorneys have a network of doctors with automatic medical reports. Not just mental anguish but physical damages as well.
You no longer have to wonder how low the right-wing fanatics will go. Members of the so-called “pro-life” party should be ashamed of themselves. But they aren’t. They bask in the glow of their egos, confident in their supremacy, while the innocent and vulnerable suffer. And I can’t imagine anyone suffering more than the 10-year-old girl from Ohio who was raped and then, because of an archaic decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, forced to leave her home state and travel to Indiana for an abortion. But adding to her trauma are the right-wing pundits who’ve smeared her and denied her truth.

No Archaic decision there. The Supreme court put the decision making in the hands of the American people. Its up to the lazy congress people who want to simply rely on the S.C. to write their laws for them..... to get off their ass and pass legislation in their states.... if it so be that the people in that particular state want abortion..
You no longer have to wonder how low the right-wing fanatics will go. Members of the so-called “pro-life” party should be ashamed of themselves. But they aren’t. They bask in the glow of their egos, confident in their supremacy, while the innocent and vulnerable suffer. And I can’t imagine anyone suffering more than the 10-year-old girl from Ohio who was raped and then, because of an archaic decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, forced to leave her home state and travel to Indiana for an abortion. But adding to her trauma are the right-wing pundits who’ve smeared her and denied her truth.

Why? We didn’t rape the poor child.

And I don’t think most of us passed the state law of one state that failed to provide for some reasonable exceptions.

So, on balance, it kinda sounds like you’re just full of crap. I wonder what policy allowed the illegal alien to get into our country where he could rape the child? Pretty sure it wasn’t a right winger’s policy. Now, whose policy could it have been?

Yup. A real hard riddle.
You no longer have to wonder how low the right-wing fanatics will go. Members of the so-called “pro-life” party should be ashamed of themselves. But they aren’t. They bask in the glow of their egos, confident in their supremacy, while the innocent and vulnerable suffer. And I can’t imagine anyone suffering more than the 10-year-old girl from Ohio who was raped and then, because of an archaic decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, forced to leave her home state and travel to Indiana for an abortion. But adding to her trauma are the right-wing pundits who’ve smeared her and denied her truth.

Actually left wingers who let her rapist into the country through our Southern border owe that little girl an apology...her and all of the others that will be hurt by illegals!
You no longer have to wonder how low the right-wing fanatics will go. Members of the so-called “pro-life” party should be ashamed of themselves. But they aren’t. They bask in the glow of their egos, confident in their supremacy, while the innocent and vulnerable suffer. And I can’t imagine anyone suffering more than the 10-year-old girl from Ohio who was raped and then, because of an archaic decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, forced to leave her home state and travel to Indiana for an abortion. But adding to her trauma are the right-wing pundits who’ve smeared her and denied her truth.

She had to take a car ride somewhere? Damn, thats just evil. :laugh:
Prove it was leftist that let him in.
Fuck you, Moonie! You assholes have done everything you can to keep that border open. When bad things are done by one of the millions of unvetted illegals you allowed into the country YOU OWN THAT!!!
You no longer have to wonder how low the right-wing fanatics will go. Members of the so-called “pro-life” party should be ashamed of themselves. But they aren’t. They bask in the glow of their egos, confident in their supremacy, while the innocent and vulnerable suffer. And I can’t imagine anyone suffering more than the 10-year-old girl from Ohio who was raped and then, because of an archaic decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, forced to leave her home state and travel to Indiana for an abortion. But adding to her trauma are the right-wing pundits who’ve smeared her and denied her truth.

Waah waah waah Dimbulb.....
Is that why Epstein was hanging with Trump at the White House?
Epstein hadn't "hung" with Trump in years, Moonie! Trump kicked his ass out of Mar A Lago for hitting on a member's minor daughter. Bill Clinton on the other hand was STILL hanging with Epstein long after that!
Let me guess...this is your "Russian Collusion" moment for the day? Accuse Trump of something that he didn't do but that a high level Democrat DID do?
You no longer have to wonder how low the right-wing fanatics will go. Members of the so-called “pro-life” party should be ashamed of themselves. But they aren’t. They bask in the glow of their egos, confident in their supremacy, while the innocent and vulnerable suffer. And I can’t imagine anyone suffering more than the 10-year-old girl from Ohio who was raped and then, because of an archaic decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, forced to leave her home state and travel to Indiana for an abortion. But adding to her trauma are the right-wing pundits who’ve smeared her and denied her truth.

You should be honest with yourself first.

You don't actually personally care about that girl or what did or didn't happen to her. You don't actually care about abortion rights or women.

All you actually care about is having something to say your upset about online for a cheap sense of self esteem at being able to stand against something and to be able to feel like you're rubbing conservatives noses in something.

This isn't about anything except yourself.
You no longer have to wonder how low the right-wing fanatics will go. Members of the so-called “pro-life” party should be ashamed of themselves. But they aren’t. They bask in the glow of their egos, confident in their supremacy, while the innocent and vulnerable suffer. And I can’t imagine anyone suffering more than the 10-year-old girl from Ohio who was raped and then, because of an archaic decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, forced to leave her home state and travel to Indiana for an abortion. But adding to her trauma are the right-wing pundits who’ve smeared her and denied her truth.

As soon as you apologize for Russia.
Identity politics

This will be a start.
She had an abortion. So what? In this case it was fully warranted. She's 10 years old. Common sense. Im pro life but this is clearly rape. If i were her dad I'd ensure the abortion happened. This isn't some adult who was irresponsible.
I'm not sure how the most meaningful part about all of this is the Ohio girl needed to go to Indiana to abort the child she conceived because she was raped.

Just another example of how the left is happy to use the suffering of children to advance their agenda.
She was forced against her will to conceive. In this case abortion was totally justifiable. It's common sense. This is not some irresponsible behavior by two adults. I don't know how anyone with 2 brain cells could oppose it in a case lol ke this.
You no longer have to wonder how low the right-wing fanatics will go. Members of the so-called “pro-life” party should be ashamed of themselves. But they aren’t. They bask in the glow of their egos, confident in their supremacy, while the innocent and vulnerable suffer. And I can’t imagine anyone suffering more than the 10-year-old girl from Ohio who was raped and then, because of an archaic decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, forced to leave her home state and travel to Indiana for an abortion. But adding to her trauma are the right-wing pundits who’ve smeared her and denied her truth.

“Right Wingers Owe The 10 Year Old Little Girl Who Was Raped An Apology”

How about a free bus ride back to the southern border and deportation?

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