Gangsters and the Naked Gold Short

Because part of their future contracts

He was talking about ETFs. Do you understand the difference between futures contracts and ETFs? Does he?
Todd...what happens if everyone with a contract demands to take physical possession of their gold at the same time? Would the banksters get away with simply returning the buyers' money instead of bullion?

what happens if everyone with a contract demands to take physical possession of their gold at the same time?

Then the people who were short the gold futures would have to deliver gold.

What does that have to do with the gold ETFs you were talking about?

Would the banksters get away with simply returning the buyers' money instead of bullion?

Banksters? You mean the speculators, some of whom are mom and pop type investors?

I guess if you're really interested, you should look up the contract specifications on whichever exchange you are interested in. Be careful, you might learn something and make more sense the next time you post on the topic.
Roberts seems to think you're full of golden shit:

"Institutional investors who have bullion in their portfolio do not want the expense associated with storing it securely. Instead, they buy into Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) and hold their bullion in the form of a paper claim.

"The largest, the SPDR Gold Trust or GLD, trades on the New York Stock Exchange. The trustee and custodian is a bankster, and only other banksters are able to turn investments into delivery of physical bullion. Only shares in the amount of 100,000 can be redeemed in gold.

"The price of bullion is not set in the physical market where individuals take delivery of bullion purchases. It is set in the paper futures market where short selling can drive down the price even if the demand for physical possession is rising. The paper gold market is also the market in which people speculate and leverage their positions, place stop-loss orders, and are subject to margin calls."

See anything to object to in the above?
Todd...what happens if everyone with a contract demands to take physical possession of their gold at the same time? Would the banksters get away with simply returning the buyers' money instead of bullion?

what happens if everyone with a contract demands to take physical possession of their gold at the same time?

Then the people who were short the gold futures would have to deliver gold.

What does that have to do with the gold ETFs you were talking about?

Would the banksters get away with simply returning the buyers' money instead of bullion?

Banksters? You mean the speculators, some of whom are mom and pop type investors?

I guess if you're really interested, you should look up the contract specifications on whichever exchange you are interested in. Be careful, you might learn something and make more sense the next time you post on the topic.
Roberts seems to think you're full of golden shit:

"Institutional investors who have bullion in their portfolio do not want the expense associated with storing it securely. Instead, they buy into Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) and hold their bullion in the form of a paper claim.

"The largest, the SPDR Gold Trust or GLD, trades on the New York Stock Exchange. The trustee and custodian is a bankster, and only other banksters are able to turn investments into delivery of physical bullion. Only shares in the amount of 100,000 can be redeemed in gold.

"The price of bullion is not set in the physical market where individuals take delivery of bullion purchases. It is set in the paper futures market where short selling can drive down the price even if the demand for physical possession is rising. The paper gold market is also the market in which people speculate and leverage their positions, place stop-loss orders, and are subject to margin calls."

See anything to object to in the above?

Roberts seems to think you're full of golden shit:

Roberts is nuts.

So where does he disagree with what I've said?
Was it supposed to be something in the excerpt you posted?
Be specific.
"The price of bullion is not set in the physical market where individuals take delivery of bullion purchases. It is set in the paper futures market where short selling can drive down the price even if the demand for physical possession is rising. The paper gold market is also the market in which people speculate and leverage their positions, place stop-loss orders, and are subject to margin calls."

See anything to object to in the above?

no not at all, can you say exactly what there is to object to???
I don't find that to be necessary, Edward. You see it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that something is very, very wrong with the way things are being done.

I wouldn't dare invest or believe anyone in this business, I would not buy any of this double talk or paper nonsense. The only wise move for Americans is to get completely out of the stock market and buy physical gold from local dealers they can trust. Enough research will hook them up with the right people. I believe before Obama is out of office the dollar will crash and the market with it. My advice is GET OUT NOW and stop listening to these liars! - Jeri
what happens if everyone with a contract demands to take physical possession of their gold at the same time?

Then the people who were short the gold futures would have to deliver gold.

What does that have to do with the gold ETFs you were talking about?

Would the banksters get away with simply returning the buyers' money instead of bullion?

Banksters? You mean the speculators, some of whom are mom and pop type investors?

I guess if you're really interested, you should look up the contract specifications on whichever exchange you are interested in. Be careful, you might learn something and make more sense the next time you post on the topic.
Roberts seems to think you're full of golden shit:

"Institutional investors who have bullion in their portfolio do not want the expense associated with storing it securely. Instead, they buy into Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) and hold their bullion in the form of a paper claim.

"The largest, the SPDR Gold Trust or GLD, trades on the New York Stock Exchange. The trustee and custodian is a bankster, and only other banksters are able to turn investments into delivery of physical bullion. Only shares in the amount of 100,000 can be redeemed in gold.

"The price of bullion is not set in the physical market where individuals take delivery of bullion purchases. It is set in the paper futures market where short selling can drive down the price even if the demand for physical possession is rising. The paper gold market is also the market in which people speculate and leverage their positions, place stop-loss orders, and are subject to margin calls."

See anything to object to in the above?

Roberts seems to think you're full of golden shit:

Roberts is nuts.

So where does he disagree with what I've said?
Was it supposed to be something in the excerpt you posted?
Be specific.
When I asked if banksters would be able to get away with simply returning buyers cash instead of supplying bullion, you responded with "Banksters? You mean speculators, some of whom are mom and pop type investors?"

Roberts puts it this way:

"The trustee and custodian is a bankster, and only other banksters are able to turn investments into delivery of physical bullion."

Agree or disagree?
I don't find that to be necessary, Edward. You see it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that something is very, very wrong with the way things are being done.

I wouldn't dare invest or believe anyone in this business, I would not buy any of this double talk or paper nonsense. The only wise move for Americans is to get completely out of the stock market and buy physical gold from local dealers they can trust. Enough research will hook them up with the right people. I believe before Obama is out of office the dollar will crash and the market with it. My advice is GET OUT NOW and stop listening to these liars! - Jeri
Well, Jeremiah, I think God blessed America when President Washington spent freezer time in Valley Forge and asked him to forever free the Patriots from oppression of uncaring monarchs. I think we will pull out of our current troubles and revive our interests in sharing our prosperity with whoever wants to live as free people. For that reason, we decided to invest in America rather than the massive push for gold. I have faith God will continue to bless the caring people in America who started out with nothing but dirt under their fingernails when they got here and their faith in the Almighty, for which the fru-frus of most European royalty gave them no credence unless they were making them wealthy, and even then, only in the most superficial way.


Some of us believe in America. We just do.​
"The price of bullion is not set in the physical market where individuals take delivery of bullion purchases. It is set in the paper futures market where short selling can drive down the price even if the demand for physical possession is rising. The paper gold market is also the market in which people speculate and leverage their positions, place stop-loss orders, and are subject to margin calls."

See anything to object to in the above?

no not at all, can you say exactly what there is to object to???
Do you see anything to object to in Robert's allegation that an unprecedented 400 ton short sale of gold on the COMEX in April was designed to protect the dollar from the Fed's QE policy?

"The sale was a naked short. The seller had no gold to sell. COMEX reported having gold only equal to about half of the short sale in its vaults, and not all of that was available for delivery.

"No one but the Federal Reserve could have placed such an order, and the order came from one of the Fed’s bullion banks, one of the entities 'too big to fail.'”

Do you think this was an attempt to drive down the price of gold?

If the price of bullion is set in the futures market and not the physical market where shorting the former can drive down the price of the latter even if demand for gold is rising, would not investors ignorant of the manipulation lose a great deal of money when "the enormous naked shorts hit the COMEX" last April?

Is this something you object to?

Gangster State America. ?Naked Short? in the Gold Market | Global Research
Roberts seems to think you're full of golden shit:

"Institutional investors who have bullion in their portfolio do not want the expense associated with storing it securely. Instead, they buy into Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) and hold their bullion in the form of a paper claim.

"The largest, the SPDR Gold Trust or GLD, trades on the New York Stock Exchange. The trustee and custodian is a bankster, and only other banksters are able to turn investments into delivery of physical bullion. Only shares in the amount of 100,000 can be redeemed in gold.

"The price of bullion is not set in the physical market where individuals take delivery of bullion purchases. It is set in the paper futures market where short selling can drive down the price even if the demand for physical possession is rising. The paper gold market is also the market in which people speculate and leverage their positions, place stop-loss orders, and are subject to margin calls."

See anything to object to in the above?

Roberts seems to think you're full of golden shit:

Roberts is nuts.

So where does he disagree with what I've said?
Was it supposed to be something in the excerpt you posted?
Be specific.
When I asked if banksters would be able to get away with simply returning buyers cash instead of supplying bullion, you responded with "Banksters? You mean speculators, some of whom are mom and pop type investors?"

Roberts puts it this way:

"The trustee and custodian is a bankster, and only other banksters are able to turn investments into delivery of physical bullion."

Agree or disagree?

When I asked if banksters would be able to get away with simply returning buyers cash instead of supplying bullion,

Why do you keep conflating futures contracts with ETFs?

you responded with "Banksters? You mean speculators

Strangely enough, not all speculators are "banksters".
Could you define "bankster" for me?

And you still didn't tell me where Roberts disagreed.
"The price of bullion is not set in the physical market where individuals take delivery of bullion purchases. It is set in the paper futures market where short selling can drive down the price even if the demand for physical possession is rising. The paper gold market is also the market in which people speculate and leverage their positions, place stop-loss orders, and are subject to margin calls."

See anything to object to in the above?

no not at all, can you say exactly what there is to object to???
Do you see anything to object to in Robert's allegation that an unprecedented 400 ton short sale of gold on the COMEX in April was designed to protect the dollar from the Fed's QE policy?

"The sale was a naked short. The seller had no gold to sell. COMEX reported having gold only equal to about half of the short sale in its vaults, and not all of that was available for delivery.

"No one but the Federal Reserve could have placed such an order, and the order came from one of the Fed’s bullion banks, one of the entities 'too big to fail.'”

Do you think this was an attempt to drive down the price of gold?

If the price of bullion is set in the futures market and not the physical market where shorting the former can drive down the price of the latter even if demand for gold is rising, would not investors ignorant of the manipulation lose a great deal of money when "the enormous naked shorts hit the COMEX" last April?

Is this something you object to?

Gangster State America. ?Naked Short? in the Gold Market | Global Research

Do you see anything to object to in Robert's allegation that an unprecedented 400 ton short sale of gold

How does he know it was a short sale?

on the COMEX in April was designed to protect the dollar from the Fed's QE policy?

How does he know the seller's motive?

COMEX reported having gold only equal to about half of the short sale in its vaults, and not all of that was available for delivery.

So what? What if the seller had gold elsewhere? What if some of the sales were of long contracts? What if the seller plans to buy the contracts back before settlement?

No one but the Federal Reserve could have placed such an order

I believe before Obama is out of office the dollar will crash and the market with it.

can you say why you feel the dollar will crash?

Edward, I answered your question to my friend who I feel comfortable with because he doesn't talk down to me. I don't like putting myself in a position for that to happen and as you are quite knowledgable I thought you'd appreciate an answer from someone who is educated on the subject and can give a better answer than I can.

FYI. I am a rancher and a farmer. I have a 7th grade education. ( I started working at age 10 ) That's it. So I'll let him answer for me. Thanks. p.s. I told him that from what you have said thus far I am assuming you believe the dollar is not going to crash but continue on. ( your reply to Editec the other day where you bit his head off )

- Jeri

His Response:

Actually how can he say the dollar will continue its reign when it has lost its credit standing twice. People like me who have wealth to move have moved their wealth out of the currency. Understand that you only gamble with money you can loose.

The Stock Market is a gamble, any time someone wins someone looses. The stock market can not create wealth it can only shift wealth. Anytime anyplace "creates wealth" without content there is a gap or a bubble between what the actual value is and what it is priced. Simply put value an price must be equal or there will be a correction. The housing bubble was created when the inventory exceeded the number of people that could afford the houses. We are facing another bubble. We have people with degrees that are in excess of those people that can afford or desire the over saturated fields. Who needs all those communication, art and history majors. The government feels so certain that the dollar will crash that the pentagon did a study shortly after we got a third world president. Read about "Unified Quest 2011" Read the conclusions.

Having a third world president will certainly allow america to active greater equality. It is just that we won't all be equal rich. This third world mentality president is doing something that is very economically irresponsible which throws more nails in the dollar's coffin. This third world president is doing something that is stereotypical of the heritage he so proudly hails. He is inviting more people into the USA for free food stamps, free healthcare and education when he is pulling a $17T dollar debt and his response is to print $84B a month. I can understand having a big open house when you have a a $17T surplus but come on shake the stereotype!

The First thing to go is confidence that we will go from a debt to a surplus. Many countries are already excluding the dollar. Would you believe that 10 years after the civil war people were still trading confederate dollars? The dollar will still be around long after the collapse. Look how long the ruble, peso, mark all hung out. The only value is the currency that was minted in precious metals.

From Jeri:
My own opinion is that the dollar is already worthless paper. No gold backing it.

His response:
For that matter hypothecation and rehypothication isn't of enough substance to back it either (look up the terms). The government can only tax money in transactions or movement of money that is why w use the term "Velocity of money." When people like me move our money to solid assets the velocity of money is halted. The money to the government stops. They cough and choke so they print more money which dilutes the value and its buying power. This means you have to use more paper to buy fuel and food. Notice that the value of com oddity to commodity has not changed. (one pound of bacon will still trade for one punt of bacon and how much gold it takes to buy that bacon has never changed but the amount of dollars has because of the dilution of the dollar)

Now here is the rub. Remember a few weeks ago the Germans asked the US Treasury for some of their gold? Remember the response from the treasury? They said it would take more than 6 years to give Germany back a small portion of the gold we were holding for them. Well only a few weeks ago Texas asked for their gold to be shipped to their state for them to hold themselves. Pravda (lamesteream media) report little to nothing about the request. Typical of a third world mentality our administration threw a hissy fit. The treasury knew that the physical amount of gold was now locked down in the request relative to the dollars represented (we are on the gold standard in many ways). In an enraged hissy fit more paper was released on gold driving the gold prices down from the dilution which should make the Gov of Texas premature but something happened that should have happened until we hit the $20T debt mark a split happened. For the first time there was a separation in spot (the price of an ounce of precious metal if melted) and the price of paper ownership. People like me realized that they went too for in printing paper ownership of precious metals and we bought and bought. Now for the first time there is a gap between paper ownership and delivery price of the precious metals. This separation is not good when coupled with the number of states that have passed laws to accept precious metals in leu of US Currency. (look it up)

Jeri :

With 17 Trillion in debt how much longer could we possibly go printing worthless paper?

His response:
This is a pretty easy question to answer. The threshold should be that the the limit is when the cost to print exceeds the purchasing power. This has already happened with one metal, copper. The copper in the penny exceeded the value of the purchasing power of the penny so now the penny is zinc with copper plating. The media didn't tell people this and this has been going on for decades. The next coin to fall is the nickel because of the nickel content. Paper is cheap so the actual dollar will likely run as long as the mark. One loaf of bread during the Weimar collapse was a wheel barrow of marks (yet the value of a loaf of bread relative to eggs, bacon or gold didn't budge). So the answer is paper currency will be printed long after the value has been reduced a hundred thousand fold. The problem is for those people that rely on government checks, pensions, bank accounts, savings because they made the gains in the past they will be hit with the losses in the future.

Do you think I'm off on this or do you think we could see the dollar crash before Obama leaves office?

His response:
We are already in the process of the crash. Look what you are paying of food and fuel. Look at the stock market. Has the company revenues justified the increase in the stock prices? I think people look at the currency crash in the wrong sense. There is very little sudden immediate impacts like you see in an actual crash. A crash is best viewed in retrospect. In this case you would say

I remember when the currency collapsed. Unions in the private and government sector secured monstrous benefit packages. Taxes went up to support the government and industry took up residence where labor costs were lower. Things had to be made with lighter materials to reduce shipping costs and they didn't hold up like the old stuff we could repair. Both parents had to work to keep the standard of living improving. The productive reduced the size of their families while the unproductive received increased benefits for bigger families.The first to go was the penny they started substituting zinc and plated the pennies like cheap jewelry next food and fuel prices doubled. Not long after the government tried to cut the costs of printing with changing the dollar from paper to longer circulating coins but people wouldn't use them. Not long after that people started stock piling food. Countries in europe started cutting benefits while we raised taxes and increased benefits. Would you believe we are approaching $17T when we gave amnesty and full social benefits to 12 million illegal strangers many of which were here as enemies ???? Houses went up because it was easy to borrow money and own a nice home but too many homes were built and people ended up loosing their big and or extra vacation homes. People went to college because the government made it easy to borrow money for college. Everybody went and colleges lowered their standards so everyone could get in some kind of school. People took the easy majors and were unemployed. It was hidden because the government only reported new applicants. The government extended unemployment benefits and allowed children to stay on their parents insurance until they were beyond their fertility peak. Then it happened China went with the Australian currency and countries began asking the treasury for their gold back. Prices continued to climb and people started making more and more sacrifices. Years before the vision of an advanced society full of new inventions and populated by technologically advanced people gave way to gang bangers and lottery hopefuls. Many cities became uninhabitable as people moved to conservatively run states and polluted those states too. Too many dollars were chasing too few products. Lifestyles were decreasing inversely proportional to the number of relatives sharing a house. A culling had to happen. It came in the form of a war. All the people that were on the government doles went first…. A hundred years from now it will seem like it happened in a weekend. I guess relative to recorded history it is a short time but in reality it is as slow and silent as a cancer. The roots go unnoticed you really don't notice the disease and say it is fast only because the symptoms are out in the open. Most of this stuff is still hidden. If you as people today if their life has improved or stayed the same since the election of this third world president they would say "the same" even though food and fuel has doubled therefore reducing he pension by half...
This guy claims that short selling future contracts is what reduces value of gold.

He is wrong it does not reduce the value of gold it decreases the price of gold. It does this because it exaggerates/lies about the amount of gold available. People buy into the deception but again it is not changing the value of gold just the price.

Jeri: How is it possible for Gold to lose its value? I say it isn't possible.

His response:

You can decrease the value of gold by making more gold or less currency. The problem is that we know, very closely, how much gold is possible on earth and we can't make more. We can make oil (Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen) we can make diamonds (just a crystal state of carbon) but gold is an element. Printing more money would drive the price of gold up but not the value. Burning money would drive the price down but it would not devalue the gold. The gold standard is just that "the gold standard" it is how all wealth is measured because it is a constant. It doesn't oxidize or disappear.


Isn't that the basis of the value of money and not the other way around?

His response:
Yes like it not we can say we are not on the gold standard domestically. We may say that we are on the energy standard intentionally but the fact is that gold is the standard by which all other items bought and sold in the world are held even tulips in amsterdam.

The guy you are talking to is into either insurance or stocks.

There will likely be an empty grocery shelf period but the crash is really a c---r----a-----s----h. lol
One more thing, Edward. I am continuing to get an education from my friends as they always have me look up the big words and such and I do! So although I have never been to a University I have the benefit of their education to glean from.

If there is a will to learn, there is a way and by gosh I have a Will with a Capitol "W"! - Jeri
Why, what?
Why are the rich soooo greeeedy?
Ask George:

"You know that gold bear market that the financial press keeps touting? The one George Soros keeps proclaiming? Well, it is not there. The gold bear market is disinformation that is helping elites acquire the gold."

Paul Craig Roberts - Official Homepage

Not all wealthy people are greedy, George. Just the bad ones who are trying to destroy America on purpose like George Soros. The government is destroying America. How? By taxing the business owners, others to the point of driving them out of the country! It makes no sense. You cannot drive out the people who keep our economy running and still expect to have a prosperous nation. - Jeri
I don't find that to be necessary, Edward. You see it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that something is very, very wrong with the way things are being done.

I wouldn't dare invest or believe anyone in this business, I would not buy any of this double talk or paper nonsense. The only wise move for Americans is to get completely out of the stock market and buy physical gold from local dealers they can trust. Enough research will hook them up with the right people. I believe before Obama is out of office the dollar will crash and the market with it. My advice is GET OUT NOW and stop listening to these liars! - Jeri
Well, Jeremiah, I think God blessed America when President Washington spent freezer time in Valley Forge and asked him to forever free the Patriots from oppression of uncaring monarchs. I think we will pull out of our current troubles and revive our interests in sharing our prosperity with whoever wants to live as free people. For that reason, we decided to invest in America rather than the massive push for gold. I have faith God will continue to bless the caring people in America who started out with nothing but dirt under their fingernails when they got here and their faith in the Almighty, for which the fru-frus of most European royalty gave them no credence unless they were making them wealthy, and even then, only in the most superficial way.


Some of us believe in America. We just do.​

I'm one of them. I believe in America but I don't have to back those who are destroying it. I love the story of Valley Forge and didn't look at your link but was wondering if you knew that it was a Jewish Banker from Philadephia named Haym Solomon who came to the rescue of George Washington and his men at Valley Forge by giving every penny they had! The generosity of Haym Solomon and other Jewish bankers is what saved our fledgling nation! We might not be here if it weren't for the Jews. Just a little bit of history I love to share with others. Anytime anyone complains about our support of Israel? You should tell them about Haym Solomon and ask them what their ancestors did for America that could compare to that. - Jeri
Why, what?
Why are the rich soooo greeeedy?
Ask George:

"You know that gold bear market that the financial press keeps touting? The one George Soros keeps proclaiming? Well, it is not there. The gold bear market is disinformation that is helping elites acquire the gold."

Paul Craig Roberts - Official Homepage

Not all wealthy people are greedy, George. Just the bad ones who are trying to destroy America on purpose like George Soros. The government is destroying America. How? By taxing the business owners, others to the point of driving them out of the country! It makes no sense. You cannot drive out the people who keep our economy running and still expect to have a prosperous nation. - Jeri
Jeri...all wealthy people earn their fortunes in an economic system where governments, whether monarchy or democracy, have to borrow some of their money to operate from private sources like central bankers, for example"

Carroll Quiqley:

"During the past two centuries when the peoples of the world were gradually winning their political freedom from the dynastic monarchies, the major banking families of Europe and America were actually reversing the trend by setting up new dynasties of political control through the formation of international financial combines.

"These banking dynasties had learned that all governments must have sources of revenue from which to borrow in times of emergency. They had also learned that by providing such funds from their own private resources, they could make both kings and democratic leaders tremendously subservient to their will..."

"The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim - nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.

"This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.

"The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements [BIS] in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations ...

"Each central bank sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world."

"Carroll Quigley in his book 'Tragedy and Hope'"

It's hard to blame "government" for destroying America when private financial corporations buy and sell Republicans AND Democrats as routinely as you or I buy a newspaper. Maybe this was all set in motion when the first private fortunes lurched into existence thousands of years ago? At the very least, we should erect a wall between private wealth and state that's at least as high as the one between church and state. And tax 90% of all private wealth into extinction.
At the very least, we should erect a wall between private wealth and state that's at least as high as the one between church and state.

under capitalism they are separate, under liberalism or socialism they are combinedas in Obamacare for example.

And tax 90% of all private wealth into extinction.

of course that would be absurd, then government bureaucrats would be spending the Gates/Jobs fortune! Odd they want to spend it themselves rather than let liberal government spend it!!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow?
First a brief bio of the conservative who's making the charge of a criminal conspiracy to rig the gold and silver markets:

"Paul Craig Roberts (born April 3, 1939) is an American economist and a columnist for Creators Syndicate. He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and was noted as a co-founder of Reaganomics.[1] He is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service. He has testified before congressional committees on 30 occasions on issues of economic policy."

This is where Robert's allegation begins:

"My explanation that the sudden appearance of an unprecedented 400 ton short sale of gold on the COMEX in April was a manipulation designed to protect the dollar from the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing policy has found acceptance among gold investors and hedge fund managers.

"The sale was a naked short.

"The seller had no gold to sell.

"COMEX reported having gold only equal to about half of the short sale in its vaults, and not all of that was available for delivery. No one but the Federal Reserve could have placed such an order, and the order came from one of the Fed’s bullion banks, one of the entities 'too big to fail.'”

As one unschooled in the dismal science, my first question would be: is Roberts correct to call this particular sale a "naked short?" My second concerns his allegation that "only the Fed could have placed such an order?"

Gangster State America. ?Naked Short? in the Gold Market | Global Research

"Again we see that institutions of the US government are acting 100% against the interests of US citizens. Just who does the US government represent?"

That's my big question.

"The sale was a naked short.

"The seller had no gold to sell.

Naked short is a term better used when discussing the stock market.
It means you sell the stock without already owning it and without first borrowing it, like you should, like you must, when you sell short.

When you sell a futures contract, you're just selling short.
Most speculators in the futures market that think something will drop in price will sell a futures contract. They don't need to own the gold, oil, soybeans, whatever, before they sell.
They don't need to borrow the gold, oil, soybeans, whatever, in order to legally sell short, unlike the scenario I described about stock.
Anyone who has enough margin on deposit could enter a similar order, long or short, without it being a plot by the Fed (or JP Morgan acting for the Fed).

Paul can't be taken seriously anymore, he's gone around the bend.
A few eggs short (not naked short) of an omelet, if you know what I mean.
What would you estimate the chances are of the US dollar losing its reserve currency status?
Extremely low. The idiots running DC are the class of the world unhappily.
I don't find that to be necessary, Edward. You see it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that something is very, very wrong with the way things are being done.

I wouldn't dare invest or believe anyone in this business, I would not buy any of this double talk or paper nonsense. The only wise move for Americans is to get completely out of the stock market and buy physical gold from local dealers they can trust. Enough research will hook them up with the right people. I believe before Obama is out of office the dollar will crash and the market with it. My advice is GET OUT NOW and stop listening to these liars! - Jeri
Well, Jeremiah, I think God blessed America when President Washington spent freezer time in Valley Forge and asked him to forever free the Patriots from oppression of uncaring monarchs. I think we will pull out of our current troubles and revive our interests in sharing our prosperity with whoever wants to live as free people. For that reason, we decided to invest in America rather than the massive push for gold. I have faith God will continue to bless the caring people in America who started out with nothing but dirt under their fingernails when they got here and their faith in the Almighty, for which the fru-frus of most European royalty gave them no credence unless they were making them wealthy, and even then, only in the most superficial way.


Some of us believe in America. We just do.​

I'm one of them. I believe in America but I don't have to back those who are destroying it. I love the story of Valley Forge and didn't look at your link but was wondering if you knew that it was a Jewish Banker from Philadephia named Haym Solomon who came to the rescue of George Washington and his men at Valley Forge by giving every penny they had! The generosity of Haym Solomon and other Jewish bankers is what saved our fledgling nation! We might not be here if it weren't for the Jews. Just a little bit of history I love to share with others. Anytime anyone complains about our support of Israel? You should tell them about Haym Solomon and ask them what their ancestors did for America that could compare to that. - Jeri
What? J P Morgan, Rockerfeller, Mellon, the Italian immigrant founder of BofA and Wells and Fargo weren't Jewish? Say it ain't so Joe.
Jeremiah if you are so sure the dollar is going to crash why don't you get into the currency market and short the dollar and get rich.

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